
Re: Monster: Reborn as a Demon Royalty

LazyGod7009 · Anime & Comics
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Dungeon Chapter 2

It has been 6 days since he started his training and has completed the quest.

Ding: Quest completed does host wish to accept the Rewards.

Zack please Damm this took a while to complete but that is probably because my body is that of a five-year-old).

Rebecca: Oh you already finished the training well let's start the next one on Monday so your body can rest ok, oh and there will be some guests later so be ready.

Zack: Yes Mom I will see you later. she nods and went back into the castle.

Zack( Gabriel what Dungeons can I make with Create ID).

Gabriel: Host Can make a Zombie, Skeleton, Bear, and Ancient Wolf.

Zack( hmm I think I will go with the Zombie one for now). He then used create an ID to make a dungeon.

Zack: hmm this isn't what I expected I thought it would be more dangerous.

1. One Normal Zombie is 100 XP

2. advanced Zombie is 500 XP

3. Leader Zombie is 1000 XP

4. Boss Zombie is 50000 XP.

Ding: New Quest host has to kill all Zombies in the dungeon including the boss

Rewards: 4 levels, New skill, And T.Rex Egg.

Punishment for failure: The host will be transferred to a different dimension for 30 minutes.

Zack: What the hell this is stupid I don't even know how many Zombies there are well whatever I don't care anymore let's just finish this Gabriel show me my inventory.


1. Yamato (forms locked)

2. Dragon egg

3. Random Hero Weapon

4. Raptor egg

5. Heavenly Qi Cultivation.

he then took Yamato.

Zack: Well let's get to killing.

as soon as he finished hordes of zombies started to appear.

Ding: Host has leveled up one's.

Ding: Host has gained New title Undead Slayer,

Undead natural enemy.

Zack: Gabriel give me the rundown of what the titles do.

Gabriel: Yes host the Undead Slayer Host does 50% more damage to all Undead and with Undead Natural Enemy ???.

( I don't remember what that does if you know please help).

Zack: Well That will help with this dungeon.

Time skip to when he got to the boss.

Ding: Host has leveled up 30 times

Zac( Stats)


Name: Zack Akuma

Age: 5 (25)

LVL:46 (5000->10000)

Race: Demon Royal

STR. 600000

VIT. 209000

DEX. 100500

INT. 230000

WIS. 240090

LUCK. 10000

MP: 10.MIL.

Zack: hmm cool only 64 more levels to go before I level up but it probably won't be within this dungeon but I better kill this boss before I am Late to meet whoever is coming over.

In the boss room, the boss was a Zombie King

Zack: Damm He is Enormous oh I am dumb I forgot that I had the Gate of Babylon and there are a lot of Holy Weapons in there so I can just kill it from a distance.

as soon as he finished hundreds of Black gates opened behind him and started to shoot Sword, Spears, and other weapons and kill the boss.

Ding: Quest completed does host wish to accept rewards Yes/No

Zack: I will do it later I need to go home now.

Gabriel: Host you have gained a lot of loot drops from all of the Zombies you kill what do you want to do with them.

Zack: put the weapons in the gate of Babylon and the rest into my inventory.

He used escape ID to leave the dungeon.

Time skip to when ??? came.

Zack: So Mom who are the people who are coming over.

Rebecca: Oh they are a couple of Friends of mine But Till Now we Couldn't meet because We all had Baby's to take care of but now that your all old enough that we can introduce you to each other. he nods and then they see a Guard.

Guard: your majesty your Friends are here at the gate.

Rebecca: Thank you Astra and please let them in.

Astra: Yes Your Majesty I will let them in now.

Zack: Mom I have been Meaning to Ask why are there no men here.

Rebecca: Oh that you see in our clan There have been no men Born until you So if we want children We Have to find a Man in a Different Race.

Zack: Would that make the Half Demon then.

Rebecca: No our Demon Clan Came up with A Way to make out children 100% Demon But there is still a chance That a Half- Demon Can be born if I remember correctly My Friend Linda Daughter was Born a Half Demon Half Angle or a race called Nephilim.

Zack: Oh ok then who was my father.

Rebecca: Well your father was of the ??? race he was able to land a the Few hit on me so I was impressed and you can guess want happened next.

