
“I am still an innocent brat!”

Time passed quickly as we traveled further and further away from town. The merchant had already steadied the horse running speed for a more comfortable travel while the rest were in the carriage. The two woman and man adventurers had never stopped chatting as their stories never seemed to end. On the other hand, Rei wasn't looking at me anymore. He was just idly sitting on the opposite corner with unfocused eyes as if he was thinking about something. As for me, unlike the others, I never wasted any moment in vain as I continued cultivating without a stop. I have no free time to spare on useless things because I have to get stronger before 3 three months. I need to defeat those two bosses after all.

It was already evening and since traveling at night is so dangerous ,because many beasts appear at that time of the day, the merchant couldn't but decide to stop for camping. It seemed that everyone was already prepared for this situation but again I was the only exception. How would I know about these matters anyway? This is the first time I travel after all. I was so upset at the edge of crying and at the same time cursing my bad luck. After settling down, everyone had to hunt for his own food unlike the merchant who already have his dinner. The rest went out for hunting after setting their camps. As for me, I was looking left and right helplessly. It was already night, with the sound of the howling wolfs, I couldn't help but get scared. To say the truth, I never experienced something like that in my whole life. It's true that I was able to kill some monsters using magic but it is too different. When I use my magic to kill them, they just scatter in the air and drop normal game items. There was no bloody scenes or anything like that which made it easier for me to accept but right now, this scene is really scary. It was at this time that I discovered a deathly weakness. 'I am still an innocent brat' is what I thought. If i were to fight a life and death battle against other humans or using swords with no magic, I will be the one to lose his life easily, because I would not be able to kill people. This world is different, so much different than my old world. In this world, the strongest is the only one that can rule, that can dominate the world . And to achieve such results, you should make some sacrifices. In order to get stronger, you have to experience life and death situations. Leveling up and comprehending magic cannot make you stronger. They are only tools to use in fights. To become stronger, sometimes you should be heartless, strong-willed and get rid of your innocence and your heart purity. Sometimes you must be ruthless. To become the ruler, you must make your enemies fear you. Obviously, this is something extremely hard to obtain but if I really want to achieve such height one day then I should follow those unspeakable rules.

After making my decision, I knew that the only way to begin is to experience seeing blood. I should kill beasts, but this time, with no magic but with swords. "INVENTORY!" as I shouted, the inventory window appeared in front of me. With a swift move I quickly took my rapier out and fixed it around my waist. After that, I advanced to the forest. This time around, I am going to have my dinner on my own as well as my first kill using rapier. I can't deny that I am still scared but If I cannot get rid of my fears, I will not be able to move on.

It would not make sense if i can kill peoples and kill monsters easily with no fears... the normal reaction when someone see a monster is to get scared after all.... I remember when I saw a dog once... a ferocious one...i became an athlatic runner and a tree climber...if you know what i mean xD

LawsGodcreators' thoughts