
prepare to reply

the students of PKN Engineering college are waiting eagerly in auditorium of college to listen something from Principal Sir and HOD of various engineering departments..Here the student leaders are also present and a matter to be noted that some ex students or previous year senior students are present, it is not atall necessary to mention that Mr jitendra is present there.

Till now no professor or senior officer entered into the auditorium so students are freely started discussion about various matter, yes discussions about annual day celebration events, weekend picnic programme and problems related to that and various other matter.

Although they had received the message of meeting in this time from college management ,but they had not received any description of reason of meeting. This provide another matter to discuss. They started discussion about probable reason of meeting. The student leaders however remained silent considering the reason may be about that murder case.In absence of professors and in the silence of student leaders the other students get freedom to make noise, yes they started discussing unnecessary things and merry making and some started quarreling like small children.

Suddenly the caretaker of auditorium entered into the auditorium and tell everyone in quite loud voice that, the Principal Sir and HOD of various engineering departments and professors are coming toward auditorium so please keep silence and welcome them

The students continue the disturbance without caring the warning of caretaker, but the student leaders come into action.It is not necessary to describe what is the situation of auditorium after some moments. Truly speaking these student leaders are very smart and capable ,they perform their duty and create a disciplined situation although they are in mentally disturbed condition. The students informed them that they are also worried for not getting the information about the reason of meeting.

After a few moments Principal Sir entered into the auditorium and also other professors.The students welcome them . Principal sir tell everyone to sit down. The student leaders and caretaker provide drinking water to honorable Principal Sir and professors. They also check the sound system for clear discussion and also check the airconditioner as required.

Principal sir stands up and start the meeting by asking a question, yes when teacher and students are present the questions and answers will definitely present. He ask everyone perticularly the students the question about the purpose of entering into this course.This is not a new question all students had already faced this question in time of admission or welcome programme.

The silence is not broken asif it was bing ordered. Principal Sir looks toward the students and now the students donot get any scope to hide themselves.

Principal sir again asked the same question and this time to a student sitting in first row. The student stands up and remain silent , he could not speak a word .

Principal sir again ask another student and this time get an answer which is not audible atall. The student answered in such a low voice that in such silence situation that could not reach to next one.

The Principal sir again asked the same question to another student without anger This time the student speaks something with hesitation and then corrected it and again beg excuse for mistakes and continue the answer in other way .

Without anger Principal sir tell everyone to sit down and explain everyone the matter carefully. He explained that everywhere you have to face questions, so you have to remain prepared for quick, precise and correct answer..I ask here a very simple question but donot get a clear answer. The answers may be like the following one can say our parents send us to study, some one can tell the reason as to get a graduate degree some other may say to get technical education like this. He explained again that the purpose may be described as to get an independent happy and successful future life. In simple language this study can provide a good job, good earnings and happy future life. You may prefer to be an entrepreneur or to continue study and reaserch programme..But for some students only extra ordinary ways are acceptable, but for general point of view getting a job is to be kept as aim. And to get a job you have to be prepared to answer. In one class I had explained you the importance of questions and today I am explaining you the importance of quick precise and correct answer.

Your answer will provide you your requirements.or take you to that desired position He continued his explanation. Consider one glass is present on a table and someone pour some liquid into it upto middle of its height. By noticing that we can say that is half filled, another one can say that is half empty .Can you describe that in other way? asked Principal Sir. Noticing the silence he explained other that the description can be done in various other ways. one can say the glass is twice large as required, some other one can say the amout of liquid present may be expensive enough so less amount is purchased. some other can say some glasses are served half filled so the liquid present here may be wine so in this way so many answer may be acceptable That doesn't mean funny and irritating answer is granted everytime In case of reasearch and and analysis case the answer from various directions are taken into consideration.In general case you have to give correct answer. Consider one example let's the question is who is president of one country. one can answer the president of that country is a citizen of that country. someone can say president of that country is a very intelligent person some other one can give answer as the president of that country is a human being. If analysed carefully all the answers are to be considered as correct. The president is definitely a human being, he must be intelligent and also he must be citizen of that country considering that country as a independent one. But donot give this type of answer, this is not acceptable in academic work. Principal sir continue his explanation to show right direction to students. .The right path will definitely take one to right destination. At the same time keeping aright that means practically possible goal or destination is also important.So our goal or destination is to be decided with greater care. One can keep higher aim at the same time he should be aware about his limitation. For general level students it is quite good to keep an aim to get a job only Some other qualities can be kept as additional way of income. He explained the students with emotion that he is not underestimating any student, but a job will give a guaranteed income for your future. Well a good news for all.. Next week there will be a walk in interview programme for final year students and ex students. The officers of a very big construction company will take interview and they had informed us that they will take nearly 50 students as technical advisor or as senior executive. Here one matter I donot want to keep hidden that the chief executive of that company is Mr Bajradanta sir who had worked here as professor for some years Yes one important thing I want to tell that Mr Bajradanta sir is not going to give any relaxation in ability . He is emotionally attached to this college at the the same time he knows it very well that quality education is provided in this college so he will expect best quality work from you.Yes the capable students will be awarded far more than their expectations.. Definitely they will have a golden future life. So my dear students prepare yourself for the coming interview. Remember in time of interview you have to answer so many questions, but you may not be permitted to ask any question. Now HOD. of mechanical engineering department will explain you about the details of the interview,,do not worry you can ask any question and clear your doubt . Wishing your success in interview I am going to end my speech thank you all for kind cooperation.

