
Reaching Towards The Peak

!!!DISCLAIMER!!!: Their will be cussing in this novel and there will be moments where the characters will be doing NSFW things, so if your not interested in that then leave. There will also be references to some things that you may or may not understand. Another disclaimer: this is my first novel so it probably won’t turn out that good and it may seem rushed, I know the first chapters have bad spelling and stuff like that but it gets better once you get to like chapter 10, they also get longer as I start to get better. ——————————————————————————— Lin Kai, the MC, is a regular guy from America, west side, who loved to watch anime and read cultivation novels, so when he gets reincarnated, he already knows what’s about to go down. He reincarnates into a good and well respected family and is the most talented in the world. But because of his laziness, and his thought process of “I’m probably the MC of some manga or anime,” he loses his family to what should have been someone he shouldn’t fear if he actually practiced and tried to get stronger. He only survives due to the his knee system, which doesn’t seem useful. Maybe he can turn everything around with his insane talent! But little does he know that even though he is the most talented, he’s still an amateur when it comes to getting revenge and making plans. ——————————————————————————— Author: Cultivation levels may seem similar to some novels but that’s cuz I’m not good with these type of things. ——————————————————————————— 5 basics- divided into Mind improving, flesh refining, blood replacing, meridian improving and sense improving. These 5 levels doesn’t have an order and you can start by one of your choosing, the first are the hardest and last is the easiest. Each level is also divided into 5 stages. Earth roaming level- 10 stages Heaven roaming level- 10 stages Beta realm- 10 stages Focus of power- 3 stages (relatively easy to pass) Devastation stage- 10 stages Alpha stage- 10 stages More stages to be added later on. Until beta realm, the first stages are going to be extremely easy and MC and friends are going to fly past them. ———————————————————————————

Humanishly · Eastern
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44 Chs

Learning techniques

A year later after Lin Kai finished climbing the mountain, he came back and asked his grandma, Lin Chan, to practice sword techniques, he didn't ask her right when he came down the mountain but a year later just so he can relax.

"With your talent, learning sword techniques should be a breeze for you." Lin Chan said. "Here take this technique, 'Sword defense art', it'll help you block attacks easier, I'll show you the first five moves."

As Lin Chan said that Lin Kai turns to her and tells her, "There is no need grandma Lin Chan, I'll learn it on my own time."

A month later Lin Kai mastered the technique, he could've learned it in a day but Lin Kai was very lazy and only spent about 10 minutes on it a day.

"Who created this technique? It's so bad. Why is it allowed for ancient people to create techniques but people nowadays can't? If I want to make a technique maybe I can use some anime techniques as inspiration." As Lin Kai pondered he said, "oh well, I'll leave it for next month. I'll go spend some time with Lin feng."

Lin feng was Lin Kai's younger brother, he's about 3 months and was born in January 1st. Although he wasn't talented like Lin Kai everyone had great hope for him.

Lin Kai takes Lin feng and wrapped him around him with a cloth around him and Lin feng, obviously he had to sneak out with him since there parents wouldn't allow it.

Lin Kai walks outside while carrying Lin feng and admiring the beauty of this ancient China style town, seeing pagodas and inns, it was truly a sight to behold.

As Lin Kai was walking, he see's yu yan, the daughter of yu family which is the second merchant family in town, she is the same age as Lin Kai, but younger by a couple months surrounded by 2 body guards in the third level of the 5 basics.

Yu yan walks up to Lin Kai, "Nice meeting you here, Lin Kai. Is that your younger brother? I can't believe that your parents let you take him out."

Lin Kai sighed, "here she goes again" he thought, "Yes, they let me. Do you need something?"

"Why yes I do, can you guys grab the thing I left at home?" Yu yan says to the bodyguards behind her.

"Yes, Ma'am!" A bodyguard says and leaves to Yu family house.

"Do you just want me to wait here? Why don't we go around and buy some foods while we wait?" Lin Kai suggested

"Mm, mm." Yu yan quickly agreed.

10 minutes later the body guard returns with a box, "Here you go, little miss." He says as he hands her the box.

"Here you go, Lin Kai! I know it's your birthday today and I know you don't like anyone celebrating it, can you please accept this." Yu yan said with a smile on her face.

Lin Kai sighed, "Fine." Lin Kai said as he grabbed it.

"Come on, go back home and open it." Yu yan said.

Lin Kai stares at her.

"Pleaseeeee," Yu yan says.

"Fine." Lin Kai turns around and leaves."

As Lin Kai returns home, he puts Lin feng back to sleep, Lin Kai had put an illusion of his little brother sleeping before he took him outside so no one suspected anything.

Lin Kai returns to his room and opens the box, inside was a technique, 'chopping the mountain' although it was a common technique, if mastered, will let anyone chop a mountain in half but it was very difficult to master which is why it wasn't liked by cultivators.

"For me, practicing this would be pretty easy, I guess I'll just learn it right now and master it in a couple months." As Lin Kai said that he sees a little note hidden underneath which read,

'A week after my birthday, come and meet me on the foot of the mountain.'

Which meant he had about 2 months to master the technique without anything major happening.

January 1st I know simple right

Also Lin Kai was born in March 23rd.

I’ve also decided to make major changes to the novel and do some more world building, I’ll make the first volume 50 chapters (may or may not increase) and in the second volume, I’ll introduce the system genre part of the novel.

Yu yan is born may 10th

5 basics is the first 5 levels of cultivation which can be done in any order so I’ll say 5 basics for short.

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