
Re : Harry Potter

Adam went to sleep one night after his usual shift at the Airport. He was the Cheif Security Officer of the TSA at the LaGuardia airport. He woke up to find himself in a different place, in a different time and in a different body. His confusion and fear quickly turns into excitement and expectation of the coming future. And with his future knowledge and his own knowledge of both sides of the world, he gonna make the most of his situation. He is gonna enjoy his life to the fullest, never looking back as he had always done.

Hellblazer_Crusher · Book&Literature
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23 Chs

Chapter 5

The Buzz of chatter did not end on the next day and continued to try and annoy me. But I had quickly gotten used to the spotlight. Fate must have worked its magic, because the Golden Trio had formed even with me messing with the timeline. I had just finished my breakfast and started moving towards our first class, when I was joined by Hermione and Ron who was still stuffing himself with sausages.

Ron was the comedic relief while Hermione gave me an intellectual challenge. I started nudging her to not believe everything she reads in books but I'm utterly failing in that regard. Well, Lockhart will do that for me next year I guess. Although there would be a slight change- Hermione does not have to nag me to do my homework, I just finish it during the class itself. The professors always give the important points while teaching the subject and give the same as our homework. Half the time I just submit my notes with a few extra references from the books.

First lesson was Defence against the dark arts. Thankfully my scar did not hurt but got a headache from all the forced stuttering from the bald-headed, two-faced freak. But he did teach a good bit of the lesson: about the necessity of wands and the uses of magic in daily lives, it's dangers and preventive measures.

The second class was History of Magic, which I decided to just talking to Ron or reading my Dummy's Guide to house hold magic, while my Dicta-quill was taking down the notes given by our resident ghost-teacher: Professor Binns. His lecture were... useful. In the sense that he shortened the study material from a hundred and eighty pages to just fifty pages or so. That Dicta-quill was pretty costly for a quill.

I was bored and started folding parchment paper into paper birds and paper butterflies and whispered . A soft blue vapor pored from my wand and onto the two paper animals. The two paper figurines started with a jerk at first and then started flying, it flew along the ceiling of the classroom. A few students noticed it and gasped pointing at their friends to look. They noticed me controlling the paper animals and looked on in awe and wonder. Yes yes... look upon me mere mortals.

Although I tended to ignore their attention on me, I did not mind it much when the do their hero worship. The class had ended and we went back to our dorms for the day. During the night we were asked to come to the Highest tower for our Astronomy class which was surprisingly interesting. I never knew some spells were affected by events like Lunar Eclipse or Solar Eclipse and other naturally occurring events.

Many potions were affected by the positions of planets, the stars and such. Even while picking ingredients, the star charts are to be consulted. Professor Sinistra, the sinfully beautiful, dark skinned woman was but a side character in the books and movies, I wouldn't mind her being one the main characters in my story... *wink* *wink*. Behind those flowing loose fitting robes, was a huge cake that I wouldn't mind partaking in.

She hid it extremely well and the fact that my classmates were only kids who did not notice such things, made it difficult to stare at/appreciate those subtle Jiggle Physics cause she would easily catch me drooling at her ass. Even caught me staring at her and I had to play it off as sleeping with my eyes closed due to the late hour. The fact that she was only 37 was just icing on the "cake". She is officially in MILF category. The only thing that was not so attractive about her was her strict no-nonsense demeanor. Although if I think about, according to Hentai logic, people(especially teachers) with very strict personalities are the most kinkiest at heart.

I had to slap myself to stop myself from becoming a creep and degenerate. Fantasizing is one thing, but stalking and creeping is on a whole different level.

The next day we had Transfiguration as the first session. I was hyped for this one since it was one of the most useful magic there is. It can be used in virtually every possible scenario. Unlike the Canon, I had woken up early (like usual) and headed straight for class, where a tabby cat was sitting and staring at me. I knew it was McGonagall so, just to Fucl with her I pulled out my wand and pointed at the quill holder, I whispered.

The elegant looking quill holder slowly began to twist and turn and finally morphed into a white furred mouse 🐁. I controlled the mouse to slowly edge towards the cat and started jumping up and down, play with its tail, even climb onto its back and jump off it. The cat- Professor McGonagall was not amused although she did look surprised at my spell casting. It/She just kept staring at me till I decided to stop and turn the holder back into a quill holder.

"You are either the most weirdest cat or the most well-behaved cat, which is also pretty weird because we all know cat's are annoy-" I was suddenly cut of by a warning yowl from her. I might have taken it too far.

