
In my dreams...

Ever since I could remember, I had these dreams. It was like as though I was watching another world, another person's life through my very own eyes. Not just one person's, but the other people involved in the story, too.

Sometimes the dreams were in third person and sometimes in first. And sometimes the dreams were too real for me to handle. Like last night's. I could only remember the very last scene of me on the ground, bleeding, holding onto someone's hand and the world crumbling in echoes.

"Maybe... Maybe we'll be lucky and meet again," those were the last words I heard from her. Who was she...? And why does my chest ache everytime I think about that dream...

We were heading to the Valenhyne's main household. The Valenhynes are one of the influential corporal families affiliated with the Tayens, my family.

They were still preparing for the party. You could hear the steaming and chopping from the main kitchen and the echoes of people working together.

Mom rubbed my face with hers and told me before she left to other matters,

"Alright Shu, be good and stay out of trouble. Don't forget to head to the seventh hall. They have an outfit especially made for you, so be sure to come by to get ready."

I wandered the estate with my butler, Xian. He was about my age, fifteen I think. His straight short black hair and grey eyes reminded me of mother.

"Master Shu, look! They're practicing archery! You should join them!" Xian nudged my arm, pushing me closer to them.

They were two kids, somewhere around my age.

One had short wavy curly hair with eyes shining of amethyst eyes and the other had snowhite hair with deep blue eyes. The lavendar head had shot a bullseye and the snow head shot close enough to Lavendar's.

"Hmmm... Not bad. Mind if I join you guys?" I said as I took a bow.

They just stared at me in silence. Thud!

"Yes!" I cheered happily, but I noticed the silence in the room,"...why are you guys staring at me like that?" I stared back at them," Hey let's compete, see who's better! What're you're guys' names? I'm Shuya," I held my hand out.

The white haired's eyes grew wide," Ack! So you're the guy... Look, just 'cause your family is all high and mighty doesn't mean you can waltz in where ever you want," he grunted.

"Hmmm.. Then prove to me why I should listen to you," I gestured pulling a bow in the air," Unless, you're scared of losing," I taunted him.

"Oh, you're on pipsqueak!" he yelled out. It's true, he was a little taller than me by a few inches.

"Pfft we're practically the same height," I scoffed then whispered," Princess Snow white."

"I don't care if you're some rich kid. You don't deserve to get everything you want so easily," said Snow White.

"Who said getting what you want was easy. I wouldn't have it any other way," I replied.

We were at it for about two hours until a maid walked in.

"Master Shuya! Where in the world have you been!" the woman yelled at me.

I was in the middle of shooting my arrow until-

"Shu! it's time to go!" the voice yelled out with a slap on my back. She threw her arms around my waist and hugged me, lifting me slightly off the ground.

Annoyed by the interference, I yelled at her, "Hey, it's dangerous!"

"Oh shutup brat, you gotta get ready!" she smiled evilly as she locked her arms around me neck.

Embarrased and angry I turned to get out of her grasp," Miyori! I'm holding a weapon! You shouldn't mess with someone with a bow-" At that moment, I don't know what it was, but I felt a gust of wind within me. A sudden struck of worry beat my heart in seconds. With every beat, every breath, my stomache was felt queasy with fear and my heart was squeezing tightly with regret.

I saw time slow down before me as I watched my arrow lit in blue light, leave my hands. It was heading towards Lavendar. My mind went blank, but my body knew what to do. I could feel the muscles in my body tighten, readying to set off as I left my sister's loosened grip. I heard the maid scream in terror and the breaths around me hold still. My body flashed in front of Lavendar


My bow and arrows fell to the floor. The maid, Miyori, and the white head stared in shock while Xian ran to us. White head fell to his knees and let out a sigh of relief.

"Master Shu, are you alright?!" Xian shouted.

The arrow cut my right shoulder.

"I'm fine," I got up and picked the lavendar off the deck.

Something fell off before him.

Lavendar gasped staring at the floor," My necklace! It's-" his blank face turned into anger and spite," It's your fault!"

The crescent shaped ruby had split in half. Guilt ran up my spine and stabbed my heart as he cried and yelled at me. The maid and Miyori finally pulled us apart, leaving with Lavendar in their arms.

"Shu! Go get ready! Don't worry about this, we'll talk later!" Miyori yelled out as Lavendar continued to cry out.

