
Chapter 4

The girl simply stood near the door as pierced Makoto with her gaze.

Not only Makoto was the one graced by her strict look but Rom and Felt as well.

"At long last I finally caught you." She sighed looking towards her insignia.

Felt's face curled as the thought of Makoto setting all of this up popped to her mind but she neglected this thought looking towards the Luckster's face.

He looked surprised...no, he looked more like he was shocked to see the girl.

"Wh-Why are you here so early…?"

The girl whose name was supposedly Satella looked at him confused.

"I don't think I quite get what do you mean by that, are you also the one who stole my insignia?"

This question simply blended in air as Makoto's focus was on the reason of why this girl was here this early.

'Wait...it couldn't be…' He looked towards his hands. 'Don't tell me that without me she would have been here much earlier!?'

He wanted to lay on floor from the idea of him being a nuisance again.

Looking towards the girl he himself let a sigh out of his mouth.

"I am not working with her." Makoto grabbed the insignia he rightfully bought as extended it towards the silver haired elf girl. "You can have your insignia back, I already paid for it so you shouldn't worry."

Felt had no rights to meddle at what her client was going to do with this thing but seeing the naive boy just simply hand the thing he bought made her upset.

"Are you just going to give her this thing back and ask nothing for return??"

Makoto laughed.

"W-Well I originally planned to give it to her so…"

Felt gritted her teeth seeing how easily he gave up valuable things.

She wanted to shout but-

"Puck-san, protect her back!"


A giant gust of dust covered the area as a cat-like creature appeared flying near the silver-haired girl.

"Thanks for warning me." The cat spirit said with a wink towards Makoto.

The boy huffed in relief.

"Th-Thankfully I was lucky to see this…"

His eyes narrowed as he looked towards the person who launched an attack.

"We meet again, lamb-kun~!"

Makoto's face wrinkled at the glance of the woman before him.

Elsa with her loved dagger was simply smiling.

"I would actually wish to not meet with someone like you under any circumstance."

"How cold of you to say that after you so patiently groped my chest~"

Everyone in the room looked towards Makoto with a disappointing look.

Boy's face reddened as he started to shake his hands.

"W-W-Wait! That is a misunderstanding, I swear!"

"I don't know much about you but it is wild thing to do…"

Girl in white clothes was first to comment on him.

"So you like huge milkers huh!? I am disappointed, hmph!" Felt looked away from him with a jealousy clearly seen in her tone...this damn guy…wait, she isn't worried of him, is she!?

Makoto sighed in defeat as looked back towards the woman who was pleased to see this kind of scene.

"So your plan was on killing us after you get the insignia?" Felt shouted towards the black haired woman with venom in her tone.

"And what if I did? After all slum rat will always be a slum rat. Useless girl."

Felt greeted her teeth looking towards Elsa.

"So what if she is?"


"I say so what if she is slum rat? You think she chose in where and how to be born!?"

Makoto was showing a surprising anger while looking towards Elsa.

"Felt is a great person so don't you call her useless when she tries so hard!"

Felt's heart thumped as she heard Makoto say those words showing visible anger in his tone. Who was he? Why did he even cared for someone like her?

Elsa, however, chuckled.

"I don't really care for any of this myself but seeing you care for another woman breaks my heart~!"

With that she sent her dagger towards Makoto's side but only for it to be deflected by an ice shield.

"Not on my watch, girl." Puck said with a smirk present on his face. "I don't know your reasoning but this guy saved my Lia by warning me so you better step back."

"Fufufu~ I never fought with high spirit...wonder how does your guts look like~!?"

Both high spirit and the assassin aimed at each other's throats.

Puck was sending tenth of ice spears while Elsa simply dodged them by jumping to different side.

Crash. Attack. Another Crash. Another attack.

"You are quite talented for your age, young lady!"

"Young lady? That's something not fitted for my age, no~?" Elsa said delivering an attack with her dagger.

Every thrown blow and attack seemed useless on the face of a high spirit like Puck.

Elsa had a lustful smirk wanting to see the guts of the spirit.

Getting up her other dagger she aimed towards Puck's stomach.