Thankfully Hermione came and it gave me a reason to ignore her and start a conversation with her. Soon the other students started filling up the classroom. It was just five minutes past the start of class when a scared Neville and a sleepy Ron came running in, "Nice. The Professor is not here." Ron commented and moved to take a seat when the cat leapt off the table and twisted and turned till it morphed into the strict faced Professor.

"Wicked! That was bloody brilliant!" Ron said on awe, Neville looked on with a scared face. "Why, thank you for that assessment Mr.Weasley. Perhaps it would be more useful, if I transfigure either you are Mr.Longbotyom into a pocket watch, that way atleast one of you may be on time."

"W-we got lost Professor." Ron said nervously. "Then perhaps I ought to transfigure you into a map?" She looked at them with a piercing glare and starting walking to her desk, "I hope you don't need one to find your seats." Neville shuffled to find their seats as Ron quickly took his seat next to me whispering, "Why didn't you wake me up?"

I just gave him a blank look, "I did. You went back to sleep." McGonagall sent a glare at us whispering and with that he shut up with a red face. The class started as She waved her wand a chalk started writing down notes on the board, "Take this down. Quickly." We took down the notes, while she distributed a matchstick to each of us.

"Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts," she said. "Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned." Then she changed her desk into a pig and back again. The class were very impressed and couldn't wait to get started, but soon realised they weren't going to be changing the furniture into animals for a long time.

"I have each given you a match to turn into a needle. You have the incantation, the theory and I will show a demonstration..." I drowned out what she was telling and closed my eyes to concentrate. Transfiguration was always difficult for me and this was not a spell I had practices before. Turning inanimate objects to faux-living objects is easy, but I find turning living things to inanimate objects or inanimate objects to other inanimate objects, a bit difficult.

I opened my eyes and saw the others practicing, so I also started. It took me a few tries, but eventually I got the hang of it. On the eight try, I tapped the match and spoke out, "" The match elongated slowly turning from a brown, rough, wooden surface to a smooth and thin surface. Without breaking concentration he Twirled his wand a bit and spoke out again the metal needle slowly turned sleeker and shinier till it looked a bit different than before.

I stopped the spell seeing the completed products of my efforts and was satisfied with the results. It was a very pointy silver needle, with no traces of it being a matchstick. McGonagall went around the class and gave a rare smile looking at both mine and Hermione's transfiguration, "Five points to Gryffindor for Miss Granger for a good first attempt and another Fifteen points for Mr.Potter for a complete and perfect transfiguration." She announced proudly.

After the lesson Hermione caught up to me and Ron after clearing her doubts and questions with McGonagall. "Did someone teach you before you started school, Harry?" I just shook my head, "I did not even know magic was real until my Eleventh birthday, to be honest. One day Hagrid came bursting into my Aunt and Uncle's and said 'Yer a Wizzard Harry!' almost gave them a heart attack." I said imitating Hagrid.

"But how are you so good at casting spells?" She was frustrated at this point which made me laugh, "Just practice Hermione. I practice any random magic that I take fancy to and try it out until I get bored of it." We trekked down to the lake and layed down under one of the trees.

"But that's sooo boring! Always practicing... it's like homework." Ron spoke up for the first time. "Boring? huh.... Figures you would say that." I scoffed. "Hey! What did I say wrong?" He asked as if he was offended.

"You people who are born in magical families do not know how lucky and privileged you are to witness magic on a daily basis. On the other hand, people like Hermione and me always thought magic was a myth and always wondered what it would be like to do magic. And since we have the chance to do magic, any chance we get is always gonna be a fun experience and won't feel like a chore." I explained to the Red head, to which even Hermione found herself agreeing to.

We were walking back to the castle for our next class, when the Weasley twins popped out of nowhere being chased by Filch. "Harry!" They did not need to tell me anything as I nodded at them. I quickly took out my Peruvian Instant Darkness powder and threw it right at the path Filch was taking completely Blinding and surrounding him with a massive plume of black smoke that looked like even light could not pass through.

It covered a pretty sizable are and formed a sort of black dome since theire is no structure to contain the smoke. It honestly looked scarily similar to Kaname Tosen's Bankai, on a smaller scale. After marveling at the ball of darkness I headed to my first Charms class which was taken by the resident half-goblin, Professor Flithwick.

We reached the class and quickly took our seats before he started the class. He was taking attendance and when he read my name out, he started praising me on my spell work. I know that he is not one of those people like Slughorn. He genuinely means his praise, so I accepted it gracefully.

