
Re: Equilibria

Reborn in Aethel, a world of magic tied to morality, Theo finds himself weak and unaligned – an outcast. Yet, Theo's true power lies in his flux, an ever-shifting alignment that grants unpredictable magic. He navigates prejudice, masters strategy, and unlocks his hidden potential. Joining an eliteguild, Theo builds a team while desperately seeking the fabled Equilibria, an artifact rumored to control his alignment. As a rising villain threatens Aethel's balance, Theo must master his moral tightrope walk, wielding his unique magic and strategic mind to save the world, one shifting choice at a time. … Disclaimer: The book cover isn’t mine.

HiddenSun · Fantasy
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12 Chs

A Glimpse into the Abyss

Theo squinted up at the seemingly endless staircase that snaked its way into the heart of the Cloudspire, a colossal white tower that pierced the very heavens. Lyra, her face etched with a mixture of hope and trepidation, stood beside him.

"The Stairway of Aethel," she explained, her voice barely a whisper against the howling wind that seemed to emanate from the staircase itself. "A thousand steps, each one imbued with a fragment of the Nine Cardinal Alignments. As you climb, the pull of each alignment will intensify, testing the very core of your being."

Theo's brow furrowed. "So, it's a test of my… alignment?"

Lyra shook her head. "Not exactly. It's a test of your spirit. Those consumed by darkness, by true evil, will find themselves overwhelmed by the pull of the alignments, unable to take a single step. But for someone like you, Theo, unaligned and untainted, the climb will be arduous, but not insurmountable."

A sliver of hope flickered within him. "So, there's a chance I can make it?"

Lyra offered a strained smile. "There is. But it won't be easy. The pressure will increase with each step, testing your resolve, your willpower. Doubt, fear, anger – all the negative emotions will be amplified, urging you to succumb."

Theo swallowed hard. A thousand steps, each one a crucible testing his very essence. It sounded like a near-impossible feat.

"How long do I have?" He forced the question past the lump in his throat.

"One month," Lyra said, her voice heavy. "If you fail to reach the summit within that time… well, the the has decided to eliminate you."

Theo's heart hammered against his ribs. One month. It felt both like an eternity and a blink of an eye. He glanced back at the bustling city sprawled beneath them, a stark contrast to the desolate grandeur of the Cloudspire. He couldn't give up. Not just for himself, but for the sliver of hope Lyra had shown him.

Taking a deep breath, he steeled his nerves and focused on the first step. It was cool and smooth beneath his bare foot. As he placed his weight on it, a wave of… calmness washed over him. It was a strange sensation, a counterpoint to the howling wind.

He took a second step, then a third. The calmness intensified, a sense of serenity battling the growing pressure in his ears. With each step, the air grew thinner, the wind more ferocious. Yet, the calmness persisted, a shield against the growing unease gnawing at his insides.

On the tenth step, a flicker of doubt sparked within him. What if he wasn't strong enough? What if this was all a ploy to eliminate him? The calmness faltered, replaced by a prickling sensation of unease.

He gritted his teeth and pushed onward. The doubt morphed into a dull ache, a pressure building behind his eyes. By the hundredth step, the calmness was a distant memory. Sweat beaded on his forehead, his breath coming in ragged gasps. The wind howled in his ears, a cacophony of whispers urging him to turn back.

But Theo refused. He pictured Lyra's hopeful face, the image a beacon in the growing darkness threatening to consume him. He thought of the vision on the hilltop, the looming threat to Aethel. He was the only one who could stop it.

He wouldn't give up. Not now. Not ever.

With a Herculean effort, he placed his foot on the five-hundredth step.

The pressure intensified, a crushing weight pressing down on him. Memories, both joyous and traumatic, flickered at the edge of his consciousness, threatening to pull him under.

He squeezed his eyes shut, focusing on the single point of contact between his foot and the step. It was his anchor, his connection to reality. He wouldn't let the darkness win.

Then, a blinding flash of light erupted before him. The wind died down, replaced by an unnerving silence. When he opened his eyes, he found himself standing on a platform, the endless staircase now far below.

Before him stood a lone figure, shrouded in a shimmering cloak. Their hood cast a deep shadow, obscuring their face.

"Theo Everlight," a voice resonated from the figure, both powerful and strangely familiar. "Welcome to the first challenge."

A cold dread seeped into Theo's bones. He had conquered the Stairway of Aethel, but this… this felt different. More dangerous.

The figure raised a hand, and a swirling vortex of energy materialized in front of him. Images flickered within the vortex – monstrous creatures, ravaged landscapes, and a face contorted in pure evil.

""Look into it, Theo Everlight," the cloaked figure boomed, the voice echoing within the vast chamber. "See the future you could unleash if you fail your purpose. Remember your past is the key."

Theo, drained from the grueling climb, stumbled towards the vortex. Curiosity battled with a deep-seated fear, but the need to understand his role, the weight of the unknown future, propelled him forward.

As he peered into the swirling mass, a wave of nausea washed over him. Images bombarded his senses – twisted cities choked by smog, monstrous creatures ravaging the land, and most horrifying of all, his own face, twisted with rage and destruction, leading the charge.

A scream tore from his throat, a primal fear clawing at his insides. He hadn't known such darkness existed, nor that he could be the catalyst for such devastation. This wasn't just a test of his strength; it was a glimpse into the abyss, a chilling reminder of the potential consequences of his existence.

Panic swelled, constricting his lungs. He stumbled back, the pressure from the vision intensifying with each retreat. The serene counterpoint he'd experienced on the stairs was gone, replaced by a suffocating weight on his chest.

The cloaked figure remained silent, a silent observer as Theo crumpled to his knees. The vortex flickered and dissipated,leaving behind a chilling emptiness.

With every passing moment, the pressure intensified. Doubts, fears, and past traumas he'd buried deep resurfaced,swirling into a chaotic maelstrom within his mind. Memories of hunger pangs, the cruelty of the slum lords, the helplessness of watching his parents succumb to illness – they all came flooding back, each one a sharp shard of pain.

His vision blurred at the edges, the platform beneath him morphing into a churning sea of despair. He fought to stay upright, to cling to the last vestiges of his resolve. But the darkness was relentless, a tide threatening to drown him whole.

"Lyra…" he rasped, her name a lifeline in the storm. But the voice wouldn't come. His throat felt parched, his lungs like burning embers.

A final wave of pressure washed over him, a crushing darkness blotting out the world. Then, silence. Theo Everlight, the unaligned anomaly, lay unconscious on the platform, the fate of Aethel hanging precariously in the balance.