But she was unable to do so as the bottle of wine crashed over her making her to bleed.

Makoto's heart started to thump faster.

'She usually tends to get too focused on one target rather than multiple...so this trick happened to work twice already.'

Everyone's expressions were wide open upon seeing how bravely the luckster acted in front of threat like Elsa.

"That actually hurts really badly, Lamb-kun."

She clenched her dagger with a killing intent approaching the boy who just smiled at her.

"It's time, Puck!!!"


Elsa turned herself towards the spirit who had a huge grin.

"I owe you twice now, huh?"


A wave of unstoppable ice moved towards the assassin freezing everything it touched.

Dust covered the area as Makoto gulped anticipating the outcome.

He just wondered whether the woman was alive or not.

"That was a deadly attack."

Elsa exclaimed all beat up from the spell. If not for her reflexes she would have been a goner.

"Don't tell me even this wasn't enough!?" Felt exclaimed in a sheer surprise.

Elsa was just giggling to herself at this point as sternly gazed around herself with a wide smile.

"How courageous of you, Lamb-kun~!" The crazed woman hugged herself. "Sacrificing yourself, acting as bait and even throwing bottles at me…Aren't you trying too hard to protect those people around you?"


"So I am right?" She narrowed her eyes. "Ahh~ I just wonder what kind of expression you will make once I will kill everyone in this room! Will you be despaired?"

Makoto bit his lip.

"I am sorry but it will take more than that to harm my friends."

"How cool of you to say that."

While Makoto was actually saying truth his heart was getting worried of people near him. His eyes fell towards Puck who yawned in exhaustion.

'Puck's time is about to finish...My luck is really crappy isn't it?"

He stood up looking towards Elsa.

"You and me. One on one."


Everyone raised their eyebrows looking towards the boy. What was he even doing?

"Are you insane!? She will kill you in an instant you know!?"

"Felt is right… This girl is bat shit insane and her power is inhumane, how would you deal with her?"

The white robbed girl also looked towards the luckster in a pure confusion.

"Why are you doing all of this?'

Makoto sighed.

Really...why was he going that far for someone who doesn't even know him? For someone who doesn't care for him?

"I don't know...I just do what my heart tells me and now it tells me to duel with this woman. When a person wants to eat, they eat. If they want to sleep, they sleep, and urges of heart are same…" He took a moment to remember his previous loops as shook his head putting those thoughts aside. "If my heart is telling me to save those people than I will save them no matter what."

Grabbing the sword which was hanging near the wall he pointed it towards the woman.

"You are getting tastier by every second!!!"


Sword and dagger collided with each-other.

Makoto's position was simple yet safe while Elsa just smirked at him trying to catch him off balance but the position he took was firm enough for him to keep his ground from the fierce blow from the skilled assassin he was facing.

'I know that I have no chance but…' He looked towards Felt's eyes as remembered how terrified she was in his previous loop. Greeting his teeth he started to move forward. 'If I will save at least those people around me I will feel good!'

With that said with his last remaining strength he managed to push Elsa aside surprising her even more.

'This is my only chance!' His very soul was screaming as fallen Elsa was completely opened for a fatal blow.

His eyes serious, expression firm and soul set ablaze he finally had a chance to take his revenge for all of those deaths and sufferings he got through.

Elsa at this point just closed her eyes anticipating the final blow.


It was over…

"Too bad~"


...For Makoto.

Luckster in millimiters to reach the wicked woman was stabbed by her other dagger right towards the area where was his liver.

He dropped his sword as fell down.

"Ghaaaaa!" the pain. The pain was unbearable and unfathomable. The dagger was deep inside his liver as the flame-like feeling was getting over him.

"Such screams! How fantastic! How terrifying! How arousing!" Her eyes were shining in darkness as she mused looking towards the boy laying on the floor. She knew that he won't disappoint her, she knew that this guy will be fun to toy with!

His resolve and his bravery were indeed fitted for a hero but he lacked everything else.

"Courage may be powerful thing and I actually respect you for that but without physic needed to perform heroic acts you are destined to die in obscurity." Elsa sighed as lowered herself towards the laying boy. "You know...I suddenly don't want to kill you, how about after I kill everyone in this room I will take you with me~?"

