
Re: Goose

or How I Reincarnated as a Goose and got OP really quickly. "MC-kun got hit by a truck?" "God gives out reincarnation opportunities as candy?" "But as a Goose???" "Honk honk? (What's wrong with that?)" First few chapters are gonna be pretty bad Note: This is not a serious fic and written for fun(bored) Worlds Traveled so far : Familiar of Zero, Shield Hero, JoJo, DxD Possible Worlds: MCU, Shimoneta, Metamorphosis, Jumpchain

Fifth_Goose · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Back To Melromarc

*Castle Town*

"Extra! Extra! Shield Hero rapes the princess! buy now and find out more" a news salesman advertised his news paper

I transformed into my goose form back again and let my slaves carry me, The guards just let us pass because we were humans and a goose, cause who would stop a goose from anything.

"Ah the Legendary Spear Hero, what a surprise to see you are these your party members I had thought you didn't need any" Akeem The Guard Captain surprising shows up at the end of the gate entrance to castle town

"Honk honk honk, honk honk honk honk honk(Well you wouldn't understand, I needed people to test my potions)" I honked back

"Could sire transform into a human so we could talk normally?" Akeem asked

I just shrugged and decided not to

"Honk honk honk honk, honk honk(Well that's too bad, I am too lazy to walk."

Akeem just decided to give up on talking normally, While Akame decided to pass me to Ais and sat on her head

"Honk honk(Actual honking)" I honked in exhaustion at teaching both of them how to properly carry me with their head


"Honk honk! honk honk(Not like that, not like that!" I said terrified at falling for once as a goose

I fell and then I just instinctively flapped my wings to get back on their head

"Honk honk honk honk honk honk honk(Well that works, but you girls need to learn how to balance more"

*back to the present*

That's how I learned to fly in my goose form, Still annoyed I almost died(exaggerated), I don't want to meet god by cracking my neck as a goose

"Well moving on, have you heard the news?"

Akeem asked and then continued

"The Shield Hero supposedly raped the princess Malty and his party members"

"Honk honk honk honk honk(like I already don't know that)" I honked in annoyance

"Well the king has called for the Heroes to gather again in his court" Akeem said excited to meet the heroes again

Off we went to the wonderful King of of Melromarc with the dirt path road on our side we should probably reach the castle in an hour by foot

*Court room again*

I saw some guards dragging Motoyasu to the middle of the court, He looks pretty beat up and actually drunk looking. Some guards then slapped him awake.

Myne then shows up in front of Motoyasu faking fear and anger at the Shield Hero.

The king and his advisors were there, both looking very grave.

"Myne!" Motoyasu shouted out in confusion

Ren, Naofumi and Me and the rest of their parties were also there. When Motoyasu called out to her, Myne ran behind Ren and made dagger eyes at him from behind his back.

"What's happening Myne?, Why am I being held by the guards?"

Everyone except Hönk and his team was glaring at him like he was some sort of criminal.

"You mean you really don't remember?" Ren stepped forward and asked

"What do you mean? Remember what… HEY!" Motoyasu shouted out in confusion

"You're wearing my stuff... You thief!." Motoyasu noticed and yelled out

"Who's a thief? I didn't know you were such a scoundrel even after death by yandere!" Ren replied back

With Motoyasu's outburst, I realized that the court were beginning to feel rather like freezer with how cold everyone's glares are.

"We will now hear the charges against the Shield Hero." A Guard said interrupting their conversation

"Charges? But… but I!" Motoyasu exasperated

"Sob… sob… The Shield Hero drank too much, and he came bursting into my room. Then he… He held me down, and…" Myne explained

"And?" I asked her

"He held me down and said, 'The night is still young, My Cute Party Member.' Then he started to rip my clothes off…" Myne explained further while tearing up and started crying

"I screamed as loud as I could and ran from the room. That's when I found Mr. Ren, and he saved me." Myne said fearfully acting like a mouse who nearly died and is being threatened by an eagle

"What are you talking about? I went to bed right after we finished eating!" Motoyasu replied back

"Liar! If that were true, why would Myne be crying like this?" Ren decided to join in and countered his reply

"Why are you speaking for her? And just where did you get that shiny-new chainmail of yours?" Motoyasu asked

While that's going on I transformed and decided to practice some of my cooking with my [Cooking Spear +10], I decided to make some [Egg Fried Rice] so I just gathered all of my ingredients and started to cook

"Last night I went to the bar for a drink. I was sitting there, alone, when Myne came running over. We had a couple drinks together, and she gave me this chainmail. She said it was a present." Ren replied while I was setting up the stove the [Cooking Spear +10] made

"That's it! Your Highness! I've been robbed! My money, clothes, equipment—everything but my shield has been stolen! Please bring the person who did this to justice!" Motoyasu pleaded while I am almost done with the rice cooking and started adding some herbs and butter

"Silence, Scoundrel, and aren't the cooks given a day off why do I smell something delicious?" Aultcray shouted and asked the guards

"My King it is the Spear Hero who is cooking" Akeem replied back to his King Aultcray, I was almost done with the eggs so I decided to add a bits of steak into the fried rice to make it regular fried rice instead of only eggs

"Any act of sexual aggression committed against the people of my kingdom, whether by barbarian or Hero, will be punished—immediately—by death!, and Sir Spear Hero, give me some of your cooking later." Aultcray said to the Shield Hero and Ordered me to give some of the [Fried Rice] to him later

"But this is all a mistake! I didn't do it!, and Hönk may I also have some [Fried Rice]."

