
Chapter 4

[A/N: I named the chapters as volumes. Oops]

1 September 1991, Age 11

Ron and I found an empty compartment and dumped our luggage on the top racks. I took out a book but did not open it. I introduced myself Ron and he so predictably used the most stupid and inappropriate questions. As Ron was talking about his large family, an old lady pushed a trolley and asked, "Anything of the carts dear?"




There we sat, Ron and me eating Chocolate Frogs, Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, Licorice wands, Pumpkin Pasties, Cauldron Cakes, Sugar quills, Popping Peppermint, Cockroach clusters... and a ham sandwich, courtesy of Mrs.Weasley which was actually pretty good, considering it was made in the morning and was an hour past noon when we ate it.

Fred and George came by with Lee and we sat down and animatedly talked about Quidditch for a couple of hours before the other three left to do some shenanigans. Our sugar rush had gone down, I pulled up the Charms for Dummies book and started reading where I left off.

I was trying to perform a complex Deodorizing charm, which I had no clue how it worked when the compartment door slid open unceremoniously and came a very familiar voice, "Have you seen- Oh! You are doing magic is it? Let's see it then."

Seeing the bushy-haired Hermione Granger, only one thought was in my mind, "WTF? Why is she acting so Imperiously? No wonder she has no friends. Poor thing." I understood that she had problems communicating so I gave her a smile and said, "Have a seat. So why did you barge in so unceremoniously Miss...?" I gave a questioning gaze.

"Granger. Hermione Granger. Thank you for reminding me. Neville Longbottom lost his Toad Trevor and he is searching for it. Haven't had much luck fi-" We were interrupted by a nervous looking boy that looked like he was related to Peter Pettigrew.

All of a sudden I remembered something major! I glanced at the rat that was nibbling at the crumbs on Ron's shirt.

"I can't find him anywhere Hermione!" the boy whined at the girl.


"Perfect! You lost your Toad. And you wanted to watch me do magic. Two birds, one stone." I pulled my wand out of my holster and pointed at the open compartment door

Nothing happened for a moment but after a few seconds there were screams in the train's hallway and a lot of "Eww eww eww!"

An oversized brown Toad that looked like a giant writhing pile of Dung. I slowed its speed and gently nudged it towards Nevile who gratefully took. "Impressive. But that spell was not in the Standard Book of Spells. Who taught you that spell?"

I just shrugged trying to look cool, "That's cause it's not there in the CURRENT year's book. It's a fourth year spell and no I'm self taught. Raised by muggles and all that." actually it was one of the first Spells in the Magic Dummy guide.

I stretched out and took Hermione's hand and shook. "Anyway. The Name's Harry Potter. You can call me Harry." And then came the avalanche of questions from the girl which I answered while chewing a piece of Cauldron cake. They were damn tasty!

The duo left and the Weasley twins came back to hang out. At one point of time Malfoy tried to come inside but he couldn't and also wasn't able to see anything inside as we pulled up blinds conjured up be Fred. We played some Exploding snap while Ron was still asleep. There was an announcement to change into our school robes and I had a brilliant idea. "Fred, George play along will you?" I told them the plan and they immidiately accepted, "Ronikins is gonna be so scared outta his wits!"

I wore my school Robes and woke up Ron with a worried expression, "Ron! Ron! Wake up Ron!" Ron woke up with a start due to all the shaking I was doing. "Wh-What? What's the hurry?"

"Ron. I have some bad news. I think it's better if you sit down for this." Ron sat down fear slowly creeping in his face. I placed a hand on his shoulder and sympathetically patted him on the back, "While you were sleeping, they had sorted us into our houses. Ron.... you were slotted into Slytherin."




"No no no no no no..." Ron was having a nervous breakdown as he started shivering and hyperventilating but before we could tell him the truth, *THUD* He fainted on the ground.... face first.

We laughed and laughed and laughed for ten whole minutes until we were clutching our stomachs and sides in pain and gasping and panting for breath. Our faces flushed and ruddy and tired with laughter. "By Merlin's soggy Socks! That was by far the best prank ever!" Fred announced as he was panting whike lying on the bench.

I slowly sat up from where I was rolling on the floor laughing, "Say Guy's. I have a few umm.... Unauthorized items." I said with a grin, "I need to get it past security, if there is any at Hogwarts. Of course there is something for you if you help me in this endeavor."

The twins mirrored my grin, "Well you came to the right people." I opened my trunk and showed them the borderline weapons-grade items I had. I gave them the fanged Frisbees and the Devil Dung Bombs, as I did not need them and closed the deal.

As I handed over all my loot Fred made a comment, "Honestly Harry. Never thought you to be a kindred spirit. I'm really happy you joined the New Marauders of Hogwarts." I laughed at that, "I should be the one saying that. I'm the son of the original Marauder, James Potter or also known as Prongs."

