


The Uneasy Business

No wonder it was him. It didn't just sink to me that he could be the Filipino investor in Andersen's real estate and he is also one of the company's major stockholders. The Hansens have the largest share in the Twin Towers and Marco is second. He shifted in his seat. He seems to be getting even more comfortable staring at me. My cellphone rang because of the call. I went to the sofa and rummaged it in my bag and immediately answered.

"Hello, Aunt?" I answered the call as I turned my back on him.

"Did you meet him? Did you sign the contract?" She asked. You didn't tell me that Marco is our new Filipino investor.

"Why didn't you tell me that Marco is the one I'm meeting today? Auntie, we're not on good terms." I hissed. She knew my relationship with Marco back then but I didn't like to open up to her because I was shy.