
You suck, Dad.

"Yahooooooo!" Sera yelled as she jumped off a small cliff. If someone looked from the bottom of the cliff, they'd see her shadow covering the moon, like some kind of...Joy...Girl.

"I can't believe it! I'm actually free!" Sera laughed loudly. She continued for a little longer than ten minutes when she saw some smoke. "People! I'm starting to get hungry, maybe they can help me get some food!"

She rushed to the smoke, avoiding trees as she sprinted with her heavy sword in her hand. The moment she thought about people talking to her without knowing her status, she was filled to the brim with joy. 'I'm finally going to have a normal conversation!'

When she reached the smoke, however, she froze.

It was a dragon.

A humungous red dragon, about 10 meters in height and 20 in length, was sleeping with a fire under it. It opened it's eyes and looked at Sera for a brief second before closing them again, absentmindedly. It's eyes immediately shot open and looked at Sera as the dragon stood up while opening it's huge 60 meter wings. It then spoke with a deep voice, "You are..."

'Great! If it's sentient, then I can negotiate.' Sera sighed in relief. "Hello, Mr. Dragon! My name is Seraphina Ender. I was wondering if you knew where the closest city is."

The dragon started laughing in absolute madness, "It looks like I, Ephilium, have the greatest luck in this accursed World!! The daughter of the bastard is right in front of me! Oh Salas, you'll regret sending her here!!"

"What are you talking about?" Sera said while slowly retreating.

"Oh? You honestly don't know?" Ephilium circled around Sera, entrapping her with his large body before laughing once more. "Your father sold you out! He sent a picture of you along with your name to every creature in this World. He stopped the suffering saying that in a week, the torture will continue. Except for one lucky creature...whoever makes you break or kills you! If we make you surrender, we get 200 years of living in one of his other Worlds as kings! If we kill you, we only get 50 years. So, Seraphina, be a little doll and save me the trouble of torturing you. I have...many ways to break a woman's mind."

Sera immediately turned around, running for the least covered are, Ephilium's tail. A soft laugh escaped Ephilium's mouth. "Hahaha! A mere Peak Infant Stage wants to escape me?"

Surprisingly, Sera was still faster than Ephilium! He was only slightly slower due to his huge size and cramped area. "Salas, you bastard! I will accept losing the World core to you, but I'll be damned, damned I tell you, if I stand here and have my power reduced to the Peak Infant Stage!!"

As Ephilium was throwing his tail everywhere and spewing fire, Sera was running with fear gripping her mind. She thought that this was a nice adventure, yet she didn't predict her father's hunt. Every being in this World would hunt her! She was like a fat cow surrounded by millions of wolves.

'Fuck, fuck, FUCK!' Sera grit her teeth as she thought about her situation, 'You're telling me no one will help me here?! I can't just build a bunker in a week…shit, this won't be easy.'

She spotted a village as she was nearing the edge of the forest. 'I'll just have to rush through, at worst, I'll just have to steal some food.'

She quickly strengthened her resolve before rushing towards the village, dashing madly.

"Hey, Mike." an old looking man looked up with a raised eyebrow, signaling to his friend, "Do you hear that?"


"What the hell?!" the old man cursed as a shadowy figure rushed past him.

These poor people barely catch a glimpse of a tiger or any kind of monster, all due to Ephilium. His domain is well known in this World. Every being feared being here, except for the weakest of the bunch. Even an Infant Stage fighter would disdain killing them, let alone the mythical Ephilium! They were mere Starters that even a normal dog could possibly kill!!

Sera was surprised that they didn't see her. She had grown up in an area where the least powerful person was not even a normal fighter, but a mighty World holder! Any normal soldier could sneeze at Sera to kill her. Now that she hid herself in a tree in the village, she started to smile in realization, 'I just outran a dragon…I moved so fast that people couldn't even see me…did Dad send me into a weak World to help me train? I guess Dad was really just putting on a tough persona. I should call him out in a week.'

Sera ran through the village with insane speeds, most of the villagers barely even catching her shadow when they didn't look from afar. She quickly found a random cloth on one of the stands in the plaza, some people not even noticing her at all.

'If everyone's gonna want to kill me, I might as well help myself to some of their stuff.' Sera lightly giggled to herself. As she approached some villagers, she asked with the cloth covering her face, "Where can I get some food?"

The old grumpy shopkeeper she asked turned to her and said, "Ever heard of please or thank you? Just because the torture stopped doesn't mean you can go around bullying the old now."

"Torture?" Sera raised an eyebrow. They were getting tortured? 'Come to think of it, that dragon said something about the torture stopping.'

"Oh, you're a Worldborne?" the old man had a look of surprise. "What are you doing so close to the core?"

"I'm sorry, a what?" Sera was pulled out of her thoughts by the old man.

"A Worldborne. The people whose ancestors helped Salas?" the old man squinted his eyes slowly. "...Are you by any chance Seraphina?"

