
Re: zero True oni

A guy dies and the next moment he opens his eyes he sees [Game over]. While being a soul he creates his character and starts his new life. WARNING My grammar isn't the best I will make mistake while writing.

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65 Chs


After waking up Kaji, who couldn't help but look around, he found himself in a Japanese-styled room. He tried to remember what happened, he remembered Serafall and Yasaka appearing in the room. He remembered what happened now, but then he started to look around to see if Ram, and Rem were Alright.

He found the twins sleeping on two other separate tatami mats that were meant for sleeping. Kaji used a spell to scan his surroundings, he wanted to know where he was, and soon he felt other presences they didn't seem to be human or devil. It was different from fallen angels too, so he could only assume they were youkai.

After scanning his surroundings he noticed four people moving towards the room he was in. One was stronger than the rest, Kaji decided not to do anything, and waited to see who it was first. And after a couple of moments, the sliding door of the room was opened to reveal Yasaka and a smaller, cuter version of her. Behind the two stood a pair of female youkai with fox ears on their heads.

Kaji realized who the small fox girl with nine tails was, It was the daughter of Yasaka, Kunou. Kunou is a young girl with the appearance of an elementary school student. She has golden, blonde hair tied in a ponytail and matching eyes. She also has nine golden fox tails and matching ears.

Her main attire is the traditional Miko outfit and tall geta with white tabi. The sleeves of her haori feature a giant red star-shaped pentagram, surrounded by five smaller pentagrams in between the points. She is also relatively short, her height being 142 cm.

"Oh, it seems you have woken up." Yasaka commented while Kaji looked at them.

"Hmmm." Kaji hummed in an affirming manner.

"Well then, Let me introduce myself properly, my name is Yasaka, And this is my daughter, Kunou. " She said with a smile, while Kunou looked at him curiously.

Kaji nodded his head and stood up from the tatami mat. " Nice to meet you, my name is Kaji, and I guess the twins will introduce themself later." He saw while making a polite bow.

After some brief introductions, Yaska and Kunou left while leaving the two women with fox ears, to show Kaji around, and to make sure that the twins didn't panic or do something unnecessary, when they woke up. While Kaji was walking around the place with one of the women he was surprised by how nostalgic he felt, the house and the surroundings reminded him of home. Still, this place was a lot more fancy-looking in some places than their village.

After he was shown around he was invited to have breakfast with Yasaka, but Kaji didn't refuse as he was hungry. After the woman who showed him around led him to the dining room, Kaji entered to see a long table with many different dishes on it. On the other side of the table, Yasaka And Kunou were sitting, it seemed like they were waiting for him.

When the two saw Kaji Yasaka showed a warm smile while Kunou's expression was one of curiosity. Kaji walked to the table and sat down, and the moment he did he heard the door opening behind him once more. He turned his head to see Ram, and Rem looking around curiously, before seeing him and sitting right beside him.

After The twins introduced themselves, and Yasaka did the same with herself and Kunou, they started eating, with the permission of the older nine-tailed fox. Kaji looked at Yasaka and decided to speak first.

"Umm, Yasaka-sama, may I know where we are?" Kaji asked, after all, if he knew where they were it would seem weird, right?

"Oh there's no need to be so formal, just call me Yasaka, and right now all of us are in Kyoto.

"I see, then could you tell us why you have brought us here?" Kaji asked while glancing towards the twins to see them enjoying the food.

The woman smiled, this time her smile carried amusement, Kaji didn't understand why. "Well, this is your home after all, as the three of you are youkai, though I don't know which type the two lovely twins are." She said while looking at the girls.

Ram and Rem, hearing that this was their home, and being called youkai, seemed confused, they looked towards Kaji who just motioned for them to continue their breakfast.

"Well the three of us are of the Oni race, Ram, and Rem might not show it but they are Oni just like me." Kaji said and saw the woman nodding at his words.

"I see, well then, after all of us have eaten our full let's have a proper talk, there are some things I would like to discuss with the three of you." Yasaka said while motioning for them to eat.