
Dark shadow

Happy smiling faces colourful costumes and carefree attitudes of students are incapable to hide there fear Yes fear is sometime acceptable if it is created to maintain strict discipline or give respect to higher authority or to attend difficult subject But here the matter is seems to different. The students are not in college uniform and they have no books also.This time is not looking like general working day or examination day.So the fear in their face is not acceptable . The answer clarify the situation to great extent. Today is the annual function of P K N Engineering College ,it is definitely a matter of great pleasure for all the student and teacher but the students are not happy.They get information from some sources or they find it as discussed by some teachers thath the college management ave invited superior officers of big companies to this annual function ceremony as guest of honour and also as chief guest. Then this become time of evaluation or examination.student are unhappy by the decision of management because the pleasure of annual day function become colourless due to fear of interview .In other years they had noticed political leaders , Minister, film star and eminent sports person as guest but this time no persons other than industry executives are invited. will they takeinterview here or evaluate their study like campus interview or walk in interview.. that is not acceptable in this situation . They are also not getting any clear information. of cultural programme and they are also thinking it as meaningless in absence of any filmstars,, singer ,dancer which is justified to some extent. What is the relation of song, dance and other cultural programme with industry executives and scientist.However

sudden announcement from college management draws everyone's attention . Yes the announcement is to welcome and to convey that good wishes on the occasion of annual day celebration . They also get information that just like other years the annual day ceremony will have all cultural activity and there will be grand prize for winner of all activities This announcement energized the students.and the atmosphere become enjoyable. to some extent The student representative of each section directed the group toward auditorium and practice hall.The annual function is opportunity to all students to show their talent for which they should continue practice so they have to start that without wasting a minute this matter is well understood by the student representative of each section.However students reach at practice hall , auditorium and some at playground.The fear of interview is decreased but still present this matter is noticed by the student representative or leaders of each section which makes them worried.They discuss about this matter by mobile phone with eachother.and reach at this conclusion that the interview should be cancelled in the time of joy but they couldn't dare to inform it to higer authority so they become more worried.

They meet eachother at playground and try to find out a way to solve this problem They look toward all directions and find everything well decorated but that decoration will have some value if students with smiling face play there without fear.The arrengement made by the college authority to welcome industry minister and senior officer of industry is a lot more than sufficient the only mistake is keeping the interview pressure on student's head on this enjoyable day ..They become angry to college authority,but stand helpless.

Entry of a handsome energetic young man change the situation to great extent yes this new young man is not new for the student representatives.He is mr Jitendra,ex- student of this college who had completed his engineering degree before 2 years,but he is still well known to everyone due to his extraordinary personality he is very decent and gentle but become very strong to fight for justice.All student representatives become very happy to notice him and decide to discuss with him to solve this problem..Without wasting time they rushed toward him and welcome him..

welcome , brother,you reach here at required moment,all say this at a time.

congratulations everybody on the occasion of annual function say mr Jitendra.

Everyone being surprised to listen this and ask the same.

With a smile mr Jitendra informed them that he is invited by college authority in today's function,and many ex-students who are in well position in industry or government office are also invited to explain the students their bright future. Remaining silent for a while he informed other that the reason of inviting him is a question for him and he is not getting the answer.,because I am not in such position.

What is the requirements of reason,? Everywhere strong and decent personality like you are always required..

No, l am just an ex-student of this college now I am also unemployed,iam just helping in father's business .you are keeping a larger figure for me in your mind for that I am thanking you all,say Mr Jitendra.

truly speaking ,we are in a great problem and we are sure that you can help us.

then without wasting time tell me the problem.

yes, the problem is not as usual.that may be funny for you.

well, whatever the problem please tell me.

then the student representatives explain all the matter.

Mr Jitendra listen all the matter very carefully ,the smile on his face does not disappear.

Noticing that smile everyone become confident that this problem is not a big matter for him.

Mr Jitendra explain those means the student leaders,the duties and responsibilities of leader,the leader should have sufficient courage to provide justice to his dependants.

If the leaders couldn't dare then they have to resign.I had faced this type of problems,and solved that without fear and considering my comfort and luxury.The leader should be ready to do anything to get the justice even HE MAY SPOILS HIMSELF to get justice.

we are accepting your views,but this time your help is required, however we are trying to solve the problems of students, answered all the student leaders.

without wasting a minute Mr Jitendra tell that,we have to meet college authority ,so please come with me.

All entered to the main administrative building of the college.and then to the chamber of personal assistant of honorable principal sir. Surprisingly they get hearty welcome from the officer.

we are just planning about an announcement to invite student representatives, however you reach here you are allowed to enter Principal's chamber..

with due respect and humble submission they inform the matter to honorable Principal sir.

