
Re-Living Myself

Have you ever loved someone? That's a stupid question, let me rephrase it- Have you ever prioritized someone over yourself at the cost of your well-being? I have and I still do. Does that make me what people refer to as 'blind in love'? Maybe I'm starting to go blind. Losing my best friend, stopping to love myself, and never being able to love someone else, is this what I get from the choices that I have taken along the way.

Viking_NewGen · Fantasy
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Efforts Matter?

Let me propose a question-


I always wondered if efforts matter or the end result since all I see is people congratulating the winner and ignoring the effort maker. I mean who wants to hear from someone who lost when you have a winner in front of you?

So the question comes up, is the one who gives his all more valued than the one who shows the result?

I, myself want to support the effort maker wholeheartedly but history had events recorded of the winner getting it all while the hard-working ends up defeated and the other side is hailed. And I find myself in this ordeal, which side to choose.

There is a famous quote by John Barrow- If you never try, you'll never know what you are capable of.

I somehow find this quote by him quite unsettling. Is knowing our full capabilities really for the better? I mean truth is always cruel while a lie is kind. So why can't we all just live in a facade which keeps everyone happy?

But many would also ask why live in a facade when we can be our true selves, right?

I ask those people- Why do things which keep everyone sour? If self-happiness is the only thing we all want to achieve, then true peace can never be achieved. Since envy would always get the better of us.

We live in such a hypocritic society yet they say there is beauty in this world. I only see grey all around me. What beauty?

Of course, I could be perceived as a negative person and maybe 'mean' but think about it more logically what I'm trying to say.

Efforts make a man miserable.