

Chapter 80: A Test

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After returning home, Han Sen showed Yan the tutorial of Holy Angel and asked her to memorize it.

With the holographic demonstration, it was not difficult to learn. Being intelligent, Yan memorized Holy Angel after watching just a few times.

On the next day, the geno solution compatible with Holy Angel was delivered to their home by the staff of Saint Hall. Han Sen asked Yan to drink it in accordance with the instructions.

Because practicing hyper geno arts could generate a burden on one's body and each hyper geno art had different effects, most hyper geno arts would have to be practiced along with the using of its correspondent geno solution.

An S-Class hyper geno art usually came with three bottles of geno solution, so it could be practiced by up to three persons.

If the matching geno solution was not used, Saint Hall would be exempt from any obligations and medical bills if there was an accident during the practice.

Before this, Han Sen did not know how advanced hyper geno arts worked, so he felt lucky that he had successfully practiced Jadeskin.

"Yan, this hyper geno art is the secret of our family. Do not let others know about it, OK?" Han Sen did not even tell Yan the name "Holy Angel."

Han Yan nodded seriously, "Yan will not tell anyone that I practiced a hyper geno art my brother gave me."

"Good girl. If you encounter some danger and someone asks you which hyper geno art you are practicing, tell him you do not know and it's taught to you by your brother," Han Sen said.

"Yan understands," Han Yan said solemnly.

"Excellent." Han Sen patted Han Yan's head, feeling pity for his sister.

Children who grew up in poor families were better prepared to deal with problems. Han Sen had spent some care-free years when he was a child. When Han Yan was born, however, their family had been declining, so she had never lived a good life. For this, she was more mature than her peers.

Luo Sulan was in Second God's Sanctuary these days and just returned home on the fourth day since Han Sen came back.

Han Sen also showed Luo Sulan Holy Angel, which shocked her. Although she didn't know too much about hyper geno arts, she could tell that this was no ordinary stuff as the tutorial was very carefully arranged.

"Sen, where did this hyper geno art come from?" asked Luo Sulan, worried.

"Mom, don't worry. I bought this," Han Sen said.

"How is possible that you have this kind of money?" she asked again.

"Mom, I am much stronger than before and have joined a military gang in Steel Armor Shelter. This hyper geno art is just a start. We will live better in the future..."Han Sen explained how he joined Qin Xuan's Steel Armor Gang, reassuring his mother.

"Son, you have gone far." Luo Sulan's eyes were wet from happiness. She had endured so many hardships to see this day.

"Mom, don't get emotional. It's a good thing." Han Sen had more than a million left in his account after paying for the S-level package for Yan. He gave it to his mother and said, "This is what I earned in God's Sanctuary recently. Mom you can use it to pay for the daily expenses."

"You take it yourself. You need the money..." Luo Sulan refused to take it.

"It's fine. I am now with a military organization and my boss is generous. There will be more in the future." Hansen was trying to prepare Luo Sulan for more good news.

"Sen, keep in mind that you shall never be aggressive. Don't get involved in any trouble..." Luo Sulan said earnestly.

"Mom, I understand. You know your son. I have always been low-key," Han Sen quickly said.

"Good, good. As for the hyper geno art, you've got Yan started, right? Tell her never to show it off, in case people would be envious." Since father's accident, Han Sen's mother had changed a lot and was constantly afraid that her children would be in danger.

"Mom, do not worry. I have told Yan and she promised me she would never tell."

"No, I have to personally tell her again." Luo Sulan got up and went to find Yan.

Watching Luo Sulan leaving, Han Sen felt very upset. If it were not for Dad's accident, Luo Sulan wouldn't have become so cautious and live in panic all day along.

"What happened?" Han Sen regretted that he was so young and didn't understand anything. All he knew was that Dad had an accident.

He had asked Mom and Mr. Zhang, but they were both hesitant to say anything. Han Sen knew it was not just an accident.

In the stationmaster's office at the teleport station, Yang Manli placed a capsule in front of Qin Xuan.

"Stationmaster, you are sure you want to use this?" Yang Manli looked at Qin Xuan who had picked up the capsule.

"I have to know why he is not willing to go to Blackhawk, and whether he wants to join my squad," Qin Xuan said.

"There are so many guys like him: cowardly, greedy and lecherous. There is no need to win him over. I think we should make every effort to get Dollar on our side instead, who can become the best archer possible," Yang Manli said.

Qin Xuan just smiled. "Dollar is of course amazing, but a man like him would not give us any chance to control him. Han Sen is still very talented, and I think he can do well. But the person I need must have a clean slate and be willing to join my squad, which takes me some effort to confirm."

Yang Manli wanted to say more but Qin Xuan stopped her, "Unless you can get Dollar to join our squad, Han Sen is my choice."

Yang Manli did not reply, but was secretly determined to find Dollar and persuade him.

Han Sen did not know what Qin Xuan saw in him that she wanted him to join her squad so bad. Before he entered the teleport station, he made sure that he wasn't in Qin Xuan's sight.

Unfortunately, nothing could go unnoticed under her nose.

Looking at Qin Xuan standing in front of him with a faint smile on her face, Han Sen had to step forward.

"It's been a long time since we fought. Show me your progress." Noticing Qin Xuan did not mention other matters, Han Sen was secretly relieved.

Han Sen was now much better, but he did not dare to show her all he got. Even if he did, she would probably still beat him.

"Drink some water." Qin Xuan took off her helmet and fetched two bottles of water. She unscrewed a bottle for herself and handed another to Han Sen.

Han Sen had no suspicion and drank from the sealed bottle of water.

"Han Sen, do you think I'm pretty?" Qin Xuan suddenly asked.

"Pretty... of course you are..." Han Sen was surprised and looked up at her, not understanding why she was asking this question. It was not her style.

"Do you think my lips are prettier or my eyes?" Qin Xuan asked again.

Han Sen felt dizzy. He could not help but look to the mouth of Qin Xuan, and gradually his sight moved up and fell on her bright eyes.

Chapter 81: Well-behaved Soldier

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The scripture of Jadeskin opened with these words, "Jade skin and flawless body, evils away and spells vain."

When he sipped the water, Han Sen knew something was wrong, but he still drank it without hesitation.

Hearing a humming, Han Sen felt like his mind and eyes were sucked into Qin Xuan's eyes and the he almost lost his consciousness.

Almost at the same time, a coolness welled from his limbs. Jadeskin started to run in his body automatically and the coolness restored his senses.

"This woman wants to hypnotize me. What's she trying to do?" Han Sen sneered inwardly, but didn't show anything on his face. He maintained that confused look.

"Han Sen, are my eyes not pretty?" Qin Xuan asked.

"They are pretty," Han Sen answered in a low voice.

"Which part of my body do you like best?" Qin Xuan asked again.

"Your boobs," Han Sen did not hesitate to answer.

"Why?" Qin Xuan asked again.

"They are big, soft and bouncy," Han Sen replied.

"Nasty!" Qin Xuan whispered. When they were in the combat room, Han Sen must have touched her boobs when they fought.

"Come and touch them," Qin Xuan said, lifting her chest.

Han Sen did not hesitate to reach out his hands and Qin Xuan suddenly pushed his hands aside. Now she could confirm that Han Sen had been completely hypnotized by her, as any normal person would hesitate when hearing such an odd request, which Han Sen did not.

"Are you Dollar?" Qin Xuan's first question scared the hell out of him.

Han Sen didn't realize Qin Xuan had connected some dots. Without time to think any further, he answered, "No."

Qin Xuan nodded, apparently not believing the two were the same person herself. She continued to ask, "Why are you unwilling to go to Blackhawk?"

"Because it was too far away from home," Han Sen replied.

"How is that relevant?" Qin Xuan did not understand his logic.

"I wouldn't be able to take care of my mom and my sister if it is too far away from home," Han Sen replied slowly.

Qin Xuan was a bit surprised and then her look softened. She asked, "Have you ever considered to join my squad?"


"Why?" Qin Xuan was slightly angry.

"I'm afraid of danger. I cannot die," replied Han Sen.

"Why can't you die?" Qin Xuan looked at Han Sen, finding his reply curious.

"If I die, my mom and my sister will be bullied by my relatives, and I cannot let them be bullied," Han Sen continued to answer.

Qin Xuan's expression became more and more gentle, and she continued to ask, "Why did you agree to join Bullseye?"

"Because of you."

"Me?" Qin Xuan was confused.

"Because I like you." Han Sen still had a dull face on.

Qin Xuan blushed a little, "Why do you like me?"

"Because you are beautiful."

"Is there any other reason?"


"What reason?" Surprisingly, Qin Xuan was slightly excited to hear the answer.

"Because you are beautiful."

"Isn't this the same reason?" Qin Xuan frowned.


"Why not?" Qin Xuan looked at Han Sen, puzzled.

"Because the first time I saw you, I thought you are beautiful; the second time I saw you, you are more beautiful. I can't move away my eyes and want to look at you forever..."

Qin Xuan's cheeks turned crimson. She raised her arm and wanted to slap Han Sen out of it, but eventually didn't have the heart to do that and just gave him a pinch swiftly.

Han Sen fell to the ground suddenly with an "ouch," acting as if he had fallen under the bed in sleep.

Qin Xuan subconsciously reached out her hand, but took it back and let Han Sen fall to the ground as she blushed at certain thoughts.

"What did you do to me?" Han Sen suddenly climbed up from the ground and pretended to be frightened.

"You do not have to worry, I just wanted to know why you do not want to go to Blackhawk." Qin Xuan said softly.

"You hypnotized me?" Han Sen was raged.

"One must go through this process to join the squad. The people we serve are special, so we must guarantee that every member had a clean slate. I myself had to go through the same thing." Qin Xuan looked at Han Sen and said gently, "You can rest assured that your family will be protected by the military once you go to Blackhawk and join my squad. No one could hurt them."

Han Sen looked uncertain and remained silent.

