
Re:Life: Glitch in the System

It was a very normal day for the inhabitants of planet Earth when an emotionless robotic voice resounded in every creature's mind. "Unawakened Planet#54673242 discovered" "Initiating Awakening" When mankind had finally adapted to these changes, the voice of the System rang once again. "Tutorial has ended. A war will be initiated for the ownership of Planet#54673242." Mankind fought long and hard but they were still no match for their enemies. Mankind lost. Ezekiel or Zeke as his friends knew him, was a researcher. He was one of the wisest humans and there was a spear sticking through his chest. As he was dying, he heard the System's voice. "Activation prerequisites met." "Activating Skill: Glitch???" "Remaining Uses: None" The last thing he heard before dying was, "You human vermin finally lost. This planet now belongs to the...wait! What is happening? Why is the Sys@#$%@$..." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a regression novel. Also, check out my other book, Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] Cover by Forteller. For comissions, contact him at: maxisjay7@gmail.com

Realm_Weaver · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Chapter 12: The Second Ingredient and the System 2

We will go through each System Window one by one. After we are done with that, I will explain everything I know about the Ascension Trials.

First, the Status Window. After you pass the first trial, you will be able to access your Status window. You just need to have the intention of viewing your status to do so. Thinking or saying the word 'Status' helps."

After she said this, she started drawing something on the board.


Name: Your Name

Race: Your Race

Affinity: Your Affinities

Grade: Your Grade

Level: Your Level

EXP: EXP collected to level up in percentage

MP: The total mana that you have left in percentage

HP: The total health that you have left in percentage

SP: The total stamina that you have left in percentage

STR: 0 Star (Physical strength)

AGI: 0 Star (Physical speed and dexterity)

VIT: 0 Star (Physical health)

STA: 0 Star (Physical Stamina)

MANA: 0 Star (Strength of the Mana Vessel )

SPIRIT: 0 Star (Strength of the Soul Vessel)

WILL: Grade


"This is what the Status Window looks like. Before I start, let me clear up a misconception. Unlike games, the System doesn't show your stats numerically. You don't get free stat points for levelling up. This is real life.

Most of the Status Window is pretty self-explanatory. The only things that need proper explanations are; the Stars, the leveling-up process, and the WILL stat.

First, the Stars. The System acknowledges that all beings have different potentials and the Status Window reflects that. Potential is a very important thing. That is why I said, the results of the first Ascension Trial are very important.

The longer you can hold on, the more potential will be unlocked. If you can't hold on till it naturally ends, the potential that you didn't unlock will be lost. Forever. Of course, there are some exceptions. You might go through an experience that increases your potential but those are too rare. In the history of the Earth Federation, there have been only two such individuals.

The unlocked potential will become your new potential. If by chance you can hold on, till it naturally ends, you will unlock your true potential and gain a System Achievement that will add a little boost to your potential.

The Stars are a measurement of potential that you have realised. You can have a maximum of five Stars in every stat before you ascend to the next rank. Five Stars in a stat means that you have realised your full unlocked potential in that stat in that particular Grade.

[Dumb Realm_Weaver forgot to tell that the Stars have a different scale for everybody. One person's 1 Star may be equal to another person's 2 Stars. It all depends on their potential.]

Second, the levelling up process. You start with 0 Stars in every stat except WILL. As you already know, there are three ways that you can level up. With EXP, with Essence, and with techniques. All three will yield different results.

When you only use EXP gained by killing other creatures to level up, you gain 0.04 Stars in every stat per level. By the time you get to Lvl.50, you will have 2 Stars in every stat except WILL. That is why we were so weak before Mad Immortal discovered Essence and created the Supreme Exercise.

When you use Essence to level up, you gain 0.1 Stars in every stat per level. By the time you get to Lvl.50, you will have 5 Stars in every stat except WILL. Although the results are worth it, this method takes a very long time and it only gets more and more difficult at higher Grades. After a person reaches A Grade, it would become virtually impossible for them to continue using Essence to level up due to the insane conversion rates.

Using techniques to level up. This method is the best and the worst at the same time. There is no fixed amount of Stars that you will gain when using techniques. In fact, it is the other way around. When you are using techniques, your level increases according to the amount of Stars you gain whilst practising them.

You can initiate the second Ascension Trial anytime after the average of your stats is 2 Stars. The amount of Stars you gain depends on the strength of the technique and more importantly, its compatibility with you. A person with a Fire Affinity won't be able to become stronger with a Water Affinity technique even if it is an EX Grade technique. When you are using techniques, levels don't matter much. Only Grades do.

You generally need three techniques, one for each Vessel. if you can find a technique suitable for you that strengthens two Vessels, that's great. As for a technique that strengthens all three vessels at the same time, I don't think that they exist.

I called this method the best and the worst at the same time because it is not easy to find a suitable technique that is also strong. On the other hand, if you do find one, it will help you become stronger much faster. It will also help in increasing your understanding of your Affinities.

There is another method, although I don't recommend using it. Creating your own techniques. No matter how strong a technique is, it won't be a perfect fit for anybody other than its creator. Of course, it's a different matter if the creator is an ungodly genius with almost divine insight into the workings of the three vessels. I also think that they don't exist either.