The twins gaped at me like fish and rushed of to find Lee. Lee came back, also with a shocked face. The three pranksters gave each other a look and nodded in unison. George took out an old, folded piece of unassuming looking parchment and handed it to me, "If your claim is true and you know about the original Marauders, you will know what to do."

My smirk grew as I took out my wand and tapped the parchment and said, "I solemnly swear, that I am upto no good." Slowly ink blots formed and arranged themselves into a map, on the front was the words, [Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs. Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-makers are proud to present- The Marauders Map]

This was the day the New Marauders of Hogwarts had formed. We left our luggage in the train and jumped off the train, followed by a red faced Ron which matched perfectly with his hair. "I swear, I'm...." his incoherent grumbling just added to the hilarity.

"Firs' years! First years, this way!" I saw the familiar figure of the resident gentle half-giant waving at students to follow him. "No more than three in a boat" he called out as the students were getting in the boats. Ron, me and a random first year got in as the twins scooted of to board the thestral-driven carriages.

We got on the boats and after Hagrid had confirmed the students had boarded, he yelled, "Onward." and with a slight jerk the boats had started moving. The boat ride was uneventful until we turned the corner after going under an Ivy covered bridge which we had to bend under.

The moment we turned the corner, we had the first view of the castle. Everyone was silent,

staring up at the great castle overhead. It towered over them as they sailed nearer and nearer to the cliff on which it stood. It was a display of granduer and nobility which captured the rapt attention of the students who witnessed the magical fortress.

After a short ride, the docked and walked inside the castle and up a flight of stairs where a tall, black-haired witch in emerald-green robes stood there. She had a very stern face and most of the students' first thought would be, that she was not someone to cross.

"The firs'-years, Professor McGonagall," said Hagrid. "Thank you, Hagrid. I will take them from here." She pulled the door wide. The Entrance Hall was so big you could have fit the whole of the Dursleys' house and a few more in it. The stone walls were lit with flaming torches like the ones at Gringotts, the ceiling was too high to make out and it was enchanted which made it difficult to judge the height, and a magnificent marble stair-case facing them that led to the upper floor.

"Welcome to Hogwarts...." Maggie Sm- I mean McGonagall started explaining about the four houses and the rules and regulations of the school and also said that she expected us to behave with conduct. I must have slept with my eyes open. hmm....

McGonagall went back inside after telling us to wait until she comes back. The ghosts of the castle saw this chance to meet the students, but I was too distracted to Care. I was actually thinking what I should do if I were placed into Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or worse Slytherin. I mean, I have no problem with the other houses. It's just that I might not get access to the Sword of Gryffindor.

And I do not need the extra attention if I was in Slytherin. I intend to practice my Parsletougue and I would be an Idiot to ignore this gift. The healing Spells in Parsletougue is so powerful that it outstrips the normal ones by miles. And it's infinitely simpler than learning the traditional healing Spells that I still find impossible to cast do to the theory behind it.

Parsletougue doesn't have all that 'theory and principles' bullshit. I just do it by feel and it works perfectly.

McGonagall came back and lead us inside the great hall. The kids marched inside with stiff legs and nervous faces, not knowing their fate. I heard Hermione yammering about the ceiling and Malfoy snickering with his two bodyguard wannabes.

McGonagall brought out a stool and placed it on the raised platform where the teachers sat to have dinner and placed a worn out looking hat. After a song that explained the characteristics of each house, it's origins and its founder the hat went immobile again. "When I call your name, you will pit on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted. Then you can join your house-mates for supper." McGonagall called out.

"Abbot Hannah!" she called out and a pink faced girl scurried to the stool. "Hufflepuff!" the hat cried. The rest of the sorting went as Canon. "Potter Harry!" McGonagall called out, a bit louder. I could instantly feel the tension in the air when my name was called. Even the teachers and Dumbledore especially sat up straighter to witness this once in a lifetime event. I walked up to the stool looking at the faces of the students sitting there. I wondered if they would tell their grandchildren that they witnessed "The Great Harry Potter- Slayer of the Dark Lord Voldemort" being sorted into their house. Whichever house that was.

I sat and put the hat on, which covered my eyes partially. I heard a voice inside my head, despite the Occlumency barriers I had put up, [A strong willed mind but also a dash of Mischief and a lot of magic. Magic and Mischief hmm? A deadly combination indeed. A carefree spirit, with little ambition: you wouldn't do well in Slytherin. A sharper mind than most and a quick wit, You like to read and learn, yet there is no drive or the thirst for knowledge: A poor Ravenclaw you would make. Hufflepuff is out of the question: you never trust people readily nor do you feel the need to. You like your own selected company. hmm.... Seems like I have no choice: You do seem to be brave, courageous and loyal to those you deem worthy of your trust. Better be....]

