
Ready to start Teagan?

An unorganized life about a new 14 year old girl named Teagan. Going through family, sports, relationships, and school drama all together. A short read of how she tries to strives to be the very best for herself and others. And she hopes to survive this 9th grade nightmare

Little_Strawberry · History
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New New New everything

September, new month, new age, new school year, same schedule.

Teagan's since middle school schedule:

Wake up at 6:45.


Face, brush teeth, contacts.

Skip breakfast.

Get back ready.

Get on bus or brothers car.

Get to school and pray to not pass out.

Life, simple and basic. Even looking outside of the car window was a bore.

"You better not fu** up this year. Be smart. Grades, people, and style."

Wow, my new changed brother is going all father on me already, sh**, this year is already biting my a**.

"yeah, yeah I know, I'm 14 now, not a baby." I look out once again seeing the houses pass me by slow enough to analyze all the same houses to see what's new or the same.

"Good thing I can drive you to school now, huh. Able to wake up later."

"huh. Yea, sounds good." while listening, I think how I'm going to do at volleyball practice after school. Its pure luck that I even got in JV. I look down at my flabby belly. Wow do I need to train this pathetic excuse of a stomach. This is one this that's stayed the same since 6 grade. *cue in sad meme*

Finally getting through the annoying, unorganized lump of cars, we get in our spot.

"Hey, Tristan, um, the cars way to close, how do I get thee outs?"


"OwO, wow okay."

I squeeze of thickness together, and got out miraculously. Weaving my way through the closed impact cars, I spin and (not)gracefully get my (three annoying)bags.

I stand pationaly for my tall a** brother to get his things.

"Okay cool, lets go."

My big broskie's name is Tristan. Birth Dec. 2, 2020. He 16, able to drive, Tall (6'6+), slender but muscular, curly brown half thick hair, greenish brown hazel eyes, great fashion sense, and perfect in every way.

Wow, did I get the short end of the stick. *insert more inner tears*

After(in order)

Getting inside.

Meeting friends.

Walking to locker.

More talking.

Going to class.

Math be first period, but teacher helps wake me up and make things interesting for us. Global teacher, tries to scare us but it just comes off a funny to me. Then comes the annoying gym class time. Thankfully I had some friends, though not close. While playing I see a new face. Later finding out who this short weird new man was. As I observe a little, and hear, looks like girls see him attractive. This TINY man(in my tall woman eyes) at 5'6, have big black glasses, brown straight hair, rich feel, average looks, weird unusual accent.

At that moment, Teagan could only think was 'NEW FRIEND ALERT.'