"Also, I can tell you that each shelter has the same kind of squad, providing service for special clients. This job wouldn't put you in great danger. And that's everything I can tell you. You can think about it yourself."

Not hearing an answer, Qin Xuan had to ask, "What do you think? Do you want to join my squad?"

"Do I still have an option?" Han Sen said with a wry smile.

"Try to be admitted to the Blackhawk. After joining my squad, you will be glad about your decision today." Qin Xuan patted Han Sen's shoulder, pleased.

"Oh, if you need anything just let me know. I'll try to assist you so that you could prepare for the entrance exam of Blackhawk," Qin Xuan said.

"I just want to know one thing. When I was hypnotized, did you ask me any other question other than why I wasn't interested in Blackhawk?" Han Sen asked.

"No, I am a well-behaved soldier. And I am not interested in your private matters," Qin Xuan said categorically, with her heart pounding as if there were a cat scratching at it.

"Really?" Han Sen seemed to be worried still.

"Of course not. Let me know if you need anything. As long as it doesn't cost too much, I will help you prepare for the exam, which is in less than two months," Qin Xuan side said and left, her face burning.

After Qin Xuan left, Han Sen let out a long sigh of relief. From now on, Qin Xuan probably wouldn't suspect him again.

"This is an excellent opportunity. Qin Xuan would completely trust me after this so she can become my cover. Others would think I got stronger and better because of her help and wouldn't suspect that I am Dollar. Then, I could gradually show my real ability using my own identity and abandon the guise of Dollar altogether," Han Sen thought to himself. This was why he had agreed to Qin Xuan's ask. Also, his family could indeed use the protection of the military.

Han Sen then teleported into God's Sanctuary as it was Dollar's time to participate in the second round of the martial arts contest.

Chapter 82: Fighting Luo Tianyang

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen: Not evolved.

Status: None

Life span: 200 years.

Requirements for evolution: 100 geno points.

Geno points gained: 100 ordinary geno points; 100 primitive geno points; 47 mutant geno points; 29 sacred geno points.

Beast souls gained: Sacred-blood black beetle; sacred-blood bloody slayer; sacred-blood purple-winged dragon; mutant three-eyed cat; mutant black barracuda; mutant black stinger; mutant sawfish.

Han Sen looked at his current data and felt satisfied. Now he had as many as three sacred-blood beast souls and several mutant beast souls.

Only two of the mutant beast souls were less than satisfactory and they were both from someone else. The mutant three-eyed cat was a pet that was useless at the moment and the mutant black barracuda Lu Weinan gave him was an aquatic mount, which was completely useless on the land.

At a grove near Steel Armor Shelter, Han Sen was meeting with Lin Beifeng. Han Sen was deliberately giving Lin the mutant creature meat he promised a few days later than when Dollar sold mutant black stingers.

"This is for you." Han Sen took two dried sawfish out of his bag and gave them to Lin. Black stingers were no longer an option, so he had to give the fish to Lin.

"Two!" Lin was overjoyed.

"Yes, it was a good trip." Han Sen gave him back the rest of the arrows, which were not really put into use.

"It's fine. Keep them. Sen, can I join you next time?" Lin Beifeng looked at Han Sen expectantly.

"I will if there is an opportunity. Please take the arrows back." Han Sen insisted.

Lin had to take the arrows back, and the two returned to the shelter as they were talking.

At the gate of Steel Armor Shelter, they ran into Son of Heaven's gang. Luo Tianyang stared at Han Sen as if he were to devour the guy.

"Son of Heaven, long time no see," Lin said.

"Lin, why are you with him?" Son of Heaven gave Han Sen an unkind glance.

"Sen is my friend and there seems to be nothing that can't be forgiven between you two. How about we let Han Sen buy us drinks and you can just let it go?" Lin asked Son of Heaven.

"Let it go? Who do you think you are?" Luo Tianyang looked at Lin contemptuously.

"Shut up!" Son of Heaven stopped Luo Tianyang, and said to Lin, "Lin, it's not that I don't respect you, but it is not that simple. If it is not settled properly, it will never be over."

"Settle how? I will pay however much you think he owes you," said Lin.

"It's not about money. You can ask him yourself," Son of Heaven said and entered the shelter with his gang.

"Sen, what was that about?" Lin looked at Han Sen puzzled. He thought their conflict was only the "Ass Freak" incident.

Han Sen told him about the purple-winged dragon and Lin smiled wryly, "It was indeed a big deal for Son of Heaven."

Lin paused and laughed. "But it does not matter, you did not get the beast soul anyway. I will try to mediate between you two. It's not a good idea to have Son of Heaven as an enemy. Just between us, you could offend a gentleman, but never a villain."

The two also entered Steel Armor Shelter. Everyone inside the shelter seemed to be talking about some news.

Han Sen listened carefully, and it turned out that Dollar was against Luo Tianyang in the second round.

"Dollar against Luo Tianyang! It must be an excellent fight. Son of Heaven must still be bitter from Dollar seizing his bloody slayer beast soul. Luo Tianyang would probably try to kill Dollar for him."

"Kill Dollar? I don't think he can even last longer than ten minutes."

"That's not fair. Dollar is strong but so is Luo Tianyang. With the support from Son of Heaven, Luo probably has as many beast souls as he wishes. I think the result is hard to tell."

"I say it's easy to tell! Dollar will win."

"Ha-ha, I agree. Does Luo Tianyang have wings? Can he fight a golden-horned Shura?"

"Exactly, how can Luo Tianyang even compare? I think it will take three minutes for Dollar to get rid of him."


Han Sen did not expect to meet Luo Tianyang in the second round. He sneered inwardly, "The mills of God grind slowly. This bastard is now in my hand."

Lin Beifeng's eyes lit up. "Last time I missed Dollar's fight. Let's go watch this one."

"I will not go. There is some family business I need to take care of." Of course Han Sen couldn't watch—if he went, then Dollar would be missing.

"You won't come? It's Dollar." Lin was shocked.

"What's so special about him? He is just a person." Han Sen shrugged.

"He is special. I never admired anyone, but Dollar is an exception, just because he fought that Shura," Lin said.

"OK, but I really need to go home, so maybe next time." Han Sen chuckled inwardly.

"Unfortunately, video cameras don't work in God's Sanctuary, or we can record it and post it on the Skynet. It will go viral for sure." Lin Beifeng bemoaned and left for the martial hall.

Han Sen took a detour and reappeared in the shelter after he put on the black beetle armor. This time he was prepared and wore a cape over the armor, covering almost everything. Although he looked strange, he wasn't recognized like last time.

Han Sen found a corner seat in the stands and sat down, watching others fight as he waited for his turn.

Before long, a group of people sat down close to him. Han Sen was shocked to see they were the Bullseye members, with Yang Manli leading the team.

They were a big group and Han Sen had picked a sparsely seated corner, so they all came here.

Su Xiaoqiao was seated next to Han Sen. Yang Manli and Liu Hongtao were only two seats away.

"I say buddy, why are you covered all over in such hot weather? Are you dressing as a witch?" Su Xiaoqiao always liked joking and threw a comment at Han Sen.

"Brat, I'll deal with you later," thought Han Sen, not saying anything.

"Manli, who do you think will win, Dollar or Luo Tianyang?" Several members of Bullseye started a heated discussion.

Chapter 83: One-minute Fight

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Dollar of course. Right, Manli?" Su Xiaoqiao asked.

Yang Manli nodded, apparently agreeing with Su Xiaoqiao.

Liu Hongtao commented on the side, "Even Dollar is strong, he is just one person, without anyone behind his back, while Luo Tianyang was supported by Son of Heaven. It is still hard to tell who will win."

"One person is enough. Dollar fought a golden-horned Shura alone. Even with a gang behind him, I don't think Luo Tianyang could do that," Su Xiaoqiao said with disdain.

"Young man, you are too young to understand." Liu Hongtao acted as an elder.

"What don't I understand?" Su did not take that comment well.

"Think about it. If Son of Heaven and his whole gang all let Luo Tianyang use their beast souls, who do you think will win? Don't forget that Son of Heaven has a sacred-blood shapeshifting ape beast soul, and god knows how many mutant beast souls he has. If Luo Tianyang use them all, do you still think Dollar will win? "Liu Hongtao said confidently.

"It's just an ape beast soul. Dollar has a bloody slayer beast soul, wings and sacred-blood armor. It would be easy for him to win Luo Tianyang. I don't think Luo Tianyang could last a minute." Su Xiaoqiao said disapprovingly.

"This kid sure knows how to speak." Han Sen was pleased with Su Xiaoqiao's words.

"Well, you just said Luo Tianyang couldn't last a minute, so let's make a bet. If Luo lasts less than a minute, you can have my mutant beast soul of red-hoofed beast. If he lasts longer than that, your mutant nocturnal wolf beast soul will be mine. Do you dare to bet against me?" Liu Hongtao looked at Su Xiaoqiao and said.

Su Xiaoqiao suddenly got nervous. One minute was just a figure of speech. How was it possible for one to end the match in a minute after all?

Like Liu Hongtao had said, Son of Heaven had Luo's back. With some beast souls here and there, Luo Tianyang could definitely stay on the stage longer than a minute.

The nocturnal wolf beast soul was a lucky gain of Su Xiao's when he shot an arrow at the nocturnal wolf king in a recent campaign. He had been bragging to everyone about it. Yet Liu Hongtao had proposed to use this beast soul as the stake in a bet that was less than fair.

"Liu, we were just chatting. No need to get serious."

"Yes Liu, Xiaoqiao was just saying."

"Yeah, figure of speech."

Several Bullseye members tried to smooth things over, but being unreasonable, Liu Hongtao said with a mean tone, "I'm trying to teach him not to comment on things he doesn't understand. He could say whatever he wishes at home, but in the society, a wrong comment could get him killed."

