
RE: The Evildoer Reformation System

"Have you heard about the new regulations?" a slightly gruff voice spoke. "No, I haven't" a partially more sophisticated song rang. "Well - apparently we can no longer D.I.T. in high traffic zones. Too many casualties and complaints to the higher-ups it seems. no one wants to see "paint splatters" on the ground anymore." "Aiya~" his partner huffed. "It's going to be a real-literal pain to find a regulated area so easily in this city. Now that we need to hold our cargo tight, have they at least set up new D-zones?" Two pigeons sit atop Magick wire lines discussing bird-brained politics under the early sun in the busy city of Ellay. The courtyard was the usual place to meet and greet for any and every suave or slick back in the slums of the flock. The average friends or family would come here to start their daily routines or enjoy the bird equivalent of coffee and breakfast at a Cafe - if birds had Cafes. Sigh~ Early spring is a beautiful thing~ "The crickets and worms are plentiful my dear! eat up little ones!" The mother pigeon hummed to her little ones. " The early bird gets the worm~" her eyes were gentle and attentive to her chicklets. ' ~humm~ its good my little ones are good today... but' - a loud and high pitched voice rung out "FUCK WORMS!" 'First I die in a goddamn bird suit, then I'm reincarnated into a FUCKING BIRD!?' "ARRGGHHH!!" she tweeted as she slapped the worms away. 'I will make that bitch villain organization and those fucking dickless heroes BURN!' Then a notification chimed in her head [Bird Up System is now booting...] 'oh fuck you God!!' Alas, it seems the poor and unfortunate soul of our heroine or uh... villainess? has been reincarnated. What awaits? Heya~ I decided to enter the competition, but I thought it would be boring to do just a villainess system, so I am also doing the Kingdom Management low key too. shh, don't tell anyone. anywho - it's all for fun, so I appreciate feedback and support - uh and... forgive me for I will sin. I will try to keep up the chapter consistency but id like to review my chapters before I submit.

AVIDD · Urban
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2 Chs

[Suburban Stills] [2]

The store cooled down from the heat of the moment, but it was still hot from the summer air. "you alright, boss?" Eva smugly said as they spoke quietly between each other. "You know not to call me that Miss Lynette. It's Jimmy." He then turned and spoke to the rest of the waiting customers in his usual innocent tone " apologies folks! please, next customer! step right up! what can we do for you!" and he gave his usual customer appreciating beam and smile. This was not to first time Eva saw this side of her co-worker, or rather - boss, but few knew this side of him and fewer spoke about it.

Whatever his reasons, James was the boss and owner of this store and had been on the street, selling his services long enough to have some renown, but Eva wasn't one to inquiry about the personal life of others unnecessarily. She knew that he had close enough ties with Adam to keep annoyances out and away from his store, but he was also well sought after for other reasons, yet he played the simple store owner. Most people who come looking for him usually don't know he even owns the place. Either way, in Eva's eyes, he was some kind of low budget Enigma.

The day continued on and the busy store wound down until the clock on her wrist clucked as the alarm went off. Eva looked up and whistled her boss gently. "Hey Jimmy, shops yours" she cooly spoke. He glanced around to make sure everything was clean and nodded at her. "Take it easy!" he snapped fondly, "but take it!" she snapped back before grabbing the latest addition of BL Monthly. Real people were bastards, but 2D was the artwork of gods. She waved before exchanging the usual hello and goodbye between the two.

Payday was today, and she could finally get the equipment she needed for her next big project. She tucked some of her Red-brown hair behind her ear as she started home through the first alleyway. The neon lights lit by Magi-tech dimly lit the passage, the sign a pink-red with a blue martini. The lighting was always perfect for getting mugged at night. Eva slipped by the many dimly lit signs and cascading shadows, between houses and homes, across streets and over fences. She was only a few moments from home when someone stepped out of the shadows in front of her.

"Your money! Or your life! - Fuck me is that you Eva?!" The familiarity was in his voice but his alertness didn't stop. "Fuck you, it is me, John." She said sarcastically. "Out for a good grab and stab again?" she calmly said while grinding her favorite Allstate Thresh styled shoes into the grime of the street. Your Souls are in good hands.

"So how are we doin this? you know my rules and regulation." a smirk on her was blooming on her face. "Look. I can't just... can we let bygones be bygones? Can I just -" she cut him off


"Fuck..." He thought. Quickly his mind began racing and looking for an opportunity to escape, but he cut himself off by giving himself away. There were a few twists and turns he could take but he knew he couldn't outrun her. They never do. No one does.

