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Jasmine meets a cold arrogant super rich business tycoon Eric vergees whose ruthlessness is talked about all over Mumbai city, Jasmine saves the heartless monster's 4 year old daughter Ishwari from a gang, Seeing her, Jasmine remembers her lost son and takes the girl with her to save her from her demonic father. But what will happen when Eric kidnaps Jasmine and punishes her by taking her away from her daughter? "Miss Jasmine , you have stolen my daughter, how about you give me a son as a compensation for it." Jasmine retorted to the brazen man, "I have already given birth to a son..so why would I do this for you." "All right , Then it is decided that your son and my daughter will live in one room and me and you in one room."

Nayantarass · Urban
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chapter 19 - Forced kiss

forced marriage mommy need to work hard Chapter-19

[Forced kiss]

Eric didn't react to Ryle's words, and he took another step toward the Varghese villa. Then he suddenly stopped. He looked backward and saw Jasmine, who was trying hard to come out of the water repeatedly and shouting for help. The pool made in Varghese's mansion was so deep that Jasmine could drown in it. Any person who does not know how to swim could die by drowning in that pool.

Eric Varghese thought that Jasmine had come to his house to spy on his daughter. So, she must have known swimming; that's why he pushed her in anger so that he could tell her that he would teach her a lesson every time, being Ryle's father, whenever she touched his daughter. But Eric was not aware that Jasmine did not know how to swim. That's why at that moment, he was thinking of saving Jasmine.

Ryle said, "Dad, please save my dear sister. I promise you, Dad, that your Ryle will not do any mischief from now on; she will never go out to meet her friends again." She had tears in her eyes while saying this.

When Eric saw tears in his daughter's eyes, he took her down from his lap.

Ryle thought that now her dad would go to rescue Jasmine. But she saw that her father was unbuttoning his black shirt, that too very slowly.

Ryle now began to doubt her dad's intelligence. But she knew that she also got her intelligence from her father, that's why she could not doubt him even if she wanted to, because if she doubted Eric's intelligence, she would have to doubt her own intelligence too, so she dropped the idea of doubting Eric. She now folded her arm and started looking at Eric.

Anyway, Ryle was proud of her beauty, and this pride used to suit Ryle because she belonged to a rich and powerful family. But all this pride was for others only; in front of her father, she had to become poor to fulfill her demands.

Ryle quickly reached out her hand and grabbed hold of her dad's pants, saying, "Daddy, please save her." She said these words with as much politeness in her voice as she could.

Hearing Ryle, Eric took off his shirt and gave it to Ryle, and said, "I'm going to save that girl, don't even accidentally look back at the pool; go straight to the villa. I'll keep an eye on you even if you look back."

After listening to this, Ryle quickly said, "Ok, Daddy, Ryle will do as her dad says." After saying this, Ryle took the shirt and ran towards the villa.

Seeing Ryle walking towards the villa, Eric turned and headed towards the pool. After getting down in the pool, he went to Jasmine. When he put his hand on Jasmine's waist to get her out, Jasmine removed his hand; seeing this, Eric understood that Jasmine did not want to take his help. But Eric couldn't let her die in his pool, so he said, "If you don't get out of the pool with me, I'm going to kiss you here right now."

Jasmine didn't say anything to him and just stared at him angrily. Eric, this time caught her legs and wrap her legs on either side of his waist, and took her out of the pool.

When Jasmine started moving away from Eric after coming out of the pool, Eric suddenly kissed her. Due to this, Jasmine was surprised. After this, Eric wanted to take advantage of the opportunity and put his fingers inside Jasmine's dress.

But then Jasmine bit Eric's lip, due to which Eric had to be stopped from doing what he wanted to do. Jasmine stood away from him when Eric stopped. Eric then left from there and turned back once to look at Jasmine, who was seen wiping her tears. Eric said to himself, "She doesn't have that mark on her leg, it means she can't be the girl who gave birth to Ryle, so I have to get her out of my house as soon as possible, for which I have a plan." Saying this, a vicious smile appeared on Eric's face.

After Eric left, Jasmine sat down on a bench in the garden after getting tired, and she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Jasmine, you will be cold. Wear these clothes."

Hearing this voice, Jasmine lifted her neck and saw Jenny auntie, who was standing with clothes in her hands. When Ryle went inside the villa, she sent Jenny auntie to help Jasmine, and when Jenny auntie came to the garden, she saw Eric kissing Jasmine, which was a great shock for her. After when she came to her senses, she came to Jasmine to help her.

Jasmine thanks her for her help and leaves from there to her room. After changing her clothes, she checked her phone and found 4-5 missed calls from Peter.

Jasmine called Peter, "Hello Peter, you called me. Is there any important matter?"

Peter wanted to say many things to her, but when he heard Jasmine's changed voice, he asked worriedly, "Jasmine, what happened to your voice? Are you feeling well?"

Jasmin coughed, trying to fix her voice, then said on the call, "Peter, I just have a cold. I have brought my medicine with me, I will be fine after taking the medicines, and you tell me, why did you call me?"

Peter said thoughtfully, "Jasmine, do you know anything about Rosleena?"

Jasmine said, "No, since I returned from her birthday party, I don't know anything about her. What happened? Is she okay?"

Peter said, "That means you don't know anything?"

Jasmine said while lying on the bed, "So tell me what happened? Did Rosleena do something again?"


After all, what does Peter want to tell Jasmine? And what body mark was Eric talking about, and what is he going to do now to get Jasmine out of his house.