
Day One

Beta: Heroma

Also: Grammarly


*Meanwhile in the Dark Black Void*

God: "Now that I have explained to you the reason why you died, you will now be reincarnated. Now just spin the wheel of reincarnation(fortune)."

ThoughtMC: 'Is he truly God? I mean, he just looks like a Shirou Emiya clone.'

MC: "aren't you just ripping off fanfics and ordering truck-Kun for entertainment God?."

God: "Just spin the damn wheel already!"

The wheel starts rotating from Frog to Soda can. Everything was on the wheel. I just hope I live as a humanoid or with human-like details.

[Hot springs...Potato...Tree...Goose]

[You will now be reincarnated as a Goose]

TMC: 'Shit, I should have at least prayed to God even if he looks like Shirou emiya.'

*In the free-range farm*

While thousands of eggs were being laid every day, one goose, unfortunately, had laid the egg the MC was in.

*Time Skip For The amount of days for a goose to mature*

TMC: ' It's been a while since I last thought about something seriously, but now that I have noticed that there are two moons and it's the medieval era is a huge indicator that I'm not even on earth anymore.'

A goose suddenly approached me from behind

"Honk honk honk?"

MC: "Honk, honk honk honk."

TMC: 'That was my batchmate. I call her Judy. She has some more intelligence compared to other gooses I've been born with.'

You must have wondered what my backstory is, I am just an advocate of true gender equality(weeb), and I just died from truck-Kun, as you have already read in my journal.

I don't blame God for killing me for entertainment since I am an only child with elderly parents who were gonna die soon after I got my college degree in *****.

Farmer?: "It's feeding time, little gooselings."

While talking, the farmer suddenly summoned a tornado spreading the vegetables and meat everywhere.

That was the farmer/mage who feeds us, we are supposed to become as big as an electric car and as strong as a tiger if we are raised properly, but that's not gonna happen because we were in an underground familiar fighting ring.

If you didn't get the hint of what world I'm in, it's Zero no Tsukaima, and For some reason, I'm in an Alternate universe of ZnT where people make contracts with familiars instead of summoning them like it's in the canon.

TMC: 'Wait, if Louise doesn't summon Saito, are there even Gandalf's or void mages at all?'

That's how I began to power train myself into Honkhood

*Timeskippus one yearus*

Mage: "Okay, Hönk, you gotta win this so I can pay off my debt. I mean it or else."

This guy was my handler who bought me half a year ago to become his fighting goose (A/N Honk!).

It's been a whole year since I have seen Judy, but I know that people don't actually eat geese unless someone bought her and thought goose and ducks have the same body density. I mean, I can't even get scratched by a regular sword unless it was enchanted with magic.

Announcer: "Now it's the fight you have all been waiting for Hönk the Goose vs Taiga the Tiger(I'm not a tiger!)."

*sfx cheers*

I appeared right next to my gate and get ready for the fight

Hönk: "Honk Honk, Honk!."("Taiga the Tiger must have been one of the many jokes God made")

Announcer: "Ready... Set... Open The Gate!!!."

I then dash towards Taiga before she even notices me and use my special Wind Magic and then I charge up my...

Hönk: "Honk!!!!!!"

I suddenly shout out shockwaves from my beak and splattered my opponent into mush.

Announcer: "Another win for Hönk the Goose, will we ever see him lose?, Hold that thought, The handler of Hönk has started an auction for him right now! what a surprise for everyone!."

*Imagine an auctioneer saying the bids*

Mage: " I see one gold.. three gold.. ten gold.. twenty gold... two fifty gold. What a surprise everyone any more bids? Anyone? ok going once... twice.. thri-."

Mage Girl: "I bid 500 Gold take it or leave it!"

Mage: "Sold to the young lady over there!"

Louise: "I have finally found an elegant and strong familiar that fits my family name."

Next chapter