Principal sir listen the matter carefully,he did not get angry,.He explain to all that it is a case of misunderstanding, someone has misrepresented our actual intention.weare well-wishers of the students.We have planned to provide some benefit to students..The industry executives, scientiss and engineers are invited here in this annual function but that doesn't mean that they are going to ask questions like interview. We are having much respect to political leaders, Ministers, sports person, film stars and all eminent personalities of other cultural activities.But this time we invite only those persons to provide some benefit to our students. Actually those industry executives, engineers and scientists are getting some informations about the ability of our students in time of interview only. But now this time in this colourful situation,they can evaluate our students by noticing various qualities like leadership,discipline, smartness, managerial ability, bravery and other extra curricular activities like music, dance ,acting, etc.

Principal sir looks toward the students,and become happy after noticing their smiling faces..

Student representatives beg excuse for the misunderstanding and also beg permission to return.

Principal sir looks toward all and inform them that he has something very important to explain..

lAfter listening this everyone stop and look toward Principal sir.

without wasting time sir explain all that , the problem of unemployment is directly affecting the reputation of college,so we had taken the decision of this unconventional way of providing placement to students.But the matter to be noted that the superior officer invited as chief guest is not unknown to us and we are also well-known to him and also this place,yes that officer was actually working here as teacher .

Everyone become very much anxious to know the name of the invited guest and ask the same.

Principal sir remain silent for a while and then tell the leaders to first inform the other students about actual situation so that they can concentrate on practice for annual day celebration .

without wasting time the leaders inform the students.bysending the message through mobile phone.

Principal sir become happy , watching the intelligent use of technology .Now he has to explain the details and he also start that without delay Yes the name of the guest of honour is Mr Bajradanta a mechanical engineer who had worked here for several year,now chief executive officer of QLS construction company .

After telling that Principal sir,looks toward leaders and then to Mr Jitendra.

and ask haven't you remembered Bajradanta Sir.I hope Mr Jitendra may describe about him better,because he was the favourite student of Bajradanta sir,that I have listened from other.

Everyone looks toward Mr Jitendra,that make him little uncomfortable, however managing that Mr Jitendra tell with smiling face that,now he actually understand the reason of his invitation..

Mr Jitendra seems to be very happy, which is not remain unnoticed by other.Yes noticing that Mr Jitendra inform them that actually invitation to Bajradanta Sir as guest of honour had pleased me.He is a great scholar and alway delivers the best of his knowledge to the students .

After listening this everyone become more anxious to about him.

Principal Sir explain everyone to keep patience and let 's start the final preparations for annual function .

Principal Sir wishes all the best to them

All return toward practice hall and auditorium happily and reach there .Their happiness multiplied to several times when they notice the students in energetic and colourful mood.they understand the dark shadow of fear of interview in an unacceptable situation has faded or erased from their mind completely.They encourage them and show right direction and do not forget to thank also.

The practice continued yes this is an opportunity to show their talent,There are many programmes ,that includes dance, group dance ,song,one act play, gymnastics fancy dress,ramp show just like models and various indoor and outdoor games some intellectual activities like quiz competition,, essay add mathematical ability competition also in the list.The leaders leave the students free to practice and come outside to discuss about proper planning for presentation so that the guests will be impressed .The colourless gloomy atmosphere is not present now, still then proper planning is to be done for. success in all directions.They devide the wor. among themselves and responsibilities . Meanwhile they notice Mr Jitendra ,but surprisingly in a different condition which is quite unacceptable to them .He was considered as big brother or big boss to them so how can they see him in a restless condition.They watch him carefully and notice that he is quite unhappy and walking here and there in restless manner as if he is unable to solve or face or compromise a problem.

The leaders become very much worried but decide to leave him alone because the problem must be very much critical

However they manage themselves and accept the fact that their trouble shooter is in trouble.Now it become their duty to help him whatever they can,at the same time they also keep it in mind that they have to give the assistance to him without hurting his self-respect.

They think about the matter carefully

Suddenly one student representative break the silence and tell others that he find the possible cause of disheartened condition of Mr Jitendra. Everyone looks toward him hopefully.

Without wasting time he also start explaining his point of view.Yes he informed it that Mr Jitendra might be in a love affair which is definitely a critical task.

Everyone accept his view. One student representative explain that love affair is such a difficult mathematics where general rule does not work Yes it may make the colourful or appear as a dark shadow.

Listening this all become more worried but continue analysis.