Speaking this Principal sir end his speech and sit down. The HOD of mechanical engineering department stands up at the same time all the students also stand up to gre His et him. Telling them to sit down first of all he thanks Principal sir for planning of the walk in interview programme and giving him a scope to prepare the students for that interview by providing all necessary informations. Then he looks toward the students and tell them not to fear to interview because the fear will create more problem He explained that facing the problem without fear does not mean to consider the problem or task as very easy. His statements contradict eachother but both equally meaningful Yes he is a senior teach, whatever he is telling is for development of students only. He explained clearly that prepare very well considering the problem as very big or in other word fearing the problem prepare very well.But face the problem without fear, yes that can be done if preparation is already done.

All of you have some idea or experience of walk in interview so I am going to provide some information about the company. He explained the students about that company for some time and then tell whatever more information they want or is there any doubt about the matter that already discussed. All remained silent. Then HOD Sir again tell other to ask.

However after some moments one of the student leader stands up and thanks Principal Sir and all other professors for the planning of walk in interview programme.It is a matter of great pleasure that our college management has also made arrangements to prepare the students for interview. He again thanks the college management for this work.

Remaining silent for a while he asked to HOD Sir to explain the requirement of engineering students of the branches other than civil and mechanical engineering in construction company. HOD Sir answered his questions explaining the interconnectivity of all branches of engineering.All are dependent on eachother. But the requirement of other engineering students will be definitely less in number, but here all are invited asked another student.

HOD Sir explained them that he is also agree with that fact but he is having information that the company will take students of all branches. Again he explained them in a different way that our benefit is there by accepting the opportunity so it is best to prepare for interview without wasting time in thinking unnecessary things.

At that one girl student standup and beg permission to ask some questions . It is not atall necessary to mention that the permission is granted instantly. The girl student informed to HOD Sir that it was being discussed here that the construction company is carrying out the construction works where there is a challenge ,just like in deep forests or on the mountain or in very remote areas. She stops for a moment after telling these things.

HOD Sir speaks with care that whatever information she is describing is true and he had already explained that The construction company is working in challenging situations because that company is capable to take such risk . and that company have capable manpower to work in that situation, although for that they are getting higher salary. Please tell me without fear about your doubt. Asking this HOD Sir looks toward that girl student.

The girl student tell HOD sir that we are all ready to take any. challenge connected to technology, but here in addition to that our safety is also a challenge. If we work in that remote area or in forest we will feel unsafe., I am not wanting luxury, but basic requirements may not be available in that place, perticularly for girl students.

Listening this question HOD Sir remain silent. for a moment and then thanks the girl student for her justified question. He agreed with that girl student. He also feel it unacceptable for a girl student to work in such situations. He tried hard to reply but truly speaking could not decide about the correct reply of this question. He looks toward Pricipal sir and Principal Sir also understand his problem immediately so he come forward and replied to clear all the doubts. Truly he give some new informations. He explained all that that construction company is doing various construction works in remote areas but that has offices at various place for official works The head office is situated in this city Other offices are present in the town or cities near to the forest and mountain. So when construction work is started at one place the officers take rest at that office which is nearer to that remote places. In that office all facilities are present to take rest .telling these things Principal Sir remain silent perhaps take rest.

But one student stands up and asked him that if the construction site is at far distance from all the offices then the girl employee may face problems.

Principal sir donot waste a moment and explained the students that sometime requirement for construction arises for that type of places where all offices of this company are at considerably far distance, in that case the company try to provide accomodation in nearby villages. But when no village also present near to construction site then the officers take rest in tents. Remaining silent for a while he looks toward that girl student and other girls also and then explain them that in that tent also you will not face any problem.For your safety company will provide lady security or body guards.. I hope these descriptions will provide you the required strength to accept this golden opportunity.

