
Re: Immortal In The Apocalypse

On Monday afternoon, the world was shaken by an earthquake that caused many buildings to collapse. A strange system appeared in people's minds. Spiritual fruits grow on trees, they give abilities to those who eat them. There is one fruit that surpasses all fruits. It is called the immortal fruit. The person who eats the fruit gains an immortality, cannot be killed and destroyed. A monkey ate it, and caused countless disasters in the apocalypse filled with chaos. Qin Tian who managed to be reborn ignored everything, he rushed to the tree where the fruit appeared. ... If you think other apocalypse novels' mc are less badass, less op, less playing with women, well, you've come to the right place. Watch how an immortal runs rampant in the apocalypse. Cover is not mine

Saubi1234 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Once Again

Seeing the hungry looking monkeys running towards her, the girl screamed in fear. She looked even more scared than being chased by the zombies.

She looked at Qin Tian, ​​her face reddened and her eyes bulging.

"Shameless man, how dare you do this to me," she shouted. Unfortunately her voice was not very audible in the very heavy rain.

Her pair of long smooth legs swayed up and down, it was unknown if it was because she was afraid or wanted to scare the monkeys.

As soon as the first monkey arrived, it jumped straight into her body.

But before it reached her body, Qin Tian came and stabbed it in the back with the branch.

It pierced through the monkey's chest, causing it to die instantly.

Unfortunately it was only a level 1 monster, he didn't gain any EXP from killing it. But apart from level 1 monsters, there were several level 2 monsters in that monkey group.

They stopped when they saw him attack suddenly, but they only paused for a moment.

The five of the monkeys which were level 1 monsters then headed towards him while the last four kept heading towards the girl.

The four headed for the girl were level 2 monsters.

Qin Tian ignored the monkeys that were heading towards him, even after they lunged at him, he still ignored them.

He is immortal, he is not afraid of getting hurt.

Just as the monkeys started attacking him, he stabbed one of the level 2 monkeys.

It screamed as its heart was stabbed suddenly.

The monkeys that attacked him started clawing at his body.

Blood spurted out of his body, but he didn't care. His wounds quickly closed again.

Seeing the white light emitting from the monkey's body he stabbed made him even more excited.


(You have killed one level 2 monster.)

(You gain 10 EXP.)

(EXP level 3: 10/30)


The death of one monkey left the other three in shock. But they were already beside the girl, neither of them wanted to stop. Each of them reached out their hands to the girl's body in search of the fruit.

Her body being touched by the monkeys, the girl couldn't help but scream even louder.

"Damn, kill them quickly," she said.

Of course, Qin Tian himself was worried that the monkeys managed to take the fruit, he naturally acted quickly.

This time he stabbed one of the monkeys in the head and then stepped on it until it broke.

Without pause for even a moment, the tree branch in his hand headed towards the other two monkeys.

The pain in his body made his blood boil so his combat potential also increased drastically, he felt twice as strong.

The movement is twice as fast, the momentum is even more.


The branch stabbed the monkey's chest until it pierced it, but he didn't stop, he kept moving the branch until it stabbed the last monkey.


(You have killed one level 2 monster.)

(You gain 10 EXP.)

(EXP level 3: 20/30)



(You have killed two level 2 monsters.)

(You gain 20 EXP.)

(EXP level 4: 10/40)



(EXP level 3 is full, you advance to level 3.)

(Congratulations, you advance to level 3, you get 3 attribute points. You can use them to upgrade your attributes.)


If within one second he kills two zombies or monsters together, he will gain EXP simultaneously. That was why he still gained EXP from the last monkey even though he should have reached level 3.

He then distributed the three attributes for strength, speed, and stamina.


(The host has new stats.)


Name: Qin Tian


[Innate Gift]

1. Immortality


Level: 3

EXP level 4: 10/40


Strength: 9+2 =11

Speed: 8+1 =9

Stamina: 7 +3 =10

Spiritual: 0



1. None

2. None

3. None





After the four monkeys died, the remaining monkeys immediately fled. They tore his shirt until it was no longer comfortable to wear, he finally removed the shirt from his body and threw it on the ground.

