
Re : Harry Potter

Adam went to sleep one night after his usual shift at the Airport. He was the Cheif Security Officer of the TSA at the LaGuardia airport. He woke up to find himself in a different place, in a different time and in a different body. His confusion and fear quickly turns into excitement and expectation of the coming future. And with his future knowledge and his own knowledge of both sides of the world, he gonna make the most of his situation. He is gonna enjoy his life to the fullest, never looking back as he had always done.

Hellblazer_Crusher · Book&Literature
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23 Chs

Chapter 18

I was about to leave the venue when a pale haired man walked in my way. "Mr.Potter so nice of you to join us this fine evening. I heard you like sweets and prank items. I hope you don't go spending all your hard earned gold on sweets alone. It would be such a waste." He said loudly, making heads turn and bringing the volume of the hall down.

"Hahaha! Mr.Malfoy, you surely jest! I actually heard that about your son. Surely... you must have mistaken me for your son. Your disappointment must be immeasurable at your son that you want to replace him with me. I'm very flattered Mr.Malfoy for the sentiment, but I have to decline. Draco is still young, so he might prove you wrong." I smiled politely as I threw the words at him

"I'm surprised Potter, that you know so much about father-son dynamics and the concept of family. After all you do not have a family of your own." Lucius's tone changed, as his voice grew colder and he took a step forward, trying to intimidate me. Reciprocating him I stood right in front of him and said, "Atleast more than you. Your wife has been bothering me with Owls, finding any chance to get me into bed with her. Your visits to the 'Rainbow House' in Knockturn-alley have not gone unnoticed." I said with a sigh.

The whole hall went silent as a few gasps were heard from some of the patrons from Malfoys next words, "I could sue you for slander Potter, maybe even issue a duel-challenge, like you did to my son and cheated him. Like your coward father would have done. Then you will be left penniless and broken like your Mud-blood mother."

"Wow! So this is the legacy of the Malfoys. Dueling little kids and swindling them out of their money. You father would have been so proud of you. You want to challenge me for a duel? A second-year student against a full grown man? That's very brave of you Mr.Malfoy! You should have been sorted into Gryffindor!" I said in mock disappointment.

Lucius was about to draw his wand when a Goblin came strutting in, "I would like to remind you that fighting or duels will not be permitted here. If you do so, you can take your business elsewhere from then on. We will not tolerate it."

Lucius left with a huff as I too left the opposite way internally cheering for myself. Small victories.




After that fiasco at Gringotts was over and done with, I grabbed my new '001' Firebolt before I wore my Invisibility Cloak and flew away without anyone noticing. The sun had already gone down by the time I had started from Diagon-alley. The streets were empty and the crescent moon in the sky, could hardly be called a source of illumination.

I was back in my room after a few round trips around Diagon-alley in my new broom doing a maximum of 150-160 miles per hour. I packed my bags, had it shrunk with a "Redusio" and left the Leaky Cauldron. I flew to the clock tower on the east side, overlooking Vertic-alley and set up my tent that I had just recently bought and perched my rifle to have a better look. I camped out waiting for any dumb-ass shit Malfoy would potentially pull, because he was insulted publicly. I already informed Sirius about it, but I doubt the letter would have reached him.

I wanted to test the rifle anyways, so this should be practice for me. The rifle was said to be extremely accurate till 300 metres (around 330 yards), beyond 600 metres, one needs to adjust their shot for various factors.

Nothing happened on the first two days but on the third day, hooded figures with silver masks had appeared on both sides of the street of the ESP workshop. I readied my gun, one of the makes bastards right in my sights. But before I could pull the trigger, a flash of brilliant orange was conjured right in the middle of the street, between both the groups and out of the flames stepped Dumbledore, his wand held high as he looked on impassive, "Gentlemen." He gave a small bow.

Wisps of grayish-white smoke billowed down the roads from all the sides of Diagon-alley converging around the Death Eaters. Out of the white smoke came Dumbledore's Order of the Pheonix, pointing their wands at the masked me. Sirius too was there as he stood with the Order members and slowly surrounded the Death Eaters. Nobody moved as Dumbledore was speaking to them.

I took this as a chance and immidiately took my shot, at this range, the load *thump* of the shot was muffled as the sound dispersed into the air. I was already packing my thing and put on my Invisibility Cloak before flying away, clothing my shoulder trying not to scream as I felt a bone break in my shoulder due to recoil. I saw the body fall to the ground before I took of speeding out of the area. I rented a room again in the Leaky Cauldron and drank a Wiggenweld potion and bone mending Potion before storing my things before I made my way to the Workshop.

"Looks like my warning was accurate. Who is the unfortunate fellow. Deserved... but unfortunate nonetheless." I walked up to Sirius, who was talking to Amelia Bones, popularly known as Madam Bones, even in international circuits. "You don't seem too bothered by blood Mr.Potter. That is very strange, to say the least. Your callous remark has been noted also."

I waved her off dismissively, "I have been Physically and mentally tortured by my Muggle relatives for ten years. A little blood wouldn't phase me." I shrugged and knelt down to look at the face. "You have been WHAT?!" Madame Bones raised her voice as the Aurors beside her were agape looking at me with shock.

Sirius was about to also ask about it looking concerned, "This is neither the time nor the place for it. We have more pressing matters at hand to discuss, Uncle. So... who is the guy?" Sirius was about to protest, but Madam Bones beat him to it, "Walden Macnair. Member of the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures Committee. Never liked the guy." Bones scrunched up her nose in disgust.

"The only thing I do not understand, is the way he died. Someone used a sharp object to pierce him from the back, ripping through him. The Forensic mage is suggesting that he was 'shot, with a muggle gun. But if he was, there is no bullet in his body nor is it anywhere in the area. But we are still searching." She explained tye situation. I gave her a nod of affirmation, "Please contact me if I could be of any help, Madam Bones."

"I doubt we will. But I do have a favor to ask. Do not get involved." She gave me a pointed look before walking away to speak to one of the Aurors.

Of course you won't find anything. I already summoned the bullet and banished far away from here. Good luck finding that.




Fearing that they may try and retaliate, Sirius invited me to his house and I accepted just out of sheer boredom.

"So this is were you are staying? Looks extremely depressing... *sniff* and what is that god-awful smell? Smells rank!" I gagged at the sudden assault on my senses. Sirius looked with disdain at the moldy looking creature right in front of him, "That odor? That would be Kreacher. And this IS Kreacher." He said pointing at the ancient looking house-elf with large droopy ears, sad sunken eyes and a permanent hate-filled, resentful scowl on his face.

We were currently in the house at 12 Grimmauld Street, the same house introduced in the fifth book, The Order of Phoenix.

"Master brought guest? Guest be pure-blood? Who guest be?" Kreacher asked in his grating voice. "Harry Potter. You must be-" the moment I revealed my name he walked away mumbling loudly, "Filthy Mudblood. Mudblood dirtying house of most Noble house. Oh! What would Mistress say!" He wailed as he walked away not before getting a stinging hex from Sirius.

"Charming." I commented with a smirk at Sirius. He just shook his head and replied, "Don't start. He has been in our family for years and knows a lot of secrets. Basically a family heirloom." He waved his arm dismissively as if warding off the subject.

I had spent the next couple of days drinking bone mending Potions and Wiggenweld Potions to fix my shoulder and reat till it Heals fully.