"Are you people even taking this seriously! Someone just raped Myne!." Ren shouted out in confusion on why they want to eat my [Fried Rice] and then he decided to [SMELL]

"Ahhhh such a wonderful smell, I now don't care about Myne." Ren Smellgasmed from the food I'm making while trying to tone down my CHA stat to normal levels before they decided to steal the food I'm making

You must be wondering why they're acting like that. Its all because of [Stand Spear (Pearl Jam)]


"Okay Akame try to get hit by this arrow, Okay?, I'll feed you delicious food later." I asked and bribed Akame to get hit by the [Stand Arrow REC]

"Food? Okay!." Akame replied back hungry for more food

I then shot the arrow to just hit the her shoulder like an injection and then pulled the arrow out while Akame screamed in pain

"Shhhhhhhh almost done, There you should feel something now." I treated the wound with some of my pastes and herbs

[Pearl Jam] appears behind Akame and then I then absorb it into the spear


I just decided to store the food later and let them continue without the food ruing their minds

"Ahem that was embarrassing, I order you all to forget what happened." Aultcray shamefully ordered

"You! You had your eyes on my money and equipment, and so you made all this up to get your hands on my stuff!" Motoyasu wrathfuly said to Ren

"Who would believe the words of a rapist?"

Ren stepped forward, hiding Myne from Motoyasu's view, and stuck out his chest. He was playing the role of the brave hero, protecting a defenseless and victimized woman.

"Liar! You had your eyes on my money and equipment from the start! You and Naofumi had a meeting about it, didn't you!" Motoyasu raged

"Woah don't bring me into this, I was outside leveling up, I don't know about Hönk though." Naofumi replied politely

"I was out in Zeltoble to gain some gold by fighting" I replied to Motoyasu

"Then just send me back!"

"Things don't go your way, so you decide to turn tail and run away? How weak."

"I agree. You have no sense of responsibility or justice. You ignore the task you've been entrusted with, only to attack a poor girl… Just terrible…"

The king simply crossed his arms and frowned.

"I would very much like to send you home, but the waves of destruction will not allow it. New Heroes can only be summoned once the original four have all died. This is what the researchers say."

All of them seem suprised except for me who knows the LN and read it

"You mean we can't go home?" All of them said

"When were you planning on telling us that?!"

Motoyasu broke free from the knights and their spears.

"Plan on running, eh?!" a guard shouted

"I'm not running." Motoyasu replied

One of the knights hit Motoyasu.

It made a good sound, his fist. But it didn't look like it hurt him at all. It didn't even look like it even irritate him. The knight, rather, seemed to have hurt his fist. He was cradling it like a baby bird as he stepped away from me.

"Well? What's it going to be, Your Majesty? What's my punishment?"

"Death! for Raping My daughter"

"Fine just kill me I didn't want to have another chance anyway, I thought we were friends, I guess I shouldn't have trusted women." Motoyasu cried out


[Motoyasu POV]

"Motoyasu-kun will you go out with me?" Yuno asked me out for a date, I should have replied but I decided to decline and headed home

"Sorry Yuno maybe next time Mom needs my help with her fashion design so I gotta become a mannequin for a few hours maybe next Sunday" I replied back

I then jogged back to my home feeling something wrong, It's too quiet there are no birds chirping or crickets cricketing no people nearby my neighborhood

I then saw some police near my home

"Young man please move along, This is a crime scene we don't need you youngsters contaminating evidence" The cop said

"But it's my home did something happen?" I asked terrified of what happened while I was gone

"Young man it's not that terrible you don't need to be afraid, it's just someone robbed your house and your relative got stabbed by a knife" the cop replied

"Is the hospital nearby? and which one did they bring her to?" I rapidly asked questions

"It's fine young man your relative is fine they were brought to XXXX Hospital you could reach it within 10 minutes by walking 5 if you're running" The cop answered my question

I ran to the hospital hoping Mom is safe but then I found Yuno right in front of her bed holding a knife

"If I can't have Motoyasu then you cant! hahahahahahahaha!!" Yuno maniacally laughed while stabbing my mother

I then decided to run off crying than get killed by her

"I am such a coward my mother died just because I declined her date, What did I do to deserve this." I asked myself

"You think I didn't see you?! We'll be happy together in hell" Yuno showed up and started stabbing me and then stabbed herself

Omniscient POV

After Yuno killed herself Motoyasu's relatives found out his remains and then his father sued Yuno's family for all their money and decided to build an orphanage in his name

*Flashback END*

A guard came out with an executioners axe

I then used my STAND [Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap] to teleport my party to a blank world before Motoyasu died

"Hahahahahahahaha?!!?" Motoyasu maniacally laughed just like Yuno when he saw his mother's death at her hand

"My life is a tragedy why should I care anymore." Motoyasu said as the executioner readies his axe

*sfx chop*

Motoyasu's head flew off his body and then something happened, Everything greys out

*End Chapter*

I will start posting in April from now so I can start rereading shield hero in March and plan out the fanfic instead of rushing it

Fifth_Goosecreators' thoughts