
Re: noclip - surviving the backrooms in another world from zero

After having fallen through the floor, and finding themselves trapped in the backrooms. Some of the cast will quickly have to learn to deal with their new situation, whilst the ever tormenting backrooms puts a constant pressure on them

Starytale · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Level 5 horror hotel

Level 5 is an infinite hotel complex, with many rooms and halls. The Level itself seems to have been constructed in the 1930s, with furniture dating back to 1920. There are three (3) main areas in Level 5 that are fully accessible.

The surroundings of Level 5 are littered with decorations and furniture from the early 20th century, The Main Hall being the most object-populated area of Level 5. The Level is mostly clean with little dust and dirt lingering on surfaces. It seems to clean itself, as unclean spots seem to disappear only a few minutes after. The oddly pristine floors and well-cared areas make Level 5 utterly unsettling, compared to other Levels close by. Smooth jazz plays quietly throughout the halls via vintage turntables and vintage speakers hooked up to a sound system throughout the Level. The choice and switching of music seem to be random and out of place, it is unknown how this feat is completed.

-backrooms wikidot level 5


They walked up the final few steps as they were met with a new scene. Covering most of the floor was a red rug with a fancy design. The walls were a mix of red beams and wood with many designs covering it. Connected to the beam were candles; oddly enough some of which were fake and were just candle shaped lights which made the same buzzing noise as just about all the other lights in the backrooms seemed to.

They stepped into what seemed to be a corridor with several tangent hallways and a few doors on each side.

"Whoa" mimi sighed in astonishment, twisting her head left and right as she took in her surroundings."this inn is so big!"

"We're in the backrooms, of course it's big." said tivey, adjusting his monocle, as the group convened into the corridor.

"The folder said this level was actually infinite, it goes on forever." subaru looked into the corridor. There was no end in sight.

Otto: "That's possible?"

Subaru: "this is a whole other plain of existence, who knows what's possible."

"Oh right, the plan." Subaru perked up as he remembered the plan they had previously discussed while they were in level 4. "Well the first thing we should do is look for a room to make into our base of operations."

"Right, I believe we should start with the doors around here" Julius took a few steps forward as he gestured towards the walls, a door about every 10 meters or so.

"Not so fast there, we shouldn't just go pickin doors willy-nilly" Anastasia shook her head as she corrected julius. "We have ta be strategic about this, we're right next ta an entrance so anyone could just come in and use the room we picked. We should choose a room in a more secretive and well pleased spot."

Julius: "i apologize my lady, please forgive me for my haste"

Beatrice: "We should assign a certain way to find our room if we do return i suppose."

"Since there are 8 people here, why not make it the 8th room on the 8th hallway. That should be easy enough to remember."

Beatrice: "that's too close i suppose."

Subaru: "how about the 16th hallway then? There are two camps 2 times 8 is 16, so we should take 8th door on the 16th hallway."

Beatrice: "That's reasonable I suppose."

"The 8th door on the 16th halfway…sure that sounds good." said Anastasia as she placed her fist under her chin in a thinking motion. "That should be far enough and obscure enough fer most people t'miss it. Let's just make sure t'not leave anythin too valuable there."

'Alright then let's get going' Subaru finished as the group began to walk up the corridor. Soon getting to the aforementioned door and hallway. Julius decided to be the one to open the door just to be safe, as he turned the knob.

Julius: "it seems to be locked."

"Ah" subaru looked down in disappointment. "Let's try the 8th door then."

They made there way to the 8th door.julius once again attempted to turn the knob. "This one seems to be locked as well."

"Ugh" Subaru groaned in annoyance.

Petra: "What about the 4th door? For 4 people in each camp?"

"Sure why not" said Subaru as they made their way to the 4th door on the left facing inward from the corridor.

Julius once again grabbed the handball and turned.