After some moments one student representative tell others like announcement that the problem is going to solved within moments.He explained other that the girl for whom Mr Jitendra is in a condition is well-known to us. Everyone feel ashamed that how they had forgotten that.Actually his lover is final year student of this college ,this matter was well-known to them. Now they understand the matter completely that due to presence of new ladies hostel warden Mr Jitendra is at such great distance reaching so neat to his lover.because sending message through mobile also failed here.

Everyone become very happy as the problem is going to be solved and they can see his trouble shooter in cheerful mood.

Before taking any step they decide to meet Mr Jitendra to clarify all matter and they do the same without delay.

Mr Jitendra tell something with hesitation,but the actual matter become very clear to all.He is in such disheartened condition due the reason as thought by student representatives.The strict hostel warden is not allowing anyone.she had also kept all the mobile phones in her office , still then the matter is not a big problem for me .the actual problem is that I have come here as a respected guest,so I should maintain discipline. and official protocol. However he did not forget to thank the student leaders for so loving attention toward him.

the student leaders remain silent for some moments but break the silence and tell him that he is a respected guest now so he can enter the practice hall and auditorium to see the preparation. It is a matter to be noted that he is an ex-student of this college..They inform to Mr Jitendra that miss Neina for whom he is worried is going to perform in dance programme in evening and she may be in auditorium for final practice.

Mr Jitendra become very happy after getting this information but remain


the student leaders able to understand his actual desire and invited him to auditorium.

with hesitation Mr Jitendra agree with them and walked toward auditorium.

After reaching inside the auditorium they become very pleased to see the dance practice continued on stage where both boys and girls are showing their dance performance

The ladies hostel warden noticed them but surprisingly welcome them and inform them that she had got information that Mr Jitendra is our respected guest .

Oh no I am just an ex-student of this college says Mr Jitendra,

Warden madam tell them that the practice is excellent,we are sure that the performance on stage will also please other.

the practice completed Yes this is already afternoon only Little time is there for evening programme that means the cultural activities of annual function

The students who are performing dance come back from stage they have to take little rest and return to auditorium for function

It is not necessary to mention that most awaited Miss Naina is also present in that group and presence of Mr Jitendra does not remain unnoticed to her so the problem solved , that doesn't mean they forget the rules and regulation.

Miss Naina find some way and meet Mr Jitendra for some moments and tell that she will meet him in annual function time in evening.

Everyone return with great satisfaction

But again the colourful mood change to serious after getting phone call from honorable Principal Sir.Ther is no other option so they moved towards his chamber.

With due respect and humble submission they ask Principal Sir about the reason of call. Principal Sir seems to be in very pleasant mood ,that is a matter which has to be mentioned without fail.So everyone become relaxed and wait the good or favorable news. Yes , Principal Sir inform them that the guest of honour Mr Bajradanta Sir will reach within a short period .,he is coming here Little earlier so as to interact more with students and teachers,some teachers are already well-known to h and some students also.and here Mr Jitendra is present ..

After listening this everyone understand the present situation,but some student leaders seems to be unsatisfied, which was not remain unnoticed by honourable Principal Sir,so ask them the reason to those.

those students replied very. politely that they require some more information about the guest of honour Mr Bajradanta Sir

without delay honorable Principal Sir tell them some information and at last he informed them that he is understanding the actual question,that they have not asked yet..He continued his explanation .

After the explanation the student leaders come to know that Mr Bajradanta Sir is chief of a construction company which is different from other company That company is an autonomous body,where salary is much higher . That company is doing construction work where other company fear to start.Doing job at that company will prove your technical ability and all directional qualities.

But we want some more information about Mr Bajradanta Sir., asked the student leaders

Principal Sir replied that , he is understanding the actual question that is why so much importance is given on Mr. Bajradanta Sir , I am sure your doubt. will be clear during the function, but now teachers and HOD of all departments are coming here for planning and discussion and there is little time for function so please co-operate..

Truly the teachers and HOD of various departments enters to the chamber taking permission. Principal Sir receive their good wishes and reciprocate the same,he tell to please be comfortable and relaxed and take the seat. Matter to be noted that the chamber is large enough to accommodate . So all become comfortable and wait to listen something from Principal Sir. Principal Sir start discussions without wasting time,then other also speak valuable matters.Discussion continued that does note mean continued for hours because it is already known to everyone that they have little time,and the matter what they are discussing are already discussed this is only a review of those discussion. So the discussion end within a short time The student leaders become very happy noticing everyone's involvement and cooperation.

This is evening time the college building is looking very beautiful with decorative lights,the garden and other places also. Students are happily walking here and there. The student leaders are present main entrance ,Mr Jitendra is also present with him and discussing various matter, become alert due to arrival of guest of honour Mr Bajradanta Sir.

