

A guy that has been reborn as a legend within the dragon ball universe... With a system of course :). Update schedule: This series is for fun, so when I get time. Depending on how well it does.

Aaron_Chong_6689 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
76 Chs

... (Part2)

~Omni Pov~




"Fe-Felicia..." He muttered, quickly arriving towards the corpse-like body... He took his time, trying to not kill her via touch. Without hesitation, he pulled out a Senzu bean from his inventory, crushing the essence of the bean into her mouth.

Slowly, her withered and bloody body began reforming, her skin once bruised became blemishless and clean, her busted lips regained the suppleness they once had, and her bones which were broken snapped back into place with new vitality...

Daiko looked at her... His mind racing on what to do... No... not what to do, but how to do it. Castration, mutilation, obliteration, torture? Those words all went through his mind at a concerning rate.

'Her vitals seem fine... Good... I got her just in time. I'm sorry for being so late...' He thought, dropping to his knees. When he remembered the person who did this, the saiyan clenched his fists. With force drawing blood from his own hands...

He looked at her, and he could feel the tears forming in his eyes. He saw her slowly waking up, he made sure to not make a sound. He looked into her eyes, which once shone with young vitality, now dead and depthless...

She got up slowly. Her face was without expression before tears fell from her face. She then made her way to him, hugging him with tenderness, with her weeping following suit.

And for the first time in Daiko's life, he felt incompetent... So powerless to help the person before him, an unbridled fury began to boil within him, one he never felt the likes of before, not even close... He then hugged her nakedness tightly, before getting up slowly and leaving...





[The system feels incredible pity for the host's current enemy...]







[The system will give the enemy a pity buff of a 2-fold increase in physical capabilities, with a 50% increase in magical capabilities...







Parker took his time to eat his lunch, his smile evident. 'He must have seen her now... If she complied to be mine and listened, none of this would have happened, but that's her problem...' He thought coldly.

With the thought, he felt a sudden increase in his capabilities and his magic abilities from nowhere...

Mary-Jane seeing her boyfriend's sudden shift in demeanor, she asked. "Hey, you alright?"

Parker didn't say anything at first. Intrigued by his newfound power, he felt that something was up...

'I need to leave now, I'll need to speed up my 'anti-life' plan before he arrives-' He thought, he then saw a figure walk towards the table when he got a better look, he realized it was Daiko...

"You're back quickly..." Parker based with mock laced in his voice.

Daiko said nothing, but sit quietly at the table.

However, when Parker got a good look at his enemy's face, he saw trails of blood dripping from his eyes...

In an instant, Daiko's sclera shifted from white to pitch black, his iris now a luminescent white with his hair defying gravity itself whilst flowing like a river...

And out of nowhere, a blood-curdling amount of bloodlust hit everyone in the restaurant. Instantly, all the workers dropped what they had in their hands, their feet and hands trembling, with tears threatening to fall from their eyes.

Even those at his table were shaking, including Parker himself.

And the saiyan's mouth opened "Why?" he asked, that simple question filled with overwhelming sadness, held so much wrath, one could almost touch it... His calm demeanor and emotionless visage didn't make it easier to cope with either, in fact.

It terrified them more...





[The skill 'Fear constriction' Has now been created...]




"Everyone needs to leave... Now." The saiyan also muttered he then grabbed the nearby steak and began to slowly cut into it, and as he did so, everyone darted from the building.

Parker was now terrified too, even with his newfound power racing through his veins, felt even more helpless than a baby...

He quickly shot up, and before he could do anything else.


A small and terrifyingly clear mutter escaped the saiyan's lips. With his instructions being simple, Parker quickly did so instantly falling back into his seat... When hearing the saiyan's words, Parker felt the bloodlust around him triple in intensity. Now, he felt like he could hardly breathe.

Daiko simply continued to eat the steak in front of him, calmly...

'WH-WHY. CAN'T. I. MOVE!!!!' Parker screamed in his mind. Every fiber of his being was glued to the chair he was sitting in...

No matter what he did, death seemed to have him cornered at every turn.

"Now... Why did you do this? What was your plan here" The saiyan asked.

Parker began sweating profusely, he couldn't just say his plan, he couldn't just give in to the orders. However, as he was about to protest, he looked up, only to see white luminescence peering into his very soul...

"I-I-I It's to s-s-s-sacri-cri-crifice the p-p-people on the-the-the p-pla-n-net" His speech stuttered.

Daiko simply took the tablecloth and wiped his mouth.

"For what," He asked again.

"F-f-for Lad-d-d-dy D-D-Death..." Parker finished muttering.

The saiyan's expressionless face shifted for a moment. He now realized why Parker had that peculiar title before. He planned on killing everyone on the planet to satisfy death itself...

However, this didn't please Daiko one bit.

The building began rumbling, and some others around it. As if an intense earthquake was happening all around...

"Well, I've received my answer... But why Felicia?" The saiyan proposed once more. His wrath was covered with a layer of calmness.

"Be-Be-Be-" Peter tried saying. However, Daiko interrupted...

"It doesn't matter either way... You'll still die, and I know just the way to deal with someone like you..."









