
Re:Life in my Ideal World

This is meant as a casual autobiography mixed with financial and sexual wish fulfillment. The character will start to impact events with a cell phone (connected to modern internet) and untraceable email with links to directly influence businesses and governments. There will also be a religious shift to angle towards separation of Church and State (Ideal world), and some plot armor cheats like STD immunity and pregnancy cheats (controlled by the female instead of the MC). This evolves into more elaborate cheats as needed. Don't expect quick updates. The research needed for my intended impact on the world will be pretty extensive, as is my reading addiction, and i also work a full time job. Yes, i have loosely based the characters on real people and events (mostly personality stereotypes and the typical basis of flawed memories. Names and locations outside of the public domain will be altered enough to at least give plausible deniability. Please keep in mind that the personal relationships and characters will be greatly altered by the wish fulfillment part of the story. i will also give some discretion about some characters getting sex scenes to the audience, but still with my preferences prioritized. This story will include some sadly historical topics including: drugs, alcohol, and the murder and suicide of people that i've known; as well as the known events in pop culture. The character will also share my political, religious, hetereoflexible sexuality, and hometown first views. If a democratic leaning libertarian, that doesn't like the Christian beliefs, and favors Dallas, Texas above all other cities might offend you; you have been warned. For legal purposes all sexually active characters are over 18 Earth years in this fictional universe, but in view of the laws of this fantasy world the girls must either be within 3 years +/- their partner's age, or all characters must be of legal age in this universe as well. (presumed that each year and month in the alternate universe is twice as long as a method to make the sexual content match the laws) To balance that it is presumed that all money in this world is worth twice as much as in our world (less inflated). There will be no declared relationships, so NTR in either direction won't matter to the main character. In regards to Yuri, the main character will encourage it during multiple partner scenarios, but will not care about it otherwise. i created a discord to discuss the novel and other things we like, but i suck at using it. If you want to join it, comment on a chapter, and i'll try to send an invite.

some_Phreak · History
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1992 Daily Life and Impacts in KS

The income from this year is $116.33 Million; after the 34% taxes are removed, we have $76.778 Million in funds. After Ms. Lee's attorney fee, our profit is $69.1 Million.

This year, we will build extra houses near each school in Indian, Oklahoma; Panther, Texas; and the Rainbow School in Dallas. These are meant as places to spend time between school and events. We will also sponsor a special edition of the Battle Masters game by Milton Bradley, which has a smaller board and props with fewer upgraded figurines.

Politically, we will warn about Hurricane Andrew hitting the Bahamas and then Miami. We also will warn Chicago about the Kinzie Street Bridge causing a tunnel to collapse to flood the Chicago Loop. Bill Clinton still won the election, and Bush passed NAFTA, which will cause issues for the manufacturers, especially in the Midwest. We will push inland ports with warehouses, assembly, and prep services in those areas and service industries in all states. We can also push the Made in America initiatives as the quality options to let the market make more winners in each industry based in America.

We will create Kitsune merchandise for our business initiatives, primarily clothes and food-related items. This is mostly advertising for the company, so we will keep revenues from these items low. Again, we are more focused on employing and giving higher wages to our employees. The excess funds will be donated to upgrading rail lines in Texas. At a minimum, all high-traffic areas should be double-tracked and move towards grade separation.

This was our final year in Kansas and my first year in band. i wanted sax in my original life, but they had me try sax, trumpet, and drums. i was the most naturally skilled at drums. In this life, i went straight for drums and got a more standard setup, so i wouldn't stand out so much.

We changed from raising and breeding our pugs to breeding poodles instead. This gave me the only dog i ever owned, a red female poodle. i spoiled her. We got different colored poodles; another red female was the mother of the other poodles. Her other puppies that we kept were a white female poodle and a chocolate male poodle. We also had a retired German Shepard police dog at this time, but we assume that he was killed by my mom's boyfriend for getting into his drugs. i'm not sure why a drug user would allow a drug dog to live with us.

We also continued raising chickens for eggs and meat. Which Corina mostly took care of as part of her 4-H duties. i never cared much about them, so the ones i remembered were Delawares, Rhode Island Red, and some kind of Bantam. i think we also had some other colored ones and one duck at one time.

We spend time with Robby, Jocelyn, their mom Diana, and her family first. i continued to pay more attention to Paisleigh in this life than in the last, even though she doesn't fit most of my current visual preferences. i am making a conscious effort in this life to give more love and affection to the girls who have feelings for me, so there is a lot of making out and petting Paisleigh.

Her crush has also grown a bit more in this life. i also try to explain to her that i believe in free love (in this life since i can't get STDs and the cost of children won't matter). Still, i'm happy to give her as much love and affection as i can when i'm around. However, i won't be around enough to date her, and i won't see her much after Robby graduates (1999). i will wait to mention that i intend to visit any mother and child i'm related to every summer from now on. i know that we still have chemistry and attraction even after Robby graduates. Still, there are too few situations in which i was originally alone with Paisleigh, as well as a few other issues.

Then i spent time with Skyla and Charles and talked to my uncle Remy. In the previous life, he would have to move to Ohio around this time; since we're the employer, i can hang out and cuddle with Skyla a little more before age/gender barriers start to make some people uncomfortable. i will also try to impact Charles to be less judgemental in this life so that Skyla doesn't disappear in this life after her parents die.

Yes, this chapter moved due to my timeline being off. This might prevent much new content for this weekend. Kansas house layout image in comments.

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