

A man dies of old age. Living his best life and leaving a small legacy. But for him, a new adventure is starting... WARNING: This story will NOT be for the faint of heart, mc will go through countless struggles through his journey that will change him for better or for worse. COPY-RIGHT: ALL RESPECTIVE ORIGINAL MATERIAL AND IDEAS GO TO THIER RESPECTIVE OWNER/S. MY TAKE ON THE CHARACTERS, AND ANY OC'S WILL BE ORIGINAL! ALL IMAGES USED BY ME BELONG TO THIER RESPECTIVE OWNERS UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE!

Aaron_Chong_6689 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

5 years later... P.1

~ Omni Pov ~

(AUTHOR WARNING: The story will become far, far darker than what has been shown prior, and will mind fuck you in more ways than one... I have warned you...)

A young man could be seen walking confidently... He was casually exuding a 'noble' aura, yet a primal one as well...

Given his posture, one would confuse him to be some sort of rebel noble...

The young man had light-brown, sun kissed eyes, and silky smooth raven hair. It was long, reaching to his shoulders...

He stood approximately 1.82 meters tall, and broad shouldered. One didn't need to look hard to tell how extremely well built his physique was.

Currently,he was walking and minding his own business. However, everyone seemed to look towards him, as if their attention was gravitating towards his very being...

"Check him out... He's so~ handsome!" A girl whispered..

"I know! He just leaks, sexy~" another girl whispered in response...

"There's just something about him..." another girl commented...

The young man was wearing a mask, but for whatever reason, they didn't even question it...

Those in the classroom looked out the window saw him alerting their friends of his presence, not fully aware of why they did so, both male and female alike...

As he made his way towards his classroom, it was the same. Constant whispers around him...

The boy said nothing and only focused on getting into class...


"It seems we have a new student... quite an interesting one, too. His records seem off. He apparently went to school when he was 5 and left when he was 8 for reasons unknown... The only thing we have for this kid is his academic record being flawless..." The principal of the school stated...

'Another one of those kids who'll probably end up being a problem... they always were when they were this shrouded in mysterious... I'll just put him in miss Aoshika's class for now...' The principal thought...


Miss Aoshika walked in the classroom, hoping and praying that 'Haguro' wouldn't be there...

Walking inside, she saw the classroom of her students all talking about one thing... all of them too...

'...What could be a commotion so early in the morning? OH... NO! Is it Haguro!?' She thought, hoping it wasn't him...

"That guy's definitely new. There is no way I wouldn't notice him." Said a student.

Hearing this, Aoshika remembered that she would be having a new transfer student today...

'Is my new student a celebrity or some delinquent? Why does it always have to be me...' She said, crying in her mind.

"Class! Please settle down. Remember that this is a school." She said.

The lass following right after...

"Sorry... You must be my teacher... this is class 1-A, correct?" A voice said high above her... It was deep, yet gentle...

Quickly turning around spooked, she saw a young man roughly taller than 1.8 meters, speaking to her. She couldn't see his face, since he wore a mask...

She blushed instantly... It was if her instincts were telling her that the boy was ridiculously, no. Unrealistically attractive...

She looked up a little, her eyes met his... 'His eyes are so beautiful... and his eye-lashes are so long...' She thought, somewhat mesmerized...

However, she quickly shook herself from her thoughts...

'Why am I thinking like that? Especially about a student, too!' She thought, blushing madly, and screaming in her mind...

"A-A-Ah, sorry. Yes! this is class 1-A, you must be Akira Inugami." She said, embarrassed...

Akira chuckled lightly...

'So, this is miss Aoshika... She was beautiful, borderline rivaling my mother too... but there was definitely something else...' Akira thought...

He used his insight ability...

'As I thought... she has an effect/passive that makes men fall in love with her or better yet charm them twice as easily...' Akira confirmed...

Akira nodded...

Aoshika quickly turned to walk into the classroom... however, since she was shy in Akira's presence, she slipped on her own heels...

Since the inevitable was going to happen, she braced herself and closed her eyes...

However, right before she was about to fall. Something, rather... someone, had caught her...

Now the students could make out an arm holding their teacher...

"You ok, teach?" Akira asked...

Aoshika started feeling Akira's arms around her stomach, going up to her breasts. She could feel his arms...

When he picked her up, he picked up a smell of iron... when he looked carefully, Aoshika had a nosebleed...

"Ahh... teach? Your nose... it's bleeding." Akira stated.

Aoshika looked towards his eyes once more... as if fighting her instincts to jump him...

She quickly stopped her train of wild thoughts, running away to the nursery...

Akira looked a little deadpanned...

He waited outside of the classroom for her...

The students haven't noticed who the person was, so they didn't care much...

A little while later, Aoshika returned...

She said nothing and walked right past Akira to start and welcome the class to the new 'student'...

"Everyone, we have a new transfer student today... Please come in..." she said, not looking towards him...

Akira walked in, and the class stared on...

The young man in front of them was different... they could all feel it, as if their inner human was telling them that the being ahead of them wasn't 'just human'... He possessed a rather built physique, and an uncouth vitality... a bestial vitality...

"Please, introduce yourself..." Aoshika stated...

Akira simply walked over and wrote his name on the board, and while he was writing...

Suddenly a knife flew by him, hitting the chalkboard dead-on, only being a couple of inches from his face... however, he didn't even bat an eye to it, and continued on...

Miss Aoshika, just registering what happened, said nothing and looked on with shock...

"... I'm Akira Inugami, hey." Akira stated...

Akira then picked the knife out of the board, handing to her unfazed...

"W-wait! Who threw a thing like this!?" Aoshika asked. She had a feeling which group did it, but she was too scared to call them out...

Akira, not really caring in the least, simply started walking towards an empty seat...

"Wait! We can't just start class now!" She stated.

Akira continued...

"Why not? It's an ordinary school welcome, elementary kids threw erasers and pencils. This is just a small level-up." Akira's deep voice resounded with confidence...

He dropped his bag onto the only seat available, then sitting in it...

'THAT SEAT!!!' the classroom thought...

"A-Akira, that seat-" Aoshika said, but was interrupted by her student...

"et it be, miss Aoshika. I'll speak for mr. Haguro..." said a youth, his knuckles calloused, seemingly caused by years of martial arts...

After saying this, he stared at Inugami...

Akira did nothing in response and pondered to himself...

'...What a welcome, just like the original too... but the nosebleed was new...' Akira thought.

Beside Akira, a young girl was eyeing him the moment he came to him, like prey...

She was ogling at him, especially his seen features and his physique...

"Are ya' done starin'?" Akira said...

She widened her eyes at the declaration, blushing...

Akira turned towards her, staring into her eyes...

Interestingly, the girl blushed a little more, then quickly retaining her cool demeanor...

But in her mind, she was losing it...

'Fuck? Why the hell am I blushin' and why is my heart racing from him just lookin' at me? Pucker up Ryuuko...' Ryuuko thought. She hadn't blushed at a guy she genuinely found attractive since ever... So this was new...

"Yeah, I am... what about it?" Akira stated, cooly.

"Nothin', it's just kind of cute that you came to sit right next to little ole' me... though, what's with the mask?" She asked, genuinely curious...

"...I have a genetic issue... Let's leave it at that..." Akira said, looking towards the outside...

"Hmm... I have a feeling that you're lyin'... but, I'll let it go for now..." she said, hopping onto his desk...

Akira studied her a little. 'She's actually really pretty... If I was a young champ, I would probably have a little crush on her, but she's a bit too... flamboyant for my tastes, and definitely too young...' Akira thought...