He donot get any answer from students. Yes the students remain silent, actually the girl students should reply, so he ask them. Principal sir asked the girl student about their remark. The girl student, who had asked the question first stands up and replied that it will definitely acceptable. If the company is providing this facility for accommodation and caring for safety we are ready to work in that company

Listening this Principal Sir become very pleased and thanks that girl student, then he looks toward the boys but did not ask anything. However the understand his intentions and tell him that they are also ready to take the risk and work for that company.

Then Principal Sir directly ask about remarks to student leaders and senior ex students and perticularly Mr Jitendra. He also informed them that he is not noticing such activeness from them.

The student leaders stand up and tell him that they are still very much depressed for that murder case and unable to concentrate in other work.

The Principal Sir explained them with greater care that , when I am present here you should not worry for any matter. The college management is also present to solve all your problems..

HOD of mechanical engineering department also start explaining the student the importance of this time period of their life. He explained that if you work with greater care for this time period you can get a happy and prosperous future life. The life style of your future is truly dependant on the efforts of this time period..He explained the students that please accept this chance and this challenge. He wishes all success in interview.

Everyone thanks Principal Sir and HOD of various engineering department for their kind attention and care. This is already too late, that means the meeting is running for so much time and they had already reached in a conclusion so everyone feel it necessary to stop the meeting. .But they wait for the decision of higher authority. Yes Principal Sir stands up and tell everyone that he is very much pleased by noticing the cooperation of students and professors.He also explained that we had reached in a conclusion that we will face the walk in interview programme with serious preparation and get success. But to get success only planning is not sufficient we have work hard ,here honorable professors are present they will help you at every moment, so my dear students prepare yourself in such a way that you can answer all the questions confidently.. I hope all will start the preparation just after this meeting. I will instruct, or I am requesting the hostel warden sir to provide all the required things for students and allow the senior students to stay there till interview for preparation. The college library will remain open throughout the day , that means 24 hours, so that the students can read, yes I am also requesting the concerned officer to provide good quality food. Remaining silent for a moment he tell again that I am going to instruct to some officers something different, yes the gym instructor and physical education teacher are instructed to relieve student for some days till interview from hard and exercise, but they are independent to take descision. That means they actually know well what exercise are to be done in this type of situation. Atlast he wishes everyone all success in interview and end his speech. Then one of the student leaders thanks Principal Sir and HOD of various engineering department and announced that the meeting is closed.

Everyone returned happily, but that does not mean they take rest, all the students and professors start their preparation. The situation of institution become different because all are working now just like any emergency situation.

However some students come out side of hostel and enter to the college garden in evening, then one by one other students also come to that place. Some students go towards coffee house and some take rest in garden But everywhere the discussion about the interview started and continued. They discuss in details various matter connected to interview. Although they get answer to so many questions or get any conclusion, but they could not decide about the probable questions of interview. ,one student tell that the interviewers are independent to ask any question.Another student informed that the questions may be about current affairs and general intelligence.. All Students agree with those statements.. Because they already know that the questions about their engineering subject will definitely come and they are somehow able to answer that, but how can they answer questions not related to their engineering subject.

This time they notice some senior students coming towards their direction. ,and they recognise Mr jitendra. from them. They rushed towards them and greet them with respect..It is a matter to be noted that they find the senior students in same situation., that means they are also not sure about the questions..

Mr Jitendra tell everyone that it is the time to prepare for answer but we are not sure about questions, it is definitely a big problem. Everyone become very much disappointed by listening this type of statement from Mr jitendra and tell him with emotion that this type of statement is not expected from you, you are much experienced, intelligent person so please think carefully and show us the direction. Mr jitendra take their request seriously and truly think about the matter with greater care, when other are looking toward him hopefully After some moment Mr jitendra break the silence and tell others that he get an idea to solve the situation. Yes he informed other without wasting time that the internet can help them a lot in this situation . From internet they can get so many informations about that company and they can also get various valueable interview tips of great personalities.. Everyone agree with his views and decide to sit in the computer lab this night after dinner.,but at the same they request Mr jitendra to tell in details about Bajradanta sir, because after knowing his personality and choice it will be easy for them to face the interview. In this way they get a little bit relaxing mental condition.. They decide that they will definitely inform the Principal Sir and hostel warden sir about their their programme of night hult at computer laboratory of college and grant permission from them. to avoid any problem..