Petra made a small fist pump as the door opened, but then let out a small yelp of surprise as a large moth-like creature flew out from inside the room. Though it didn't seem to be hostile and just flew away.

"I think that was a death moth. The females are dangerous but the males are usually docile; I think you can even tame them." Subaru walked toward the door to get a better look inside.

"You can tame entities!?" Otto was certainly surprised by this new information. He had previously thought that entities were just mindless monsters. His divine protection didn't work on them, and all they had ever done so far was attack.

"Yes but only certain ones, like death moths dunks, oh and dollfaces, which where those doll things we saw in level 0." subaru motioned towards the room. "But we can talk about that later, right now let's take a look at this room."

The group then entered the room after first making sure there weren't any more entities inside.

The room itself was a decent size; a dark hardwood floor could be seen in the places not covered by a fancy red rug. The furniture being in a 1930s style consisted of: a two-person bed in the corner with plain white sheets, a hardwood desk with a mirror and a few drawers and fancy carvings, a dresser at the other end of the room, and a long wood table with a fancy red tablecloth and white doily with 8 chairs in the center of the room. All without even a single speck of dust anywhere.

Subaru: "hmm, not too bad."

*the music changed*

Many of the group members jumped at the sudden change, the more slow jazz that was playing before was now replaced with a more upbeat jazz.

Beatrice: "I forgot about that music I suppose."

"Where is that music coming from anyway?" asked mimi looking from side-to-side trying to find any sort of source for the sound.

Anastasia: "I donno, one a'the many mysteries of the backrooms."

"Well anyways, now that we have a base of operations we should probably start exploring the level. But first…" subaru started as he grabbed one of the boxes of cereal (*honey bunches of oats*) "we should probably eat something; don't want to turn into a wretch, remember?"

Petra: "Right. uh, we don't have any sort of dish right now, maybe we should eat at a granola bar and wait until we find some sort of dish later?"

Subaru shook his head. "We should save those for when we are on the go and don't have much time to stop."

Petra: "right…"

"Well I guess everyone just take a few handfuls and try not to drop any." said Subaru as he opened the box.


One awkward meal later and the group was off once again to explore the level.

They hadn't really found much of anything so far, besides the occasional entity. At one point they thought to maybe try and tame a death moth but ultimately decided against it, as it wouldn't really benefit them right now.

Occasionally they would hear what sounded like a large gathering of people on the other side of a wall. They would try to open the nearest door to the sound but it would either be locked or just another empty room. Usually they would wrack their brains about why or how this is happening, but in order to preserve their sanity they just discounted it as one of the many quirks of the backrooms.

They thought to maybe try and noclip through the wall but they didn't want to risk getting transported to another level.

They already had enough dealing with the many paintings thoughout the level that always seemed like they were staring at them.

Beatrice: "maybe we should try looking behind the paintings i suppose."

Subaru: "That's a great idea beako! Why didn't I think of that!?"

Beatrice let out a hmph and a smug grin crossed her face as subaru located the nearest painting and lifted it to look behind it.

Unfortunately however, there was nothing behind it but wall.

"Oh, well this was only one painting. We should make sure to check any other paintings we see around, just in case." Subaru returned to the group, as they once again continued exploring level 5.

At this point they had come to a door. Nothing particularly special about it; it was the same as many of the other doors they had encountered. Usually those doors would either be locked, or lead to another room.

When they went through this one thought, things were a bit different.

This room had mostly white walls and the walls were lined with doors on all sides. There was also a table with drinks, and some sort of game on it. Something seemed to be willing them to not mess with it however.

Beatrice: "is this the beverly room I wonder"

"I'm pretty sure it is, it looks just like the picture." Subaru pulled out the folder and pointed to a picture. It seemed to match up with the area.

Anastasia: "so then this room should be able ta lead us ta the other areas of the level."

"The next area should be the boiler room which also leads to level 6" Subaru put away the folder as he took a look around. "It's probably behind one of these doors."

