
Chapter 3-911? we got a mental patient here

Cath.. Steph D-Didn't your time run out...? No... it can't be... M-my eyes... I shouldn't be this blind even though I have glasses…." My facial expression at that time was priceless, similar to that of someone who received a gift he was never expecting.

A myriad of expressions flashed across my face and with a "Bang" I shot up from my seat and once again began to scan the room. Staring at Cath and steph, the familiar faces of his classmates, the broken chairs and old fashioned chalkboard, faded memories began to resurface one after the other in an instant causing a piercing pain to travel through my brain.

Remember the future....Remember what you are here for... eheh entertain me

A familiar voice rang in my head

System... SYSTEM Fu*K ow ugh

My consciousnesses began to fade as the pain intensified and I began to collapsed to the floor.

"Aish!!!... Steph is he going crazy because u hit his eye????"

Cath said with worry visable

"Anqi, this April fool trick is old... I won't buy it...."

Steph said as she supported me

"Ah! Maybe, he is being possessed because you damaged his brain...."

Cath said

"Idiot! it didnt even hit him that hard?!"

Cath and Steph began to bicker and with the voices and tempers rising, steph lost her hold on me and dropped me on the ground.

The pain of my head impacting the wooden ground woke me up and I leapt up

I gave Steph the death stare after overhearing what happened but as I looked on their now worried expression, I couldnt help but soften my expression.

But then the bell ring and memories began to flow back, what time was it, what was i doing here. why cant I remember.

I held my head and tried to remember but the memories came in bits and pieces.

Qiu are you ok Steph didnt mean it... Cath said

Yea Qiu I didnt pft.. hahaha sorry

Before completing her sentence Steph began to crack up, Your face..... she said while pointing at my face

I grabbed my phone and using the reflection I looked at my face.

My lips quivered, I wanted to cuss but was at a loss for words. Steph? is today april fools.

I remember... I remember.. its in a week. Its coming. He is coming.

What? people started to look in my direction after hearing my weird comment and they attempted to listen in on the conversation to get a grasp of the situation but not a single word could they make sense of

In fact, it felt as if the words that came out of my mouth was placed in a blender, causing it to be in utter chaos.

Observing the other students gaze on me I gathered my thoughts and dragged Steph and cath out of the room with both hands and into the hall way.

Let go the bell is going to ring soon. They said as they struggled.

No.. important must talk. I stuttered trying to piece together words.

People is going to die. Limited time . we all have limited time.

It was not entirely my fault that i lost composure now and then. In the future where I was from we all have a limited amount of time and that brought another new meaning to Time is precious

Someone help call 911 we call a mental patient here He said people is going to die. One of the other student said as they listened in to what I said while dragging the two out of the room