Zack: Yes but I didn't know you with that type of women Mom.

She looked at him Shocked And a bit of blush and said.

Rebecca: I i don't know what you mean son I was only going on instinct for us Demon when you find someone strong You want to mate with That person.

Zack: Wait What doesn't that mean if I find someone strong that will happen to me. She then smirked.

Rebecca: Yes and I can't wait For grandchildren and daughters in law

Zack: What do you mean Daughters in law.

Rebecca: Well you being my son of course you will get a lot of wives. he just nods

Then Astra came back with With Four women and five girls.

Rebecca: Chloe, Kaguya, Raynare, and Eve it has been too long since we could hang out like this.

Chloe: yes it was and I am guessing this handsome boy is your son.

Rebecca: Yes Come on introduce yourself.

Zack: Hello My Name is Zack Akuma it is a pleasure to meet you all.

Kaguya: Oh my a Handsome Face and manners and he as Has quite the aura.

Raynare: Yes if he keeps growing I don't know how strong he will become.

Eve: He will probably be one of the strongest demons Ever.

Rebecca: of course he will he is my son after all what did you Girls expect.

All of the: Him to Be rude like you.

Rebecca: mhm anyway aren't you going to introduce them.

M.everyone: Yes introduce your self girls.

??: Yes Mother Hello your Majesty and your Highness My name is Alice Shuzuki It is a pleasure to meet you.

Rebecca: Don't call me that call me aunt ok the same goes for the rest of you. they nod.

Chloe: Does that include us.

Rebecca: No you why too old to even want to call me aunt now let's get back to the girls.

???: Hello my Name is Hikari Kurayami And it is good to meet both of you.

???: Hello my name is Hina Shi it is a pleasure to meet both of you.

???: H-Hello M-My N-Name is E-Emiko Shi I-It Is a P-Pleasure To M-Meet Y-You.

Hina: Come on sis you need to stop stuttering you will make a fool out of yourself.

Zack: I don't know I think it is kinda cute. Emiko blushed and turned away Everyone else turns to him.

Zack: What did I say something wrong.

Raynare: Oh Kaguya I think you need to add charmer to your list.

Rebecca: Well Zack I didn't know you were so flirty.

Zack: it can only be your fault.

Women: True When we were in school you used to flirt a lot with us.

Rebecca: Well Whatever Zack Why don't you take the girls to play we have adult stuff to talk About.

Zack: Ok mom Follow me girls I will take you To My Room. the nod and follow him.

Eve: What is wrong why do you look so worried.

Kaguya: yeah Even if you don't show it on your face your aura and body language shows enough.

Chloe: Plus we have been friends since we were kids So we can always tell want is on your mind.

Raynare: If I am correct it has to do with Zack am I right.

Rebecca: Yes I start to train him this Week but he just keeps getting stronger every day and I am afraid that the seal we put on his power will Break I just don't know when.

Raynare: Well I don't think it will be anytime soon We still need to make sure that nothing is pushing him to use more power than he has so that the seal doesn't break.

Rebecca: I know but As a mother, I can't help but be worried.

Chloe: Well let's stop with the gloomy atmosphere What do you think the chances the girls will fall in love with him since he has the looks andpower and manners something his mother should learn.

Rebecca: hey I do have manners And since he is My son of course they will fall for him four months at most.

Kaguya: you really are a Obsessed with you son you know that but I am with you and the four months.

Eve: hmm if only I was a couple hundred years younger.

Raynare: I know what you mean if you look at him now how do you think he will look in the Future.

They kept talking about random things now back to Zack.

Zack: so what do you girls do for fun.

Hina: Playing ball.

Emiko: I-I J-Just P-Play w-with M-my sister.

Alice: I just train.

Hikari: I just Play with Hina and Emiko.

Zack: Well I just Finished my training sorry Alice I do have a Ball with can play with it. they nod.

Time skip 14 Years


Name: Zack Akuma

Age: 19 (25)

LVL:90 (90000->100000)

Race: Demon Royal

STR. 8000000

VIT. 690000

DEX. 500900

INT. 570000

WIS. 580090

LUCK. 100,000

MP: 12.MIL.
