
Re: Zero His Wives From Another World!

What 'If' Subaru's wife and child meets his parents? (Different stories for each wife) Inspired by Re: Homecoming and Stars That Form The Future. 1st Emilia 2nd Crusch 3rd Priscilla 4th Ana 5th Vote and more

Charlottes · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Crusch 4

Aoi was able to hide her porn doujinshi because, the Karsten family is polite and respected privacy, and they also doesn't know what porn is for the first time, she was glad that her cousin that she haven't met ever since she was born didn't try to teach them what is porn, she was able to keep her sanity if they knew what it was she wouldn't be able to face them for a day or so.

Her kinks must be kept a secret! And it's official!

So now that she has kept her sanity in check, it was finally time for her to ask about magic! What she just is magic! There wasn't any other explanation of how Leo did it. According to physics, it's impossible!

Physics must be Leo's bitch! No other explanation!

Now that she has seen the 'proof' first hand, there was no reason for her to not believe that her cousin was apparently in another world, which makes sense because all of those years of searching they haven't found a single clue about him.

Now that she has this information about where Subaru is, she can't wait to tell her auntie about it! However, aside from that, she had to ask this very important question! This may be her only chance after all!

"Hey Leo, can I ask you a question?" Aoi tried to hide her excitement and a bit of anxiety, but her face showed it all, but because Leo was sensible enough to not mention it.

"Go on, I'll answer your question to the best of my ability."

Aoi didn't mind his polite words, as she knows that he wasn't from this world so she thought it's rude to judge someone who isn't familiar with their culture.

While she isn't wrong, at the same time she is, Leo is aware of the Japanese culture, after all his father was a Japanese himself, it's just that he was used to speaking politely to anyone because as a noble, he wanted to set a good example to every noble, that they should act respectfully to anyone and not some prick.

By the way, he learned his mannerism from Reinhard van Astrea the Sword Saint himself. If his father was the best man he had ever known, Reinhard is the second-best man he knew of; he idolized him and strived to become like him as he did with his father.

If one thing that he knew from Reinhard, it was he was humble even though he's strong enough to beat an entire army himself. He wasn't cocky or arrogant and that's why he respected the Sword Saint.

"W-well, you know i-is it possible for me to learn magic?!" Aoi leaned closer toward Leo, it was so close that if one of them moved even the slightest millimeter they might end up kissing each other.

Leo was stunned for a moment before he coughed. "Too close…"

"Ah! Sorry! It's a bad habit of mine! I didn't mean to be that close, sorry again." Aoi was embarrassed, she did that to a person that she only met today! A stranger! She thought, 'I hope he doesn't think badly of me!'

And its effect on Leo was the opposite, not only did she make an impression on him, but she also gained his interest in the opposite sex.

Until now, he wasn't much interested in romance as he had better things to do than pointlessly searching for something unclear, and today a woman named Aoi made him blush!

For the first time, a girl made him feel giddy inside, it wasn't a bad feeling if he were, to be honest, but he didn't know what this feeling is, he was still new to this.

Little did he know that his mother saw his reaction, she had a knowing look on her face as she experienced it herself, she thought to herself that her son would eventually fall for Aoi because that's how she fell for Subaru.

Unlike any mother, she didn't want to interfere with her son's love life, as she wanted him to discover it himself, and after he did she would do the best of her ability to help her son to win the maiden's heart when that time comes.

For now, she would only watch and think of a way to get them back home, because her kingdom needed her, she still have many things to do to make Lugnica better, she wasn't someone who neglects her job, besides she still have her husband in her world, she won't think of leaving him alone.

However, if it ever reached the point that there is no way to go back, she had no choice but to live here for the rest of her life, whether she likes it or not, before she was an idealistic person but that changed after she was crowned as the queen of Lugnica, she became a realist because she realized being an idealist was being immature, there are too many flaws to be one, unrealistic expectations and all.

You are playing with fire if you were an idealist, so that's why she changed her views and stopped being one.

Being a queen isn't just being the highest ranking in a hierarchy, a queen shoulders her kingdom problem, so that's why she has to change her views, back then when she was a candidate everything seems simple after she was crowned she realized how naive her ideals was, so that's why she forced to change her views of things.

"W-well, if you open your gate then you can use magic."

Aoi's eyes brightened and exclaimed. "Then if I open this gate then I can use magic?!"


"Then open it for me!"

"I-i'm not so sure about that, I'm no expert in magic I might accidentally mess up, and that's the risk I can't take." Leo wasn't confident of opening someone's gate. This was the first time someone asked him to open a gate.

If he were to mess up, the worst thing that could happen is death rather than a broken gate.

Aoi was a bit disappointed, no she was extremely disappointed, she wanted to use magic! She really does! But aside from that, it is better to be safe than sorry, and when hope was all gone, suddenly Crusch spoke.

"I can open your gate."

Hearing that Aoi's excitement was over the roof!

"Truly?! Please!"

Crusch did a 'come here' action, and Aoi moved toward Crusch and touched her hand, then Crusch let her mana flow at Aoi's gate and slowly opened it, a moment later Aoi's gate was fully opened.

Crusch wipes the sweat on her forehead. It took her more mana to open her gate than she originally expected, then she said. "Now your gate is now open, by the way, you have an affinity with fire."

"Fire?! Cool! How do I use it?!" Aoi said excitedly.

"Just say Goa and the mana would naturally flow into your palm and if you can please don't try it here it might burn your house," Crusch stated.

"O-oh yeah, you got a point." Aoi embarrassedly scratched her head, if Crusch didn't tell her about it, she might have tried using Goa right here and now.

As excited as she is, she didn't want her apartment to burn after all.


After that, she called Naoko saying that she had information about Subaru. At first, Naoko thought that she was joking to make her feel better, but after the second time said that she wasn't joking she was serious, finally Naoko took her call seriously.

Aoi told Naoko to come to her apartment so that they could discuss what she learned, however, she hid the fact that Subaru had a family, she only said someone knows about her son in her apartment.

Without a second thought, Naoko immediately went toward Aoi's apartment a half-hour later, she arrived while breathing heavily.

As soon as the Karsten family saw her, they immediately recognized her mainly because of how similar her eyes were to Subaru. Naoko was already old as she's already in her fifties, most of her hair is now gray, but her expression was filled with expectations and hope.

Naoko's attention was solely focused on Aoi, and she moved toward and grip both of Aoi's shoulders and said. "M-my son…i-is fine right? D-do you know where he is right now?"

"Auntie Naoko, before that I'd like you to meet them." She shifted her gaze toward the Karsten family, and so Naoko looked at them with a questioning gaze.

Crusch cleared her throat and said. "Mother-in-law it's nice to meet you, my name is Crusch Karsten Natsuki, I'm the wife of your son."

Next was Leo, he politely spoke. "It's nice to meet you grandmother Naoko, my name is Leo Karsten Natsuki, I'm the son of your son."

And the last to introduce was Andromeda, she was slightly nervous about introducing herself to her grandmother. "I-i'm Andromeda Karsten Natsuki, nice to meet you, grandmother…."

Hearing their introduction, Naoko couldn't believe what she just heard, she looked at them in disbelief.



Now that this is already 15k words, i'd really like you to review and vote if you like the story I mean come on, it's just simple to tap the vote bottom and review :P Anyway peace.