The scratch marks of the monkeys were still on his body but they closed very quickly while the rain washed away the blood on his body.

He is more than 180 cm tall, his body also has small muscles that add to his sexiness.

He may only be a white-collar worker, but he has a physique that is not inferior to a running athlete.

He then looked at the girl flying in front of him, she was already silent and was staring at him.

A blush appeared on her cheeks as she looked at his stomach.

"What's the matter girl, are you now fascinated by this poor bastard? Well, I know young girls get aroused easily, but if you want, wait for us to get to a warm bed," he said.

His words made the girl's eyes widen.

"Bastard, let me go," she said.

"Wait I'm done with my business first, and who knows when I need your help again," he replied.


She tried to kick him, unfortunately her feet could only touch his.

He then reached out to one of the monkeys' corpses.

He opened the monkey's chest, this time, apart from 1 white coin, he found a box.


(D-grade treasure box. Open the box to get one of the D-grade treasures.)

It was a black metal box.

There are many treasures that can be obtained from the treasure box, the ones that come out more often are weapons, artifacts, medicines to treat wounds and illnesses, and skills. Sometimes it also hides the spiritual fruit.

Qin Tian quickly opened the treasure box, a white light shot out from the box before disappearing in front of him.

But something appeared at the place where the light had disappeared.


(Silver Iron Sword)

(Type: D-grade spiritual weapon)

(It has the ability to penetrate the body defenses of all beings below level 15 without a spiritual energy supply. With a spiritual energy supply, it is able to penetrate the body defenses of all beings below level 25.)

The length of the sword reached one meter.

And it emitted a faint light, but he knew the light could become even brighter if the sword was supplied with spiritual energy.

He took the sword quickly. With a sword, his strength will increase drastically. It was different from a tree branch where he had to attack with focus.

With that, he cut up the corpses of the monkeys with ease.

He got 1 white coin and one treasure box once again.

He opened the treasure box, what appeared this time was a small vial, it contained white medicine.


(Medicine of Thousand Miracles)

(Type: Class D Medicine)

(It has the ability to heal minor ailments when taken by mouth and heal minor wounds when applied topically after thawing.)

"Well, not a bad thing."

He stuffed the medicine bottle into his trouser pocket before looking around, he looked for zombies and monsters level 3 and above, but he couldn't find any around.

He knitted his brows and said, "It seems like my growth is faster. But if it's like this."

He was fully prepared for this apocalypse, but his preparations seemed to go beyond the apocalypse process.

He then took back the red fruit he had put in the girl's trouser pocket.

Just as he was about to put the fruit in his trouser pocket, the girl suddenly spoke.

"Uncle, can you give it to me?" She said.

Her voice was soft and polite.

She also tried to sit up, because her hands were tied, she had to try hard just to sit up. It ended up creating a better impression.

As expected of a spoiled girl, her pleading ability was something that was on another level. And that equals her arrogance.

Qin Tian looked at her and smiled faintly, he crouched down in front of her before asking, "girl, what's your name?"

She looked surprised that he asked her name, for a moment, her lips slightly moved.

"Bella Xue," she replied.

She even has a western name, she probably told her western name on purpose to make it look cuter.

"Nice name," said Qin Tian.

He reached his hand to her chin and held it before pushing it slightly up so the skin on her neck tightened. The rainwater that was stuck in her neck immediately flowed down as the skin on her neck tightened.

"You have high quality skin, in the coldness of the apocalypse, it must be very comfortable if I sleep with you in my arms. I'm sure I can sleep better."

His words made the girl's face turn red.

"But Bella, is there anything about you that can be exchanged for this fruit other than your beauty?" he asked.


"Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying your beauty isn't worth this fruit, but if I want you, I just need to take you. I don't need to trade you for this fruit."


This time, her face turned slightly purple.

"Bastard, what did you do to my daughter?"

Suddenly an angry scream rang out behind Qin Tian.