The white head was the last standing on the deck besides Xian and I. He awkwardly scratched his head and walked towards us, "Hey, I just wanted to let you know, thanks for saving my master. I know that shot wasn't your fault," he looked me in the eyes and bowed," Your name may be mighty, but your actions show your true self," his nose was peachy pink and his eyes glistened from the last rays of light.

"As I watched the arrow strike towards my master, my legs froze. Yet you were able to run and protect Master Ena with your own life at stake. Although the necklace is Master Ena's prized possesion, life is far more important. I thank you from the bottom of my heart."

My heart was full of glum, but seeing his gratitude lightened the guilt on my shoulders, just a bit.

"Heh, so do you see my true might now?" I joked with a smile.

He smiled back," You'll still have to prove yourself if you're going to be my master's lifetime rival."

"Lifetime rival?" I said out loud.

"Master Shu! Sir Xian! You two must hurry to the seventh hall! And you! You have to hurry off as well!" the maid shooed White head away.

" Wait! Your name!" I yelled out.

"It's Takeo! Tah-Kay-Oh!" he yelled out, smiling, running away from the maid.

"Xian.." I said.

"Yes, Master Shu?" Xian asked.

"What do you think I should do about this Ena guy. The necklace seemed... very important."

Xian replied," Master, you can't undo what has been done. The pendant seemed to be an Alexandrite type of Ruvian ore, but those are rare and are hardly known to fracture from a mere... 'tamper'. It must have been the force upon your arrow or the surroundings of that blue light."

"Then! Did you see that? I was wondering why no one questioned about it!" I said.

"It was fleeting and at an urgent moment. No one would've noticed if they were focusing on the young Master, but yes, I witnessed the light. Master Shu, I believe your awakening is evolving."

"Evolving? You think it's possible that may be the case? I hope it doesn't become a problem in the future," I said as we entered the dressing room.

"Oh my! Master Shu what happened?!" the maid exclaimed.

She must've seen my bloodied shoulder.

"Did you two run off into the forest or something?"she said as she pulled off my garments and continued to douse me in cloth.

I stared at the mirror reflecting my back. There was no blood, no cut, just the teared cloth. The maid had finished dolling me up and left the room.

I looked to Xian," Yes, Master Shu?"

"Let's keep the details to ourselves. We don't want to worry 'Grandfather' about such little things," I said.

"As you wish. However I deem it wise to note that the doctor's will come to notice the change," he replied.

"It's fine. They can only know what they see after all," I said as we walked out to the top floor of the outside pavillion.

"It looks like a cage covered in moss, made for a giant bird," I mumbled.

"Finally! You're here!" Mom sighed," Come, come! Over here! This is your spot!"

I sat down next to Mom.

"I heard about all the trouble that happened earlier," she stared at me with a blank smile.

I gulped and stared at Xian for help.

"No worries, I'm fully aware of the situation. Miyori told me what had happened. I already scolded her. BUT! That doesn't mean you're off the hook. As an apology, you'll be staying over for a few days to bond with Lady Yuena. And look! She's already on stage!" she said.

"Eh..? What do you mean, aren't I supposed to apologize to this Ena guy not my fiance?" I asked confused.

"Hm? Ena? Ahhhhh, yes, Ena. Well, Ena IS your fiance," she said pulling my face to look at the stage.

"What. But I'm engaged to lady Yuena so how am I engaged to the Ena guy? He's a guy, probably her brother right?" I said.

"Nope," Mom said. I waved my hands infront of her. Mom was mesmerized by the stage, so I wanted to see if I could get her attention," Hmm, but I remembered when I fell on top- Ohhh.. that explains why I felt like something was missing. Ena didn't have any ba-!" I joked as she knuckle sandwiched my head and pulled my face to look behind us.

"That's very rude of you to say out loud, Shu! Of course she doesn't have what men have, she's a girl. And also, those are her siblings! They're just THREE!" she whispered loudly in my ear.

And all I could respond was," Eh. What. I was just kidding. So this 'guy'.." I watched Lavendar dancing around in that white dress, laced in gold chains and gems," This 'GUY'....is a 'GIRL'?!!!!"

If you like fantasy and romance, then check out my novel, Redwine Lips. I'm entering this short novel for the wbenovel contest. Read on to learn how Saiya will save her family and friends by reliving her life. Must be 17 and up.

Fun fact: In Your Eyes was originally going to be titled Zarqa and Hara. I even published a few chapters at webtoon.com; I'll be renewing the series later on this year.

Follow me on instagram for sneakpeaks on the webcomic projects and maybe my music too! azora.angelina

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