
Negative Magic Zone Part 2

--An) Still 2 more chapters to come!--

"Can you explain to me what this negative magic zone is? I mean, I can cast magic, so it does not seem too negative." Blake was confused. From things he had watched and seen before, there were sometimes zones where you could not use magic, but this place allowed you to use magic as far as he could see.

"As the name implies, a negative magic zone will not allow magic within its area. But, since our bodies hold mana, and we use that mana to cast spells, we can cast magic to a certain extent. It's just that it will dissipate quickly. For example, the ice magic you talked about." Clance explained.

"So even if I cast a fireball, it would only fly a few feet before breaking apart?" Blake asked to confirm. He just wanted to make sure he grasped everything he should be grasping.

Next chapter