"GRYFFINDOR!!" The hat yelled out and all of a sudden the whole of Gryffindor table roared in victory, surprisingly even Percy was celebrating which shocked the Bejeesus out of me. "WE GOT POTTER! WE GOT POTTER!" The Weasley twins were yelling in chorus until Dumbledore raised his hand to silence the room.

After that a few more students were sorted, it ended with Ron being sorted into Gryffindor and Blaise Zabini being sorted into Slytherin. After the chatter died down a bit, Dumbledore had got to his feet. He was beaming at the students, his arms opened wide, as if nothing could have pleased him more than to see them all there. "Welcome" he said. "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. NITWIT! BLUBBER! ODDMENT! TWEAK!"

And with a clap, all the four tables were laden with so much food it would put a giant in a food coma for weeks. "Geez!" I exclaimed looking at the spread: roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops and lamb chops, sausages, bacon and steak, boiled potatoes, roast potatoes, chips(fries), Yorkshire pudding, gravy and probably more than I know.

And for drinks, it was apple, orange and for some strange reason pumpkin juice. I physically gagged when I smelt it and almost threw up when most of them were enjoying the drink. I noticed all the muggle-borns in our table and the adjacent ones having a similar reaction to mine.

I took a bit of everything and that itself made my stomach bloat. I might have a healthier body and a bigger appetite, but eating anything more than a couple of servings is too much. The quantity is gigantic and the quality of food is rich in flavour which makes it difficult to eat more than they want to.

After a few more minutes, everything from my plate and everyone else's vanished, even the serving dishes had vanished. After a few seconds it was replaced by desserts: different kinds of puddings appeared. Blocks of ice-cream in every flavour you could think of, apple pies, treacle tarts, chocolate éclairs and jam doughnuts, trifle, strawberries, jelly, rice puddings and many more.

I had a slice of treacle tart with a scoop of chocolate Ice-cream and an other with vanilla ice-cream. After having my full I had to wait till tge others finished and Dumbledore to give his speech. I was half asleep as he was speaking and warning about the third floor, forbidden forest and what-not.

During the feast he felt a slight stinging in his forehead and a mild headache, but it had subsided after a while. Just going to ignore Quirrellmorte for now and just go on my way. After supper, we sang the Hogwarts songs and went to our dorms. Our password being, "Caput Draconis". Everyone went inside. I breathed in deeply calmed myself, 'Let the plan commence' I thought to myself as my hand tightened around my wand holster.

Everyone was settled in their cozy bed and started their slumber when I kept staring at the fucking rat that was nibbling at food dregs which was on Ron's robes. I opened Hedwig's cage and pet her for some time. After I confirmed everyone was sleeping I gestured to Hedwig and pointed at the rat and whispered, "Get the rat and fly down to the common room." I stared into its eyes to confirm that she had understood and let her go.

She flew up to the beds poster frame and silently swooped down snatching the rat in its claws and flying down to the common room. I ran after her as silently as possible and reached the common room where a short fat balding man with rat like features had turned from the former form of "Scabbers".

"Petrificus Totallis!" I yelled as I saw him shooing at Hedwig with a scratched hand. With my off-hand, I sent a wave of magic and forced all the tables, chairs and cupboards flipping into the air causing a tremendous series of crashes. With several yells, screams and shouts the whole of Gryffindor had come down to the Colmon room, their mouths agape at the sight of a dirty looking man and "The" Harry Potter pointing a wand at the man.

Percy Weasley had to calm the whole house before sending everyone except the seniors and the Weasleys. The seniors who understood that the man was an intruder had tied him in ropes and a more powerful Full body-bind curse and waited till Percy went to call Professor McGonagall.

After a few minutes Professor McGonagall was there in her night gown and cap looking razzled and red-eyed. "What in Merlin's beard?!" She Cursed as she saw the knocked out Peter Pettigrew on the floor, "T-that's .... but it can't be!" Saying that she took out her wand, her face was pale and a look of horror filled her face.

She transfigured chair into a chain and wrapped it around Wormtail and looked at me with a stern look, "Any Explanations Mr.Potter." I nodded meekly. Even if I know I will not get into trouble for this she is still scary as hell, "I was sleeping Professor when I saw Scabbers- Ron's pet rat nibbling at food. I did not think much of it. Hedwig suddenly snatched Scabbers right of the bed and flew away with the rat. I chased after Hedwig thinking that she would harm him.

But when I came to the common room I saw Scabbers turn into... well him. I casted a full body bind curse on him and the rest you know..." It took a few minutes to sink in but she nodded, "A full body hind curse without any formal magical education?" She looked half mad and half proud. "Well the sorting hat said I would make a fine Ravenclaw, but decided to place me in Gryffindor." I shrugged which made the corners of her mouth curl, I promptly acted like I never saw that.

