
Re:Zero, Power Driven Madness (Finished)

A guy dies and is reincarnated into re zero. Simple enough right? But what if he wasn’t crazy and instead was a normal human being who wanted to avoid dying? What if he wanted at least some form of power to avoid being chained by a certain crazy witch and her army of obsessed simps!!! ——————- I do not own Re:Zero, all works and achievements go towards Tappei Nagatsuki

Haven_of_books · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Reflection on past, present, and future


Pulling all of my unseen hands back into my body. I had a good attitude as I made my way outside.

And as I walked through the forest, I brought my hand up to the necklace that holds the Yin spirit. I then used mana drain to refill my mana up quickly in case I had to deal with Garfiel or any other variables.

Pulling my hand down from the necklace once my mana was filled back up. I 'felt' the spirit express extreme displeasure at my actions.

If I had to describe the feeling, it felt like a child pouting over a lost toy. So in response I sent the spirit an expression of 'I'll make it up to you later'.

And as if a child had been promised the world, it sent me 'feelings' of extreme excitement before going silent. Now done with the spirit, my mind began to wonder towards what I want to do now.

As of now, I feel a new connection that wasn't there before. So I assume Emilia passed the trials and Roswaal is now my 'friend'. And I can only hope that Garfiel went through the trial and came to a decision of his own.

But then again, I can always get Roswaal to take 'temporary' control of the now freed villagers. And by 'control', I mean giving them a place to live.

This option should give Garfiel plenty to time to consider my offer of seeing his mother. Since Garfiel would for once finally get the chance to fulfill his duty of protector instead of jailor.

Another thing is somehow getting Anastasia to invite 'Emilia's' company to Priestella. But I'll be sure to make that happen when I start building up business and cultivate some connections.

And if I'm successful, I won't even need Anastasia's invite. I would be able to go there myself using my influence.

And I have plenty of time to prepare some countermeasures against the chaos that will ensue.

Seeing the cabin in front of me, I let out a smile at the chance of finally being able to have time to grow. Ever since I came to this world, I've been under constant pressure and paranoia.

But I only had a limited amount to time for everything so I had to lose some sleep to catch up in some areas. Thankfully, I managed to somehow make it this far.

I've had to kill monsters and even people that I had only read about in the past. I've seen people I look up to in the flesh and have even talked to them.

I killed Betelgeuse and the White Whale with my bare hands. I even had the ability to kill Omega..... well.... a 'weakened' Omega.

The White Rabbit was also killed also and I have solved the issue of the Sanctuary using my knowledge. And I've went through pain no one else could ever experience in the old world.

I did after all have to experience my head being crushed by a witch which hates me. And speaking of Satella, I'm still wondering when she's going to appear.

With her power and multiple cases of appearing in the novel. She's bound to send her soul to try and kill me at one point.

And the reason why I assume it to be her soul is because she is still sealed. But I assume that the seal weakened at one point allowing for her to send some magic and her soul through a small gap found in it's seal.

Then I just recently had to go through the process of my soul being turned into play dough. And then have to feel the Authority's attach themselves to my soul before being blended into one singular entity.

The experiences I have faced up till now have changed me. Whether it be for the better or the worse, I don't care. All I really care about is having the ability to survive and protect those I grow to care about.

If I have to pay a part of my humanity for it.... so be it....

I also already decided that I won't interfere with the issues of someone unknown to me. They can deal with it on their own unless they have some sort of benefit for me.

A benefit for example is the prestige and honor I can get from killing Betelgeuse, The White Whale, and the Great Rabbit. But I mean, I would only do something like that if I was completely confident in my abilities.

And my confidence stemmed from my knowledge of the characters and the descriptions of my enemies. So all I can really do is abuse this information up a point to where it is no longer useful.

Then I should start reinforcing the power and influence I should have set up using said information.

And while I stood still in my thoughts, I heard the door of the cabin open and reveal a melancholic Garfiel. He had a flat expression and had a clear yet complicated look in his eyes.

"Something interesting happen?" I said with a smirk causing him to look up at me in surprise.

But the surprise then mellowed out and looked down before showing a small smile. "Yeah, I guess y'could say something happened." He then continued to look down in thought.

"Well then tell me about it." I said as I slapped him on the back making him straighten up. "Showing such different expressions as compared to she we last talked makes me you you're a clone."

Running his back in pain, he looked towards me with an annoyed expression causing me to smirk.

"There we go, all normal now."

"T'hell does that mean!" He yelled out before suddenly freezing up. And as if realizing what he was doing, he closed his eyes and calmed himself.

"Now you can control yourself? Now you HAVE to tell me everything."

"Like I need to y'bastard." He muttered before pointing towards the cabin with a slight frown. "The half-...." he then stopped. "Emilia wants to see you."

"Alright, but we are talking later right?"

"Sure why not." He said with a sigh before sending glare at me. "I got 'something' to ask you about Anyways."

"Alright." I said with a smile before entering the cabin. "An answer should be traded for another answer anyway."

And as I said these words, I felt the necklace on my chest vibrate as if the spirit inside of it was laughing at a funny joke.

'An answer for a lie more like' Is probably what the little twerp would say. Sending my displeasure towards it, It went silent before I stepped inside and closed the door.

Turning around from the now closed door, I saw Emilia, Rem, Ram, and Otto all sitting at the table calmly.

"Hey Suburu." Otto said calmly as he thumped his fingers against the table. "Is everything done here? I came back after escorting the villages and heard that the barrier is down. Is this true?"

"Yes Otto." I said cheerfully.

"Yes it is....."
