
A Sister-In-Law, A Brother.

Lagawe Police Station...

Outside the interrogation room,,,

*Police officer, we all

know that my boyfriend

didn't do anything wrong

so please let him go.

*Sir,,, my sister is right. Did

he just made those

criminals confess their

crimes? He should be

given a recognition and

not to be treated as a


*Rierie, why don't you call

your father in the Capital

and let me see how this

fat loser lose his job.

The police officer who's really fat, heard

the word Capital and immediately got

scared. He even ignore the fact that

someone called him fat and quickly

went to explain the situation.

*Ladies, please don't call

someone from the

Capital. In fact, the case

of your boyfriend or boy

friend over there is not in

our job description. The

one that he killed is a super

human. If a super human is

involved in a crime, there's

a special unit that will

handle the case. They're

still on the way so please

be patient. Wait for them

to arrive and let's see if

what will be their decision.

*But sir, i'm sure my

boyfriend is not someone

you calls a super human;

so he should be treat as

an ordinary person.

*Sir, i'm a super human too

and my friend is really not

a super human. I know

some rules in the super

human world and strictly,

ordinary people should

never be held by super

humans no matter what

the crime is. With this, you

have the power to let him

go despite the order of

those people from the

special department.

This police officer is ordinary but also

know some rules and went to rebut.

*Ma'am, what you have said

is very correct but there's

an exception to that rule.

An ordinary person will be

treated as a super human

if he possess something

that is beyond ordinary. It's

a common mistake to think

that super humans are

only those people who

practice and with realm,

ignoring the fact that many

among us have some

special abilities that are

more super that a realm:

just like your boyfreind or

boy friend over there: who

killed a super human with

his bare hands.

Finally with those words, three beauties

can't rebut anymore and have no choice

but to wait. Their presence is so damn

strong that they become the center of

attraction in the police station.

Soon,,, four people with unfamiliar

military uniforms came in and the chief

of police went to welcome them.

*Captain Ngan, I think

it's not your first time to

come here so please,,,

feel at home and lead your

team into the interrogation

room. This man have

stubborn three supporters

so I let me gi... Here they

come, I will let you handle


As soon as this chief saw Khristeine,

Vayllerie and Gigi stood up, didn't even

finish the words that he want to say and

run away.

The one that was called Captain Ngan

saw this scene and can't help to gently

push the woman beside him who's

wearing the same uniform, saying;

*Goodluck against your

kind. Try to settle it as

fast as possible.

This lady super soldier doesn't have the

chance to get angry and,

*Hello ma'am, i'm the

girlfriend of the man

whom your about to

interrogate. Can I

accompany him while

he's in interrogation. It's

not that I don't trust your

team but i'm worried for

him to lose his calm

and kill someone again.

The words was heard and immediately,

the lady soldier agreed. Basing on the

words of Khristeine, she already got the

gist of the situation. Without asking the

opinion of their captain, went to lead the

way into the interrogation room.

Soon, the group came to a tough-looking

door and was open by a police officer

from the inside. The lady soldier and

Khristeine walk inside and Gigi want to

follow but was stopped by Captain


*What do you think your

doing? The lady soldier

allows us to go inside so

move aside.

*Ma'am, she only allowed

the girlfriend so please

wait here.

*Do you think i'm deaf?

I heard it clearly that's

why I and her are also

allowed to enter. Is it your

first time to meet a man

with more than one woman.

Of course you will never

experience it with that face

of yours.

The last sentence sounded and the

other two male soldiers can't help to


As a man who's not good in handling

women: especially this kind; the captain

moved to let them pass. He ignored the

two fellow soldiers who are still

laughing and went to follow.

The first thing he did is to see how

handsome a man could be in order to

conquer three beauties at the same


*Falk! These women need

to visit a specialist and let

their eyes be checked. It's

very clear that i'm ten times

more good looking than

this one.

*Sheet! Captain, the world is

really unfair. I'm better than

him in appearance and got

a decent job but how come

not a single beauty like

them is attracted to me?

*I agree... I even let my

standard go down to the

rating of 6/10 but damn!

Still got rejected in the

most hurtful way.

Three men are complaining on how the

world is so unfair when;

*How can the three of you

say that your all better.

Look at that arms of his,

the cuts are well defined.

I'm sure all woman will

scream if the guy take off

his t-shirt: including me.

*Wait, did you say you

like my body type: the

not too ripped one.

*Of course I like everything

about my husband. I'm

just telling you that

everyone has their own

advantage so it's not

right to say your better

than someone. Now, can

we proceed to the reason

why we're here. I can feel

that this man is not evil

in nature so just take his

information and let him


Three men got to hear a realtalk from

a woman and it took them some

seconds to move on. Went to prepare

everything for the interrogation or

rather an interview: a little distracted...