"S*#t! You insist? A bet is a bet. I'm game. Don't be a deadbeat when you lose." Although Su Xiaoqiao was usually joking and messing around, he still had his pride as he was from a wealthy family. Even at the cost of a beast soul, he wouldn't be a doormat.

"Xiaoqiao, just suck it up." The teammates next to him all tried to stop Su Xiaoqiao from getting involved in this unfair bet. He would be basically giving the beast soul away.

Liu Hongtao didn't have the best personality and not many liked him except for a few henchmen of his. Almost everyone was on Su's side.

"Well, I appreciate a young man that can stick to what he believes in. If you don't trust me, we can both transfer our beast souls to Manli and let her be our witness. So that we could both reassured," Liu Hongtao said and gave his beast soul of red-hoofed beast to Yang Manli.

"Liu, it's just a small difference. We all are in Bullseye, and there is no need to do this." Yang Manli frowned.

"Manli, I'm doing this for his own good. If he keeps being insolent like this, he might get into bigger troubles elsewhere in the future." Liu Hongtao gave Su a contemptuous glance and said to him, "If you apologize to me right now, I'll let this go. And remember to watch it in the future."

Everyone thought Liu Hongtao was just shameless. If these words came from another person, Su Xiaoqiao might apologize; but Liu saying this himself made an apology an impossible option for any guy with dignity.

Everyone knew there was no going back at this point. Su gritted his teeth and raged, "Liu Hongtao, cut the crap. I'm down."

Su Xiaoqiao then transferred his mutant nocturnal wolf beast soul to Yang Manli, "Manli, keep this for me. When I win, I'll treat everyone to barbecue."

"I like a young man who doesn't know any better." Liu Hongtao was overjoyed. A mutant beast soul was very rare and he had just gained one with a few words. Also, the mutant nocturnal wolf was a shapeshifting beast soul which was worth even more than his mount beast soul, red-hoofed beast.

Yang Manli frowned. She had wanted to mediate the dispute with a few words, but Liu Hongtao said those words first so that Su Xiaoqiao had to bet against him now.

"The young man is too impulsive, maybe a loss could be considered a lesson for him." Yang Manli sighed. Things had come so far that there was nothing she could say to turn it around.

Su Xiaqiao felt upset after accepting the bet. Although he was confident in Dollar and believed he could win, one minute was simply too short. Even the exchange of pleasantries could last that long—not to mention Luo Tianyang did have many resources. If he had really borrowed the ape beast soul from Son of Heaven, the match could easily last longer than ten minutes

The match between Luo Tianyang soon began and Su Xiaoqiao murmured his prayers, "Dollar, it was me who spread your name. Please help me. I haven't had the nocturnal wolf beast for long and don't want to give it to Liu."

Sitting next to Su and hearing everything, Han Sen was mad, "Help you! In the beginning, everyone was calling me Doll, and it was all because of you!"

Chapter 84: Ape Beast Soul

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Finally, Dollar and Luo Tianyang's codes were displayed on the martial stele. Each digit in Han Sen's code was an eight, so everyone knew that was him.

Luo Tianyang went on the stage first. From his leisurely look, it seems that he was confident about the upcoming match, which made Su Xiaoqiao quite nervous.

"Where is Dollar? The match is about to begin but we don't see him yet. If he is not here in three minutes, he will automatically be considered the losing side."

The stands were filled with people eager to see Dollar's match, but the familiar golden figure was missing.

Su Xiaoqiao became even more tense. Liu Hongtao smiled unkindly, "Su Xiaoqiao, it seems that you are in a bad place. If Dollar doesn't show up at all, you wouldn't be convinced even if I won the bet, right?"

"What is this nonsense? It is still very early, and the boss always comes late. Don't you understand that?" Su Xiaoqiao retorted, but felt unsure as Dollar didn't show up. He thought, "Could Dollar be delayed by something? Then my mutant nocturnal wolf would be gone..."

"Great, I'll see how long you could keep that thought," Liu Hongtao ridiculed.

Suddenly, the guy in cape sitting next to Su Xiaqiao who had been silent the whole time suddenly stood up and walked toward the stage, leaving Su Xiaoqiao and others dumbfounded.

The guy took off the cape while walking, revealing the golden armor underneath, leading to an uproar in the stands.

"Dollar... Dollar..."

"Ha-ha, the angel came."

"I know there's no way he would miss this."

Su Xiaoqiao was so happy that he jumped up, "My God, Dollar you are truly amazing. Kick Luo's ass for my sake please. And remember, keep it under a minute... one minute..."

Su Xiaoqiao was now certain that Dollar have just heard the dialogue about the bet, that was to say Dollar knew he should defeat Luo within a minute, which was undoubtedly good news for Su.

Other Bullseye members were also very excited, "Dollar was just sitting here and we failed to recognize him!"

"Indeed, we should've asked for his autograph! I hear you could sell that for a good price now."

"Xiaoqiao, you didn't say what you said because you knew it was him, did you?"

Su Xiaqiao ​​laughed, "God helps those who help themselves. How could I know it was Dollar? He wrapped himself like a rice dumpling on such a hot day, and I was just wondering about that myself."

Liu Hongtao's face was grim. He sneered and said, "Don't be happy now. Even if he wants to help you, it is impossible to defeat Luo in a minute."

"Nothing is impossible with Dollar. As long as he wants to do it, it will be done." Su Xiaoqiao immediately retorted, with all his faith in Dollar.

Although Yang Manli was surprised that Dollar was sitting beside them, she was not as optimistic as Su Xiaoqiao. Rationally speaking, what Liu Hongtao said made sense.

Luo Tianyang might not be Dollar's match, but he had Son of Heaven behind him, so he must have plenty of beast souls on him. Despite that Luo's fitness wasn't the best in Son of Heaven's gang, his fitness index should still be over ten. With strong beast souls, it would be difficult to beat him.

"If Dollar is an archer with advanced beast soul bow and arrows, he might be able to get rid of Luo fast. Unfortunately, it seems that he never uses arrows," Yang Manli sighed inwardly.

Son of Heaven shot a harsh stare at Han Sen and eyed Luo Tianyang on the stage. Luo nodded knowingly.

Son of Heaven had prepared well for this match. Knowing Luo wouldn't be Dollar's match, he didn't count on Luo to defeat Dollar. Still, he lent Luo his sacred-blood ape beast soul and many powerful mutant beats souls. All he wanted to see was Dollar injured. Even if Dollar could not be injured, he must show his real skills in this match.

Son of Heaven saw Dollar as a fierce rival, which was why he was using Luo as a pawn to weaken Dollar before he ran into Dollar himself and to find out how strong Dollar was.

Luo Tianyang was both cunning and ruthless. He didn't take Dollar lightly and summoned the ape beast soul and a mutant suit of armor as soon as the stele lit up and the match started.

Suddenly, stood on the stage was a giant age more than nine feet tall in a suit of bone armor with a long mace in its hands. The look alone was terrifying.

A wisp of a smile crossed Son of Heaven's face. That was why he liked Luo. Luo's ability was less than impressive in his gang, but Luo had always been careful and decisive.

Son of Heaven had always believed that one must know one's limits, which Luo did.

Being meek towards the brutal and brutal towards the meek might be viewed as a bad thing. But the way Son of Heaven saw it, it was also a wise attitude. Luo Tianyang's decision now was much to Son of Heaven's satisfaction—playing it safe and trying to survive.

Of course, Luo Tianyang's life was not very important to him. But if Luo died, the ape beast soul would be ruined as well. So, Luo must not die.

"That's it. Just do whatever you can and try to force Dollar to show all he got. If anything went wrong, just go off the stage and throw in the towel." Son of Heaven looked at the two on the stage and thought with a smile, "Dollar, let me see what you've got."

Liu Hongtao was amused by what Luo Tianyang did. "I told you Son of Heaven would definitely give the ape beast soul to Luo. You see? With that mutant bone armor, it would take Dollar at least an hour to beat Luo."

"What are you talking about? Can someone like Luo Tianyang even shapeshift for an hour?" Su Xiaoqiao disagreed. His heart did freeze a little as he didn't think Luo would really have the ape beast soul on him.

"Anyway, it would be easy for him to last ten minutes, which means I could win ten times, so it's a pity that you don't have ten mutant beast souls," Liu Hongtao laughed.

Chapter 85: Seckill

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

But soon, Liu Hongtao's smile disappeared.

The moment the martial stele lit up, Dollar summoned the bloody slayer and ran toward the ape called Luo like a hurricane, a golden spear in his hand.

In the blink of an eye, Dollar was in Luo's face, his spear stabbing Luo's stomach.

Luo Tianyang roared and hacked his mace madly at the mutant sawfish spear, making the spear fly out of Han Sen's hand.

Liu Hongtao was ready to applaud, but then he saw that Dollar calmly reached for a golden katana at his waist and slashed it toward Luo Tianyang, who was only inches away.

The ape did possess great strength, but it was also clumsy. When fighting from afar, this disadvantage wouldn't show. But at such a short distance, there was no time for the ape to dodge.


The nine-foot-tall ape was cut in half. Luo only gave a whimper before he turned into his own body and died. Blood flowed like a river.

Everyone was blankly watching Han Sen, who put the katana back into its sheath and took back the spear calmly. Dollar killed Luo who had shapeshifted into a sacred-blood creature in less than ten seconds.

After the moment of silence, cheers broke out like a tsunami. Everyone was calling Dollar's name, bringing the whole martial hall to a boil.

Su Xiaoqiao was the happiest person among all. Twerking on the stands, he shouted, "Dollar Dollar I love you, like a mouse loves rice..."

Liu Hongtao was dumbfounded. He sat there like a deflated balloon, not accepting the fact that Luo had died.

"Red-hoofed beast... My red-hoofed beast... how could this be..." Liu Hongtao almost spilled out blood.

Son of Heaven gritted his teeth very hard. He didn't care that Luo was killed. But his ape beast soul was one of the few sacred-blood beast souls he had. It, along with all the mutant beast souls, was ruined with the death of Luo. Son of Heaven's heart was bleeding.

