
Re: Equilibria

Reborn in Aethel, a world of magic tied to morality, Theo finds himself weak and unaligned – an outcast. Yet, Theo's true power lies in his flux, an ever-shifting alignment that grants unpredictable magic. He navigates prejudice, masters strategy, and unlocks his hidden potential. Joining an eliteguild, Theo builds a team while desperately seeking the fabled Equilibria, an artifact rumored to control his alignment. As a rising villain threatens Aethel's balance, Theo must master his moral tightrope walk, wielding his unique magic and strategic mind to save the world, one shifting choice at a time. … Disclaimer: The book cover isn’t mine.

HiddenSun · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Divided We Stand, A Fate Hangs in the Balance

Eldran began, his voice heavy with a secret he seemed reluctant to reveal. "The reason unaligned are considered dangerous..." he paused, his gaze flickering around the room, "...is because they disrupt the weave of fate."

A collective gasp rippled through the council chamber. Anya, the Weaver, leaned forward, her brow furrowed in concern.

Eldran continued, his voice low and grave. "Unaligned individuals are not inherently evil. They are born outside the flow of destiny, untethered to the predetermined paths laid out for others. This… autonomy… makes them unpredictable. Their actions, while not always malicious, can have a ripple effect, causing unforeseen consequences that unravel the carefully woven tapestry of fate."

"So, they're not harbingers of doom?" Corvus, the Melodious, interjected, his voice laced with skepticism. "Just... loose threads?"

Eldran shook his head. "Not loose threads, bard. More like… rogue threads. They can snag on others, unraveling destinies, causing chaos and misfortune. The universe, in its own way, seeks to… correct these imbalances. Unaligned individuals who achieve significant milestones, moments of great change or happiness, often find themselves… targeted by fate itself."

A tense silence descended upon the room. Lyra, her mind racing, felt a cold dread creep into her heart. This explanation resonated with the fragmented knowledge gleaned from the forbidden tome. Unaligned – chosen by fate, yet hunted by the universe. The contradiction gnawed at her.

"But why?" she finally dared to ask, her voice barely a whisper. "Why would the universe seek to eliminate them?"

Eldran met her gaze, his eyes filled with a deep sadness. "That, my dear Lyra," he said, his voice heavy, "is a question even the Order has yet to answer. But it is said that they are the only existence in the world able to transcend the Nine Cardinal Alignments."

Eldran's words hung heavy in the air, a revelation that shattered the foundation of Lyra's understanding of the world. The council members exchanged troubled glances, the weight of this knowledge settling upon them.

Seraphina, the Seeker, spoke first, her voice measured and calm. "Transcend the alignments? Does that mean they have the potential to achieve a state beyond Law, Chaos, or Neutrality?"

Eldran nodded slowly. "According to the legends, yes. But such a state is said to be incredibly dangerous. An unaligned individual who transcends could potentially rewrite the very fabric of reality, upsetting the delicate balance that governs Aethel."

Corvus, theMelodious, scoffed. "Legends? We're basing our fear on dusty old stories? Perhaps these unaligned are the key to breaking free from this rigid system altogether!"

Alistair, the Unwavering, slammed his fist on the table, his voice booming. "Freeing ourselves from the alignments would be the end of order! We've seen the chaos that ensues when individuals act without the guiding principles of their alignment!"

The room erupted in renewed debate, the council members divided between fear and curiosity. Lyra, however, remained silent, her gaze fixed on her father. His words about the universe targeting unaligned individuals resonated with a chilling truth.

"But why target them, Father?" she finally asked, her voice trembling slightly. "If they have the potential for such power,wouldn't the Order want to nurture it, guide them?"

Eldran sighed, a deep weariness etched on his face. "There have been... attempts in the past. But the consequences were disastrous. The unaligned, in their bid for transcendence, often caused untold chaos. Cities were razed, entire regions plunged into war. The Order was forced to intervene, to restore balance at a terrible cost."

Anya, the Weaver, spoke up, her voice laced with sorrow. "It is a tragedy. The potential for something truly magnificent,twisted into a weapon of destruction."

A chilling silence descended upon the chamber. The weight of history, of countless lives lost, pressed down on them. The fate of Theo Everlight, the anomaly in their midst, suddenly felt like a burden heavier than any of them could have anticipated.

Vex, the Trickster, leaned back in their chair, a sly smile playing on their lips. "So, what now?" they rasped, their voice tinged with amusement. "Do we lock him away like a ticking time bomb, or do we gamble on the potential for something… more?"

All eyes turned to Lyra, the Observer. It felt like the weight of the council's decision rested on her shoulders. Did she trust Theo?Did she believe he could transcend the alignments without succumbing to chaos? Or was he a threat too dangerous to ignore? Honestly she was having doubts now.

Lyra looked around the table, at the faces etched with worry and doubt. Then, with a newfound resolve hardening her features, she addressed the council.

"Theo may be unaligned," she declared, her voice ringing with conviction, "but I believe in his potential. He may be the key to a future we haven't even dared to imagine. I propose we train him, not to control him, but to guide him. To help him understand his power and use it for the good of Aethel."

The room erupted in renewed debate, voices rising and falling in a cacophony of fear and hope. Lyra, her heart pounding in her chest, watched as the council members passionately argued their stances.

Anya, the Weaver, finally managed to cut through the noise. "Silence!" she boomed, her voice unexpectedly forceful. "We are not children throwing a tantrum. We are the Order, guardians of Aethel's balance. Let us vote."

A hush fell over the chamber. Each member, their face etched with the weight of the decision, met the eyes of their peers. Eldran raised a hand, a glowing orb materializing above it. The orb pulsed with a soft light, casting the room in an ethereal glow.

"This vote will be conducted through mindlink," Eldran announced, his voice heavy. "Focus on your choice – train Theo Everlight, or eliminate him. Choose wisely, for the fate of Aethel may hang in the balance."

Lyra closed her eyes, picturing Theo's face, the fear and confusion in his eyes. Doubt gnawed at her. Could she truly trust him? Was she placing the entire realm at risk with her unwavering belief?

She took a deep breath, pushing aside the anxieties. Theo had a chance to be something extraordinary, something that could rewrite the very fabric of their world. She had to believe in that potential.

Focusing her will, Lyra sent a clear message through the mindlink – train.

One by one, the other council members followed suit, their choices resonating within the chamber. The tension was thick enough to choke on as they all awaited the result.

Finally, the orb above Eldran pulsed once, then twice. A heavy silence descended as the final light faded. Eldran opened his eyes, their color shifting from the familiar blue to a startling crimson.

"The vote is tied," he announced, his voice devoid of emotion.

Lyra felt a wave of nausea wash over her. Tied? What did that mean? Her gaze darted around the room, landing on her father's face. His expression remained unreadable, but a flicker of something… else… passed through his crimson eyes.

"Since the vote is inconclusive," Eldran continued, his voice low and dangerous, "the final decision falls to the Steadfast… to me."

A collective gasp rippled through the chamber. Lyra's heart hammered against her ribs. Her father, usually a voice for reason and order, now seemed… different. The crimson glow in his eyes intensified, casting an ominous shadow across his face.

"And my decision is..." Eldran's voice trailed off, a sinister smile twisting his lips.