He stood on top of a pile of books and started the class, "Welcome First years to your first lesson in Charms. Charms are useful spells that we use on an daily basis on difficult tasks, simple tasks and everything in between. Now let's move on to one of the most useful and frequently used spells in Charms."

Flithwick gave his wand a twirl and a chalk started writing on the board. As it writing notes Flithwick continued, "Today we will be learning a very important spell known as the Wand-lighting charm. The charm is useful in dark places, whether you are searching a shadowy room for hidden dangers, or trying to find a scroll that rolled under the sofa." He pointed his wand up and called out, !

A soft, white light illuminated the tip of the wand casting a warm glow around the room. It did not hurt the eyes and was warm to the touch as shown by the professor. "There are other variations to it which turns the light to green in hue, which turns the light to a yellowish hue, which turns tge light red or crimson, which turns the light blue in colour."

He demonstrated the spells as he explained giving us an example. " is the incantation used to stop the spell. Now there are other variations also for this spell. But this time it depends on the power of the spell." Flithwick made us look down on the floor while he pointed the wand high, "The first one is - This doubles the strength of the light. long exposure to it may start to irritate your eyes. The second one is which follows the same principle except it triples the power. Now the last one is.... I stress it again to not look directly at it."

He flicked his wand and said, "" An intense whit light filled the classroom and bathed the whole room in white as if a white paint bomb went off inside, there were no shadows because the light traveled to all the places in the room. "This spell is the most powerful version of this spell which may even cause temporary or permanent blindness when cast on close ranged targets."

The rest of the class went on uneventfully until I started casting all the variations of the spell. I earned ten points for it coupled with glares from my classmates. After the class was over, they somehow found themselves being chased by Fizzing Whizbees till a Professor stopped them.

"Okay! I have had it with you Harry!" Hermione was frustrated and wanted answers. It was lunch time and I stopped my spoonful of porridge halfway to my mouth, I put it down and put my hands up defensively, "Look. If it's about the homing Fizzing-"

"It's not that!" she said hurriedly, "How do you keep doing that? The magic I mean. How do you always get it right? I have read the whole book and the notes the Professors gave and it still is not enough. There is something in casting the spells that-" She stopped herself as if remembering something, "And you don't even use the proper wand movement!"

*sigh* I let a deep sigh as I faced her. "Okay. I'll tell you. But you need to be patient and follow all the steps that I tell you, even if you feel like it is nonsensical or absurd. I need you to promise me that you will do this. If you do this them I promise you that you will understand by yourself how the steps I have mentioned comes into play. I know you are smart enough to do that." I held out my hand expecting her to give an answer.

She stared at my hand and then scrunched her face as if searching my face for deciet or if I was kidding. But she relented and shook my hand, "So what is it?" I shook my head, "It's not just some kind of secret that allows you to just cast spells. It is actually a series of excersises that will help you throughout your entire life to learn new spells. This method will help you learn faster than the standard method of rote memory and constant brainless practice."

I finished my porridge and stood up, "We will start in the evening after Potions. It's the first Potions and it's a double class. Double Potions with a Professor who historically hates Gryffindors. Fun." I said sardonically. We hurried of to the dungeons where we quickly took our seats. I made sure that Hermione and me took seats on the far end of Neville- the accident magnet.

A few seconds later, Snape glided in with hid billowing cloak fluttering with him as he walked quickly to the front of the class. I could feel his eyes on me as he registered the class in front of him. He was taking attendance when he stopped at my name, "Ah Yes. Harry Potter" He literally spat the word 'Potter'. Must be the PTSD he got from getting bullied by my dear dead dad and eventually getting cucked by him, with me being the result. "Our newest celebrity." He drawled to which Draco and his cronies started snickering.

Draco is just another character that I actively ignore which somehow makes him act even more like a spoilt brat and a ponce. Fir some reasons he finds himself with his clothes getting banished right in the hallway or suddenly feeling the uncontrollable need to sing or dance, which he acts upon helplessly.

My attention was back on Snape as he finished taking roll call, "You are hear to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making." his voice was just higher than a whisper, but it caught everyone's attention. "As there is little

foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death... if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach."

He snapped the attendance book shut and proceeded with scanning the class, eventually landing on me as I internally sighed, "Potter. What do I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Gosh even if I killed Voldemort before I join Hogwarts, Snape will probably ask the same question. And since I was petty as fuck...

"Draught of the Living Dead." I saw Snapes eyes narrow and his features were marred by a slight frown.

"Lucky guess Mr.Potter. Where would look if I told you to find me a bezoar?"

"A stone taken from the stomach of a goat."