Bella's father managed to escape from the zombies, he even managed to kill one.

Perhaps his actions towards his daughter caused him to become so angry that his courage increased drastically.

After running away from the zombie encirclement, he immediately dashed towards him. Even with his distended stomach, he ran quite fast. Behind him, more than ten zombies were chasing him.

"I don't like being disturbed," said Qin Tian when he saw him.

He then kicked the monkey corpse beside him until it hit the middle-aged man's head, causing him to fall.

"Dad..." Bella screamed in terror as she watched her father fall.

Qin Tian, ​​on the other hand, looked on with a faint smile as if he was enjoying the show.

Before the zombies jumped at him, the middle-aged man quickly stood up.

He was afraid that Qin Tian would do the same, so he ran in another direction.


Suddenly there was a loud roar from the top of the immortal tree.

Qin Tian immediately turned his gaze to the tree.

It was the immortal monkey that was roaring.

By this time, the monkey's fur had already turned gold. Its body also became bigger. It was already as tall as a human.

"Damn it, it's already B-class. And it's level 6 as well."

Qin Tian couldn't help but curse as he looked at the monkey.

Once the monkey reaches S-class, it will have a lot of extraordinary skills. Its level will also rise quickly.

'Maybe it's this monkey who took the primordial essence in this mountain so zombies and other monsters evolve more slowly,' he thought.

In fact, the earth itself is evolving.

In fact, the earth itself is evolving.

The evolution of the earth occurred due to the arrival of a mysterious energy called primordial essence.

It came gradually, the monsters and zombies, on the other hand, leveled up following the arrival of that primordial essence.

In the first stage, S-class monsters and zombies could reach level 25 in one day, only after that their level up became slow. But during the second stage of Earth's evolution, they would reach level 50.

A-class and B-class monsters and zombies are also not to be underestimated. Compared to S-class, their weakness was more in skill, not level.

The Iron-Silver Sword was said to be able to penetrate the body defenses of all creatures below level 15, but that was only body defense, it didn't include the defense that came from skills.

From D-class, monsters and zombies already have some skills, fighting them is not so easy. They can even withstand firearm bullets. Everything he killed earlier were just ordinary zombies and monsters, they had no skills other than their natural abilities.

Skill can only be fought with skill. Just relying on the same level against zombies and S-class monsters was no different from seeking death.

What is needed is not only level, but also skill.

In his past life, people were only able to face S-class monsters after the evolvers had two innate gifts.

Of course, although killing them was more difficult, the EXP they gave was also more.

D-class, twice more than ordinary class.

C-class, three times more than D-class.

B-class, four times more than C-class.

Class-A, five times more than class-B.

S-class, six times more than A-class.

Apart from EXP, they also had incredible treasure boxes.

They will take out treasure boxes according to their class, unlike ordinary monsters and zombies who sometimes have nothing. Even if they had treasure boxes, only D-grade treasure boxes would appear frequently, treasure boxes, which were of a higher grade only started to appear when their level was higher.


"B-class, I might still be able to kill it with a few strikes. But if it reaches A-class, even attacking it is something that's uncertain. Looks like I have to cancel my original intention," said Qin Tian.

Sudden changes of plans in the apocalypse are common. In his past life, nothing ever went according to his plan.

He had immortality, but it wasn't something that could be used to attack.

He took the red fruit back from his trouser pocket.

When she saw him do that, Bella's expression turned bad. She suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Bastard, what evil plan do you want to carry out?" She said.

"Well, I need your help one more time," he replied.

He then extended his hand to her waist.

Her clothes were quite thin and very tight, so when he touched her waist, he could feel the softness and warmth of her skin.

Her body is also very light, Qin Tian does not need much effort to lift it.

He placed her on his shoulder before stepping onto the immortal tree.

"Bastard, let me go." She tried to fight back, her feet kicking his back. But even though she was wearing a pair of boots, unfortunately her kicks were so weak that he just felt ticklish.

His plan is still the same as before. This time he might as well use himself as cannon fodder.

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