

In the omniverse there was a screen in the sky that will show the heroes, villains, gods, demigods, supernaturals,etc across The omniverse. DISCLAIMER : I Do Not Own Anything

david_vazcano · Anime & Comics
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Name : XJ-9

Species : Android

Powers and Abilities : Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Bulletproof Durability and Space Combat, Inorganic Physiology, Enhanced senses ,including:

Electromagnetic Vision, X-Ray Vision, Infrared Vision and Ultraviolet Vision. Radar, Self-Sustenance, Bodily Weaponry, including:

Gun Protrusion, Saw Protrusion, Engine Protrusion, Drill Protrusion, Shield Protrusion and

Claw Retraction.

Object Manipulation, including: Cleaning Equipment Manipulation, Phone Manipulation and Sign Manipulation.

Additional limbs

Martial Arts


Supersonic Scream

Energy Projection

Body Control, including: Power Fists, Head Reattachment and Digit Manipulation





Weapon Mastery

Genius Intelligence


Reactive Evolution




Spin Dash


Elemental Manipulation, including: Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Snow Manipulation, Water Manipulation and Electricity Manipulation.

Limited Air Manipulation

Limited Magnetism Manipulation

Plasma Manipulation

Light manipulation

Temperature Manipulation, including: Heat Manipulation (with Heat Gun).

Rocket Manipulation, including: Missile Projection (with missiles).

Living Factory and

Living Arsenal

Personal Equipment

Weapon Creation, including: Hammer Generation.

Clothing Generation, including: Armor Creation.

Stun Attack

Limited Attack Reflection

Candy Attacks

Discomfort Immunity

Sensation Immunity

Toon Force & BFR/Plot Manipulation

Resistance to: Radiation Manipulation, Heat Manipulation , Ice Manipulation, Corrosion Inducement, Acid Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Disease Manipulation and

Poison Manipulation/Fragrance Manipulation.

Special ability : unknown

Description : XJ9 is a teenager robot that look lile 19 year old she is a smart girl and also a deadly girl. She has master many weaponry and fight many villains.


The world is now shocked that was shown was now an android, the android was a teenage girl.

Union academy

They are now surprised to see and android moreover it is a teenager android.

Hatsume :"OH MY BABIES, Is that an android?"

Yayurouzu :"Yes, I think it is." she was stunned because they see an android.

Sona :"Incredible, a living robot." she is starstruck at it.

Seekvaria is in awe of the android myabe if she can meet this XJ9 and tell her that she wants to meet the creator maybe the creator can help her make a mech.

Ruby :"OHMYOHMYOHMYOHMY What do you think the weaponry she had, does she had a laser gun, does she has cannons, does she has a jetpack, does she-"

Yang :"Woah, slow down there ruby, although I am also curious of her firepower."

Midoriya is now sketching and writing XJ9 in his notebook, he is now analyzing and muttering about XJ9 of what she is capable to do and what is her weaponry. He also write all her abilities and powers.

Azazel :"Incredible a living android." he was amazed of what he see.

Nezu :"Truly incredible indeed." he is smiling widely at this.

Ironwood is thingking to meet the creator of this android and want the creator to help atlas to defeat salem and the other villains.

Avengers tower

Tony :"Another android huh, interesting." he is intrigued.

Johnny storm :"Do you think she will be like vision?"

Hank :"I do not know but we will see what is she capable of."

Meanwhile the vision an android just like XJ9 is now looking at her, he wants to see what does she do in her life and also what is her destructive power. He thinks she probably just like other young people study at college because she is 19 years old.

Justice league

Green arrow :"So this time it was an android."

M.Manhunter :"Correction a female teenage android." he corrected the statement.

Red tornado :"I am intrigued of what is she capable of and also her arsenal in her own weaponry."

Flash :"Maybe we will see what can she do and also we maybe will see who create her."

They are curious of who created the android called XJ9 and what is the purpose of making her.


We can see XJ9 is fighting buch of robots and all of them in different sizes, there the size normal, giant size, an animal types like gorilla, jaguar, lion, tiger, eagle, and etc. They are also equip with missles, guns, sabers, jetpacks, etc.

XJ9 see this not afaraid and charge at them, the enemy are also charge at her. They fight, slashing at each other, firing missiles, guns and everything they got, XJ9 dodge all of them without a problem her hands change into guns and firing at them with precise accuracy, her back exposed many missiles and fire at the enemy. Many of them had destroyed ans injudred.

A jaguar is leaping on her but she slash the jaguar using her saber sword, she march forward with great speed and kill all of them, they use smoke to cover themseleves so they cam ambush her, but all of those are futile because she can see them using infrared. She slice them who are ambushing her, she fly and firing many projectile missles to them.

XJ9 see this and use her final weapon her right hand materialize a huge laser cannon and firing at them, The radius is so huge and the enemy was disintegrated without anything left. XJ9 see this nod her head and head back home


Union academy

Nezu :"What an impressive display of weaponry and fighting this XJ9 have."

Ajuka :"Agreed not to mention all those advance weaponry and technolofy at her disposal." He wants to study those technology and maybe replicate it the same goes to azazel.

Ironwood is thingking 'Maybe I can make a deal with this android or its's creator if they not agree I will just force them or dissambled XJ9 and theaten the scientist.' he thought grinning.

Avengers tower

Jessica jones :"Holy shit, she had that many weapons in her."

Jessica drew :"I didn't expect that many weapon inside of her just look at her her body is slim."

C.America :"Do not judge people by appareance alone, appreance can be deceiving."

Hank :"I gotta the one who make her maight be a genius." he is looking and analyzing her.

Tony :"I agree."

Justice league

Shazam :"So cool, she just destroy them without problem."

Hal jordan :"She is also great with flight and the weapons she had is also advanced."

Starfire :"This android is very strong and also she looks like a kind girl."

Red tornado :"This girl just fight and destroy hundreds of robots infront of her and not to mention that laser cannon in her hand."

Superman :"You are right and I have got the feeling that is not the full power of the cannon yet."