Makoto wanted to raise a voice but Elsa pressed the dagger which was in his body.


"You are so glad about it that you wanna scream? MY~ How cute of you, lamb-kun…"

Her smile was getting more cruel and more violent by every second.

The mocking would have continued if not for the ice spear flying towards her head.

"That's enough." The white haired girl was fed up. She didn't knew this boy but her heart thumped seeing him risk his life for her insignia, she wasn't aware of the reason and she wasn't sure why but when someone tries this hard for her sake she just can't sit down and do nothing.

"You are rather annoying girl, don't you see how romantic the situation is between us?"

"Maybe it is opposite? You, insane woman!"

Three rounds of ice spear went flying towards the assassin as in attempt to get away old man Rom appeared above her with his wooden club pointed towards her top.

"You thought I will sit down and do nothing!?"


A giant club of dust was raised as Elsa's condition was left unknown.

Makoto was still present on his place gasping from the pain.

"I...gh...c-can't allow myself to die in here…" He clenched his fists as greeted his teeth.

The only thing keeping him awake was the adrenaline rush which kept him awake.

What was he able to do at situation like that? Why is he still so useless?

"Da-Darn it all!"

He kept raising himself and moving up, he kept himself awake as moved towards Elsa's direction.

"Why are you trying so hard?"

He heard a distant sob as looked towards his back.

His eyes met the red and beautiful eyes of the blonde girl before him.


"Why do you keep fighting!?"

Even though it was dark he could see her teared up eyes.

He gritted his teeth. He didn't knew the answer...no, he knew it completely but it was absurd.


"Why just not run!? Why are you fighting for me or for this girl!?" Her heart was in pain seeing this innocent looking boy with a dagger struggling to stand up. Her heart was feeling unwell yet the boy kept looking at her with the same look.

The look which said that he holds her dear in his heart, but why? What did she do to be saved by this boy? Why was he trying that hard?

"For no reason."


"I said that I do all of this for no reason...actually no never-mind the 'for no reason' part. I do all of this because I want to and my heart tells me to do so that's all." Though the pain from dagger was bitter he managed to quench those words without stuttering once.

The girl on other hand kept looking at him as if she saw a unique animal.

"Are...Are you crazy!? Who would do something this insane because of their heart's demand??"

Makoto chuckled.

"Probably me…"

Felt's vein seemed to pop out for a moment as an incredible urge to kick this guy right onto face appeared in behind her mind.

"Agh, if not for your wound I would have kicked you real hard y'know?"

"I-I would prefer you would refrain from doing this…"

For someone like Felt seeing a person willing to sacrifice his life for practically nothing was bizarre by all means of this world. In slums everyone care for themselves or the people which are close to them and in fact same logic works in everywhere around the world.

Strong walks over weak and weak just bear with it. That is the logic she always lived with, but seeing this guy and his actions her perspectives were turned upside down in instant.

He is weak yet he faces the threat which is stronger than him by million folds and the fact that he is alive is something akin a miracle.

"You know...your words made me kind of relived."


The blonde girl looked confusedly towards the brown haired kid near her.

"I am always looked down upon and I wouldn't say that I am strong but you know...when I have someone to protect, I can give my all no matter what."

Standing up he smiled towards still confused Felt.

"And to protect you, I need you to call for help."

Felt's expression paled at realization of what was boy suggesting.

"You want me to run!?"

The exact same reaction he got in previous loop, in fact he seemed kind of relived at that.

"I want you not to run but to call out for help, Felt." His tone was serious, for the first time Felt saw the boy show such a strict look. "I know that it might seem like running and I won't deny that I want everyone in here to run but I just know that I am no good so I beg you."

He lowered his head.

"Call out for help, for guards or knights for anyone...I am sure we would be able to buy you time."

Felt of course wanted to deny this, to stay by Makoto's side and help him fight but she felt that boy wouldn't back up from his statements.

"Agh! F-Fine, just try not to push yourself too hard!"

Makoto smiled at her.