The college authority welcome him with love and respect. and take him to Principal chamber. He thanks the college authority for this treatment . Actually presence of Mr Jitendra not remained un noticed to him..

Suddenly one announcement draws everyone's attention.The announcement was that to reach at annual function ground and begining of function.

Yes within a short time students reach there and the situation become very pleasant.

The HOD of English department start the function by delivering welcome speech. and introduce the guest of honour to everyone.

Principal Sir give a description about college and various achievement of students and teachers..

During that time chief guest Honorable Industry Minister reached and return also only staying for some moments due to some emergency political work, however he did not neglect the invitation for which the college authority thanks him a lot..

Mr Bajradanta Sir start his speech ,that speech is full of motivation that takes the students to superior state.

He gives various example to think in different way One of the example is about college uniform,that is creating equality of students of different financial condition and that is also saving a lot of time,because no time is wasted for selection of dresses everyday.

He explained that the available time should be used carefully.We can't increase the available time but we can do more work if we use that carefully. Simple rules of planning for a day,then for a week then for month in this way planning can be done for total life.Whatever time we are saving that are extra time to us that means we will get some more time than 24 hours in a day.He again explain the arrengement of study room,if snacks and drinking water is present then some time is saved again if study material are arranged in proper then there will be no wastage of time for searching that . In this way he explained the students the importance of proper planning that truly motivate the students .A great respect was created in their heart for Bajradanta Sir.Before ending his speech Mr Bajradanta Sir explain so many things that are very helpful for student.Everyone donot forget to clap after the completion of his speech..

Again HOD of English department come to the stage and thanks a lot on behalf of college authority and announce the beginning of cultural programme.

The cultural programme starts with a patriotic song., after. that the colourful programmes like dance,music, ramp show are in the list..

After the patriotic song Mr Bajradanta Sir, Principal Sir and some HOD leave the function ground . Dinner for guest of honour Mr Bajradanta Sir and respected Principal Sir ,are arrenged in main administrative building.It is to kept in mind that dinner is also arranged for other,but they may be supplied to them after dance programme in central mess of college

The discussion about placement may be discussed there.

Here in the function ground ,the situation is very colourful and the hidden agenda of the evening is going to start .,that means definitely some indiscipline work,some have plan to drink ,some are planning to beat or attack the junior students for pleasure and to show their ego.some romantic students have prepared to meet their lover and enjoy the evening.

To this type of problems the college authority had made arrangements,so many teachers are there, security guards, ladies hostel warden is present but when music and dance will be started it may be difficult to keep watch on them. The students are also waiting for that time

Here the matter to be noted that Mr Jitendra, is also waiting for that moment so that he could meet and discuss something with Miss Naina

Yes, that moment come and the situation become uncontrollable and the student having hidden agenda come into action.Mr Jitendra also leaves that place and rush to the predetermined place to meet Miss Naina and successfully meet her.But they couldn't discuss anything, there are so many matter to discuss, they couldn't decide to start from which matter However the discussion starts and that satisfy them to some extent. But they did not forget the importance of this moment, the annual function is going on and they have important role to play, so they decide to return to function ground. At that time the mobile phone rings,yes it is a call to Mr Jitendra from Principal Sir, Mr Jitendra received the call .He get the message that Mr Bajradanta Sir want to meet him.He say goodbye to Miss Naina and walk towards main administrative building of college,he didn't forget to say Miss Naina that he will try to reach at the time of her dance. performance .

Mr Jitendra reach at the Principal office and meet Bajradanta Sir and Principal sir.After meeting Mr Jitendra, Bajradanta Sir become happy and inform Principal Sir that this boy had assisted a lot in my reasearch work on a critical subject, I am thanking all for his presence. Then he turned towards Mr Jitendra and ask him about present situation and surprised after knowing his unemployed condition.. Principal sir informed him that some passed out students are in same situation

Bajradanta Sir actually understand , the matter and tell Jitendra to meet him in his office.Mr Jitendra beg permission to leave.He run toward function ground

