

A man dies of old age. Living his best life and leaving a small legacy. But for him, a new adventure is starting... WARNING: This story will NOT be for the faint of heart, mc will go through countless struggles through his journey that will change him for better or for worse. COPY-RIGHT: ALL RESPECTIVE ORIGINAL MATERIAL AND IDEAS GO TO THIER RESPECTIVE OWNER/S. MY TAKE ON THE CHARACTERS, AND ANY OC'S WILL BE ORIGINAL! ALL IMAGES USED BY ME BELONG TO THIER RESPECTIVE OWNERS UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE!

Aaron_Chong_6689 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

What are you?...

~ Akira's Pov ~

"C'mon, speak. I know you've been following me for the last 20 minutes..." I said. Sharpening my gaze...

"...Interesting, even though you are a half-blood, you are quite sharp..." the mysterious person said...

'I was right, it was a female...' I thought. She was also right about me being a half-blood too...

"So you know what I am? Even so, what do you want from me?" I asked.

"For a child, your tone is quite arrogant... especially for a half-blood..." She responded.

'Half-blood... she really is another wolf...' I thought... I responded snarkily...

"Really? Miss, you are following a child in a dark ally way, dressed in all black, and don't forget that, you've been following said child for 20 minutes straight. A little arrogance is to be expected..." I said.

I could feel her patience waning from where I stood... She must be getting angry at the clever comebacks...

"You have a point. I won't deny that... However, I'm done with the small talk. Come with me." She asked suddenly...

"Why should I go with some random stranger? For all I know, you could be a child molester. Are you a child molester?" I asked, edging her on.

"You little... I won't be asking twice. Come with me, or 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦." She demanded, her voice containing a little venom...

"...Or 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵?" I said.

She clearly didn't like my answer too much...


~ Omni Pov ~

The mysterious woman quickly dashed towards Akira. Moving at speeds, no ordinary child werewolf should be able to react to...

However, when she was about to chop the back of his neck. Akira turned his head at surprising speeds. Quickly catching her hand smoothly within his palm...

She widened her eyes at the prospect...

'He reacted, and caught my arm with no issue... is he really a child, or a demon disguised in a child's body?' She thought.

She increased her strength to that of an adult werewolf, but realized that Akira's hand didn't budge a bit...

'How strong is he!?' She thought, getting a bit surprised...

She then quickly kicked akira, but he quickly blocked the strike, flying backwards into the nearby forestry at speeds the human eye could never hope to track... seemingly a tactic as to not get seen by the surrounding humans...

She instantly followed right after. Catching up rather quickly.

She now knew that she wasn't dealing with the ordinary 'low-born' werewolf...

She pondered to herself about this one...

'Not even purebreds are this powerful when young... Something 𝘩𝘢𝘴 to be amiss...' She thought...

Unexpectedly Akira responded, brushing off his cloths...

"...Is this really all you can do? If so, you're disappointing." Akira said, clearly taunting her. Still genuinely disappointed though...

'Still that cocky, huh?' She thought...

Clenching her first tightly... then she suddenly moved at speeds that even peak adult-werewolves couldn't handle, just to see how far she could push this child...

Her figure disappeared quickly, however. Akira followed along well, however. It wasn't nearly as easy to dodge her strikes as it was before...

She now started using multiple low-high kicks and strikes, but nothing would pass the child's defence, however she began to realize that he was starting to have trouble keeping up with her...

'...He's this strong..? If He's this strong now, he could even potentially destroy the hierarchy in our society... his existence might be too dangerous if left unchecked... but if I capture him, he could be a prodigy among prodigies...' She thought, now ready to go all out...

She now knew what she had to do...





Mandatory Quest: Defeat or survive for 3 minutes against ??? clansmen

Rewards: Instant level-up for Werewolf evolution

Penalty: your capture...





Akira didn't have time to look at the message that popped up. He needed to focus at the moment...

She was relentless with her strikes. Constantly keeping Akira under heavy pressure... However, she didn't know that she was only making him stronger...

[...+7 STR, AGIL, VIT and END...]

[...+8 STR, AGIL, VIT and END...]

[...+5 STR, AGIL, VIT and END...]

[...+7 STR, AGIL, VIT and END...]




For the next minute of relentless attacks, Akira played the defensive and weak, slowly collecting points from his body, getting beaten and healing over and over again every 3 seconds or so...

'How can a half-breed last this long!? He should be at his limit, yet it's like he's an iron wall?' She thought.

She tried her best at knocking him out, but that was proving to be more difficult than she thought... No matter how hard she hit him, he would regenerate at impressive speeds, and then keep defending...

A part of her hated that he wouldn't fall, but another part of her respected his tenacity and sheer drive to not lose...

'Stupid boy...'


[...Quest complete.... Rewards being distributed now...]

Akira blocked another strike from the woman and then quickly backing away from her. He could tell that she didn't want to kill him... However, since he didn't check what the reward was, he didn't know what to expect...

"I won't lie... you have potential beyond anything I've seen... however I've seen through your charade... I can't believe I allowed you to use my like that for so long. But it ends. 𝘕𝘖𝘞...

"I've been had... but I won't just let you beat me, miss. I still have tricks up my sleeves." Akira said.

The lady watched on with curiosity... Wondering what the boy was talking about...

However, just as Akira was about to transform. He heard the system speak...

[...Since enough EXP has been gained... were-form evolutions are now 100% complete...]

When Akira transformed into his partial state.

There were more changes to his appearance...

His hair had gotten a little longer, rising to up a little more as well as lengthening towards his middle sections of his back. His side-bangs were now reaching the bottom of his chest, as well as his front-bang now longer...

His fingernails got a little longer, as well as his canines slightly protruding from his lips... The only thing that remained the same was the fur on his body as his evolution was complete...

A rush of power filled Akira's body unlike never before...

The mysterious lady could only look on with amazement, confusion and horror...

'H-he... can transform into the main-branches form!?...' She thought, utterly shocked... such a thing is impossible...

"What... are you...?" she asked...

Akira chuckled darkly at the woman's question...

"Well, miss... why don't you come find out?" He responded...