A pure smile...a genuine smile which Felt never saw in someone's eyes. For the first time in her life someone smiled at her like that.

Her cheeks reddened upon seeing the boy's kind smile.

"You better thank me when I will come with help!"

She dashed towards the exit.

"You think I will allow you to flee?"

Sadly Elsa noticed the girl as aimed her dagger towards her direction.

"And you think I will allow you to not allow her to flee!?"

Makoto back on track saying worst punchline he could come up with and armed with a chair clashed with her dagger.

"You are trying so hard for a slum rat, is it perhaps love?? Are you cheating on me, Lamb-kun!?"

Makoto face cringed at Elsa's words.

"W-We weren't in relationship to begin with!"

He pushed her away seeing Felt run away completely.

"How cruel could your words be!? After everything we did together~?"

Makoto's face was getting paler by every second hearing this crazy girl's words. He surely didn't mind a beautiful girlfriend but not when the said girlfriend is trying to see color of your guts!

"What a scary woman...your luck with girls is awful, lad…" Rom commented with pity.

"M-My luck is bad at all sides at this point…"

The atmosphere was tensing as Elsa was fairing in match against everyone in this room.

Even the silver haired half-elf girl.

"Miss Sat...I mean Half-elf, do you have any trump card up your sleeve? If you have it would be the best time to show it."

The girl shook her head.

"I do have one but I am afraid that if I would use it now, everyone in this room will be nothing but ice cubes."

Makoto whined. Just how bad can his bad luck be?

"You both can run away it is not your fight-"

"Sorry but I am dead set on helping you." Makoto interupted the girl.

"I don't really care but this girl ruined my precious warehouse and damn a lot of booze so I need to express my anger."

The girl looked at the duo unbelieving. If the reasons of old man were obvious, the other boy surprised her much more. What merit does he have helping her? Either way now was not the time to figure it out like that.

"So it is 3 vs 1? Isn't it unfair?"

Old man Rom was first to dash with the silver-haired girl backing him up.

Crashing his club towards her head Elsa swiftly dodged meeting pair of ice spears and crushing them effortlessly.

Makoto on the other hand tried his best to keep up, he was seriously useless right now and in fact the dagger in his body was preventing him from bleeding out, though he lost a lot of blood.

'Ngh...before I lose conscience I need to come up with something...But what? Her reflexes are good and her perception is even better...at some point I wonder whether she is a human or not." His thoughts being a mess he bit his lip to stay awake.

The only thing he knew about this woman was the fact that she was crazy and in a sense not right with her mind.

'How do you fight off something like that? Darn it...my luck is worst."

Seeing how much effort everyone placed he felt even more useless if only he had something to put against her if only…


Suddenly a crazy thought entered his mind.

"Hey." He shouted towards the silver haired girl.

"Huh? What do you need?" She asked confusedly.

"I know it might sound crazy but when I will give you a signal can you shoot your ice at me?"


"Please, just believe me."

She wanted to refuse but the conviction in the boy's eyes made her to sweat drop in surprise.

"Are you sure?"

Makoto nodded as the girl sighed. This boy clearly did not valued his life.

"Hey, Elsa!"

He shouted with all of his might.

The woman confusedly looked towards him.

"I thought you were a top class assassin…to think that you can't take out three normal people kind of saddens me."

His tone was unusual and cheeky.

The girl in question just laughed at this cute attempt.

"Are you trying to piss me off so your plan would work? It is kinda cute but sadly I am not falling for this."

Makoto smirked.

"I know…just wanted to get your attention."

"What do you mea-Huh!?"

Makoto screamed towards the half-elf signaling the launch of her attack.

"It better work!"

With that she sent a giant ice spear towards Makoto.

"It is time for the plan which I named…"

The boy rolled down as the ice spear hit the column which was supporting the whole building.

"Everyone run!" Makoto screamed warning everyone.

Elsa's eyes opened wide at realization of what did the boy planned.

"Ha...that's smart."


Whole warehouse collapsed as Makoto and others barely were able to escape.

"Th-This...this was damn reckless!!!"

Rom shouted in disbelief.

The silver-haired girl too narrowed her eyes towards the boy.