Poor John.

John started crying on the inside. His boss keeps putting him on this corner for work!

'Am I a whore! They get better treatment than this! Is he the devil!'

John had complained to HR many times, but no one ever did anything about it. I suppose this is the treatment thugs get these days. Honest work sure is hard.

'this time I'm going straight to the boss' boss with the guys.' he thought for a moment.

Running out of options he shakily pointed his disengaged Magick knife in Eva's direction.

' Please let this end! '

sweat pouring down his brow as he waited for the inevitable, and decided to give his best trying something. "G-Give U-Uh er Give m-me your M-money?" a true professional.

Poor, poor john.

She was already upon him before he finished. Her foot slipped behind his as she held the hand with the blade and grabbed his whole face with her other hand. The world flashed and went dull and fuzzy as the back of his head ached.

"Where is my Lasagna John?" she cooed.

"I - I don't have any money! Hi-HIIEEEE" she twisted her foot on his crotch.

" I hate lies John. I'm hungry. I can smell your fear, John. It smells delicious." She was the devil.

Her hair like the fires of hell itself, Swept back with hair falling to the side - the way it flared looked like horns resting between feathers in the shadows of the night. Her fair skin was painted red from the dim Magick lights while her eyes reflected a sinister gaze. John felt himself looking into the darkness of her eyes, lost in the abyss. Her hand was already pulling his ill-gotten gains out of his jacket, but John couldn't muster the strength to resist.

"You know what to do next time, John" her voice was seductive yet threatening as she dragged his name out. He couldn't help answering, it was like he had to. "R-Run..?" he whispered in fear. Eva's voice turned almost hungry and vicious - like a wild beast, she was so close to him yet all he felt from this beautiful lady was death!

"It's only fun - when they run" John closed his eyes as his world spun, but by the time he gained the courage to open them, she was gone.

He looked around briefly before dusting himself off and re-adjusting. "Whew~ glad that's over. hehe wait until Kevin and the boys hear about this!" He stared off into the dark, oddly proud of the encounter and a little aroused. Were these robbers masochistic? or were they comparing ghost stories?

["Oh~yeah this is good stuff! "]

By the time she made it home, it was dusk out. She had run into one of the same street-side robbers that she usually does heading home; bullying him like she always did. It was an odd sort of relationship where the thug got robbed and bodied by the thugee, yet those thugs never seemed dissatisfied. Odd - she thought. Still, she robbed them all every time they encountered each other.

This had continued to occur until the poor robbers developed a system to survive the encounters with her with the least amount of injuries, and the most amount of time - for who knows what reason. Usually, she takes a few detours to "accidentally" run into one of them, and like a lion catching a gazelle, they are devoured. They became used to it, she became used to it, it's Stockholm syndrome.

Collecting "Lasagna", the slang for the currency that originated from Bangondesk, was just one of the perks. L-Coin came to be from the Division of currency between Casting Sofa and Fakke Taxie.

Shit went down, but the legends say it was resolved by a questionable entity...

As she stepped through the squeaky fence, as all fences are squeaky ["its the law, I made it so"],

she whistled a practiced melody to disengage her home defenses for a few moments while opened the turquoise door.



["Oh! I guess its commercial break?"] I - God, hadn't remembered making things like the commercial that was playing on my television. My tv sat in the middle of a space of whiteness I created because I thought it looked cool and godlike. I crossed my legs waiting on my green comfy couch for the show to restart before I felt an urge to eat. [" I think I want popcorn..."] I snapped my fingers ["oh~ Michael Angelo"] before a dry rebuttal came from my side "It's Michael My lord. Angelo is the painter..."

I chuckled.

[" Popcorn! Please!"] even a god must not lose his manners.

Michael rubbed his brows " You could just... snap it into existence!?" I looked at him flatly before giving him a UwU face. [" Twastes bwetter when you mwake it"] before I beamed him a godlike smile or a god styled smile I guess? Gods guessing it still works too!

Michael made a disgusted face before he grumpily left to go make me some delicious scrumptious white cheddar popcorn. I won't take offense! I will not! I am cute and that is justice!

For now, I wait for the next chapter to unfold in this little devilish girl's life.


This had originally been one chapter, but I was convinced to turn it into two by someone else.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Please like and Stone me if you appreciate the writing!

see you in the comments!

Dearly_Belovedcreators' thoughts