"Dollar, I'll make you regret you were born," Son of Heaven cursed inwardly. He very badly wanted to kill Dollar, but felt somewhat helpless about it.

Before, there had been a chance to besiege Dollar with his gang; now that Dollar had wings, that plan would no longer work.

Now Son of Heaven regretted very much that he had used his one-use sacred-blood wasp arrow. If he still had it, he would be able to kill Dollar, even if Dollar could fly.

He thought more about it and realized that if he had never used that arrow, Dollar wouldn't have the bloody slayer beast soul. Without that shapeshifting beast soul, Dollar couldn't have killed Luo so easily.

Thinking of this, Son of Heaven wanted to eat Dollar alive. There was something stuck in his chest which he could neither swallow nor spit out.

"I must find out who Dollar is! If I couldn't kill him in God's Sanctuary, I will kill him in the Alliance." Son of Heaven was determined to have Dollar killed, or he could never let this go. His loss was indeed huge. Luo was dead, and he had lost many beast souls, including a sacred-blood one, while Dollar walked free.

Han Sen did not dare to get stuck in the crowd and simply flew away with his wings, not giving the audience any chance to approach him.

Dollar killing Luo Tianyang was the headline in Steel Armor Shelter. People had posted the story on the Skynet, but without a way to record images in God's Sanctuary, words alone didn't attract much attention. In addition, Luo Tianyang was a nobody, so no one cared.

After all, this was only the martial arts contest within Steel Armor Shelter. If Dollar became the champion of Steel Armor Shelter and entered the contest among champions from all the shelters, then his match could be seen by the entire First God's Sanctuary. If he became the Chosen, it would truly be something amazing throughout the entire Alliance.

But people in Steel Armor Shelter were clearly scared of Dollar. His opponents in the next few rounds all quit before they fought and simply didn't show up.

Killing someone in seconds was a brutal thing to do. And that someone had even shapeshifted into a sacred-blood beast soul. No one had the courage to put their life on the line.

Some people even accused Dollar of being a murderer and posted articles describing how cruel he was. Su Xiaoqiao and other Bullseye members were pissed off by those articles and wrote about the bet between Su and Liu, leading to compliments from Dollar's fans.

But it had not changed the fact that Dollar had killed someone. Later, someone posted anonymously that Luo Tianyang had mutilated and raped many victims using Son of Heaven's gang when he was alive. Many people from Steel Armor Shelter echoed the post and said it was a great thing that Dollar had done.

"Luo Tianyang was an animal. If I were Dollar, I would have killed him long before the martial arts contest."

"Well done. Thirty-two likes."

"An animal who deserved it."

"Ignorant, all of you. Murder is murder, regardless of who was killed. Dollar is a murderer."

"Dollar is a piece of s*#t!"

"Don't comment on something you don't understand. Everyone in Steel Armor Shelter knows it was justice well served."

"Exactly. I hate those who follow the herd."

There was quite a debate on the Skynet, but then the posts criticizing Dollar became overwhelming, and many posts that supported Dollar got deleted.

People in Steel Armor Shelter knew that Son of Heaven was behind it. However, no one had the nerve to antagonize Son of Heaven. After all, there weren't many who dared to be the enemy of Starry group.

No one was willing to do that for a stranger anyway.

Chapter 86: Special Training

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Sen, check out my new mount!" Su Xiaoqiao was riding his newly-gained mutant red-hoofed beast in the yard of the Bullseye team, bragging.

The mutant red-hoofed beast looked somewhat like an antelope with a pair of buffalo horns on its head. It had the size of a camel and was satin black all over, except for its four blood-red hooves.

Han Sen was very depressed to see this gorgeous mount. He wasted so much effort in helping this brat win a mutant mount, while he himself ended up with nothing.

Although he did have a mutant mount beast soul, it was aquatic and was useless on the land.

"After the martial arts contest, I have to find a way to gain a beast soul mount. It was too much trouble going everywhere on foot and it was bad for my image as well," Han Sen thought to himself.

Dark Swamp was out of the question. Even if he gained a mount beast soul there, it would be something ugly like a toad.

"Han Sen, come to my office." Yang Manli called from on the second floor.

"Sen, you offended her again?" Su Xiaoqiao ran over and asked, grinning.

"Why would I do that?" Han Sen said, touching his nose.

"That was not a kind look she had. You have to be careful," Su Xiaoxiao laughed.

"You know about looks? Why don't you say you are psychic as well." Han Sen laughed and went to the second floor.

"Manli, you asked for me?" Han Sen asked.

"I do not know what Qin Xuan saw in you. But since she asked me to help you prepare for the entrance exam, I'll do my best. Starting from today, you will report to me at the teleport station every day and I will train you, hard. You better be prepared as you will suffer. Blackhawk isn't just any school."

Yang Manli paused and said casually, "If you cannot bear it, you better ask Qin Xuan to allow you to quit. I will not stop you."

"When do I start?" Han Sen asked.

"Now," said Yang Manli before she got up and teleported to Planet Roca with Han Sen.

Yang Manli took Han Sen to the test hall at the teleport station, which was a military-standard test hall that provided more accurate tests.

"You will do a detailed test first and let me see what's the difference between your fitness level and the lowest standard for Blackhawk," Yang Manli said with no expression.

"No need for that. I think I could definitely pass that bar." Han Sen did not dare to do the test, afraid he might scare Yang with his data.

The last time he took the test, he had approached 10 in all his numbers. Having gained lots of mutant and sacred geno points after that, his fitness index should be well beyond 10 now.

"Do the test." Yang Manli commanded coldly.

"If you insist." Han Sen muttered and slowly walked toward the entrance of the test hall.

Han Sen had made up his mind not to use his full strength, in case Yang could tell something was wrong.

Fortunately, Han Sen was very confident in his control of his own body. The more he practiced Jadeskin, the more he was amazed by this hyper geno art. He hadn't practiced it for long, but he already felt that he could adjust each bone and each muscle in his body.

With Jadeskin, he could even change his heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature to a certain extent.

The more he understood Jadeskin, the more scared he felt. Fortunately, Xue Longyan had already been seriously injured when they met, or else it would have been Han Sen who got killed.

It was precisely because of this that Han Sen wouldn't let anyone know that he was practicing Jadeskin, for fear that people might know Xue Longyan was killed by him.

The test items here were similar to those in the test center, but were more sophisticated in general. Hence Han Sen knew what each item was for.

Soon, Han Sen completed all the test items and came out of the test hall covered with sweat.

Yang Manli had no idea that Han Sen looked so tired mainly because he was trying to control the test result. To control one's reflexes and heartbeat was extremely difficult in such sophisticated test items. If Han Sen hadn't practiced Jadeskin, he wouldn't have been able to hide his real physical condition at all.

Yang Manli looked through Han Sen's test results and said, "Less than 10 in all items, but close. Ten is just the standard of ordinary military schools. For Blackhawk, even for specially recruited students, 10 was just a narrow pass."

After reading something on a smart machine, she said, "During the time we have left which is little more than a month, I will make all your fitness index pass 10. Meanwhile, I will train you in archery. Only with proper archery skills will you be specially recruited."

"Manli, may I ask, without special enrollment, what kind of score is Blackhawk looking for?" Han Sen asked curiously.

"When you are able to beat me, you could be admitted to Blackhawk on your own." Yang Manli went to the gym, not even glancing at Han Sen.

Han Sen followed her to the gym and looked at all sorts of training equipment in the gym curiously. Many of the equipment he had never seen before. Many soldiers were training in the gym.

The teleport station was part of the military, so everything here followed military standard. The only difference was that most soldiers here were new to the army and had never been to the battlefield.

Those who could be assigned here typically had certain connections, or else they would have been sent to the front.

Chapter 87: Cheating

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Yang Manli led Han Sen in front of a sealed device the size of a train compartment. The device was around 150 feet long. She turned it on and entered some data before she took off her jacket, revealing a black professional training suit underneath.

The suit was made of a material unknown to Han Sen, which had a formfitting effect. Han Sen noticed that Yang Manli had a great body. Her legs were especially long and straight, seducing one to touch them.

"Look carefully. I will only show you once. For today, you need to finish this training every day before you go anywhere else." Yang Manli said and went into the device.

The moment Yang Manli entered the device, all soldiers who were exercising came around and drooled over the holographic image displayed.

"Yang's body is getting more and more perfect. I could play with those legs for three years."

"Three years? I can play with them for thirty years."

"Check out her ass."

These animals stared at the holographic image almost with their eyeballs popped out.

Inside the device, Yang Manli had started. There are many exercise items in the device and she finished them one by one effortlessly. The items didn't look very difficult either.

"Brother, what is this device? Looks like it is not that difficult." Han Sen asked a soldier curiously.

"Not difficult? Kiddo, you are too naïve. Yang seems effortless because she's got great fitness index. If you were to do it, you would be too tired to finish three items."

"This is called gravity trainer. There are such devices on all interstellar aircrafts and warships and they are used to adjust the internal gravity. With the parameters set by Yang, one would need at least 10 in fitness index to train. Or else walking in the device alone would be a torture, even worse than screwing seven times in one night."

"Son, all you could do is pray."

These soldiers knew Han Sen. They were all aware that Qin Xuan had often called him into the combat room.

Yang Manli stepped out of the gravity trainer in a little while, and the soldiers quickly scattered back to do their training as if nothing had happened.

Yang Manli had some sweat on her forehead. She put on her jacket and said, "Now you complete the exercise and then come to find me."

She left with no intention of watching Han Sen do the exercise.

Yang Manli knew very well that Han Sen's physical fitness index was only close to ten and it was impossible for him to finish such intense training. She just wanted to humble him so that he would follow her orders better.

A soldier ran toward Han Sen when the latter was about to enter the gravity trainer to start training. Putting his hand over Han Sen's shoulder, the soldier smiled and said, "Buddy, if you can bring us some R-rated holographic resources when you come here in the future, I'll let you in on a secret and make the gravity trainer a piece of cake for you."

