
RE: Eragon (old version)

this fanfic has been rewritten. please go to my page and find the new one. An admirer of the Eragon series finds himself in the body of the protagonist. What will he do with the knowledge of the future and of his previous world? And is this world only the Eragon series or is there more to it then meets the eye?

Undeadwizard7 · Movies
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28 Chs

Chapter 7

The two spend the next few hours discussing their imminent departure. Brom cannot find a good way to protect the townsfolk if they leave. Eragon suggests having a chat with Roran and Garrow at the very least as he doesn't want his family to get hurt because he left them here to die at the hands of Galbatorix's soldiers. Brom agrees and they both make their way to Eragon's house, arriving just before first light. Garrow and Roran are just polishing off the rest of their breakfast when they enter. Garrow starts to talk but stops when he sees Brom enter. His eyes narrow and his mouth curls up in a snarl for a second before he takes a deep breath to calm himself down. 

"So… What brings the great storyteller to our humble abode?" 

Roran looks up and nearly chokes on his food seeing Eragon with Brom at their home. He chugs a glass of water and tries to stifle his coughing fit to no avail. Eragon chuckles at the sight before putting on his serious face. 

"We need to talk. You both need to hear this."

Garrow is slightly surprised to see such a serious face on his nephew but still motions for them to sit at the table. The next few hours are filled with conversation, angry yelling, and tearful sobs followed by silent contemplation. Roran's eyes are darting back and forth as if he is running through what he will do in the coming weeks while Garrow is just staring forward in deep thought. The silence is finally broken by Garrow. 

"I won't leave. My wife died here so I'm going to die here. You two were always going to leave me. You're young and deserve to at least see the world outside our town hidden in the mountains. I have no right to stop you Eragon, your life is your own. If you do plan on leaving, take what won't hinder your travel and don't worry about us. We can manage." 

Roran looks up at Eragon. "I was going to find some work with Horst and save up money so that I could properly propose to Katrina but now…" Roran sighs. "I won't leave unless Katrina comes with me. I doubt Sloan will let her leave, especially with a poor farmer like me." 

Eragon stares down at the table in contemplation. "The whole town is in danger because I received Saphira's egg. I had no way to predict something like this would happen, but I still have a chance to do something to make sure all of you are safe. The main problem is that whether I fight or flee, Galbatorix will still send people after you to use as leverage against me. Brom, do you have any ideas on how to solve this?" 

Brom shakes his head. "I can't think of a reasonable way to save anyone in the town. If you show Saphira to the townsfolk they will most likely turn against you to not suffer at the hands of Galbatorix's men. Roran won't leave without Katrina and Sloan will never let her go. I'm sorry Eragon, we might have to leave everyone to their fate." 

Eragon sighs. "I don't see any other way either. I'm sorry but the fate of Alagaesia is larger than one village. We can't let Galbatorix have Saphira, he will create an army of dragons and dragon riders that are completely loyal to him. I will leave Carvahall with Brom tomorrow. Roran, go talk with Katrina in secret and tell her about the danger without revealing anything about Saphira. If you can convince her to leave, head to Surda and hide with the Varden." 

Roran nods his head. "I will try Eragon. All I can say is good luck and make sure to parade the mad king's skull through the village when you get back."

Eragon grabs Roran in a hug. "I will train harder than any rider before me and slay Galbatorix if it's the last thing I do. And Garrow… Whatever you do, don't let Galbatorix's men capture you." 

Garrow smiles weakly. "No soldier will be taking me from my home. I will die here without regrets… Goodbye Eragon."

Eragon wraps him in a big hug as well. "Until I found out this drunkard was my father, you were the father figure in my life. I will always remember you. Goodbye uncle Garrow." 

As Eragon walks out the door he takes one last look at the home that he was raised in. or at least, the former Eragon. Sam looks down at his hands in contemplation, still wondering why he is here and why the old Eragon has vanished without a trace. He kicks the dirt absentmindedly and a shiny object that was just beneath the surface causes a glint of light to hit his eyes. Eragon shuts his eyes and covers them with his hand before leaning down and picking up the object. In his hand is a small silver coin that must have fallen out of someone's pocket as they entered the house. 

An epiphany hits Eragon like a thunderbolt. He leans over and places his hands on the ground before saying Finna Deloi (Find Earth) and uses intent casting to find and subsequently draw up precious metals like gold and silver from the ground. Surprisingly, the ground around their house has a multitude of precious metals in small amounts strewn about the area that he brings forth to the surface. He takes the metals and makes a few round balls out of them. With a satisfied smirk, Eragon walks back into his house and presents them to Roran. 

"I can't have you ruining my image as the brother of a dragon rider. Here, take these and sell them to the traders when they get to town. Hopefully it will be enough to kickstart your journey." 

Roran's shocked expression at seeing so much wealth in the palm of his hand slowly morphs into a sad expression where he tries his hardest not to cry. "Thank you brother. Now I actually have a shot at getting Katrina away from this madness and to somewhere safe. Now get out of here already, you got a king to defeat."

Eragon and Brom say their final farewells to the duo before grabbing their packs full of supplies and leaving Carvahall.