The only person that even remotely comes close is Mad Immortal. But even he only created the prototype of the Supreme Exercise. It took the joint effort of many strong individuals to refine it to its current form, making it one of the strongest techniques for the Body Vessel. The best part is that it is available to all citizens of the Earth Federation.

But before you start having dreams, let me burst your bubble. Creating your own techniques is very, very difficult. One small mistake can cost you your life. Don't blame me for saying this, but I can only think of one person from this class who is qualified to do so."

As she said this, she glanced at Cass. Everyone in the class and Cass himself knew that she wasn't talking about him but Ezekiel. Even though he came to school very rarely, he was very famous. Rumours of his intellect had spread rapidly after he had passed that test.

"If you have any ideas for creating your techniques, consult your seniors and teachers. They will try their best to help you. Finally, we come to the WILL stat. It represents your willpower. You must have noticed that, unlike other stats, it is not measured in Stars but in Grades. That's because potential doesn't matter when it comes to willpower.

Theoretically, an F Grade could have an SSS Grade in the WILL stat. You may be able to find some techniques that help in increasing the WILL stat but they are very rare. That will be all for the Status Window.

The Skill Window displays all of your Skills and Racial Traits. There are two types of skills. Innate and Acquired. Innate Skills refer to the skills that we awaken naturally when we go through the Awakening. Neo-Humans do not have any Innate Skills. Demi-Humans might awaken some Innate Skills based on the bloodline they have and its purity.

Acquired Skills refer to those that we gain after going through the Awakening. Acquired Skills are also separated into F - EX Grades. There are four ways by which you can gain Acquired Skills. First, through skill books. This is the easiest way to gain Acquired Skills. But they are very expensive.

Second, through repeated actions. For example, if you swing a sword perfectly about 100 times consecutively, you can gain Skill: Slash. You can gain many low Grade skills, especially weapon skills, through repeated actions. And don't think that they are a waste of time because they are of a low Grade. These skills can generally be upgraded into stronger ones based on their proficiency. There are five proficiency levels that we know of; Initial, Proficient, Expert, Perfect, and Transcendent.

Third, through System Achievements. Some System Achievements reward skills. Their Grade depends on the difficulty of the System Achievement. And lastly, fourth, the most difficult way to gain skills is to create them yourself. You will also gain the System Achievement, Skill Architect.

Now, let us discuss Racial Traits. Racial Traits are genetically determined characteristics. The Neo-Humans only have a single Racial Trait. Plasticity. Because we don't have any innate abilities or bloodlines, we have very plastic genes that accept and adapt to foreign genes. Demi-Humans have different Racial Traits based on the monster beast bloodline they have and its purity.

Third, the System Achievement Window. All your System Achievements are displayed here. Their description and rewards, all are displayed here.

Fourth, is the Conversion Window. In this window, you can convert your collected EXP into Essence. The conversion ratio of EXP to F Grade Essence is 10:1. For every Grade after that, it is multiplied by 10. So For E Grade Essence, the conversion ratio is 100:1 and so on. You can also collect EXP gained by killing here if you don't want to use it to level up.

Now, we have talked about the importance of the Ascension Trials briefly. If you clear the first Trial perfectly, you will get a System Achievement, Perfect Evolver I. When you initiate your second Trial, the System will ask you to choose a difficulty level from, Easy, Intermediate, Hard, and Nightmare.

People with the Perfect Evolver I Acheivement will also get the choice of Transcendant difficulty. If they choose this difficulty and pass the Trial, their System Achievement Perfect Evolver I transforms into Perfect Evolver II. The System is very fair. If everything was based on potential, it would be very difficult for people with weaker potential to grow stronger.

The Ascension Trials give them the chance to change their future. The Trials are different for everybody but the rewards are the same. For Easy level, the reward is a 20% boost in potential. For the Intermediate level, it is 40%. For the Hard level, it is 60%. The difficulty of Nightmare and Transcendant levels is off the charts but so are the rewards. For Nightmare level, it is 100% and for Transcendent level, it is a whopping 150%."

When she was about to continue the bell rang. 

"I'll take answer your doubts and questions tomorrow."

Cass met Rosaria on his way to the school gates. Alessio had bought land for a house near Katherine's and moved in with his family there after they had made their plans for convenience's sake. Rosaria was of the same age as Zeke and Cass, and they quickly became friends. Under Alesio's request, she also joined them in their training sessions under Alexi. Alexi had no problem training another kid.

A chauffeur from the De Luca family was waiting for them. 

"Good afternoon Young Miss. I see Young Master Castiel is with you. That makes my job easy. I was instructed by Lady Katherine to pick up Young Master Castiel today with the Young Miss. She apologised for not being able to do so herself because something urgent had come up."

Both the kids got in the hovercar and the chauffeur dropped them off at their houses before parking the car. 



Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope you like the novel.

Sorry for the late chapter.

Tell me your thoughts about the System.

Leave reviews and comments because I love it when you guys interact with me.

Shout-out to @Suctiom, @romance_guy and @ASURA for being one of the first five members of the Discord server.

I have uploaded the race description of Sol Angels and Ash Demons on Discord.

Join our community on Discord for sneak peeks of future chapters, exclusive content, and other stuff. I actively come online to chat with you guys. The first five members get a shout-out in the next ten chapters.


I'm happy to announce that this book now supports voting.

So gimme them Power Stones.

Thanks for the support guys.

See you next time