"Deal. What's the secret?" Han Sen agreed, knowing he was asking for porns.

"Great." The soldier patted Han Sen's shoulder and whispered to his ear, "Once the parameters were set up, Yang could tell if you have modified them after. However, the device has a protective mechanism, which is designed mainly to prevent dangers to your body. My method allows you to change the parameters through this mechanism so that the result doesn't show the modification. So, you can easily complete the test without being found out by Yang."

"Fantastic. What should I do?" Han Sen asked.

"I can tell you the secret, but a deal is a deal. You need to get me those R-rated holographic resources or you will regret it," said the soldier.

"Brother, rest assured. I'll get you those," Han Sen patted his own chest and guaranteed.

The soldier nodded with satisfaction and told Han Sen the method to change the parameters. He repeatedly told Han Sen to bring him the porns and designated a few actresses.

"Parameters set up, please confirm..." Han Sen went into the gravity trainer and heard the AI.

"OK," Han Sen replied.

"Confirmation completed. Start testing in ten seconds. Countdown starts. Ten, nine, eight..."

When the countdown was over, Han Sen feel his body sank, as if he had suddenly gained a few hundred pounds.

Han Sen did not use the soldier's method. He wanted to see if he could finish the exercise like Yang Manli did.

Han Sen was not used to the added gravity and warmed up a little before he started.

When Yang Manli was back from her office, it was already in the afternoon. She thought Han Sen should be worn out like a dead dog by now and would probably be more obedient in the future.

When Yang Manli returned to the gym, she was surprised to see Han Sen chatting with the soldiers there. The soldiers were even showing him how to play with all sorts of devices. He looked rather lively and not tired at all.

"Han Sen, I asked you to train. What are you doing?" annoyed, Yang Manli asked coldly.

The soldiers were scared away like mice met a cat, leaving Han Sen standing there alone in front of Yang Manli.

"Captain, I've completed the training." Han Sen saluted the way the soldiers had just taught him.

"Completed?" Yang Manli frowned and walked quickly toward the gravity trainer. She pulled out the data and as she checked each item, her face became darker and darker.

There was no doubt that Yang Manli did not think the data was real. Only those who with more than 12 in fitness index could achieve this. She had just tested Han Sen's fitness and he wasn't even a 10. So, this could not be his real performance.

Chapter 88: Perseverance Matters

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Who told you about the protection mechanism?" Yang Manli stared at Han Sen madly. Of course, she knew about this trick.

"What protection mechanism? I do not understand what you are talking about?" Han Sen looked innocent.

"You won't tell? Go get a 7.0 practice bow and some arrows," Yang Manli calmed down and said coldly.

Han Sen did not know what she wanted to do, and did what she asked.

"You know the standard stance to draw the string?" Yang Manli looked at Han Sen and asked.

"Yes." Han Sen nodded.

"Very good, pull the string to the fullest on standard stance," Yang Manli said quietly.

Han Sen had worked hard on archery so his stance was perfect and he easily pulled the string to the fullest.

"Good stance." Han Sen was surprised to hear Yang Manli's compliment.

"Thank you, Captain." Still, Han Sen knew he was in trouble.

"Hold this position until midnight. If you move during this period and I do not get the answer I want, you do not need to show up here again. Even if the stationmaster came here herself, one of us must go." Yang Manli turned to leave.

Seeing Yang going away, the soldiers ran back and the one who told Han Sen about the protection mechanism felt guilty and said, "Sorry buddy, I did not expect Yang to be onto you. I did you harm instead of good."

"It's just a few hours. I'll be fine." Han Sen said casually.

"Do not underestimate the standard stance. Twenty minutes was all right, but two hours is just torture. A 7.0 bow is not a joke, usually we can't even last two hours with a 6.0 bow. It's four hours until midnight. Yang is really brutal this time."

"I say let's go apologize. Just tell her we all told him about the loophole. Or else he would probably not be able to use his arms ever again."

"If we have to. Judging from her look, we would suffer as well."

The soldiers complained and sighed.

"No need. I'll give it a shot. My endurance has always been good. Four hours, I think there should be no problem." Han Sen called the soldiers who were going to apologize back.

"It doesn't matter how good your endurance is. It's torture."

Han Sen smiled, "I've seen worse. Don't go yet. If I can't do it, you could go then. Maybe by then Yang Manli will see how miserable I am and lessen the punishment."

"That is also true. Buddy, you hang in there first. Let us know when it gets bad. We will go and confess." The soldiers were loyal.

Hen Sen nodded and did not speak. Remaining motionless was sometimes even worse than violent movement, especially when he was also drawing a 7.0 bow.

In the beginning he didn't feel much, but after half an hour, his arm muscles began to feel numb, and with the passage of time, this numb feeling was more and more intense.

In just an hour, Han Sen was sweating like rain, his arms burning and whole body trembling.

Han Sen gritted his teeth and started to practice Jadeskin. A spring-like coolness flowed through all his veins, where the numb feeling was gradually relieved.

Through the monitor, Yang Manli would glance at Han Sen from time to time. She saw him keeping the stance but started to tremble when it was approaching an hour. His endurance was already beyond her expectation. Even the soldiers can only last this long.

Yang Manli predicted he could last about at most one and a half hours, certainly less than two hours.

"Cheating in your first training session. I have to put you through hell." Yang Manli did not really want a name from Han Sen. His silence was a quality she could appreciate and if he had confessed about the person who had told him, she would have looked down on him.

After working for a while, Yang Manli checked on him again when it was an hour and a half, and found he was still standing there.

Yang Manli could not help but frown, as Han Sen looked better now than half an hour ago. He had stopped trembling and was sweating less. In general, he looked more relaxed.

"He moved?" Yang Manli was not sure and played the footage backward, noticing Han Sen had not moved in the last 30 minutes.

"Odd!" Yang Manli did not go back to work, but paid full attention to Han Sen's image.

Han Sen had been standing for two hours.

"Buddy, you're awesome. Can you keep going?"

"Your endurance is out of this world. If you are this good in every aspect, you could definitely go to the Alliance Central Military Academy."

"Brother, you a real man!" A soldier gave him a thumbs-up.

"Let us know if you can't keep going. Don't risk hurting your own body. It's not worth it."

Keeping his body motionless, Han Sen smiled and said, "I feel okay. I can definitely hold until midnight. No need to check on me."

"Brother, if you can really hold until midnight, you will be under my protection in the future."

"Your protection? Do you dare to fight Yang or Qin Xuan?"

"Ahem, I was just saying. Do not be so serious."

The soldiers took a shower and went to the cafeteria, leaving Han Sen alone in the gym. He was practicing Jadeskin secretly and felt its power welling from every body cell, eliminating his fatigue.

When Han Sen had insisted for three hours, even Yang Manli was shocked. She even doubted if the soldiers had hacked the monitor and all she saw was a loop.

Soon she ruled out that possibility and left the office for the gym.

Chapter 89: I'm the Strongest

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Now, do you have something to say to me?" Yang Manli approached Han Sen who was standing like a statute.

Han Sen hadn't reached a certain level in Jadeskin, so his fatigue wasn't cleared away completely. Having stood there for over three hours, he was drenched in sweat.

Even so, his stance was still firm as ever and his hands holding the bow didn't even tremble.

Yang Manli for the first time felt that maybe Han Sen was somewhat talented. He had been standing like that for more than three hours and his hands were still steady, which was a great quality for an archer.

"Captain, I really have nothing to say," Han Sen said.

"Well, since you are so tough, you could keep standing here." Yang Manli went away without looking back. She was a little angry, but also respected Han Sen for what he did. That was a difficult task for a sixteen-year-old. She herself could only last two hours with a 6.0 bow at his age.

After Yang Manli had closely observed Han Sen's situation and made sure he was fine, she was surprised to see that he did have the energy to continue.

Although this was a test of endurance, and didn't have much to do with his other qualities. It still showed that Han Sen was outstanding in something, as someone with a fitness index less than 10 wasn't likely to last this long.

"How can he have such strong endurance?" Yang Manli thought she probably couldn't even accomplish this herself, while Han Sen, someone with much worse fitness than she, could pull through.

After Yang Manli went back to the office, she continued to monitor Han Sen. On one hand, she wanted to find out how long Han Sen could last in the end; on the other hand, she was afraid his arms would be damaged.

She did not want Han Sen on her team, but she did not mean to harm him either. That was why she couldn't let anything happen to him. Not to mention she had started to appreciate his endurance and perseverance.

As for Han Sen's answer, in fact, Yang Manli did not really want to hear it. If Han Sen had really confessed, Yang Manli would have thought he was a snitch.

Before long, the soldiers took some water and food and sneaked back into the gym.

"Brother, great job. Come and drink some nutrition solution to get some strength." A soldier opened a bottle of nutrient solution and lifted it to Han Sen's lips.

"Eat something. Although this meat is as good as the meat from God's Sanctuary, it was cooked by a chef here and the taste is good." Another soldier held a large piece of barbecue on a fork and put it up to Han Sen's mouth.

"It's fine. I only have one hour left and must satisfy Yang's demand. I am afraid she would say it doesn't count if you help me," Han Sen said.

"Brother, you are really a tough guy. I don't admire anyone but you."

"Right, what is your name?"

"Han Sen."

"You are just over 16 right?"

"Haven't had my 17th birthday."

"Are all kids so tough these days?"

"I do not know about others, but I'm definitely the toughest."

"Do not talk to him anymore. It consumes his energy."

The soldiers saw Han Sen was fine and set up a table next to him to play cards. Han Sen was upset and thought, "You animals. Are you trying to help or piss me off?"

Han Sen had been standing there for more than four hours. The soldiers watched the clock turning to one second past midnight, put the cards down, took the bow over and raised Han Sen up, ready to throw him into the hydro massage machine.