"So that's why you wanted to do this, huh!? You know that you might have died, huh?"

Being pierced by gazes of two people near him Makoto wanted to hide his face from fear.

"W-Well it worked out somehow, r-right?"

He started to scratch the back of his back while avoiding the gazes the old man and elf girl were throwing at him.

"But really…" his gaze fell towards the crashed building as his eyes softened. "M-Maybe there was a different way of dealing with her…"

A guilt piled up in his throat. While she killed him more than once Makoto was a hopeless pacifist though and through. He didn't wanted for girl to die.

Rom and the half-elf noticed this.

"You got a good heart but don't forget that not everyone in this world deserve a mercy." Rom placed his hand on Makoto's shoulder. "What you did was a heroic and smart move so instead cheer up."

"He is right...and my debt to you increased."

Of course Makoto was glad to hear something like that but still…

His gaze fell towards the debris as he noticed a small movement.

"That nearly killed me."



"N-No way!"

Elsa got out from all the debris and rubbish of the crashed building. Her body was covered with scars while her head was bleeding intensely.

"You just can't live without surprising me can't you? Now I want you for myself even more."

Makoto's face paled. The situation was a stinky one. Not even he or anyone else in the group had powers left to deal with the woman before them.

"While I had a lot of fun playing with you all I am afraid everything should end here and now."

Makoto wanted to move but his body slowly started to give in as he lowered himself.

"H-Hey what happened to you?"

Makoto's eyes had bags under them.

"I th-think I lost too much blood…"


A realization hit the Elf girl as she saw the wound in Makoto's body.

"W-We should heal you first so-"

"S-Save your energy...we have another battle incoming."

He greeted his teeth in disbelief.

'D-Did I jinx us by saying that I want her to be alive…?' He wondered.

Elsa kept chuckling.

"Don't worry, just heal him up and than we can continue the fight." She licked the dagger which held Makoto's blood. "After all I can't have a cutie with such a tasty blood dying, right? So you know after I kill both of you I will be taking this boy with me."

Makoto gulped, the only option he had was to pray.

'I d-don't know if it will work but if I am really considered as Ultimate Lucky student than please, my luck, help me out in here!'

Strange enough the moment Makoto said those words a light ascended from the sky.

"Halt this instant!"


Makoto's eyes widened as he slowly realized who it was.

The familiar red hair and fancy clothes gave in the friend knight of Makoto.

"R-Reinhard-san!?" Makoto exclaimed in disbelief.

The said man looked back towards Makoto with a soft smile which soon disappeared looking towards the huge wound.

"Say...this wound was left by her?" His voice wasn't kind anymore as it was replaced by a scary look which was covered with shadows from his hair.

His gaze turned towards Elsa.

"My, what a scary look. So you are famous Reinhard Van Astrea, the sword saint-!?"

He didn't event let her to finish as sent a pebble with speed high enough to leave a scratch on her cheek.


Makoto could only wonder what was happening with his friend.

'He seems rather pissed...tch, I guess I would die if I will face him now.' A fear covered Elsa's body as Reinhard was serious.

"You know...I value my friends and on top of that I value my best friends even more so I will have no mercy and will spare no honor on killing you."

His intentions were clear, he was set on killing Elsa.

"What a fearsome enemy I got...Sadly I don't think that I will be able to withstand the great Sword Saint, so let me be clear…" She got out her dagger as stood in a fighting position. "I will fight till death."

Reinhard was just glad to hear that. For unknown reasons his heart hurt seeing wounded body of the boy whom he titled as his best friend. Surely he knew little of him and met him for the first time today but something or someone roared in his body to protect the boy with his own honor on the line.

Makoto meanwhile barely kept his balance as was caught by the silver-haired girl.

"Reinhard, leave the boy's treatment to me and deal with her with no remorse."

The red-haired hero smiled.

"Thanks for the cooperation Lady Emilia. I would say it is quite strange to see you care for someone."

The half-elf girl...no, Emilia smiled.

"I would say the same for you seeing how angry you are."

Reinhard sighed.