"So what if I am?" Sera smirked. She believed her father put her in this World, so that she can learn how it feels to be strong before she actually got any actual strength. "What are you going to do about it?"

"Nothing, I'm not strong enough to kill you." the old man took out a crystal and broke it, then spoke to the sky. "Yeah. Yeah. I'm not an idiot, I don't want to die. Of course I'll take responsibility, you think I'm just a random asshole? Okay."

Sera gave him a questioning look. He looked to Sera and said, "Look, you can either be scarred for the rest of your life, OR you can give up to me and let me live in comfort for the last few years of my life."

"Bring it." Sera took out her weapon and removed the cloth from her face and tied it to the end of her sword. "I'm even faster than a dragon, the most you can do to me is hit me a couple of times."

"Did you hit your head on a rock or something? There are no Infant Stage dragons near here." said the old man as he gave Sera a look of concern, which quickly changed to realization then to rage. "I, Loid, had the honor of seeing His Majesty, Ephilium, in action! His casual wing flap moves him thousands and thousands of meters every second! Do not compare yourself to him!"

"I can see you still stick to your stupid belief, Loid." another old man appeared out of thin air, shocking Sera greatly. Such a thing was common with World holders, but these people couldn't be World holders. They were prisoners! What kind of prisoners would they be if they can simply run into their own World?

The man had short black hair with some grey ones littered on the side of his head. His thin figure was covered in a white inner robe with a black sleeveless coat over it. His eyes spoke a million tales as he looked at Sera...sadness, happiness, love, hate, joy, pain, relief...and guilt. "Come with me Seraphina, I have something to show you."

As Sera looked with caution, she slowly approached. What's the worst that could happen?

"So, when do I get paid?"

Just as she was face to face with this middle-aged man, Loid's voice came out of nowhere, snapping Sera's caution and sending her into fight or flight. She immediately swung her sword at the strange man, as she was uneasy close to him. She wanted to scare him away.

The old man sighed and ducked underneath her sword, grabbing her arm into his armpit while putting his arm into her armpit.


"AAAAAHHHH!!" Sera yelled in pain as her arm broke. But she didn't stop moving, she had a high pain tolerance, after all, she was an Ender child. "You son of a bitch!"

Sera went for a roundhouse kick right as the man let go of her arm, yet she immediately regretted it as he grabbed her leg, raised his own leg, then sent it down on her knee.


"AAAAAAHHHH!!!!!" Sera screeched while twitching in pain.

The man looked at her twitching on the ground, then he sighed again, "You made me do this...here."

He pulled out a potion from his bag that was hidden inside his robe. The potion was filled with a mysterious red liquid. He poured it into Sera's mouth ignoring whatever yelling and threats she threw at him.

A warm feeling went down Sera's throat, calming her nerves. She felt an extremely sharp pain in her left elbow and right knee. Her broken bones were shifting back into place! She screeched like she was in hell.

The old man looked at her with pity and sighed, "Bare with for a little longer...she's passed out? Why would you bring someone so unprepared like this into this World? Salas? Ignoring me now, huh?"

The man turned to the shopkeeper, Loid, before throwing a bottle filled with pills about the size of human fingernail. "Here, a hundred Pain Ender Pills."

"I really struck it big, huh?" Loid had a stupid smile on his face. "But why didn't you kill her? You want to have your fun with her first? Have you finally given in to lust? Come on, Ray. We're friends, you can tel-"

Loid couldn't finish his sentence before the man, Ray, put a spear to his neck, a gust of wind following. The spear had two letters on it 'R.E.' and was mostly white in color. Ray had a cold look in his eyes, "Can you not shut your fucking mouth?"

Loid raised his hands in the air, indicating his surrender. He had an awkward smile on his face, "You know she would forgive you, right?"

Ray sighed and turned around, "That's not what this is about."

He grabbed Sera's unconscious body and took out a ring. He whispered something into the ring before he disappeared with Sera.

"What a weird old man..." Loid said as he stuffed his bottle of pills in his pocket.

Meanwhile in another location, Ray appeared with Sera in his arms. He looked around this barren cave with nothing but a small wooden hut, not more than 4 meters in both length and width. After looking around this enclosed cave with caution, he sighed then entered the hut.

He opened the door and entered. The hut had a 3 meter table on one side and a small bed on the other. Many tools were hung on the wall with papers and herbs everywhere on the table. As he placed Sera on his bed, he paused for a moment. He watched her for two minutes before tears started flowing down his face. He quickly wiped his tears away, then turned to the table. He kept going through some papers while throwing Sera a glance every now and then. After some time, he turned to Sera with a book in his hand. He slowly started drawing her sleeping peacefully, all traces of pain disappeared from her face a while ago. As he put his pen down, admiring his near-perfect sketch, he sighed with tears in his eyes, "What I'd do to turn back time..."

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