"Don't! I do not need the massage. It's too late now. I have to go home." Han Sen quickly waved his hands. He had seen this kind of machine before, and it would take at least an hour before he could get out. He did not want to waste his time here.

"That is not okay. You have been stretching your muscles for too long, which could severely harm your body. You must fully relax through the massage so that your veins and muscles could be revitalized. You have to stay in it for at least three hours with the strongest mode on," said a soldier seriously.

"I'm alright." Han Sen couldn't really wait three hours. As the soldiers insisted, he used a technique from Ghosthaunt and grabbed a soldier's neck. With a twist, he wiggled free like a snake.

"Brothers, I'm really okay. I have to go home now. If you don't believe me, I will show you that I still have the energy to perform military boxing," Han Sen said and performed the complete set of military boxing.

Military boxing was something taught at the integrated compulsory education, and was something as simple as gymnastics. But all the soldiers were dumbfounded by it. They watched Han Sen as if they had seen a ghost.

"S*#t! Kid you must be a monster under the human skin," the soldiers suddenly shouted when Han Sen finished the military boxing.

"A Shura under the human skin!"

"A perpetual motion machine under the human skin!"

When Han Sen left the teleport station, it was one o'clock in the morning. His mother and sister weren't home so he cooked himself something to fill his stomach and went to bed.

Although Han Sen's body was fine, he did feel rather tired and almost fell asleep immediately.

He didn't get up until it was noon.

Han Sen stretched and felt very good all over. It was as if all his cells and pores were revitalized. He discovered that he had made great progress in Jadeskin. Although it was still just a little, it was about the effect of ten days' practice.

"So Jadeskin is practiced more efficiently under extreme conditions?" Han Sen was surprised.

It was worth a shot anyway. If it was true, it would be great for his practice of Jadeskin.

Han Sen was not in a hurry. He had lots of time to train in the gravity trainer in the future. If he didn't do it, Yang Manli would make him anyway.

Han Sen had carefully thought about his current situation. It would still be a while until he could become an aristocrat and it was not a bad thing to join Qin Xuan's squad to gain protection for his family.

As Qin Xuan had said, if Son of Heaven wanted to harm his family. There wasn't really much he could do even if he was home. The military's protection was more reliable.

Son of Heaven was careful with Qin Xuan in God's Sanctuary, so Han Sen believed that Qin Xuan's background would deter Son of Heaven. As long as Son of Heaven didn't know he was Dollar, Han Sen didn't think the guy would risk offending the military force for some small conflict.

Chapter 90: Hand of God

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

On the next day, Han Sen brought porns to the soldier who had asked him for them. The soldier was so happy that he wanted to become sworn brothers with Han Sen and said Han Sen would be responsible for his happiness from now on.

Han Sen was covered in sweat. Fortunately, Yang Manli came fast enough so that Han Sen got rid of the soldier successfully.

Yang Manli spent half an hour to explain some archery knowledge and gave Han Sen a few tasks to finish on his own.

Han Sen had learned basic archery knowledge at school and what Yang taught him was more practical, which benefited him a lot. Yang was indeed an expert.

There were a lot of tasks for him to complete, which included the gravity trainer. Han Sen wanted to use the gravity trainer himself. This time he used the protection mechanism to adjust the parameters, not to reduce the gravity, but to increase the gravity a notch so that it suited his real fitness level better.

The gym did not seem to be the place where ordinary soldiers trained. Han Sen had never seen other soldiers here than the ones he talked to.

During lunch break, Han Sen was chatting with the soldiers he knew. The soldier who asked Han Sen for porns regarded Han Sen and asked, "Sen, in addition to bow and arrows, what other weapons do you use?"

"Dagger." Han Sen showed him the Z-steel dagger.

Han Sen only knew the nicknames of these soldiers. This guy's name was "Gambler." Han Sen learned from others that he was greedy and lewd.

Gambler took over Han Sen's dagger and played with it. The dagger seemed like a living thing in his hand, making dazzling moves like a snake.

"Watch this." Gambler held the dagger an inch away from Han Sen's eyes. With a simple wave of his hand, the dagger disappeared in front of Han Sen and Gambler's hand was empty.

"S*#t! Your nickname should be Magician!" Han Sen looked everywhere and didn't see the dagger.

Gambler laughed and shook his hands in front of Han Sen. He curled his fingers and the dagger returned to his hands magically.

"How did you do that?" Han Sen widened his eyes.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Gambler asked proudly.

"Yep." Han Sen quickly nodded.

"Dazzling, no?" Gambler played with the dagger.

"For sure." Han Sen nodded again.

"Want to learn?" Gambler looked at Han Sen with a faint smile.

"I do. Do you want to teach me?" Han Sen asked.

"If you can bring me all my girls' new movies, I will teach you." Gambler said with a smile.

"No problem." Han Sen agreed, knowing the girls Gambler referred to were certain porn stars.

Although it cost some money to buy new movies, Han Sen really wanted to learn these tricks.

"Come, we will find a place so that I can show you." Gambler took Han Sen aside and told him the key to it.

Han Sen then found out that it was not really magic but finger tricks. Although it was taking advantage of the blind spots, the most important part was one's control of the muscles on the arm.

Yes, it was the entire arm instead of just the hand.

Gambler told him that this trick was called "heaven in sleeves," also known as "Sleeveblade." It was passed down in his family as the foundation of their family business. The dirk Gambler used was specially made. Thin and sharp, it had a crescent-like double-edged blade but no hilt.

Gambler was playing with one dirk in each hand, and it looked like there were two butterflies dancing around his hands, which was amazing to watch.

"How long will it take for me to become a master like you?" Han Sen looked at Gambler enviously.

Gambler smiled, "I started at the age of three, and became better at seven. I'm now intermediate and still far from being a master."

He gave the dagger back to Han Sen and said, "Do not underestimate this trick. Although it is just lays the foundation, but it is fundamental and will benefit you for the rest of your life."

"Gambler, what does your family do?" Han Sen could not help but ask.

"Aha, you will never be in our business and I do not intend to let you. I'm just showing you a trick. You could practice it if you think it is fun. Never mind other issues." Gambler walked away and turned back to ask Han Sen, "Have you ever played games on the Skynet?"

"Rarely." Han Sen had spent all his time trying to survive, and had no time for games.

"Go play 'Hand of God.' It will help you learn this trick. If you can level up in that game, you will be getting somewhere with this trick." Gambler pointed to the holographic training machine.

Han Sen was very interested in Sleeveblade, so he went to check out Hand of God on the holographic training machine. Soon he understood why Gambler asked him to play this game.

This was a holographic game. Its idea was like Whack-a-Mole, but instead of using fingers alone, the spots to touch could appear everywhere around one's arms. One must use all muscles rationally to hit all the spots to pass a level. It was highly demanding for one's dexterity and accuracy.

In addition to the beginner level, the game was divided into three levels: evolver, surpass and demigod.

The intention of the classification was obviously to correspond with the three phases of God's Sanctuary, and to guide players to choose the right level.

Han Sen first chose the beginner level. Actually, when Gambler said "level up," he meant to clear the beginner level. As for which level Gambler himself was in, Han Sen had no way of knowing.

Soon, Han Sen was hooked. He was not that smooth in the beginning, but was soon addicted to the satisfaction gained from hitting rapidly as he got familiar with the game.

"Faster, faster, faster..." Once started, the game would push one to pursue the exhilaration in speeding up.

But Han Sen did not have much time to play this game. After a few rounds in the martial arts contest, Han Sen reached the final match as expected.

Not sure it was good luck or bad luck, Han Sen didn't encounter either Fist Guy or Son of Heaven. Son of Heaven had eliminated Fist Guy, and Qin Xuan had eliminated Son of Heaven. The final match was between Qin Xuan and Han Sen.

In fact, Han Sen wanted to fight Son of Heaven more, so that he would have the opportunity to kill Son of Heaven on the stage. Usually the young master was surrounded by many strong men and there was almost no chance for Han Sen to approach him.

Chapter 91: Steel Armor Championship

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

On the day of the final match between Dollar and Qin Xuan, the stands were packed with at least a dozen hundred thousand audience. Even many of those who didn't register came.

In addition to it being the final match, it was popular also thanks to the fame of Dollar and Qin Xuan.

Qin Xuan was undoubtedly the legend of Steel Armor Shelter. As a woman, she had been the champion of the martial arts contest for several years now, although she was never among the Chosen. There was no doubt that she was the NO.1 in Steel Armor Shelter. In addition, she was also beautiful. All of these made her the goddess of Steel Armor Shelter. People loved, feared and respected her.

Dollar's recent rise was even more legendary. He came from nowhere, but there had been so many headlines and controversies about him.

Both seizing Son of Heaven's sacred-blood beast soul and killing Luo Tianyang made Dollar a somewhat negative figure. But smashing through the robot channel and fighting golden-horned Shura made him an idol.

When one legend met the other, everyone wanted to know about the outcome. Will Qin Xuan continue to be the invincible goddess? Or will Dollar become the new champion? Everyone was looking forward to this match.

When Qin Xuan and Dollar almost arrived at the same time, all expectations peaked and the cheers were deafening.

"Dollar, a bet?" Qin Xuan didn't move, but looked at Han Sen with a smile.

The audience heard Qin Xuan's words and quieted down, wanting to know what bet she was proposing.

"What bet?" Though looking calm, Han Sen was puzzled. Did she want to buy the victory from him?

"If you lose this one, join my Steel Armor Gang and be my deputy. When I evolve and go to Second God's Sanctuary, you will be the head of the gang." Qin Xuan had a sweet smile on.

There was an uproar among the audience. No one thought Qin Xuan would say something like this. Steel Armor Gang was far more than just a gang. It also represented the presence of military and the Alliance in God's Sanctuary.

Qin Xuan's was asking Dollar to become the official spokesman of the Alliance at Steel Armor Shelter. It was a great honor.