"I would like for you to forget this ugly sight of me and I wouldn't just leave knowing that my best friend is injured by the likes of her."

Emilia started to treat the half-conscious Makoto while Reinhard dashed towards Elsa the Bowl Hunter.


Even without using Mana the Sword Saint was devilishly strong.

His swings trembled the air while Elsa was barely evading his attacks.

Surely the impact from fallen building was also taking a stroll on her but she was sure that even in her full strength she would lose to someone like sword saint regardless.

"Tell me why are you fighting me with such anger? Could it be that you are angered by the boy's injury?"

"So what if I am, what kinf of friend is not angry on someone who hurts their valued friend?"

"Hm? You sound like a mother shielding her child though~!"

The clashes and arcs of swings of sword and dagger were echoing in the area. Reinhard was using the very same sword Makoto used against Elsa as he deemed her unworthy og knowing the real deal of his valued sword.

The clashes and sparks were emitted from their clash.

Elsa was on losing side.

"Seems I am destined to lose...than I got no choice!"

She threw the sand towards Reinhard's direction as dashed towards Emilia's side.

"I will take at least one life!"

Reinhard was way too far to react to her.

Emilia was ready to receive a powerful shot but…

Makoto managed to push her away in time.


The bowl hunter scoffed while jumped from side to side.

"It is not end...all of you should keep your guts in check until the time I will return."

With those words the girl by dashing from side to side disappeared in nothingness.

"D-Did she really le...ft…?"

The blood loss finally caught up to him as Makoto fell down biting the dust.

Everyone dashed towards the boy in hurry.




People gathered near him as he was barely keeping himself in check.

"Th-This new world is...too much…"

With those words the boy fell unconscious as Emilia started to heal his wounds.




With unconscious Makoto laying on Emilias lap Reinhard sighed in relife.

"Thanks to Od that he is alive…" The red-haired knight said looking with soft eyes towards the boy.

"He is way too reckless though...having no power nor strength and yet giving yout everything to this battle!" Felt scoffed joining the conversation.

As it turned out it was Felt who brought Reinhard here.

"Still, it is impossible to scold him…" Emilia commented looking towards his innocently sleeping face,

She wasn't sure why was this boy trying so hard yet she was great full to him.

The whole situation was indeed risky but they somehow managed to get out unharmed.

Though it would have been impossible without Makoto.

"So he really was trying to get my insignia back to me?"

Emilia asked Felt.

"He was...and not only that, he was willing to give up his treasure for this."


"Hell if I know...This guy is a dummy...w-well a cute dummy but still a dummy! Hmph!"

Felt averted her gaze with a blush from Makoto as slightly looked back towards Emilia.

"I know that I am giving up a golden opportunity but please...get your insignia back, I guess I am sorry for stealing it from you."

Emilia smiled as looked towards the glowing insignia on Felt's hand.

This didn't got unnoticed by Reinhard as he grabbed the girl by hand.

"Th-This light...it can't be-!?" Looking at girl's confused face Reinhard grabbed her up. "I am sorry but my plans had changed, you are going with me lady."

"Wh-What!? What are you doing, put me down!"

Reinhard used his magic to put the girl onto a sleep as did the same with Rom who was about to attack him.

"What are you doing, Reinhard??" Emilia questioned confused.

The red haired man had a worried look.

"I know that it is not the very honorable thing to do but please, Lady Emilia can you keep this a secret and take care of Makoto for me?"

"I was planning on doing this in the first place but why? What are you trying to do?"

Reinhard's face didn't change it's shad as he looked towards the moon.

"I would say that it is something regarding royal selection."


I am gonna die. Seriously I will die right now! Finally I wrote this fucking chapter...Fucking 5k words and everything is fight...I don't know if I should be surprised or terrified but regardless I think my body will crumble anytime soon…

Also I should repeat my words again...this story will follow canon with slight changes and a harem route so please understand my reasoning. I will try to come up with a goof subplot and climaxes but still I wanna make a fanfic where it is shown what would have happened if Makoto was in ReZero and not Subaru. Might sound like I am lazing around and in fact I am but still try to understand me.

I don't even wanna write an outro atp.

Next chapter