
Reaching The Heavens By Evolving

The Quar is a unique being with the ability to control bodies from a distance. The story follows a specific Quar, who has lost their sense of self and identity. They do not remember their name and refer to themselves as Quar, which is the name of their race. This Quar known as Quaren has an unconventional idea: instead of using their own body as compensation for controlling another, they decide to take a risky path and send their original body to the host body's location. They have no knowledge about humans or their ways of living, so their goal is to simply survive and adapt to their new surroundings. As Quar navigates the challenges and ethical dilemmas that arise from their actions, they begin to realize the true consequences of their actions. They had to learn to live with the new body, feeling the physical sensations and emotions that it had. They also had to learn to interact with others and society. They had to learn to respect the autonomy of the body they possess and to understand the impact of their actions on the people around them. Quar's journey as only "he" may decide to form new connections and relationships, or to keep to himself, as he may find a way to return to their original form or to find a new one, the story is open to different possibilities. Please note that the story suggests body possession and control which are not acceptable and may be harmful to the readers. It is recommended to avoid such content that may include the gruesome, vulgar or evil side of humanity.

Rockayy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Roasted brain?

Please skip this chap if you are not handling gruesome/vulgar situations.

Pitch black darkness nothing can be here and ironically everything and in this space was the last bits of Quaren´s consciousness.

"Do I have a purpose? Why am I here and should I be here?"

These questions filled his full capacity but he still did not know the answer so he was just there in this darkness.

With increasing time Quaren could be more aware of himself but these questions still preserved themselves.

"Should I be or not? I feel like I should but also that not... What should I do?"

Suddenly some light appeared and the pitch-black darkness started to weaken.

"This is?"

The darkness disappeared and was replaced with a colourful world.

"Where am I? Hmmm... Wait! Who am I?!!"

Quaren wanted to move and look around but when he tried to do so a piercing pain welcomed him.

"Argh! Why it hurts so much? Hurt? Is this real?"

Quaren tried to see something but his eyes were blurry so he could just see basic colours and nothing else.

This state continued for some time and was interrupted just when he noticed that in front of him is something. Noticing this he tried to focus on this thing to identify it but without luck.

He kept trying and trying to see it but he was not able. Feeling frustrated from this Quaren closed his eyes and fell asleep.


He felt some pain again and was pretty strong on top of that so it forced him to be awake.

Quaren started waking up and slowly opened his eyes but the scene he saw... That scene will be in for eternity his mind.

When he opened his eyes he was finally able to see but he instead wanted to not because he now knew why he was feeling that pain.

His chest was now fully opened so he can see his organs why he was experiencing that pain? That was because some small steel objects were playing with them.

"Argh" The pain was so intense that it made him lose scenes for quite a while and when he regained them and quickly opened his eyes he saw himself.

He was now lying on some metal bed and all of his limbs were locked to that bed so that just his chest was without the metal that is connected to that bed.


"Ah, ah, ah..."

Then his image vanished and was replaced with some men.

Quaren found that man familiar but for some unknown reason, he was without memory of this man.

"You are pretty unique, Stingy."

Heh, Stingy what is up with that? That is now my name or is it? No, I had another one, but what was it?

"I first thought that after studying you a bit I will be satisfied and will get rid of you but upon closer inspection of your body I found that your body is unique compared to the rest of your race.

So I searched and searched until I found a fossil, yes a fossil! And pretty beautifully preserved one so that I can deduce its the distribution of muscle and was shocked because you have the same."

"Do you believe it, Stingy? Even I first did not believe this but as I continued studying you I was sure that for some unknown reason, you are still alive even when I pierced your head do you know why?

Because it healed! That is impossible but somehow not in your case and as I said you somehow have the functioning body of the ancestor of the Wasper race. But unluckily you can not be tamed or else I will dominate this world with you."

Quaren listened to that man and started to remember and when the man finished talking he finally returned.

"You fuck! ng lunatic you bastard I will eat you!"