Petra: "Are we ready to go to the next area and possibly the next level yet? Is there anything else we need to do here?"

admittedly petra had reached a strange sort of comfort with the part of the level they had been in. besides the occasional entity it was actually relatively safe, and they had actually gotten used to the weird paintings, the party sounds on the other sides of walls, and even the whispers.

It also sort of reminded her of the mansion in a weird sort of way. So now having to go to a new potentially more dangerous area wasn't really on the top of her list of priorities right now. Still, she knew they couldn't stay there forever; their goal was to escape after all.

"I don't believe so. We have everything we brought on us, and there is no real reason to linger any longer." Julius's words were met with a nod from petra.

"Ok then, let's get going; mimi wants to tell Hetaro all about this when we get back home."

"Ok then, let's see…" with that, Subaru walked to one of the doors and opened it. Somehow picking the correct door instantly as a cramped-looking hallway with pipes along the walls and in the air could be seen.

The boiler room.

Beatrice: "i see your luck with picking doors doesn't only apply to me I suppose."

"Well we should get going I suppose. I don't like the feeling that table gives me in fact." Beatrice got off of Subaru's shoulder, as she would most likely hit her head on the many overhead pipes that crisscross the hallways otherwise.

With that the group entered the boiler room.


"I'll never be able to look at pipes the same way again after this." sighed Subaru, why are there so many pipes in the backrooms? he already had an uneasy feeling from being here, especially after level 3. He was sure everyone else probably felt the same.

Otto: "*sigh* I'm sure we're all going to have some sort of trauma after all this." (*oh sweet otto you have no idea :) *)

"I shall develop no such thing in fact. Being the powerful great spirit that I am, I won't be privy to such a thing I suppose." Beatrice "hmphed" once again as she crossed her arms. Subaru wanted to point out several flaws in her statement but decided to keep quiet and let her have her moment while she can.

wretch: "aaaahhhrrr"

Mimi | | tivey: "aaaahhhh"

The scream of a wretch, and subsequently the shouts of the 2 triplets were heard as a wretch rushed toward them. The force of the wind coming from the two's mouths caused the wretch to fly upwards and hit one of the overhead pipes, which caused it to rupture and spray several streams of hot high-pressure almond water, causing the wretch to let out another scream as they squirm in pain.

"You two need to be more careful. It wouldn't be good if we got hit by this water" otto shook his head as he looked toward the wretch. That had most likely been a human before, it sent a chilling feeling down his spine to imagine that they could also end up like that if they lost themselves or didn't take care of themselves.

Tivey: "Sorry, but we didn't really have much time to think. It just came running at us."

"It's fine. Just try not to aim up next time." otto was definitely grateful that they had strong people with them, without the triplets, julius, or beatrice, they would have definitely had a much harder time, if they would even be alive at all.

He sighed as they went down another hallway their path through the previous one being blocked by the water spraying from the pipes.

They had been exploring for what was probably a few hours now without much luck, it was really just the same things over and over again; an endless maze of pipes, doors, and entities they were getting well-and-tired of it. Not to mention the walking, their feet hurt, and their legs were sore, but they had to keep going. They wished they at least had something to ride on, or at least make the trip shorter.

Otto was about to voice his complaints so they could perhaps vent to each other a bit to relieve some stress, when everything went black.

Not a single bit of light could be seen if they didn't know better they would think their eyes were closed. scratch that it was darker than having your eyes closed.

It was true and complete darkness.

It seems they have entered level 6.



"This door seems weird. It has a weird thing by the doorknob and it wont open." said petra as she pointed to a door with a strange thing jutting out from the wall near the doorknob

Subaru: "oh that's a chip scanner it needs to scan a chip to unlock the door."

"Oh" petra then reached into her pocket and pulled out a potato chip and held it up to the scanner.

Subaru: "oh, no not that kind of chip-"

-"access granted"

Subaru: "wut"