
Reaching The Heavens By Evolving

The Quar is a unique being with the ability to control bodies from a distance. The story follows a specific Quar, who has lost their sense of self and identity. They do not remember their name and refer to themselves as Quar, which is the name of their race. This Quar known as Quaren has an unconventional idea: instead of using their own body as compensation for controlling another, they decide to take a risky path and send their original body to the host body's location. They have no knowledge about humans or their ways of living, so their goal is to simply survive and adapt to their new surroundings. As Quar navigates the challenges and ethical dilemmas that arise from their actions, they begin to realize the true consequences of their actions. They had to learn to live with the new body, feeling the physical sensations and emotions that it had. They also had to learn to interact with others and society. They had to learn to respect the autonomy of the body they possess and to understand the impact of their actions on the people around them. Quar's journey as only "he" may decide to form new connections and relationships, or to keep to himself, as he may find a way to return to their original form or to find a new one, the story is open to different possibilities. Please note that the story suggests body possession and control which are not acceptable and may be harmful to the readers. It is recommended to avoid such content that may include the gruesome, vulgar or evil side of humanity.

Rockayy · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Getting Used To Be Wasp

How is it possible?

Wasn't I ant?

How am I now a wasp?

There was a new chain of questions in my mind, that needed to be answered.

And the best way to answer the questions was to observe an get used to my new body.

So this is what means special body?

Something like a changeable body?

No, not like that...

So how Is it?

I started to get used to my new body...first on the list...walking.

Well, this body is absolutely better than that of an ant.

Why? Because I've got wings!


Do I have new memories inside this new body?

I started to discover that in my mind was a route to my new nest.

So this is how I can fly? Let me try.

After a while I figured out how to fly, it was pretty easy. But I had to look out for birds and stronger winds.

Hmm, I'm now in the middle of the forest, there is even rocky mountain at the edge of the forest. But which way should I fly? Should I fly this way or this one? After a while of consideration I decided to fly ahead because I didn't have another suitable way.

Before I started flying I detected several species of bugs and animals but I didn't care much about them because they weren't life threatening slto me so I decided to

ignore them and continue with my journey. After a while of flying he stopped and landed near the river.

"Hmm, there is the bear from another day, should I try it again to obtain even better body?"

The bear was hunting some small game and fish from the river and when he caught one he quickly ate it at the riverside.

"Should I do it? Or not?"

"Rather not, the bear is now hunting and it's restless... more of it he is in water and if I get wet it will be the end for me... maybe I will be snack for some fish."

"Let's just continue straight ahead."

But as he was about to fly away, he saw something that made him not to. In a distant sky there was a flock of birds about to land near his position.

"Oh, shit what now?"

"Let´s just hide..."

As he was searching for some gap in stones near the river he felt a life-threatening horror and that was something he never experienced before.

While searching Quaren forgot to fly at a low attitude so that the birds will not spot him. But now he made a big error.

One bird looking his way made a quick motion and turned around to enjoy some hunting experience.

Quaren still searched for his hole when he noticed this sole bird.

"Fuck! I have to quickly find a hole to hide or I might end up being devoured!"

Just as he was flying for life an opportunity presented itself, Quaren noticed that something moved near the stones that he was flying near to. And crazy life-saving idea quickly made gears turn in his brain.

"Snake? That´s the best timing!"

Without thinking he charged straight to the snake's hiding spot.

"What?! No!!"

But just as he was near the snake that sold bird caught up to him and nearly ate him so Quaren got no other choice but just to fly even more desperately near the head of the snake that was slowly making it's way out. But our little wasp forgot a beautiful thing...

The snake hidden and wanting to ambush its prey landed it's eyes on young bird that was hunting for first time and wasn´t able to know that he also became prey of the predator.

Snake seeing approaching bird chose to wait for it to get even nearer to it, nearer its own death.

Bird nearing the snake was totally unaware of it's approaching doom. Suddenly the snake shot his body and directed his teeth to the weak body of the bird.

Bird not expecting any hidden danger got caught in mouth of the snake and in just two chomps got eaten. This is what the snake thought...

But he didn´t know that he even gulped little wasp that was within the body of the bird.

"What?! No!" Quaren screamed in his mind and trying to avoid getting eaten by the bird but unfortunately he was too slow and in the end he got eaten altogether with the young bird.

Just as that little wasp entered the mouth of a snake, snake closed his mouth still thinking about that easy kill.

Quaren didn´t have another choice but to quickly make his way out of the bird's body so that he won't enter the snake's digestive system for real. Quickly spotting the spot that the snake's teeths were coming from he pierced the tender flesh to stabilise himself.

After Quaren escaped from the body of the unlucky bird and finally had a bit of peace he quickly used his sting to launch an attack on snake´s tongue.


The stinger pierced itself pretty deep and the poison in stinger took care of rest.

Snake not expecting even a thing to happen to him suddenly jerked and started to rotate.

"Wow, such a strong response! But I think that it wasn´t enough.


Another sting attack landed on tongue of the unlucky snake.

Snake still rolling from earlier attack suffered a horrible setback from getting attacked again so he thought of revenge and started to crawl to the river.

Quaren knowing nothing still persisted in attacking with his sting.





Another wave landed on the snake´s tongue. Snake totally enraged from piercing pain that kept on increasing hastened and in no time it was in the water.

As he was in the water he opened his mouth fully open to let it get washed.

Quaren seeing that incoming water froze on spot not knowing what to do.

Water instantly engulfed our little wasp and flow took care of rest.

"Noo!" Quaren screamed in his mind, he was unwilling to get wet but it was too late because he was out off snake´s jaw and he was just like a fragile

leaf in raging river. Fortunately the flow wasn´t spiralled but for little wasp it was still enough to be in it.

Quaren desperately searching for something that he can catch was struggling with his breath.

Luckily he grabbed on some flowing wooden stick and was saved.

Quaren exhausted from his bizarre adventure started to close his eyes.

His last thought before sleeping was:

"This was pretty unlucky, but fortunately I got lucky."


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