
Aftermath of large scale devouring

Azure Sky Continent(Brass Wastelands) year 211, A naked boy lay in the small woods that used to be Shabu fotrest. A man strode towards him, picked him up. The wound on his wrist has already healed. Had he not lost so much blood in the secred right, he would've healed immediately as he was injued.

After looking through the Zhu elder's memory, coupled with the symptoms this naked boy suffered, he knew the culprit that gave him the wonderful opportunity visiting this new world was this same boy. As an ancient beign he did not like owing favours. If anything he got from the Zhu elder's memory, it was the fact that this boy Adam was not safe in the Red jade city. The Zhu clan has lost both Zu Zimin, and an elder, they discovered that Adam survived it would ony lead to the lad's certain death.

Turgunu picked up Adam, his expressions not betraying anything. He could sense a powerfull life force from a huge distance above the sky. The owner of this lifeforce was incredibly weak, though it was clearly different from the new onw that suddenly apeared in Red jade city and uncountable human insects allover this sphare of existence.

With a step, Turgunu disappeared, leaving nothing behind. The elder's body, footstep marks, tails, smell, energy signature... Every hint that he existed or that Adam survived simply vanished allong with him. Adam still remain unconcious, not knowing that he has caused a great phenomena that was sensed within multiple continents and spares. He did not notice that he was in the hand of one of the to be multiversal level scariest beign.




Three sticks letter, the young man that dove from the iron contenent landed perfectly on the spot Turgunu was standing.His brow was furrowed in askanc. He could sence the deep wound in space, time and void, but he could not sense the cause.

Soon after Shi feng appeared, followed in tow by the patriach of the Zhu clan, some of the zhu elders and worriors. WHen they met this young man they all had their heart in their stomach. Just a single glance from this young guy made the two elders and all the Zhu woriors to faint. This look was simple curiosity glance, yet the damages it caused was devastating.

Shi Feng, cursed in his heart.Why did he have such a Sh*ty luck? He finaly got the co-ordinates of the dimentional snake only to be outpaced by another person. The frustrating thing was the fact that this person was a whole spare ahead of him. He was still under a lot of pressure just for being in the verinity of this young man. If it were any one from this blasted brass wastland continent that still foolishly call themselves people from the Azure Sky Continent, he would have already killed him without any second thought, but to this person he could only offer a curt greeting and and a smile without betraying anything.

"Greeting Senior, I came over to havest the soul of the dimentioon serpent for my kid, but i did not know that i might meet senior here"

The young man turned his eye to the group again finally truely paying atention to them. This howeve made all the other remaining Zhu elders to faint, leaving only the Zhu patriach and Shi Feng. He nodded mutring something incoherent. He did not mind the older aged Shi feng calling him senior. In the nine Spares, the stonger one is always the superior. He once encounted a 3 year old from two shares above him and the whole city was knuckled out for a whole day, so he could understand what his presence was doing to these people.

In as much he saw them as insects, and was not ignorant that to some people, he was an insect, thus he could sympathize with them, the wound in space he was witnessing was something that should not be possible. luckily this aberration was reparing itself faster than even him can affect.

Seeing that the young man was not even aknowledging them as anything worth anything, Shi Feng could only sigh in relief. Since this young man acted this way, it ment that he did not care what they did so long they did not disturb him. Looking at the small area that has small quantity of woods, Shi Feng could not help but become angry. It seems that this Zhu Patriach and his clan deibrately delayed him from making way to the place earlier. If he came alne, he would have araived

at the pace much fater. Fast enough to have gotten his hand on the dimentional snake, and not have the sol of the snake vanishe by this powerful young man.

"Zhu clan Patriach, You said that the snake was in a forest, and that this forest has a large mass insisting to come along with, what was your ploy" Shi Feng demanded answers, not minding the pale state thate the Zhu Elder was in, as he assumed he was in such codition only because of the pale face that this boy exerted.

Shi feng could not be more wrong, Zhu Elder was in shock and fear of this young man, but for a different reason. A eson that can make the whole Shabu forest disappear into nothingness must be an unfantomable adversary.

"Speak!" Shi feng asked once more thinking that his guess was being proved correct. The only reason he has not stuck et was because he did not know what will trigger this young senior, but his

pesent anger still made him follish and not leaving the area first.

Zhu Patriach immediately came bac to his senses. This Shi feng was clearly weaker than the young man, but Shi feng alone was enough to eliminate the whole Zhu Clan without anyone batting an eye to console them. He followed Shi Feng in hopeof recieving some treasures from the higer world knowing fully well that only with great risk comes great rewards. The Zhu partriach did not delay any he placed his finger between his brows and drew a strand of light, and threw it to the air.

It took a lot of will for the Zhu partiach to pull out a memory from his head. This was a feat that only martial saints and above can perform, it was impressive that a martial grandmaster could even complete it. With a flick, a projection showing a first person view of Zhu clan patriach running towards the Shabu mountain, through the forrest. Even in his full speed, it still took him a while. from this a person could see that the Shabu forrest is indeed not small. Just one look from behind Shi fend could see the buildings of the Red Jade City and in front he could see the Shabu Mountain.

Even with the strain from extracting memories from himself, blood flowingdown the corner of his mouth, the Zhu patriarch, cupped his hand and bowed to Shi Feng in apology.

"Please forgive us great elder, I did not know that the dimentional snake could eat up such a large area. Luckily great elder and his senior came to solve it, oterwise Red jade city won't just be faced with being too close to the teritory of high teir peast, it would have been swallowed by a calamity teir Monster!"

Shi feng understood that Zhu patriach was pulling his legs when attaching him to the praise. A divouring snake thate could consume a whole forest, Shi feng was not even confident of escaping such a thing. He glanced at this young man who defeated it without even a strand of hair not propely in its place. Finally it dawned on Shi Feng how foolish he has become. With a small bow, Shi excused himself, and disapeared. Going back to the Red Jade City.

The Zhu Patriach however did not know what kind of beign this young man was, as he was protected by an amour that negated spiritual pressure, stoing it to become cultivation energy. The Zhu Partriach, even with his interneal wound, still gathered his underlings and left the young man behind. Forget any extra tresure, he was happy to that save for the elder that died to te devouring snake, no other person from the zhu clan died.

The Zu can partraich did not know that he was actualy leaving with some indirect treasure. This young man, though not consiously was still looking him with a concentrated look,For a devouing snake to eat through space and entering void? what kind of joke is that? this young man's face was dead urgly. only a void dragon could do such a thing, but all the void dragon's are extint! he must report it to his master. Bending a little, he jupped strait to the bronze level continent, where he will find the god stairs to the iron continent, he could not dally a second!


without any interferance Turgunu, had crossed 13 cities that were close to the outpost city Red Jade town. it has only been four breaths since he left the new Shabu Forrest. this was by no means mean that Trugunu exerted himself. In fact he was paying attention to the senery and fauna. stopping most times to observe them. these hundreds of thousand miles where not even woth remebering, Now to the minor task at hand. The wall in this city was just decoration to Turgunu. He simply phased through all the array and appeared in the city. He took the now clothed Adam to a luxerious inn in the area, where he checked him in for one year. He could sense the magic space on the boy, so he thew in a all the coins he had on him into the space, and left.

One of the reasons Turgunu left was that he could not face Adam anymore as he remainded him of Leo, his successor. If he knew that he could find this new world, he would not have subjected Leo to fate of the Dark gift. It would be a month later before Adam would awake.

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Turgunu and Leo is a character from anther of my work. I wanted him to disapear from that book, so why not bring him here? You will never see him again in this work untill towards the very ending.

Rikudouensofcreators' thoughts