"Oh, you are back to yourself?"

"Hehehehe! I am always how I am! How can I be someone else, you idiot!"

"Just laugh but I can also because you earned me extreme riches and do you know how? Of course, I earned by studying you and writing a book about the ancestors of the Wasper´s race!"

Hearing this Quaren froze and was silent.

"This is laughable that you refused to do a thing and even you opposed me in taming you but finally even when this all happened you still earned me a lot."

"But the thing is that I still do not understand your ability to self-regeneration. How is it possible that your head regrows? So for this i neeeeeed you stil heeereeee." The man smiled like a lunatic and that smile gave "Quaren" shivers.

The next days were pretty simple... "Quaren" was opened and the man still tried to find the reason for his regeneration so it did not go without some roars and moans.

After two months...

"Please do not sew me I want to be opened." Quaren said while being sewed by that man and of course with some "meds" in his blood.

"No! Godness how can you have such perverse in this... Maybe I overdid it again with you, but luckily I got still have that chant to neutralise crazy beast that pretty much works on you..."

The man sighed as he was mentally depleted from this maniac that with increasing time got crazier and crazier.

Quaren saw that man grabbing some object with a needle and said:

"Give it inside me! Inside!"


The injection with drugs was being injected into Quaren.


In a response to that injection, Quaren softly moaned.

"Again? What is wrong with you? Did I roast your brain or what?!"

"No, you did not. But the thing is that it feels too good." Said Quaren with their face hidden behind his hands.

"You are weird but I do not care because when i "roasted" your brain you become more docile, right Stingy?"


"Now is my experiment done and the last thing to do is to get rid of you."

"No, please don´t do that. I still want to live and experience more in this life, pretty pleaaaseee!"

"You lunatic. Do you think that I will let you out so that you can kill me?"

"But why not it will be fun, no?." Quaren smiled at him innocently.

"Lunatic." The man said and went out of his experimental laboratory.

"Now is my chance, you bastard you think that I did not try anything? Heeeehehe! You even accepted to let me eat bugs that were still alive so that I could strengthen my flow. Heheheheee!"

During the time Quaren was experimental material he strengthened his body´s strength in limbs so that he could break free when he got the chance. Luckily his plan succeeded because before he finally woke up that man already had a study of his limbs so after that he was studying his chest and wings.


The metal gave off a screeching sound when it was being against Quaren´s strength until he finally freed his chest and was free.


Quaren fell from that "bed" and was now on the metal table.


"My body can not withstand me operating it, so sorry for that but I have to."

"That naive idiot." Said Quaren when he noticed the opened doors.

Quaren did some light warm-up and flew towards the doors but in middle, he paused when he noticed the "toys".

"This thing that can open my body with its sharp edge is pretty good... I will take it."

Quaren took the tool for cutting and continued flying towards the doors.

"Finally I am out of that room, let´s find a way out and then heal to peak condition and then... hehehe! I will kill that motherf!ker!"

Looking around he was in some big "house" with many doors.

"Again those fuc!d up doors."


Quaren looking for an exit saw that behind another opened door on the right was that man doing fire.

"So you wanted to do a barbecue from me? As you wish I will cook you for this later. Later? Hehehehe! Who cares what will happen later it might not even happen you have to do things when you are even slightly able to do them in the nearest time. And now is the time!"

Quaren circulated the flow inside of his body that he was storing for the near future but as he thought about this man he decided to spend the rest of the flow regenerating himself.

"So to regenerate should I circulate the flow or should I just target him? Hmmm..."

"Let´s target my chest."

Thinking this Quaren attached 1/4 of his flow to his chest. The chest started pulsing and second, later those sew disappeared.

"It even strengthened my armour and I have even some small thorns for defence, but those are for now useless."

Quaren healed the rest of his body with the magical flow. Luckily some of his flow remained so he rather kept him if something happened.

"And now I will kill that jackass. Heehahaha!"

Two chapters, enjoy!

Rockayycreators' thoughts