

A guy that has been reborn as a legend within the dragon ball universe... With a system of course :). Update schedule: This series is for fun, so when I get time. Depending on how well it does.

Aaron_Chong_6689 · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

Quite The Night...

~Omni Pov~




"Wow, you made this way easier than I thought... At least way better than my college professor." Felecia spoke a little surprised.

"Not really. You genuinely listened to what I was saying. You have the potential to be something great." The young explained.

'I wasn't just saying that for no reason, she isn't dumb at all, rather she's a pretty quick learner too. She just needed the right explanations.' He thought. Now looking at the time. He shrugged.

"It's time. It's around 11 p.m., and you most likely have class tomorrow. Let's call it a night." He said.

Felecia felt somewhat disappointed.

'Even if it is the first time meeting, he's a pretty good guy, and the nights young too... Fuck it, if I came and did all this here, it won't be worse if I continue, right?' She thought to herself.

"Thanks for the help... I appreciate it, especially with that question earlier." She said, packing her things.

"I'll be going now. See ya!" She said, holding the door.

"Yeah, later..." He curtly said, sitting and thinking.



"I said, see ya!..." She said once more.

"Yeah... And I said, later." Daiko repeated once again.



'Is he really going to make me spell it out for him?' She thought.

"You're REALLY going to let a 20-year-old girl go out this late alone? Have you no shame!!" Felecia said in mock anger and sarcasm.

The saiyan looked deadpanned for a moment...

"You are competent enough of a woman... You don't need me to come with you, and please lock the door on your way out." He added.

'That was an oddly nice thing to say... Either way... He's coming with me.' She thought for a moment.

"You really are a party pooper arent you? Isn't coming with me more fun than staying cooped up here? Alright, how about this, we do something together, my treat, hmm?" She offered.

He thought for a moment...

'Felecia is nothing but trouble, but she is right, it's way better than doing nothing here...' He retrospected to himself.

"Alright, I'm coming, let me get my jacket first" He added.

"Great!" She said, smiling.




"Where are you taking me?" He asked, in a slightly bored tone.

"Shhh~ That my friend is a surprise, can't show all my cards" She responded.

After walking for another couple of minutes, she turned into an alleyway, revealing only a tall man in front of a large door.

'Don't tell me...' He thought begrudgingly to himself.

As they walked towards the large man, Felecia walked up to what seemed to be a bouncer and whispered something into his ear. Immediately, the man looked towards me, nodding.

'Ohh... Kay...' He noted.

She turned towards the saiyan and motioned him to come along, Daiko did so, albeit, hesitantly.

As the young saiyan walked in, he saw the assortments of lights and the smell of alcohol, specifically whiskey with other scents he couldn't familiarize himself with...

"Hey. I don't think this is a good idea, a girl like you with a guy like me is bound to spell trouble..." He said.

"Really? How so? What do you think will happen, panther?" She responded immediately giggling...

He shrugged before responding, saying.

"Well, we both either dance or hold a corner to ourselves, then a group of A-holes will think you are too good for me, then they will try to steal you away, you then brush them off, they confront me, and then. Let's just say they'll, 'hurt' themselves..." He said detail.

She looked at the saiyan oddly surprised. Then she started laughing.

"M-May I ask why?" She responded, still holding in her laughter, barely...

"A hunch" Was all Daiko iterated.

"Anyway~ Let's go, Panther." She said, dragging me along. I complied, only this once...

'Yeah, I'm definitely softening up.' He thought dejectedly to himself...




As they entered the club some watched when both of them entered, some pleased, and some curious, they also found numerous people there, listening to music, having intimate moments, or getting themselves dead drunk. Either 1 or 2 or two out of the three at once, but never all three.

"Just follow my lead" She whispered to the saiyan.

He nodded in response as she walked forward toward the bartender. He followed suit.

"Hey, can we get 2 Coks, please? Make them a lil' stronger than usual, kay." She said in her usual seductive tone. Most men complied with her, easily falling for her charms.

