
Re: Speedrunner

When the world suddenly changed, so does Zaine's life. "What the hell is going on?" "What should I do now?" ... ... Being bullied in school, Zaine decided to drop out of school and pursue live streaming as a job. While keeping his identity hidden, the only game he live-streams is Hellmode Hardcore Leveling. A very well-known game at the start, but soon left by the players because of its difficulty spike, so much so, after just two years of it being released, almost no one plays it anymore. Because of this, the people that watch his streams are almost nonexistent and he make just enough to barely live. Zaine got addicted to the game, it has become his identity, his will to live, his everything. He spends everyday playing the game. He knows the ins and outs of the game like the palm of his hand. One day, Zaine logged on. [Zaine has logged on] [Player Online : 1] "Haha... it seems that I'm the only one left" Suddenly a sound could be heard inside his head [Player Requirements Reached] [Activating World Optimization] Just then, Zaine's mind got forced with information. His life flashed before his eyes, or perhaps, the future of his life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone, this is my submission for the WPC, so feel free to donate power stones and tickets to the novel. As a new writer, I know that it still lacks aspects of a good novel, so if you find something that may be lacking like the pacing or character development, feel free to leave a review. Thank you and have fun! _____________________________________________ Additional information on the novel. The world is completely different from Earth and it's purely fictional. The story won't contain any explicit content but may contain romance. There won't be any Yuri or Yaoi, but may contain a harem with one clear heroine. ____________________________________________

RobZ_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
128 Chs

Chapter 7: Let the Grind Begin

Zaine checked the place where the giants were located.

"Status Check" Zaine opened his status where the list of quests is shown.

{Defeat Giant X2}

Location: Mountain, Snowy Mountain, Plains

Opening the map, Zaine located the closest location where the giants could potentially be. The nearest place on the map is a mountain just across the building.

On the map, he can see an icon indicating the den of a giantess. Eager to see the rare boss, he immediately heads off to the dangerous terrain.

Zaine summoned an Orc and asked the orc to carry him to the mountains. He also summons goblins and hounds to scout the area and kill the monsters around him.

The road to the mountains was not a short one. Lately, Zaine has been lacking sleep, so he decided to sleep every chance he could get, even on the orc's shoulders.

{You Have Level Up}

{You Have Level Up}

"Kyuu kyuu.." A soft, slightly cold sensation touches Zaine's cheek.

"Yawn... We're here?" Ask Zaine while looking at the surroundings.

Zaine looked around. At the top of the mountain, he could see the whole city around him, collapsed buildings, and rubble as far as the eye could see.

He took a deep breath and continued on his journey. Opening the map, he sees they are very close to the giantess den. Seeing this, a wide grin appeared on his face.

Based on his knowledge, a giantess boss has a recommended group of level 35. There is no way Zaine is capable of defeating it now.

The Giantess is a female giant, which is rare in itself. The size of the monster could reach double the height of giants, a giant among giants. Very challenging monster for Zaine to fight.

The gap level is massive, but if Zaine's experience with HHL is correct, there is a way to exploit the giantess den.

The giantess den is a place where giants roam, where seemingly endless amounts of giants live there. No matter how many giants get defeated, more giants will appear.

Zaine once experimented with the Giantess den on HHL. Every 15 minutes, a group of three Giants would spawn, only stopping if the Giantess was killed or alarmed.

The number of Giants was also limited inside the den, so when the max amount was reached, it would also not spawn.

She won't move unless she feels a presence within a set radius, so Zaine has to not agro out the Giantess if he wants to farm the giants for the experience.

The den is located inside a cave at the side of the mountain. Zaine commanded one of his goblins to scout the cave.

It goes inside and sees the Giantess sitting still in the depths.

Aside from it, it also saw groups of giants inside, protecting the den.

The group of giants noticed the Goblin and crushed it with its bare hands, killing it.

{Goblin has been slain}

Every time anyone the summons dies, the master receives information in the form of a flashback of the time when it is summoned, so with the Goblin as fodder, Zaine managed to gain the intel needed to take on the cave.

Zaine summons a goblin to try and lure out the giants. After a couple of moments, it ran back, followed by three giants wielding a giant stone club.

{Summoned 3 Ents}

{-60 Mana}

Zaine summons Ents to try and restrain its movement, hindering it from wreaking havoc.

With its movement restricted, Zaine commands his only orc to kill the Giant. With a continuous strike on its head, it soon collapsed and died.

{Killed a Giant}

{You Gain Experience}

{You Receive 1 Giant Soul}

{You can summon Giant}

{Killed a Giant}

{You Gain Experience}

{You Receive 1 Giant Soul}

{You Have Level Up}

{Killed a Giant}

{You Gain Experience}

{You Receive 1 Giant Soul}

After the first wave, Zaine summons his giants, with each time, killing the giants becomes faster.

{Summoned 3 Giants}

{-45 Mana}

The next group of giants got baited out of the den.

"How about you pick on someone your size!" The battle became very one-sided as he summons giants to fight the giants.

Combined with the ent restraining abilities and the giant destructive skills, the battle became very easy, and Zaine would not even need to lift a finger as levels and experience came rushing in.

{You Have Level Up}

{You Have Level Up}

{You Have Level Up}

Zaine kills the giants with no mercy, killing groups of giants every couple of minutes.

{You Have Level Up}

{You Have Level Up}

{You Have Level Up}

{You Have Level Up}

At this point, hours have passed. The Giantess den out of Giants and are only producing three Giants every 15 minutes.

Zaine decided to collect the giant ears as proof of his defeating them. With a couple of dozen ears collected and put inside his new magic bag, he heads back towards the safe zone, carried by his summoned ents.

He had spent overnight on the way back to the safe zone. On the way back, he still receives experience coming towards him, as every 15 minutes, three giants are defeated and giving Zaine experience.

Arriving back at the safe zone, it was already the next day. Zaine met up with Amy, sharing the great news that he had defeated Giants for the quest.

{Defeat Giant X5}

Requirements: Lv.15

Availability: Unlimited

Rewards: Artifact (Uncommon-Rare)

Zaine opened his magic bag and counted the ear pair.


A total of 70 pair was counted.

By the rules of the Adventurer's Guild, the rewards process is based on a gacha using a roulette spin machine.

{Common 75% chance}

{Uncommon 25% chance}

"You are allowed to spin the wheels 14 times and get whatever it landed on," Amy said while Zaine started spinning the roulette machine.

A Notification appeared.

{Roulette is spinning}