Everyone return to hostel, some of them run toward central mess to take the dinner first.

However everyone take the dinner within a short time period and walk towards the computer laboratory as per the programme. They find everything in perfect condition in that computer laboratory in addition to that they find laboratory assistant sir and laboratory caretaker are also present there to help them. First of all they thank to laboratory assistant sir and laboratory caretaker for there kind attention and care.and then enter to the laboratory. . Them without wasting time they switch on some computers and search about that construction company. They find the address of head office and other branch offices.,they notice truly the offices of that company are present near mountain and forest or at some distance from that.They notice the guest house of that company is present at various remote and unreachable places..They understand that the company is trying to provide whatever practically possible to its employees so that their performance will remain noticable. At that time one student give one information that make everyone happy, although some students did not believe. Yes they get the information that girl students are also coming to the computer laboratory to get the same information so that they can prepare well to answer. The first question arises in their mind that how the girl students get permission to leave the hostel in night time.They come outside and take a look at all directions and truly noticed the girl students. Everyone become very happy noticing that..Some students run to that direction with great pleasure and returned back within a moment, everyone astonished by noticing that.All other boys tried to find out the reason and get the answer immediately ,yes they notice the ladies hostel warden madam is also coming with the girl students. Mr jitendra could not control his laughter noticing this childish act. and tell them that don't forget this is PKN Engineering college and here all the works are done as per the rules and regulations.How you think that the girls students will be allowed to go outside without any arrengement.

However everyone keep the matter secret to ladies hostel warden madam.

Without any disturbance the preparation work for interview continue for two hours. The students collect so many informations about the company and feel as if they were working there from a long time. Yes it is true now a days the internet is providing so much informations about all matter that searching by internet can make anyone intelligent. If anyone use the internet as a medium of study or use it to gather information about various matter truly he will be benefited. But if you use it for enjoyment only you can get enjoyment, there will be no other profits..But if you consider enjoyment is also one profit then we can consider internet is a great invention of for society. However the students feel confident and consider themselves fully prepared for interview.. The student leaders and ex students perticularly Mr jitendra remain as assistant to other student in this time period and help them in various way although they are also going to attend the interview ,they ar competitors..In this time they maintain their seniority as prime factor and help other students in various way..

After getting so much informations they started discussing about that informations and try to find out in which they will be benefited by joining that company. At the same time they also try to find out the most important factor ,that is the rhe questions and their answer. Yes when they get all information about the company now it become easier for them to realise the requirement of company. The interviewers will definitely ask the students the questions which are related to the requirement of company.

They reach at a conclusion that they should prepare some subject of civil engineering and mechanical engineering in addition to their branch subject

But still then some arises in their mind and it is a general matter because the interviewers are fully independent to any questions and require the answer at that instant, so the fear of interview again make them depressed. Without getting mental satisfaction they asked for help to Student leaders and also asked to Mr jitendra. But this time student leaders remain silent and consider this problem as a very important one, so in this case they also asked to Mr jitendra to show right direction.

Mr jitendra smiled after getting such requests from all and answer them without anger that he is also a student and not yet attended any interview so how can he help them. At the same time he asked them that why they are thinking that he can help them in this case.. The students and the student leaders remained silent fo some moments but answered him something justified. They tell him that you had worked with Bajradanta sir for so much time and assisted him in his reaserch work, and now Bajradanta sir is the chief of that company so definitely you can get some information from him. Remaining silent for a while they again explained that you know his choice and personality so from that point of view you can give some idea..

Mr jitendra listen everyone's request and become very much worried to tell them some thing that will give them satisfaction. After thinking deeply he answered the student that he can provide them some informations that will definitely help them.Everyone come closer to listen his words. He explained them that Bajradanta sir is a very kind and gentle person and he likes nature very much.That means he like forest river mountain etc so some questions may come related to that

The students satisfied with this information . Yes this is truly a very important information. The choice and personality of chief of examination team and questions are definitely related to great extent. Although so many questions will be there from their engineering branch but the other questions will have greater value.

They decide that they will search so many informations about forests, mountains and rivers. . Although they had worked continuously from three hours, they donot feel any tiredness to again start the second phase of preparation

They collect various information about forests first and. feel it very much difficult. They come to know that there are so many types of forest and each one having various important matters .They also get information of various stories connected to each forest They understand that it is not an easy work. A forest is having various plant and so many wild animal are there., in that forest river may present and also mountains .They also find that some forest are present near towns and some others are at far distance from any town or village.

Getting this informations they become confused. Truly speaking the feel tired.