"And what properties is it primarily known for?"

"It is an antidote for many poisons."

"What is the difference between Monkshood and Wolfsbane?"

"They are the same."

"Name a potion it is used in and what does it do."

"The wolfbane potion. It retains the human brain and thoughts in the drinker when they change into a werewolf every full moon"

"Which part of the Billywig do we use?"

"All of it."

"Which is the most useless ingredient in Potions?"

"There are none."

"What is the most common use of Ashwinder egg-shells?"

"It is mainly used as a reagent in potions that require controlled combustion inside the cauldron without spilling the contents outside."

"What are the main ingredients in a polyjuice potion?"

"Lacewing flies, Leeches, Powdered Bicorn horn, Knotgrass, Shredded Boomslang skin and a nail or hair from the person who the drinker/user is changing into."

"What colour should a perfectly made 'Draught of living dead' potion be?"

"Colourless. Clear."

"What sub-category does potion making come under?"


"Why does one pick 'Lily of the Valley' on the first night after a new moon?"

"The flower Lily of the valley fully matures on the New moon. But it drops a single seed from its stigma to the ground instead of pollen on the first night after the New moon. If we pick it before, we risk endangering the species."

There was a pregnant silence that filled the classroom and Snape looked like he had swallowed a lemon. And he looked like he regretted asking the last question, it must have hit way to close to home for him.

He glared at me for a few more seconds and snapped his head back to the rest of the class, "Why are you not taking this down? Do you need an invitation for that?" He drawled, going back to his usual self. I sat down with a sigh of relief and exhaustion. Occlumency was damn useful but extremely tiring to use for extended periods of time.

I looked down at my parchment, where the dicta-quill had noted down everything which was said in class. I stopped the quill and started writing the notes on the board, where a chalk was writing a recipe for a Cure for boils. Snape split the class in pairs and I got Ron as my partner. I told him not to touch anything and went into the storage and got my ingredients as I muttered to myself, "Dried nettles: 4 batches of 2mg, 6 snake fangs, 4 horned slugs and 2 porcupine quills. Now for the additives and reagents- half a pungous onion, a fubberworm mucus, a ginger root and 2 Shrake spines."

I completely ignored the instructions and only focused on the instructions written on the board by Snape. Whatever one may tell about Snape, no one can deny that he was a pioneer in potion-making and probably one of the best Potioneer in the world. Too bad hid brilliance was suppressed by both Voldemort and Dumbledore.

By no means was Snape a good man. No. There were many fans for Snape in my previous life. But they all forgot one thing. He was a Death Eater and a damn good one. I'm a hundred percent sure that he has killed, tens of people. He may have loved Lily Potter, but everyone forgets that to be in the inner circle of Voldemorts Death Eater's one must have killed a lot of muggles or muggle-borns.

He does not have any remorse for the deaths of muggles or muggle-borns, he just cared about only one person. He did not mind Lily's son (me) getting killed nor her husband- James. He just wanted her(Lily) to be alive. He must have thought that if both her husband and son are dead, he could just swoop in and "comfort" her and subsequently win her trust.

This was just a theory, but I'm pretty confident in it. He is just a selfish Emo bastard, now reduced to a sad and greasy git.

"Ron hand me the Porcupine quills and stand back" I said as I killed the heat and slowly lowered the cauldron onto a cooling tray. I made Ron my assistant and told him to not touch anything so that he had no chance of somehow spoiling the potion.

As I waited for it to change to a murky blue in colour, I stirred it two time in the clockwise direction and immidiately added the Quills and-


With a poof the cauldron emitted a pink smoke when I added the quills and the potion became a clear blue in colour with no murkiness and had the consistency of oil.

Snape glided over to me and peered into my cauldron and then sneered at me, "Beginner's luck Potter?" He spat the name. He gave me a bombastic side-eye and went to the other cauldrons and started inspecting when Neville's cauldron broke and spilt its contents everywhere.

Snape quickly flicked his wand and vanished the spilt potion which was apparently made with the wrong steps and instead of curing the boils it started causing boils on all the hands and feet the potion had touched. The neighboring students were whimpering on the ground as they had Bourne the brunt of it.

Snake flicked his wand again, I saw my cauldron rise and poured a trickle on each of the students before their moans of pain stopped and got up. "Ten points from Gryffindor, for negligence and Longbottom's stupidity. Five points from Hufflepuff for not warning your neighbor."

Although Potions was an interesting and fun subject, Snape just sucks the life out of it. We quickly left the dungeons after noting down our homework.