
Re : Harry Potter

Adam went to sleep one night after his usual shift at the Airport. He was the Cheif Security Officer of the TSA at the LaGuardia airport. He woke up to find himself in a different place, in a different time and in a different body. His confusion and fear quickly turns into excitement and expectation of the coming future. And with his future knowledge and his own knowledge of both sides of the world, he gonna make the most of his situation. He is gonna enjoy his life to the fullest, never looking back as he had always done.

Hellblazer_Crusher · Book&Literature
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23 Chs

Chapter 21

A week ago....

Sirius came to visit and took me out on a weekend trip around Britain and Scotland on his motorcycle, after he got it back from Hagrid, "You have got to get me one of these Sirius! Flying on a broom was awesome. But this.... this is something else!" I threw my arms wide to feel the wind whipping around me as I felt the hum and heard the roar of the engine.

We had breakfast at the Weasleys before leaving and had lunch at a GREGGS. Sirius was confused at how things were done. The self service, function of these types of fast food places bewildered him, but quickly understood the reason behind it as I explained it to him, "Well, since muggles do not have magic, they have to work harder and faster and longer to finish their jobs. So they have little time to take a break to eat or drink, especially the middle-class folk like.... blah blah blah..... so the name "Fastfoods" was coined."

"I have ideas of investing and bying myself a lot of shares quite on one of the famous food joints of America, 'McDonalds'. I thought they were Irish at first, turns out they were not. Not that I have anything against the Irish folk." I quickly added after looking at Sirius' raised eyebrow. "Another called Dominoes- a pizza joint. Both are making waves, even if their food has lot to be desired."

Suddenly a thought struck me, "Sirius. It just occurred to me that I would be needing a lawyer for all of my legal presence, both in the magical and the muggle world. You know someone that would be trustworthy enough?" Sirius gave my a pleasantly surprised look, "Actually, I have just the right man for the job, just met him a few days ago for drinks. He is my brother-in-law."

We went straight for his house after travelling for a bit and arrived at the most normal looking wizard's house I have seen till date. Sirius knocked at the door and called out, "Andy! It's me Sirius! Teddy there?" A few seconds later a black haired Beaty opened the door, "So soon Siri? You miss- who do we have here?" She saw me and pushed Sirius out of the way.

"Harry Potter. I asked Sirius to bring me. Got some legal issues on both the magical and the muggle side if things. I wanted to talk about it and he said your husband was the right man for the job." She ushered us inside nodding her head as she lead the way, "And he would be right to say so. He is uniquely qualified in that way. And the money would help. The name is Andromeda Tonks. You can call me Andromeda or Aunty Andy" She added honestly with a smile.

She brought a tray of snacks from the kitchen, "Teddy will be back in a couple of hours. Please make yourself at home Harry. James and Lily were dear friends. And were one of the very few that supported our marriage." She said fondly looking at a photograph of her wedding day with what appeared to be the entire Order of the Pheonix.

"Sirius said he was your brother? How are you related?" I asked already knowing the answer, but wanted to talk about something while we waited for Mr.Tonks to arrive.

"My sisters and I were from the Black family from Sirius' house. We were Cousins, practically siblings. Our family... they broke this whole relation apart which lead to the near extinction of the Most Ancient House of Black." She said mockingly. "We were three sisters. Narcisse, Bellatrix and me. Bellatrix married into the Lestranges and went on to become a psychopath murder for You-know-who. Narcisse married Lucius Malfoy and both of them became the apples of my mother's eye and I married a muggle-born wizard, getting disowned by my parents and kicked out of the family tree." She said, oddly happily.

"I thought you looked familiar." I snapped my finger, "You are the spitting image of Bellatrix Lestrange, except for the unkempt hair, blackened teeth and crazed look. You also look very similar to Mrs.Malfoy, except the absence of a stick up your arse and the expression like you have shite lodged in your nose." Andromeda laughed heartily at the description and talked more about her life and asked of mine too.

We talked for a long time it seems and before we knew it Ted arrived earlier than we expected, "Edward Tonks. Glad to be of service." He shook my hand and sat down with us ready to discuss the details.

"So I take it, that you want to broaden your horizons and expand into the muggle world. Let me stop you there. I would advise against it. The Ministry will make your life miserable by either raining down archaic litigations on you and/or the tax they will definitely slap on your company will most definitely drain your money. It is not worth it. They do not allow magicals to dabble in anything to do with the muggle side. Especially if it might affect their economy or the muggles in fact." Ted explained the cold hard truth dashing my dreams. "Well that sucks..." I replied leaning back into my chair, dejected.

"What about overseas?" I asked with little hole. Ted scratched his stubbled chin, "First of all, America is off the table. The American Magical Government has extremely strict and harsh laws on the subject of 'contact with muggles' or the statuette in any shape or form. The best place that I would advise you to start is in Asia, especially in India, Korea, Singapore and Malaysia. Australia too has pretty lax laws concerning the statuette, but the muggle companies have yet to go public over there."

Ted went to his books cabinet and took out a few files with attachments to it. He handed it over to me and said, "I had previously looked into international laws and customs for a case last year and found a few interesting things. Here are a few companies I saw was worth looking into. They are all the pioneer companies of their countries and have thrived within their own boulders. Some have also expanded outwards too."

He pointed to a list of companies each having a brief explanation and information about the companies and their products. The next file he gave me was a detailed report on few of the companies with their projected value and their acquisitions they have made in the last decade.

Sirius looked at the papers and gave a pained look, "Do you even understand half of this? This is making my head spin. So many numbers. What do they even mean?" For the next half an hour, I tried to explain to the best of my ability but Sirius looked like his brain overheated or something, so I stopped and turned my attention back to Ted to continue our discussion.

We discussed the issues regarding the international laws and drafted a plan to move forward with it. Ted convinced me to wait for another two years just to be on the safe side, so that he could confirm that we would be safe from prosecution from both the Ministry and the ICW (International Confederation of Wizards). Lastly we discussed Ted's Salary which he was more than happy about it. I also paid the man a hundred Galleons as consultation fees, which was five times his normal fees.

That's how Ted came to be our (both Sirius and I) lawyer officially.