
The Bowel Hunter

In the Slums of Lugnica,

A young man with black hair and eyes could be seen traveling with a girl with white hair and purple eyes, this was none other than Subaru and Emilia,

After stating that he had nothing else to do and offering his help to her, he had managed to find the location of the thief through capturing some thugs that he ran into,

It was also during this time that both of them talked a lot and got to know each other better, apparently, Emilia was hated for being a half-elf with silver hair, it seems that there was someone in history known as Satella who had destroyed half of the world and she had silver hair and was a half-elf, however, Subaru knew better than to judge a book by its cover, hence he gave no thought about her features,

Her personality was that of a kind girl that would help anyone that was in pain, and that was enough for him to befriend her, not to mention that she was very beautiful,

"Ne Subaru, why are you wearing those strange clothes?" Emilia asked to which he replied,

"These are my casual clothes and these clothes are very common in the place I am from, besides, they serve well because they cause no hindrance for me when I have to fight"

"Subaru, are you a Knight?" Puck asked to which Subaru had a thoughtful expression and then said,

"You could say so, yes, but I don't serve anyone, my only goal is to hunt down creatures that would cause harm to normal people," he said, he had originally wanted to say humanity but that would sound racist to both the girl and the spirit and he definitely did not want to cause any bad impressions on the girl who might be his first friend in this world and possibly, his employer if things went well,

Oh, he did know that she was someone from a high status, her noble clothing along with her appearance compared to the ordinary people of the city informed him that much at least,

As the two got near the place that was supposed to be the place where the thief should be selling her goods, Subaru immediately picked up a sudden rise in magical energy in the vicinity, he immediately dashed towards the house and broke down the door,

"eh? Subaru???" Emilia screamed in shock at his sudden disappearance but then followed him as Puck came out from his rest,

Inside the house, a beautiful woman with black hair and scantily dressed could be seen attacking an Old man that was at least 7 feet tall and was very wide, just as her blade was about to slash open his gut, it was struck away by a long sword,

"Ara, who are you?" she asked as Subaru got into a fighting stance and remained silent, he then spotted a blond-haired girl that looked to be two or three years younger than him crying and trying to take away the old man,

"You girl, leave the man here, nothing will happen to him, go and call for help" he shouted to her, at first, she was reluctant, but then realized that it was the only way to save the man, thus, she ran out of the house to search for help,

As soon as she ran out, Subaru rose his shield solely on instinct as a blade stuck his shield,

"Don't ignore me" the woman giggled but he still remained silent,

"Not much of a talker huh? very well" she said and literally became a blur as she attacked him from all sides, but Subaru was not a Makai Knight for nothing, he kept up with her speed with ease as each time their swords clashed, he would leave a mark on her body deep enough to draw a lot of blood, suddenly, a pillar of ice hit the place where the woman was standing previously,

"That's enough, you are surrounded, please give up," Emilia said, Subaru clicked his tongue and mumbled,

"That idiot, she is going to get herself killed!!" he knew that the woman was much closer to Emilia than him and he would be unable to stop her from killing Emilia, thus he decided to go all out,

He drew a circle in the air in front of him with his sword


Emilia did not know what was going on,

One moment, she was asking the woman to surrender, but in the next moment, the woman was already near her, about to slice her open, but then, a sudden bright light came from Subaru's location that distracted the woman,

and then he came,

She knew it was Subaru, she did not know how, but she knew, that it was him under that demonic-looking armor,

The armor had a Wolf motif and was deep black in color, it had a dark purple cape and deep purple eyes that looked alive, he had a tower shield in his left hand while there was an ornate long sword in his right hand, all in all, he looked very menacing and evil,

"Ho? what is this?" the woman said, but before she could say anything more, she was already stuck in the stomach by a very strong blow from Subaru, this sent the woman flying,

