
Re : Life

Ale, the 'Incarnation of an ancient saint', 'An angel', 'The right hand of God', he goes by many names within the people of his duchy. And just like those names suggests, he's a kind, understanding, smart yet down to earth soul, someone you'd look for in times of despair.He was like a Messiah, an example for others to look up to. And he achieved all that within three years. Before that, nobody even acknowledged his existence. Now, you may ask what could've happened three years ago that changed him like this, which gave birth to this hero. To answer your question, it's 'death'. He died. Not three years ago but twenty years into the future. He died twenty years later in the future and then came back to the past, to the beginning of everything, to a time where nothing had gone wrong. He lived a miserable life and died a miserable death. All he wanted was to do was help people and be a good person, but what he received in return was a world of pain, the death of his loved ones and the title of 'The betrayer of humanity'. It was him against the entire world, a life full of misunderstanding. Yet, all he did was helping a wounded soul. He received all that for helping someone he shouldn't have, for befriending someone he should've killed at first site. He befriended a demon. But it was all in the past now. The future he experienced no longer existed. The naïve young master was no longer there. The Ale of present was a person with knowledge, experience and skill unlike no other. And this time, he wasn't going to repeat the mistakes of his past anymore. He wasn't going to walk a road of ignorance and foolishness. This time, what path will he choose? In this second chance, what mistakes will he undo and what enemies will he need to deal with? Will he be able to save his loved ones in this life? And in the end, what will happen to Ale, this man full of unseen scars and wounds? Will he actually be able to heal?

Partim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
124 Chs

A Monster in the Battlefield

"What the.."

Ale froze in place as he watched the scene in front of him.

The heavy scent of blood that was ticking his nose made him want to barf. But he steeled his nerves as he tried to process what was happening in front of him.

They were currently on the battlefield. No. Not exactly the battlefield, they were in the barracks. This was supposed to be one of the safest place on the battlefield.

But what they saw in front of their eyes could be considered anything but safe. Swords clashed and bodies dropped one after another. No one knew if they were alive or not.

"Young master, please stay at the back."

"What the hell is happening here?"

The two knights showed vigilance as their main priority was protecting their young master. The knights at the back also waited patiently for Ale's command without blindly jumping in.

The barracks were under attack. And from the look of it, this was a carefully deviced plan by the enemy, not just some random attack.

Except the direction of the village where they came from, all other sides were blocked by the enemy.

They took advantage of the fact that the knights and soldiers won't run away to the village and put the villagers in danger as they cornered them in this way.

"I'm guessing this isn't what you were expecting to see? Was it a sneak attack?"

Xion wondered as he came forward and stood beside Ale. Since he was a demon, a race that loved war, he could grasp the situation oretty quickly without much error.

"They crossed the line."

"The enemies?"

"Yeah. It's an unwritten rule to not lay hand on each others barrack till you defeat the main army."

"Whoa.. So that's why they were caught so off guard."

Many of the soldiers on their side didn't even have their armor on since everything happened so suddenly. It was a truely unfair situation.

"What should we do, young master?"

"Grab one of our commanders and bring them here."

Ale ordered Phil without wasting any more time. Since he needed an overall report on the situation before being able to take action and deploy his soldiers properly, they needed to speak to someone in charge.


Less than a minute later, a body dropped in front of Ale. Well, not a body since the person was still alive. It was one of their commanders, escorted by Phil.

"Who are you? What do you want?!"

The commander roared as he tried to grab his sword which had fallen beside Ale. Ale grabbed the arm coming towards his direction and pulled him up instantly, like a kid being dragged by his parents.


"Hello commander. My name is Alejandro De Rosario."

"R-Rosario?! Young master Ale?"

The commander fixed his posture immediately and greeted Ale with the noble greeting. This. Arraci was supposed to be under Ale's command afterall. He was the supreme commander.

"This is no time for formality. Can you tell me what's happening? How many enemies are there? And their location?"

Ale got straight to the point while Phil picked up the sword and handed it over to the commander. After a short briefing of the commander, Ale immediately ordered his knights to spread out and help their people defend the barracks.

"Thank God you're here, Chief. We almost got wiped out even before the battle began."

"Did the other barracks get attacked as well? Is anyone coming for help?"

