

A guy that has been reborn as a legend within the dragon ball universe... With a system of course :). Update schedule: This series is for fun, so when I get time. Depending on how well it does.

Aaron_Chong_6689 · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

A New Day(s)...

~ Omni Pov ~




Just as The monstrous figure was about to strike Pybara, Daiko stopped a mere inch from his face, before instantly being swarmed by a black substance, encapsulating him.

"W-What!? Daiko?" Pybara asked confused. He was sure he was dead. But something more interesting came out of nowhere that stopped his rampaging student...

Pybara fell to the floor from what had just transpired. Breathing a sigh of relief.

Not long after, he looked around the area, seeing the damage done to the buildings and planet. He then shook his head.

'What will I tell my wife now?...' He thought dejectedly.





~ Omni Pov, 3 days later ~




Time has passed since the death of both King Cold and his son Frieza, the cause of this, Daiko, was the one that helped them.

Now discussing the unusual case of what is currently transpiring, now they didn't know what to make of it all...

Though, as we continue, the Yardratian we are most familiar with, Pybara made his way to his council room to discuss further matters, but most importantly.

It was to check on his student, however. Seeing the structure being the same as he left hours prior as he walked into the room, only left him with nothing but disappointment...

"He still hasn't gotten out of... Whatever that... Cocoon is?" Pybara asked.

Unsure of what else to name what he's seeing.

"I know, it's been three days. If I couldn't feel his life signature, I would think him dead... But this truly is a fascinating case..." Another Yardratian stated.

"Still..." The yardratian said, looking at the cacoon disgustedly. "If King Pyabra is correct, isn't this person of equal, if not greater risk to us than both the king and his son?... Given his story, he stated that the saiyan within this, 'thing'... Nearly killed him. I feel that he is too volatile and powerful..." The elder finished.

Whisper was brought forth in the room, and Pybara stood there shaking his head. He knew that his elder had a point. He couldn't deny that, however...

"So what do you all suggest then? Banishing him? Let us not be hypocrites, the boy as I also mentioned, wanted to help us... It is just a pity that his power, a force of absolute strength is also equally chaotic..." Pybara said.

The rest of the elder yardratian clansmen listened to their King. They also knew he had a point.

"Even though he did all of this, it was a result of a loss of control. His power is chaotic by nature, and once his life is threatened or greatly angered, that 'power' manifests itself as a fail-safe to save him." Pybara finished.

The elders whispered to themselves once more, wondering what they should do at the moment. Although the being in front of them is capable of great evil, it is also equally capable of good...








A faint sound could be heard from the cacoon that didn't go unnoticed by the leaders present in the room, and not long after, a silence so great, that even a pin falling would seem loud...










Now their suspicions were confirmed.

"QUICK! COME TOWARDS ME!" Pyabra shouted. Immediately the elder followed suit.

They saw the obvious cracks in the cacoon as if it was about to hatch...








A final sound was heard before the cacoon looked brittle enough to shatter with a mere touch...

And instantly, the cacoon broke, revealing a large pile of slime-like substance from within.

The elders stepped back out of both fear and disgust at the liquid. But soon after, a figure fell out.

Revealing itself to be Daiko, still sound asleep...





~ Daiko's Pov ~




'Arghhh... What the!? My head feels like it got split in two.'

I clutched my head painfully, taking in the area around me... As I looked around at what seemed to be a treatment room.

It quickly became apparent how empty it was. Clearly. I was the only one here...

"Of course. These are symptoms of me going berserk, but it must have been for fully this time..."

I looked down to see that I was wearing a gown of sorts.

I quickly got up, feeling out my body...



"That should do it..."

I flexed a bit to feel how powerful I was at the moment. And sure enough, I'm vastly more powerful than before, in fact, I make my past ssj-3 self look super weak in comparison...

'It's a shame I can't remember squat from before... I remember fighting Frieza and warning him, but of course, his pride came in clutch and saved me.'

Though, I wonder where everyone is...

I quickly sensed their ki signatures and interestingly, it seemed like they were avoiding me...

'Aah fuck... I must have done something really bad...'

I grimaced to myself at that, I hope I never injured, or worse, killed anyone.


[Does the host wish to know what was gained after the previous battle?]





"That's interesting..."

I mentally clicked yes...




[Host has gained 73 levels from defeating both Frieza and King Cold. 'Death Ray Barrage' skill has been gained, and the titles 'New Emporer', 'Little Hanma' and 'Hybrid' has been acquired]

[Partial Hanma Bloodline integration, ratio 5:95... Raw talent increased. The host's growth rate has been adjusted accordingly to the ratio]

[Zenkai has been gained, and Zenkai passive has also been upgraded by the new bloodline via existing synergies, the passive 'Martial Minded' and 'All Pain, All Gain' has been acquired...]

[The Lssj-1 Form has been acquired... Briefing finished...]




'Holy shit... I unlocked my true form...'

Seeing this all was a bit surreal. But I finally unlocked that blasted power.

I even gained interesting new perks from what I assumed to be from my bloodline. They fit the description.

But that needed to wait a little.

I need to get my bearings straight and ask Master about what happened during my battle... Though it might be a hassle.

I then began making my way out of the building I was in. Luckily, master Pybara wasn't too far away from where I was at the moment.

As I made my way down the stairs I saw Master pop up in front of me, startling me a little.

I sighed.

"Master... Good to see you too... Could we talk for a bit?"





~ Omni Pov ~




"What!? Three days? Damn... I wasn't just sleeping. I was full-on hibernating." Daiko said surprised.

"Yes. But that wasn't that important..." Pyabra said truthfully, earning a snicker from his student.

"What I saw three days ago wasn't normal, Daiko. I didn't feel like that, monster was you. It looked like you, it had your voice, but it wasn't you..." Pybara then paused for a bit. He then continued...

"It wasn't a split personality either, no... It was like a malicious entity that had copied what you knew and used your abilities for only destruction and chaos... Even I was terrified... You even almost killed me, and who knows what else you could have done..." Pybara finished sorrowfully.

The saiyan in question couldn't say anything. His master had been the by-product of what the end of his wrath looked like...

"... I'm sorry Master..." He said, clenching his teeth.

Pybara didn't say anything. He only let Daiko carry on with his troubles. He understood that the problem his student faced wasn't truly his fault.

Daiko's power was both a blessing and a curse. And, he'd be a horrible master, if he didn't let the boy gain control of it...

'I have lot cut out for me... Honey, don't kill me for what I'm gonna to do...'