'She's pretty sly, not going to lie...' He told himself. He sat down beside her.

"So, are you gonna tell me about yourself?" She asked.

'Hmm... Where should I even start...' He thought for a moment, and then he finally decided.

"Well... The name's Daiko, for starters. I like fighting and studying, but to a small degree, I also like to improve myself. That's it, what about you?" He said. He also noted that she told him her real name...

"I'm Felecia, I like fighting too, so we have that in common. Studying, not so much, things pleasing to the eye, definitely a yes. Drama, also a yes..." She responded.

"Here are your drinks..." The bartender interrupted.

Daiko took a sip of his drink, and so did Felecia...

"So mind telling me why I got the nickname?" He asked.

She smiled.

"Well, a certain friend of mine calls... Her boyfriend 'tiger', but. He feels like more of a venomous snake to me. You on the other hand just struck me as a panther..." She said.

"Hold on there, you're disrespecting a certain war hero by giving him the title, 'venomous snake', just call him tiger." Daiko corrected her.

Somewhere in the multiverse, a certain someone sneezed whilst eating a frog from a tree...

"War hero? You're kidding me... What kind of name is that? Wait, it's one of those tacky soldier codenames, isn't it?" She asked, realizing.

He simply nodded in response...

Though, as they were chatting, some people walked over.




"Hey babe... A great night tonight, right." A man with his group came by and said.

Felecia drooped and looked towards her companion for the night. "It is, to spend with my boyfriend that is. Sorry, I'm taken, boys."

She said, quickly clinging to his visage. Daiko simply looked forward and shrugged internally, knowing this would happen...

"Trust me, that little midget can't do jack shit for ya', you need a real man, what do ya' say me and the boys do just that." The man said, more like he was ordering.

Daiko on the other hand simply wondered when 5'11 was considered 'short'...

"Oh and buddy, that's your cue to fuck off now, leave her to us, we'll make sure to return he to ya', when we're finished, of course, we have to have a little courtesy, right boys?." The man said, with his punks laughing with him.

"Well too bad, I'm not interested in going with you." She said with venom laced with her tone, her eyes sharpening.

The man licked his lips... "Your eyes, I like them, and your attitude too... I might actually keep ya'!" He said, excitedly. He then looked towards one of his goons, signaling with a shrug of his head.

Felecia on the other hand, simply held her face in her hand.

The taller one of the goons came over to Daiko, attempting to move him, keyword.


As soon as the man clasped Daiko's arm he couldn't budge the saiyan an inch he even realized how incredibly built the young saiyan was. Daiko, unbothered continued sipping his drink.

'What the!? I can't even shift him!' The man thought.

Daiko simply stood up. Surprising the large Lacky, which was around 6'7 in height and was decently muscular...

"Listen, buddy, you and your group don't want this... Move on and have a good night." Daiko said in an emotionless tone.

The large man began sweating. Daiko took note of this.

'He's getting weary, perhaps scared?' The saiyan thought.

Out of unknown instinct, the man swung towards the saiyan.

"Dodge!" Felecia shouted worried for her new friend.

Instead, the saiyan stood still, taking the punch, and... Didn't move an inch. A large thud-like iron sound was made as the fist of the man connected with Daiko's jaw...

'He didn't move an inch! What is this guy made out of, steel?!!' The man thought. Interestingly enough, those around him including his boss looked at him shocked.

"W-Why are ya' all looking at me like that!" He shouted.

Daiko just pointed him to his own fist.

When he looked, he saw that his fist was twisted backward, almost completely...

"WHA-WHA!!!! GAARRRHHHHHH!!!!" He shouted, alerting everyone in the club. Daiko swiftly grabbed Felecia's hand, and with immense speed, knocked out the remaining underlings, and booked it.

As soon as they left the bustling club, he calmly told her...

"I told you this would happen..."