"I've asked for help but received no reply so far. They're probably also in a similar situation."

"That doesn't sound good."

With Ale's command and the additional support from his knights, the barrack soon managed to put up a strong defense and started pushing the enemies out little by little.

After an hour or so, they managed to fully take back the control on their barrack and push the enemy out. The enemy also suffered heavy damage and lost almost half of their troops after receiving the sudden blow.

On the other hand, Ale had managed to gather all the wounded soldiers and get the healers to heal their wound in the meantime. Except a few unfortunate deaths, he managed to save most of the soldiers.

But he didn't like it. Ale didn't want to lose even one of his men. The seven bodies that were still warm made him want to turn everything over and destroy the bastards responsible.

But he was oddly calm. It was because of all those years of experience on the battlefield that he faced in his dreams. It made him strangely rational and not lose his mind.

"Put these seven in a different tent. And don't let anyone inspect these bodies."

He asked some of his knights to separate the bodies from the injured while he went inside the tent that was supposed to be his and quickly got changed.

The black uniform that he was given matched well with his sunset red hair and gave him a devilishly handsome vibe. His eyes which no longer looked likr those of a young boy made others want to kneel in front of him.

"Don't let anyone in till I say so."

With that command, Ale went inside the tent with the dead soldiers. He thought about all he could do at that moment, all of his options.

He could defeat the enemy and take revenge for them, he could offer their family with unbelievable wealth as consolation, or he could just act like it was normal and avoid responsibility.

But none of those options gave him any peace of mind. That's why, he decided to do what no normal person would ever think about.

He decided to resurrect them. He'd bring them back from the dead and make them work like slaved to pay him back for the favor. Ale liked this option more than any of the previous ones.

"Now then-"

He took off the gloves on his hand and placed two arms on top of two soldiers heart. Since he didn't have much time with the battle and everything, he decided to do two at once.

Soon, a dazzling golden light, brighter than even the sun, started coming out of his palm along with shiny golden strings. The strings entered the body of each person and started flowing in their veins like blood.

"Ah.. This still feels weird."

Although this wasn't the first time, but using this technique always made him feel uncomfortable. Like a crawling sensation all over his body, and his instincts warning him not to go against the flow of nature.


But he didn't care. If he could save one more life with just the cost of feeling a little uncomfortable, he'd do it a thousand times over. That's how things were for Ale.

It didn't take him more than ten minutes, to resurrect and bring them all back to life. He called for the healers and made them heal the rest of their wounds.

Nobody knew what had just happened inside this tent except the knights that helped him move the body. But since they were under Ale's command, they knew better than to open their mouth carelessly.

"Now, shall we pay a visit to our guests?"

Ale cracked his fingers as he fixed his gaze on the direction of the enemies. He did a few strech to get ready for the parade and headed there straight away.

"Oh! He didn't make a mess, right?"

Ale asked one of the knights as he slowly approached the front line. He was talkng about Xion. Ale sent Xion to the front line to keep things under control till he finished at the back.

But now that he thought it over, it was a pretty careless decision. That guy had no self control whatsoever. And he also hadn't gone through the proper training to control his strength either.


The knight hesitated for a moment before answering his question, making Ale wonder what type of trouble Xion had caused.

"What did he do?"

"Umm.. He captured all the enemy commanders... and is now beating them up.. one by one."

"He did what?!"

'That IDIOT! I only asked him to not let the enemy in and help the knights defend! What the hell dude?!'

Ale started running towards the front line as sounds of punching and kicking started to ring louder and louder in his ears.

Metals getting crushed and blood splattering all over, by the time Ale was there, all the commanders except the one in Xion's hand had lost their consciousness and was sprawled all over the floor.

"STOP! Stop it you sonuvabitch!"

Ale grabbed his arm which was about to punch the lights out of the last one of them and stopped Xion. He needed at least one of them alive to figure out their plot and take counter measures.

The knights all around them had already turned pale from watching the scene in front of them. Even the enemy knigths had lost all strength in their legs and just sat there powerlessly as they watched their commanders get pummeled to death.

Ale's arrival at that time not only relieved his allies but also the enemies, since it looked like someone who could actually stop that 'Monster' had finally appeared.

"Please save us."

Pleaded the enemies as they all dropped their weapon and surrendered.