This tiredness divert their mind from interview preparation and looked to various direction and become very happy by noticing something. Yes they noticed that the girls students are also sitting in this computer laboratory.. and ladies hostel warden madam is not present thereDue to their concentration toward interview preparation they had forgotten about them. Now they become very happy to see them and some of the boys students run toward them and start discussions by asking about the preparation of interview..,But after some moments they noticed ladies hostel warden madam near the last computer and become very much worried, but surprisingly the ladies hostel warden madam donot get angry and tell them to help eachother for interview preparation. . The students become very happy by listening noticing this type of reaction of hostel warden madam.

They informed the girls students whatever informations already collected.The situation become relaxing some students come out of computer laboratory and walked in the corridor..Truly speaking some students want to smoke but due to presence of hostel warden madam they control themselves.

However they get satisfaction when laboratory assistant tell them that caretaker is bringing coffee and snacks for all and he may reach here within five minutes. But the caretaker reach at that time and serve hot coffee and snacks to all .That food energized the students and they thank to laboratory assistant sir and also the caretaker..

After taking the food students discuss various matter with eachother and some students travel here and there in that college considering that as normal working time of college..But the truth is different ,this is midnight and various part of the college building are in darkness. Yes the other floors, other departments are in darkness . After sometime student leaders take a watch on all development, and noticed that some students are missing. They did not inform anything and count number of girl students. However the ladies hostel warden madam understand that and inform them that all the girls students are present and when I am present don't worry about girls students. The student leaders understand that only some boys students are missing. They tell it to some capable students only and decide to search them . This is not an easy work because the college is very large and so many hidden places are there .However they start searching here and there.

At that time they notice one boy is running toward them without dress.,that means with some parts of dress removed.Within some moments the boy reached near them and they come to know that the he is very much disturbed or horrified by some reason and not atall aware that he is fully naked. They hold him and take him to computer laboratory in a hurry and lay him on one table..The ladies hostel warden madam order the girls students to go outside and looked with anger toward the student leaders. The student leaders understand their mistake and beg excuse and inform that something had been happened to this boy and we find find him running without any dress with fear and we reach near him he fall down and become unconscious.so we bring him here forgetting about the presence of girls students.. The computer laboratory sir also come to that place Everyone understand that only doctor can solve this problem , Although the student is speaking something but that is not clearly audible to anyone. So the laboratory assistant sir the Doctor without wasting a moment.. Everyone truly could not understand the matter, but decide not to disturb the boy till he get proper treatment. some students run here and there to find his dresses., but did not get his dress. However the laboratory assistant sir bring one new dress,that is one of the college uniform kept ready to distribute new students. and give it to student leaders. Truly many students feared by noticing that naked boy.

The doctor of PKN Engineering college reach at that place within some moments and examine that boy ,,he examine very care fully and give one injection Everyone wait eagerly to listen his statement. Yes he completes his work in very less time and inform other not to worry and truly speaking the boy wake up at that instant and feel very much ashamed due to presence of so many persons when he is completely naked. The Doctor and laboratory assistant sir explained him with greater care that donot feel ashamed.,you are safe now that is sufficient . The laboratory assistant sir instruct the student leaders to give him that new college uniform..All other students also explained him to consider the case as a friendly event and donot feel embarrassed for that.Other students truly provide them the strength to feel relaxed.

The naked boy wear the new dress. Then the Doctor give him some medicine and instruct others to give some food and water.

However the situation become normal and now the students become anxious to know in details about that incident, and for what reason he run there removing all his dresses.,but they couldn't dare to ask that in presence of doctor and laboratory explaining sir.The doctor and laboratory assistant sir stay there for some time and carefully watched the situation. They discuss various matter with that student just like what is his nane and branch of engineering and they also asked some other questios.. Truly they arr wanting to ask him about the the reason of that unacceptable act or details about the incident that force him to run in such unacceptable manner.They tried to ask that indirectly but did not get any answer. They remain silent for a while.. They understand that they are truly authorised to ask that question and it is also their duty because if they will not clear that matter other students will disturb that student to great extent.. They students may ridicule him or do merry making. and and that may create a more critical situation.. So taking all these factor into consideration doctor and laboratory assistant sir decide to ask that student directly about the incidents.

They ask clearly and directly yes that is required to get clear and quick answer.

The student replied quickly without hesitation or wasting time .

This type of reply comes in two different situation. First situation is when one is wanting to say something very important to save him . Second situation is when someone is not getting any scope to avoid the question.

Let's listen his explanation then it can be decided that for what reason the reply come so quickly.