
reactions my hero academia

Y0ur_Friend · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Reaction 2

Y / N poisoned

C/N - character name

🥦Izuku Midoriya 🥦

Initially, Midoriya was very scared. After you left the tuatel, he asked about your well-being, and quickly ran to the pharmacy for pills.

💥Katsuki Bakugou 💥

At first, Katsuki didn't pay attention to it, but when you left the toilet he asked

"What, did you get caught up? I was eating my own Fast Food again ??"

"I don't know, please go to the Pateku, I feel very bad .."

Katsuki began to dress with a languid sigh and walked to the pharmacy.

❄️Shoto Todoroki 🔥

You were just talking.

Shouto became alert when you abruptly ran to the bathroom. When you left Shoto, anxiously asked

"Y / N, what is it?"

"Shoto, I got poisoned on a hike."

"I'll go to the pharmacy for pills, what should you buy?"

"said the ignorance of the pills"

"ok, mouse, I'll be quick, hold on."

⛰️Eijiro Kirishima .⛰️

You ate in a cafe, and you started to feel nauseous on the way home .. Kiri did not pay much attention to this.

When you came home, you took a pill, but you did not feel better. And this has already been noticed by Kiri.

"Y / N, what is it?"

"yes, something is sick, probably overeat"

"Ah .. Yasn .."

Before Kiri finished speaking, Y /N abruptly ran to the toilet

after Y/ N came out of there Kiri blew up and asked about your health.

"Y / N, can you take a pill?"

"Yes, Kiri, give me some pain reliever, go and buy something for the poisoning, please."

Kirishima quickly found a pill and after kissing you on the forehead went for pills. "

🌩️Denki Kaminari🌩️

In the morning you felt sick, and you ran to the toilet. Denki thought you were pregnant, but when you left, he asked what happened and suggested going to the pharmacy.

C/N quickly agreed as it was very bad.

Denki went to the pharmacy and bought pregnancy tests, as well as pills for vomiting just in case.

When Denki came home he made you take a test. But it turned out to be negative, so Denki calmed down, and after giving Y/ N all the necessary drugs, they fell asleep.