"Sorry, I cannot accept this condition." But unexpectedly, Dollar refused Qin Xuan's offer.

"Why?" Qin Xuan looked at Han Sen, stunned. The head of Steel Armor Gang was a position pursued by many. It was a ladder toward the power center of the Alliance, but Dollar turned it down without considering.

The audience also thought Dollar was crazy. How can he turn down such a great offer?

"There are two reasons," Han Sen smiled and said. "First, you cannot beat me."

The answer left many slightly shocked, while Qin Xuan asked, "What is the second reason?"

"I will go to Second God's Sanctuary earlier than you, so although I appreciate your kindness, I can't take your offer," Han Sen calmly said.

His reply was arrogant. With her gang, Qin Xuan could gain geno points a lot more easily than most people. While Dollar was on his own, he said he could evolve earlier than her.

But no one felt that Dollar was mistaken. It seemed that everything was likely with Dollar and he shouldn't be questioned.

Qin Xuan smiled. "Well, then I would like to propose something else. If you lose, tell me who you really are."

Qin Xuan's words had led to a burst of cheers on the stands. All the audience were dying to know who Dollar was. Qin Xuan's proposal was embraced by all.

"And if you lose?" Han Sen grinned and asked.

"You can propose something as well." Smiling, Qin Xuan looked full of confidence. It was as if she would never lose.

"An S-Class license at Saint hall." Han Sen was obsessed with the hyper geno arts in Saint Hall, he had neither the money nor the license.

"Deal." Qin Xuan did not even lift her eyes before she agreed, as if an S-Class license was nothing to her.

"Then let's begin." Han Sen drew the Shura katana. He didn't dare to slack when fighting Qin Xuan, who had the most geno points among all in the shelter. She was probably ten sacred geno points away from maxing out on everything.

Han Sen had never seen Qin Xuan using her full strength, but he still thought he stood a chance.

Han Sen's biggest advantage was his understanding of Qin Xuan. She would never thought that Dollar was in fact Han Sen, whom she had fought a million times. Although she was always kicking his ass, he had learned a lot of her fighting habits.

Qin Xuan on the other hand knew nothing about Dollar.

Qin Xuan stretched her hand and a beautiful purple butterfly started to dance in her palm, which turned into a purple dagger. Elegant and demure, she stood there like a goddess.

Han Sen had seen her using this sacred-blood poisonous butterfly dagger once, but it was on the purple-winged dragon. The dagger wasn't really effective as the dragon was gigantic. However, it would be different for a person. Han Sen didn't know if he could stand the toxin if stabbed with the dagger.

So, Han Sen wasn't going to give Qin Xuan any opportunity to attack. He wielded the katana using Bladestorm and the strike was so fast as if it could break the wind. It was a similar strike as this one that had ended Luo Tianyang's life.

Qin Xuan smiled, and moved away like a butterfly, dodging the fierce strike and stab her dagger at Han Sen's throat.

Han Sen stepped forward and ignored the dagger. The katana was wielded at Qin Xuan again.

That was a move that put both their lives at stake. If Qin Xuan did not dodge again, she would be cut in half; since Han Sen was in sacred-blood armor, he had a bigger chance at survival even cut by her sacred-blood dagger.

"Scoundrel," Qin Xuan scowled, gracefully moved sideways and avoided Han Sen's attack.

Chapter 92: Atomic Fission

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen was thrilled to see Qin Xuan moving away. A storm of katana strikes poured on the lady as Bladestorm was fully brought into play. Each strike was faster than the last. Qin Xuan was forced to defend herself and had no chance to attack.

Han Sen knew well that Qin Xuan was nimble. He had been practicing Ghosthaunt for a long time now and had improved a lot on his footwork. However, he had never been able to get close to her in any combat except for the first time when she had underestimated him.

Sure enough, Qin calmly dodged all the strikes Han Sen made calmly as if she were dancing. Meanwhile she fought back from time to time with grace.

None of it mattered to Han Sen. He hacked the katana at her regardless and worked both Bladestorm and Jadeskin to the maximum. A coolness gushed in his veins like a spring and activated every cell in his body.

Qin Xuan quietly warded off all attacks from Han Sen. She was very confident in herself. It took her a few years to finally get to the first stage of "Atomic Fission." With her current geno points and beast souls, Qin Xuan believed that she could become the Chosen this year and even the first place was not impossible.

"Atomic Fission" was an advanced hyper geno art, which could fortify all body parts. As suggested by its name, it was close to the root of all hyper geno arts and could produce long-lasting power that improved one's physique significantly.

It would be the perfect hyper geno art if it wasn't so difficult to get started. Qin Xuan had started to practice Atomic Fission under her family members' guidance since she was a toddler, but her progress had been slow. Now she had practiced it for two decades and she just got to the first stage a few months ago.

Yes, just the first stage. But she had made a leap in her strength already with the first stage.

Twenty years of practice did not go wasted. Once she got somewhere, her improvement was skyrocketing.

Even Son of Heaven who was on the same level as she was easily defeated by her this year. It wasn't that Son of Heaven was weak, but that she had become too strong after getting to the first stage of "Atomic Fission."

Qin Xuan believed that she could definitely reach the top this year and Dollar wouldn't be an issue.

Qin Xuan wasn't even thinking about winning or losing, but how to win Dollar to better impress him.

Qin Xuan did not care about the storm of blades. As fierce as it looked, it couldn't hurt her. She only felt it was a bit troublesome as she didn't want to kill Dollar.

"If you like driving, I'll let you drive. I will wait until you are so completely exhausted that you can't even move your arm. By then I will still be calm and appreciate your despair." Qin Xuan smiled and dodged another strike, thinking, "As long as you lose to me this way, you will think I am invincible and never dare to fight me again."

Qin Xuan intended to burn Han Sen out. The way Han Sen wielded his katana would consume his strength fast. Each strike brought all his potentials out at the cost of his stamina.

For Qin Xuan's Atomic Fission, stamina was one of its key strengths. A metaphor would be that a nuclear power plant was much more efficient than a coal-fired power plant.

As Qin Xuan kept avoiding Han Sen's attacks, she was patiently waiting for him to be worn down.

The blood of the audience were set afire. Han Sen's katana was swift and fierce, and Qin Xuan's dancing was ethereal and elegant. Their movements were so fast that they became a blur. It was indeed a great match.

And in the eyes of ordinary people, Han Sen was chasing Qin Xuan and seemed to have the upper hand. Cheers of "Dollar" could be heard from time to time.

"It seems that the champion in Steel Armor Shelter would be someone else this year."

"Of course, Dollar is absolutely invincible."

"Ha-ha, men are the master of this world. Tremble, women!"

Yang Manli curled her lips with disdain, looking like a goddess who didn't deign to argue with the mortals.

Son of Heaven was even more scornful. He had experienced how strong Qin Xuan was. He had always known about Atomic Fission. If he had wanted to learn it, he could have. But as it took at least two decades for someone talented to get to the first stage. He chose not to. Indeed, everyone knew that this was a great hyper geno art, but few dared to practice it. No one wanted to put two decades into a hyer geno art that they didn't know would work or not. If one failed, one would not even have a chance to start over with a different hyper geno art.

Son of Heaven hadn't had the courage to practice Atomic Fission, and regretted it now that he saw how well Qin Xuan was doing.

"Son of Heaven, it looks like Qin Xuan was in trouble. She was continuously under attack," A young man in Son of Heaven's gang said nervously.

Son of Heaven twitched his mouth and replied, "What do you know? Qin Xuan has got to the first stage of Atomic Fission and she is basically impossible to beat. Although Dollar was attacking, he will soon lose his strength to even lift the katana. His loss would be miserable."

"So that's what it is. How experienced and knowledgeable you are!" The young man quickly kissed up to him.

But next to them, another young man commented abruptly, "Keep silent if you don't understand it. Don't you have any common sense? Men are simply stronger than women, and it will be Qin Xuan who is worn down first."

Son of Heaven was provoked to wrath, but he paused when he saw the young man's face. It was the young master named Qing who had once hired Han Sen as his bodyguard. Yuan and the rest of the group were also there.

"Qing," Son of Heaven gave a hollow laugh and explained, "there are differences between men and women. But those differences were negligible. Dollar's stamina is far worse than that of Qin Xuan who had reached the first stage in Atomic Fission. I believe in half an hour, Dollar wouldn't even be able to wield his katana."

"How come I can't see that?" Qing was not convinced and said. "My father told me that women are inferior to men. I know that Dollar will win and that woman will definitely lose."

Son of Heaven smiled with confidence. "Qing, no need to debate. We will see what happens in half an hour. You will find out who is right at that time."

Chapter 93: Better Stamina

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

But half an hour later, Son of Heaven's face became a bit stiff as Han Sen was still fiercely brandishing the katana at the same speed.

"Son of Heaven, didn't you say that Dollar would be worn out in half an hour? I'm telling you my Dad was right. Men are better than women," Qing said proudly.

Looking at Son of Heaven's grim face, Yuan smiled and did not speak.

Son of Heaven was really upset. According to common sense, Dollar would not last half an hour. With that kind of strikes, few in First God's Sanctuary could.

"Ahem. It seems that Dollar has practiced some special hyper geno art that improves his stamina. Even so, he couldn't possibly last an hour. In another half an hour, he would be worn down." Son of Heaven wanted to restore some authority of his.

"Son of Heaven, you are a guy. Why do you keep cheering for a woman? My Dad says that men are the best. I think Dollar must be better than that woman. You have no vision." Qing obviously did not agree with Son of Heaven's argument.

Son of Heaven almost choked. Pretending to be calm, he said, "Qing, if you don't believe me, keep on watching. In half an hour, you will know who is right. I'm just stating the fact here."

"Is there any need to watch? Dollar will certainly have no problem. He killed a golden-horned Shura. Why will he lose to a woman?" Qing said with open worship in his eyes.

