
Secret art" time skip no jutsu"

"991,992,993...huff, huff..,994,995,99-6 hah hah.. come on four more ,997,998,999,1000"

[Congratulations host on complete super saitamas set


1000 pushups

( 1000/1000)


1000 situps



1000 pull ups



*Error, noting that host has surpassed the system's expectations a 100×boost is applied on rewards*]

"Finally, let's see what I got" said a boy with two heterochromic eyes, one was purple with rings and one red with slits and golden cornea.

Looking at his reflection in the lake nearby he realized he was so stressed in doing the exercise that his ocular abilities were on display.

"Ahh, shit I look hot, I have to turn off my eyes"and then his eyes dimmed and changed back into a light purple color.

Reminiscing he started thinking, "it's been ten years Since I was born,

On the day of my birth....

{Flashback starts}

------------------------------------------------------------- " where am I why is it so bright" then a big hand lifts him up and hits his bottom with the other, with a searing pain on his butt he let out a shrill cry which surprised him to hear the sounds of a baby crying coming from his throat.

"Nyaaaaa!!! Nyaaaa!!!" 'just shit up you stupid mouth of mine'.

[Ding, loading setup, 1%,2%, –––10%]

'Don't tell me ' *gasp* SYSSTEMMM–SAMMMAAA!!!!!'

[Ding, setup completed,



[Detected has taking his first thoughts and cried for the first time host has been given rewards(unlock inventory at six months of age)]

'uhhh, come on I thought the system would make me overpowered from birth.'

[Ding, seen that the host has complained for the first time reward exp 7,000,000(moved to inventory,

Answer to hosts question:

Giving you all your rewards at the point of birth would cause a commotion even the head of the family wouldn't be able to suppress, circumstances causing hosts death would arise due to spies from other families in the host's family manor.

'ok I understand now but now what? '

[Ding, detected that host has asked a question for the first time

Reward:10,000,000 exp

Answer to hosts question:

The host just has to go about his daily actions and gain rewards at the age of 6

The host will unlock missions tab]

' ok this will take a while ', ' so system what's the power levels in this world '

[Ding, detected that host has asked a question for the second time

Reward:100,000 exp


The power levels of the golden planet is as follows:

Beginner (rank1-3)


Core (1-9)

Freedom stage(1-9)



Legendary ( 1-9)

Demigod (1-9)

Half-step god(early, mid, late, peak)

False god(early,mid, late,peak)

God(early, mid, late, peak)

[Ding: would you like to activate secret realm one time beginner package.]

Lucius: 'That's going to have to wait'.

___________________________________________{Cancelling time skip jutsu}

Aaand we're back.

a record broken l, whew might not update for a while due to exams

GoDKING_joshuacreators' thoughts