
Prequel :The storm of time

2018/8/20 11.59 pm

It was a stormy day with the lightning streaking across the skies when I woke to the sound of thunder striking. My back soaked with sweat.

I don't understand why I was dreaming about that day again. The day where I was trapped in the space with the rest of the school to play a special game. A game where death is the penalty. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower .

After I came out with a towel drying my hair, I heard the shower door creak open. I turned around and saw a person that couldn't be more familiar to me. I ran downstairs in fear while thinking

"that's not possible, the game is over already, I escaped after what they all sacrificed for me"

"God or even the devil hear me! if only I could go back in time I would change the future I am in now. I will save the lives of those who sacrificed theirs for me to escape"

Thunder and lightning intertwined and struck down devastating and that was when I heard a light voice in my head that said

"Oh if it isn't the player that escaped the grasp of the system,how odd. I been fighting him for eras and yet you are the first I seen beat him at his own game.

Very well, I will grant your wish and give you a chance. get ready to depart."

And at that moment I heard a knock on my front door and went to open it. I peered outside and saw that there was no one there. When I looked closely I saw that there was a box outside in the rain but despite the pouring rain outside, the box was unexpectedly not wet. I ran outside and retrieved the box.

After going back inside I opened the box. The box contained a ring, and a note. Right after I read the note, I felt my vision blur and my conscious leaving me .

I felt weightless as a vortex appeared below me, my body slowly sinking into its murky depths.

And among the storm that rages on, a voice in my head repeated what I have saw on the note

"This is your last chance, take this ring as a bonus and be sure to make things more interesting this time unlike last time where you watch your beloved die in front of you for you to escape. And so Let the game began.....again"