

The train cars clacked and rumbled as they rode along the tracks. Erin munched on a Chezzy Wezzy, bored.

After the fight, her parents sent in an application for Belbann Academy.

Belbann Academy is a top-notch hero school where almost no one gets in. Erin was on a train to take the entrance exam.

"Last stop, Wenton City," the speakers blared.

Erin bunched up the wrapper and threw it into a trash can nearby. Then she got up and walked out of the train and into Wenton City.

The city was full of people walking about. Erin lived in the suburbs back in Pennionville. She wasn't used to this many people.

Tall buildings towered around her and Erin sucked in a breath.

This was the real deal.

Erin called up a cab and got in ten minutes later.

"Where to?" the driver asked.

"Belbann Academy," Erin replied.

The driver began to drive. "Belbann, huh? That's that top notch hero school, right? That's impressive, kid."

Erin nodded and stared out the window, lost in thought while the driver blabbered on.

She had been exiled from home like in all the books and movies she had seen over the years. Now she was living it.

The driver stopped a while later and Erin got out of the car.

The academy stretched out before her, a giant steel building with a flag out front.

Erin took a deep breath, and let it out. If she didn't ace the exam, she'd have nowhere else to go. She had to do this.

She had to.

So with all her courage, she began walking toward the gate.

I'm not good at describing buildings, as you can see. ?

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