I mentally patted myself. Catching Wormtail ain't no big achievement. But almost making McGonagall smile? Now, that's an achievement.

"Potter, Weasley, the twins please follow me to the Headmaster's office. Percy I want order restored within the house." We followed her silently as I kept a watchful eye on Wormtail in case he tries to escape. We reached the famous statue as Professor Flithwick, Profeesor Sprout, Snape and Madame Hooch had joined us. McGonagall did not waste time and spoke, "Cockroach clusters" the statue sprang aside to reveal a staircase.

We reached the office and she knocked on it loudly. After a moment Professor Dumbledore came out, also in a flamboyant night gown. His eyes widened at seeing the tied-up Wormtail and ushered everyone inside. Although everyone was eager to ask questions, he motioned everyone to take a seat, before securing Wormtail.

He went to fireplace, dropped a pinch of Floo powder and buried his face in the green flames the powder had burst. "Alastor call Madam Bones and send a squad of Aurors to escort an intruder. Call Kingsley too while you are at it." After talking to who I deduced was Mad-eye Moody he turned to look at us.

He motioned for me to speak so I nodded and stood up reciting the same thing I told McGonagall. "Marvelous! A perfect Full body bind curse! With just reading book! Excellent wand work Mr.Potter" Flitchwick squeaked.

All the while Ron was pale faced as he kept glancing at "Scabbers" and shuddering at the thought of an unknown man was in his house for eleven years.

Dumbledore turned to Ron, "Mr.Weasley, for how long have you had Scabbers.?" Ron slowly looked away from Wormtail and stuttered, "Close to Eleven years, Professor. Percy had him first it... I mean he was then given to me after Mum got him an Owl cause he became a prefect." His voice became smaller and smaller as he explained.

A minute later, multiple men and women came through the green flames in the fire place. And a stern, bespectacled woman was leading them, but the moment she saw Peter her face was ashen and agast. She whirled around to look at Dumbledore, "If this is true... then that means...." Her voice was shaky as tears formed from the stern looking lady who I think is Amelia Bones. Never thought I would see the McGonagall wannabee cry.

She yelled orders and ran into the green flames immidiately disappearing from the office.




The next day was the day of orientation, where the students went around Hogwarts familiarizing with the castle. The Great hall was abuzz with the happenings of last night, they openly pointed and stared, whispering furiously amongst themselves. I ignored it for the most part and left to explore the castle a bit more.

"Wicked Harry!" The Twins jumped out from behind a suit of armour, a hole in the wall was closing on its own from where they emerged. Must be a secret tunnel. We went to breakfast and there were a ton of Owls dropping down newspapers. Everyone was excited as they read the headlines:


In the late hours of last night, Harry Potter the Boy-who-lived was attacked by an unknown assailant. But the Magical Legend who defeated the Dark Lord himself- He-who-must-not-be-named found it but a mere chore to defeat and subdue the attacker. This assasin now named Peter Pettigrew had lived as a rat in a magical household waiting for an opportunity to strike at our beloved hero, Mr.Potter. turn to Pg9 for more...

The newspaper went on to reveal everything that happened in the proceding in the emergency court session held. Under Vertiserum Wormtail spilled out all the truth of whatever happened on that fate-full night. Sirius was also brought out and a bigger truth had been dug out. Sirius had not recieved a trial and was imprisoned without confirming his guilt.

The Ministry's name was tarnished and the Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge had to give a public apology where he was egged and Cursed(verbally not magically) by the public attending the press meet. The Ministry also gave Sirius a massive compensation and a signed agreement to not further take up lawsuits against the government for this particular case.

I heard from McGonagall that Sirius was taken to St.Mungo's for treatment. Eleven years of Azkaban had taken a toll on him but he will recover, I know he will. I saw Dumbledore telling Andromedo Tonks to look after Sirius while I visited his office again early in the morning to tell us what had happened and explained most of it.

With that accomplished I followed Fred and George to the Quidditch pitch in the afternoon after our lunch. They were just flying around as other team members from all the houses joined in. I walked up to Fred and asked, "Hey Fred, can I have a go."

He glanced at Wood, the Gryffindor captain and saw that he was not looking. He grinned widely and handed my another broom from the broom shed, "Race ya." He said and sped away. "Oh you're on!" I said as I launched off the ground and took off after him.

Fred was smiling smugly until he saw me shooting past him doing a barrel roll around him as I passed him. Fred and George looked surprised but chased after me as I weaved past the other flyers avoiding the twins as much as possible. It became a game of tag and we started going faster and faster until Oliver Wood stopped us.

"You're a first year you say? hmm... we need a seeker and you pretty much fit the bill. *sigh* Guess I have to wait an year." Although he joined me in his impromptu training session. It was damn fun!

Next chapter