After reaching at the function ground he noticed colourful atmosphere.Dance programme is going on,that means on the stage and on the ground.He come close to the stage,yes now Miss Naina is showing her dance programme.He sit on VIP chair and enjoy the dance.He also noticed that the warden madam is keeping a strict watch on girls..After the. dance performance on stage she come to the green room to change the dress but did not find her dress.She feel very uncomfortable because that dance dress is small one only mey be permitted in time of dance.She ask about that to other girls.. One girl remind her that she had not changed her dress here,she had done that in ladies common room of main administrative building as you didn't reach here in time. Miss Naina feel ashamed , actually she had changed the dress there so now she has to go there..The ladies common room is present at top floor of main administrative building and there may not be anyone in main administrative building..Fear arise in her mind, however she decides to go there. On the way she meet Mr Jitendra and tell him to help but surprisingly he denied and explain the reason that she is in such exiting dance costume so one should not be allowed to meet her or come close to her.. He also tell that the warden madam is keeping strict watch on everyone.It will be better to ask her for help.Telling this Mr Jitendra leave to function ground due to fear of warden madam.. Miss Naina considered herself neglected so she become very sad.. She walked toward main administrative building.She. is fearing due to various reason,.There may be noone in that building, the inside area of building may not be lighted,lift of the building may be without operater,and most important is she is in such exiting dance costume so remaining alone is definitely risky.

But There is no other way, all are enjoying the dance programme,so she decides to do that work herself without disturbing other. After entering in the building she come to know that Guest of honour Bajradanta sir is present in that building .The lift operater is not present,so she use stair case,she noticed Bajradanta Sir is traveling here and there . However she reach at ladies common room and find her dress.She changed the dance costume,after that looks toward the function ground from the window of that room, and become happy to that colourful atmosphere,then start., the return journey ,she come to the staircase,yes she is now in fifth floor of the building the staircase is present at the inside arena of the building so that from staircase so many rooms are visible, She slowly stepped down toward ground floor and feel like winning in a race, oh no she stops there, something wrong is there,or something remain unnoticed.She looks toward the corridors of various floors.Actually she has no obstacles to leave the building, because she had already reached the ground floor,but she feel that someone is waiting for her and she has to go there,such type of feeling force to again inside the building she reached at first floor and move here and there as if something very important is to done there,Now she is free externally but captured by some force internally,for that reason she enter into inside of building again.She is looking carefully to all directions . Suddenly she noticed a dark shadow yes a larger one,. Being a science student she didn't worried for that large size of shadow, because the size of shadow may be different from the size of actual object,this fact is well-known to her,But she also know it that,the shape of the shadow is similar to the shape of the actual object.size may change but shape will remain nearly equal so there must be a similar thing for that shadow,she understands the situation truly after analysing the shape of the shadow. The shape of the shadow describe that something is there having lower half human being and upper half have shape of a wild animal.However she explain herself that, the object might be a statue.But again one question arises that how dark shadow is moving here and there.

Hiding herself Miss Naina carefully keep watch on that direction.The fear is slowly entering and becoming powerful in her mind than the self assurance.The scientific way of analysing the case totaly failed when that dark shadow moves outside. She couldn't believe but bounded to believe when she see that unbelievable thing in her own eyes. Yes, She noticed a large creature is moving there having the lower half as of human body and upper half having a body of wild animal. She tries to hide herself,but that will not solve the matter.she has to run away from this place,this decision seems to be acceptable to her at this moment. Before running away from that place again a desire arises in her mind to look that furious creature so that, she can explain about that properly to other, perhaps to Mr Jitendra..Collecting, whatever strength present within her she looks toward that direction surprisingly she notice that the creature is looking towards her with red burning eyes .Everything stopped, is that means everything end,oh no, her thinking ability stopped ,not breathing. However the right decision of running away from this place comes to her mind due to kindness of almighty and she comes into action. She runs toward function ground closing her eyes but in right direction and reach there. She opened her eyes and frightened to watch numbers of furious creatures on stage,and stand helpless. But music is continuing, decorative lights are making situation colourful and a matter of great surprise that all other students are also present. This unbelievable thing stopped her to think anything,she consider herself Lin a strange world.. She returned back to real world due to appearance of Mr Jitendra and come to that fancy dress ramp show is going on . Students have decorated themselves with help of professional makeup man as furious characters of film or stories so nothing to fear.After hearing this Miss Naina could not find any justification to tell other the presence of furious creatures in main administrative building of college as she had noticed.She may be a laughing stuck for other. Thinking carefully she remained silent and watch the fancy dress ramp show and compare the creature noticed by her with present characters walking on stage.Mr Jitendra explained her about that show, but her mind is searching the difference. Atlast she get the difference, yes that creature has burning red eyes .,but the students are having masks and painted eyes ..

she also did not understand ,why one student take make up at that place when makeup man and all make up arrengement are present here.She become sure that the creature present in that place is not a fancy dress ramp show contestant,but remain helpless..

the end of the function and thanks to all being announced by HOD of English department.Everyone returned happily except Miss Naina, who returned with an unanswered question.