As soon as she was blown out of the house she was hit in the back by the shield before she could realize what was happening, she was once again sent flying to the front, once again, a gist buried itself into her stomach which made her fly in the opposite direction,

Subaru kept hitting the woman like a ping pong ball all over the place, normally, he could have already ended her in multiple ways but even after all these years he had spent as a Dark Knight, he was still reluctant to and a life, that is why he had decided to beat this woman into submission and then hand her over to the local authorities,

But suddenly, he saw her smirking, this gave a very bad feeling to him, but before he could react, she threw a blade directly towards Emilia, this threw him into a panic, fortunately, a man with red hair and blue eyes suddenly appeared in front of her and deflected the blade,

Now, Subaru was Enraged, he did not know why he was so angry that she had tried to attack Emilia, but he did not care,

Even in his old world, there existed an unspoken rule that one should not provoke a Dark Knight no matter who they were, and this woman was about to find out why,


Emilia was right now in a lot of panic,

she was just able to escape death thanks to the sudden appearance of the Sword Saint Reinhard, but her worry was not over,

She watched as her friend Subaru stood on the ground motionlessly, for a moment, she thought that he was injured until she heard Puck literally scream,


she did not hesitate to run out of the house while Reinhart also followed her out while carrying the old man on his shoulder, he too had sensed that something was wrong and all of his divine blessings were screaming at him to get out of that place, and the reason became apparent a few moments later,

A gigantic torrent of green flames erupted from the house, burning it to nothing, and at the center of those flames was none other than Subaru himself,

He slowly rose his sword into the air, immediately, all the flames flew into his sword as if it were iron attracted by magnets, the moment all of the flames entered the sword, the midnight black sword shone with a green light so bright, that it would make anyone who looked at it directly blind,

he then pointed the sword at Elsa who for the first time, showed a frightened expression,

"Blazing Armament" she heard Subaru mutter under his breath, she was only able to hear such a small sound because of her elf heritage,

The moment he uttered those words, a pillar of fire erupted from his sword that traveled at unbelievable speeds towards the woman,

Elsa had barely managed to avoid being burnt to the nothingness from those flames, but even then, she had lost her left arm along with the left side of her face, worse still, she could sense the lingering mana from the flames forcefully canceling her regeneration powers, meaning, she would never be able to regenerate her left hand and her left side of the face, she grit her teeth in rage and shouted,

"Just who the hell are you??!!" to her question, the armored knight only looked towards her and said,

"Makai Knight Zex"

"Zex? I will remember that name and I promise you, I repay you for this injury by a hundredfold!!" she said in rage, just as she was about to escape she was then stopped by Reinhart,

"You are not getting away Bowel Hunter Elsa Granhiert!!" he shouted as he drew a sword from his waist, Elsa then smiled and said,

"Ara? I would have loved to spar with you but as you can see, I am in no shape to fight, so I will see you later" she smirked which immediately sent warning bells for Subaru, but before he could do anything, the woman called Elsa took out a small bead-like thing and smashed it into the ground,

Immediately smoke enveloped the room distracting everyone, Reinhart used his sword to clear the smoke, but by the time it cleared, the woman was already gone,


Reinhart sighed and looked around the area, he had once again lost the chance to take care of that criminal, honestly, ever since he came to this place, he had been pushed into the sidelines, unable to do anything but watch as the Knight in black armor fought the Bowel Hunter, and this frustrated him,

He looked around to see the girl who had asked him for help, sitting near the unconscious old man that seemed to be a Giant, he was being healed by Emilia-sama who was a candidate for the throne,

He then looked back to the knight who dismissed his armor which surprisingly disappeared into a white portal, this was very intriguing for him, thanks to his Divine blessing, he could tell that the armor was stored into a pocket dimension of sorts, but what actually surprised him was the overwhelming divine aura coming from the portal, as if there was some kind of a deity living in that dimension,

Whoever this man was, It was guaranteed that with his presence, there would be a lot of interesting events happening in the Capital,