Son of Heaven did not say anything, considering argument with such a kid unnecessary. In a while the kid will see what is good judgment.

But another half an hour had passed, and Dollar's spirit was still high. There was no sign of him burning out at all, which made Son of Heaven uncomfortable as if he had just swallowed a fly.

Qing was very pleased and patted Son of Heaven on the shoulder, "Son of Heaven, what did I tell you? Men can't be weaker than women. A man that can't beat a woman is not a man. It's been an hour and Dollar is still fierce. I believe that woman will be beat in a while. You need to learn from me so that you can have better judgment. Remember to take men's side instead of women's."

Son of Heaven was seething with anger. He pretended not having heard Qing and kept silent.

"Right, Son of Heaven, why didn't you enter the final. Who did you lose to? Dollar?" Qing wasn't even aware of Son of Heaven's emotions and kept asking him.

"How could I lose to that guy?" Son of Heaven immediately said coldly.

"Who did you lose to then?" Qing asked.

Son of Heaven felt his own face was burning. He lost to the woman on the stage, but it wasn't time to tell Qing that.

Knowing that Son of Heaven had lost to Qin Xuang, Yuan almost laughed out loud. He pulled the sleeve of Qing and asked, "Are you here to talk or to watch the game?"

"It's only fun to discuss the game while we watch," Qing retorted.

"Fun for you. Son of Heaven was about to be set on fire," Yuan glanced at Son of Heaven's sullen face and thought.

Displeased, Son of Heaven felt strange. "Dollar has been wielding the weapon so fiercely that it's impossible for him to keep going for such a long time. Unless he has also practiced Atomic Fission."

Other than Son of Heaven, Qin Xuan felt something was off as well. Attacking at such a high speed, Dollar had sustained way longer than she had expected, making her alarmed and surprised.

In such a high-intensity duel, even she had begun to feel a little tired. Dollar, however, seemed to feel nothing and kept attacking with the katana swiftly, as if he could do this forever, giving birth to a trace of powerlessness in Qin Xuan's mind.

"No, I cannot go on like this. He must have also practiced some hyper geno art that enhances his stamina. Maybe I will be the one who is worn out first..." Qin Xuan gritted her teeth and dodged another strike. She took back her dagger and two beast souls appeared in the air.

One beast soul was the mutant golden lion that she had always used. She instantaneously shapeshifted into a magnificent golden lion.

And the other beast soul was a ball of blue liquid, which poured into the lion and turned its golden body blue. The lion also grew larger and looked fiercer.

"That is sacred-blood water spirit! Qin Xuan actually got its beast soul!" Son of Heaven was shocked to see that. He knew very well how scary a sacred-blood water spirit was. It could coexist with another creature and make that creature exceptionally strong.

Qin Xuan made the final attack to the water spirit when she was hunting it with Son of Heaven, who did not know she got the beast soul. It seemed that the beast soul had the same power as the creature it once belonged to.

With the help of water spirit beast soul, the mutant golden lion had become stronger than normal sacred-blood creatures. Qin Xuan could then fully display the power of Atomic Fission.

Son of Heaven was surprised. "Qin Xuan has become so strong. It seems that this year she could be among top 3 of the Chosen."

Han Sen knew Qin Xuan really well. He glanced at her expression and knew something was off. Just before she summoned the water spirit beast soul, he summoned his wings and flew up high.

Everyone was stunned, including Qin Xuan. Who could have thought Dollar who looked like he was going for mutual destruction had flown away the minute Qin Xuan shapeshifted.

Qin Xuan who had shapeshifted did not know what to do. These two beast souls were fierce enough for sure. Even Dollar used a sacred-blood shapeshifting beast soul she could beat him.

She chose the moment when Han Sen was making the most powerful strikes to shapeshift so that he wouldn't disengage himself. She didn't have sacred-blood wings, so she wanted to end the match as soon as possible.

What she did not think of was that Dollar who was chasing her just flew away faster than rabbits.

Qin Xuan suddenly felt very embarrassed. As fierce as she was right now, she could not fly and as a lion, she could no longer use weapons, so she couldn't even throw things at Han Sen.

Chapter 94: The Winner Takes It All

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Flying in the air, Han Sen summoned the mutant sawfish spear and cast it down at Qin Xuan like how a fisherman would use a harpoon. The lion that Qin Xuan had turned into reached out a claw and hit the spear hard. The spear as thick as an arm bent and bounced off.

Fortunately, the spear was tough enough so that it wasn't broken under her claw.

Han Sen took back his mutant sawfish spear and watched her from above, not intending to attack again or to land.

Everyone suddenly came to understand that Dollar was trying to consume Qin Xuan's shapeshifting time. Shapeshifting beast souls required a lot of energy to use. Even Qin Xuan couldn't stay like this for very long, or it would hurt her body.

"So shameless!"

"Do you call yourself a man?"

"What do you know? It's tactics."

"If she could fly as well, then good for her."

There was suddenly a chaos on the stands. Some supported Dollar and some Qin Xuan.

Qin Xuan simply could not reach Han Sen. She quickly dismissed the shapeshifting beast soul. But the moment she did that, Han Sen flew down and slashed his katana at her.

Qin Xuan had met a lot of strong enemies, but she had never been as depressed as she was at this moment. Once she shapeshifted, Han Sen would immediately fly into the sky; when she turned into herself, Han Sen would then rush down. She became sullen as she couldn't make use of her own strength.

"Ha-ha, Dollar is just great. He is fighting like a guerrilla."

"He is bullying her. Qin Xuan is almost crying."

"Shameless scum. How can a man be so brazen?"

Unabashed, Han Sen believed it did not matter how he won as long as he won. If he could go to the contest among the champions of all the shelters and rank top 10, he would be rewarded a sacred-blood beast soul. He would definitely try his best for that sake.

Qin Xuan did not expect that Dollar would sink so low to make her unable to use her power. Now she was only happy that Dollar was not an archer, or she would be even more miserable.

"Dollar, you are a dignified man. Do you dare to fight me head-on?" Qin Xuan wanted to prod Dollar into action.

Unfortunately, Han Sen ignored her intention and replied, "You are a soldier. Don't you understand that victory is all that matters? Even if I let you win today, what if you encounter champions of other shelters who could fly? Do you expect to persuade them to give up their ability to fly as well?"

Qin Xuan paused and people who accused Han Sen of being shameless also lowered their voices.

In fact, they should have thought of this. There had been more than one person who could fly among the Chosen before. Not being able to fly was a weakness of Qin Xuan's and even if she won today, others might still choose to exploit that in the future.

Many people who supported Qin Xuan kept silent. Qin Xuan smiled wryly. "Well, I give up. We do not have to go on."

Qin Xuan knew that she had such a fatal weakness, but did not think Dollar would be so brazen to use that to his advantage. Now that she had no way of winning, she chose to throw in the towel instead of staying in this awkward match.

Qin Xuan now regretted that she did not work hard on archery. Or she could have used an advanced beast soul bow and arrow to beat Dollar.

"You can pick up the S-Class license of Saint Hall at Steel Armor Gang." Qin Xuan said and left the martial ring, which made Han Sen this year's champion of Steel Armor Shelter

Dollar's victory was very controversial. A lot of people thought it was not honorary. But Han Sen didn't mind his reputation as long as he could win the sacred-blood beast soul given to the Chosen.

Qin Xuan left in good grace, but she had also set Han Sen up. If he went to pick up the S-Class license at Steel Armor Gang, she might be ready to ambush him. Han Sen knew her so well that he didn't dare to pick up the license under her nose, as he knew she must be quite upset with him.

The contest in Steel Armor Shelter was officially over. The top 100 all had their names on the martial stele in the martial ring. The first name there was "Dollar." Han Sen hoped that no one would call him "Doll" again. However, many still did.

All the shelter champions would start to compete in ten days. By then everyone in First God's Sanctuary could see the match taking place in the Chosen Martial Ring. The top 10 participants would each gain a random sacred-blood beast soul and be named "the Chosen."

If one had been the Chosen for the second or more time, one would no longer be awarded more sacred-blood beast souls, but an upgrade to one's beast soul awarded the first time.

Many of the Chosen would just go into the entertainment industry and become a star. Countless agents and companies would try to sign the Chosen with a large chunk of money. Unfortunately, the ten Chosen were normally the same persons from last year. Fresh faces would only have an opportunity once they evolved and went to Second God's Sanctuary.

Han Sen didn't care for the entertainment industry, but he would spare no effort in gaining the reward of a sacred-blood beast soul.

Legend has it that as the Chosen's reward, someone had once gained a beast soul in the shape of a beauty woman. Some rich guy offered more than a billion dollars and even an interstellar warship for it. No one knew if the deal was made, but no one had seen that beast soul again. It must be collected by some rich beast soul lover.

Han Sen naturally wanted to be assigned a beast soul in the shape of a beauty and become rich overnight. But he would first have to become the Chosen.

Only ten days to go until he started competing with other champions. There was no time for him to hunt for more geno points. Han Sen decided to use the time to train himself in the teleport station.

The gravity trainer was indeed a wonderful training device which had helped Han Sen a lot. He could push himself really far in a short amount of time inside it and practice Jadeskin much more efficiently.

He would then complete the training tasks assigned by Yang Manli and use the rest of the time to play Hand of God.

Han Sen was not sure what Gambler meant by "pass." He thought he had to clear all levels, but in fact what Gambler meant was just to pass the beginner level.

That was why Han Sen felt terrible that he still hadn't been able to pass the beginner level in so long.

"This game is so demanding on my dexterity of the entire arm and my control of muscles and bones. If I use Jadeskin when I play, I should be able to improve my score greatly." Han Sen tried it, and his scores indeed boomed. On the sixth day, he was able to level up for the first time.

Han Sen was still vexed with the fact that it took him so long to pass the beginner level and he even had to use Jadeskin. However, if Gambler knew Han Sen had already passed beginner level, he would be so shocked that his chin should fall to the ground.