

Chapter 730 - My Cultivation Planet

Wang Lin's expression was strange as he looked down at his bag of holding. The bag also exude a powerful sword intent along with an arrogant aura that was about to charge out.

"Little Lin Zi, you still not letting your lord Xu out. Hmph, hmph, let me tell you I'm badass now!!!" Xu Liguo's overbearing voice came from the bag. The bag of holding trembled violently as if an force from ancient time was about to charge out.

Just at the moment when this force reached a peak Wang Lin's eyes were calm as he viciously hit the bag of holding. Xu Liguo's overbearing voice immediately weakened.

Even the dense sword intent was suppressed and was unable to spread out.

"Oh? Little Lin Zi you still don't understand the situation, this lord don't blame you. This lord it not the little Xu Liguo I was before. This lord had inherited the ancient sword intent…"

Before he finished speaking Wang Lin's hand formed a seal and pointed at the bag. This time Xu Liguo's voice suddenly stopped.

Wang Lin frowned and calmly said "Noisy!"

His body charged directly toward the wasted planet before him. From far away, this planet was covered in blue. It seemed oceans occupied most of its surface. The vitality coming from it was very strong; clearly there were a lot of mortals living there.

Wang Lin's speed was very fast; he was like a meteor as he charged toward the planet. Because he was moving too fast, an elliptical light cone appeared around him. He pierced through space as he rushed into the planet.

The atmosphere of this planet was thin and Wang Lin charged directly through it. When he arrived in the sky above the planet and looked down, he revealed a trace of confusion.

This place was far too similar to planet Suzaku. It wasn't a similarity in appearance but the feeling and the aura.

Wang Lin's divine sense spread out and scanned the planet. There were cultivators here, but the most powerful cultivator was only at the Nascent Soul stage. There wasn't even a single Soul Formation cultivator.

He pondered for a bit. He decided to not look for a secret place but chose the highest mountain on the planet. Once he located the mountain, he flew there directly.

Feng Yun Peak was the highest peak on planet Qing Ling. Although the spiritual energy here was thin, it had a spectacular view. One could easily see the end of the world from the peak.

It was also covered in mist, making it look like a celestial mountain.

There were many cultivation families on planet Qing Ling. Their numbers were on par with the amount of mortal nations on this densely populated planet. Almost every mortal country had at least one or two cultivation families.

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This strange phenomenon had to do with the fact that this planet didn't have enough spiritual energy and had no Soul Formation cultivators.

This Heng Yun peak belonged to the Zhang family, who had the most Nascent Soul cultivators. Normally, the Nascent Soul cultivators in the Zhang family, whose lifespans were almost up, would come here and enter closed door cultivation to attempt to comprehend the heavens. Over time, the originally beautiful peak became bare for some unknown reason. Even the wind that came from the mountain became cold.

On this day, the Zhang family member that had been stuck at the Nascent Soul stage the longest, the family head, Zhang Xinhai, walked out from the mountain with a body filled with death aura.

Every cultivator whose life was about to end would go through this cycle. They would sit at the top of the Heng Yun peak and stare at the sky as their life slowly ran out.

He could feel that his body was slowly weakening. His steps were slow and difficult as he walked toward the peak. At the top of the Heng Yun peak there was a large, stone platform. Just as Zhang Xinhai reached the peak, his eyes immediately narrowed. He looked at the person on the platform with his muddy gaze.

This was a youth wearing white and his black hair flowed in the wind. His clothes were also being blown by the wind and were making flapping sounds. In Zhang Xinhai's eyes, it was as if this person doesn't exist.

He couldn't detect anyone there with his divine sense, yet he could clearly see the person with his eyes. This strong contrast made it so that he couldn't help but take a few steps back. There was a trace of shock in his calm expression.

The black-haired youth didn't turn around. He looked at the sunset over the horizon and calmly said, "This place is not bad!"

This simple sentence had no power within it, but when it landed in Zhang Xinhai's ears, it suddenly filled his frail body with vigor. It also suppressed his identity as the powerful head of the Zhang family.

He subconsciously lowered his head and his eyes filled up with terror. This was the effect of an aura; this was something he knew about. When he met even mortal emperors, they would lower their heads due to his own aura.

At this moment, this was happening to him. The only explanation was that he was like a mortal to this youth!

"Unfortunately, such a mountain was used by you guys as a graveyard!" The black-haired youth shook his head and waved his right hand. The mountain immediately trembled and the death aura that had gathered here for countless years immediately vanished without a trace.

The entire mountain seemed to gain new life, like when someone who had a long term illness suddenly recovered. The mountain recovered immediately and seemed to be filled with life.

Zhang Xinhai was startled as he stared at the scene before him and only recovered after a while. His face was filled with excitement. Without any hesitation, he knelt on the ground and respectfully said, "Junior Zhang Xianhai greet Senior. If Senior likes this Heng Yun Peak, then Junior will immediately gift it to you!"

"Heng Yun Peak…" This black-haired youth was Wang Lin. He turned around, looked at Zhang Xinhai, and slowly said, "Your lifespan is almost at its end; it would be difficult to change that even with my power."

Zhang Xinhai let out a bitter smile and respectfully said, "Senior misunderstood me. Junior understands the will of heavens and does not seek help. To be able to meet a powerful cultivator like Senior before dying leaves Junior with no regrets. Not to mention this mountain, I

I'll even gift Senior this planet, Qing Ling, if Senior wants it."

Wang Lin turned around and his right hand sent a ray of spiritual energy to the spot between Zhang Xinhai's brows. He gently said, "I can't change your life, but burning your own spiritual energy to extend your life by 10 years is something I can do."

When he sent out that ray of spiritual energy, Wang Lin let out a sigh. This spell was something he could just barely use after seeing the third step. If he knew about this before, then Li Muwan wouldn't be taking shelter inside the heaven defying bead.

When the spell landed between Zhang Xinhai's eyebrows, his body trembled and he immediately felt vitality coming from the spiritual energy in his body. His face became red as he took a deep breath. He looked at Wang Lin and respectfully said, "Thank you, Senior. If Senior has any commands, Junior will do his best to carry them out!" Someone who had become the Zhang family's head was not stupid. No one in this world would do this for nothing.

When he heard Wang Lin say that this mountain was good, he immediately gifted the mountain without any hesitation. For someone with Wang Lin's kind of cultivation to say that, it was already very merciful. Those that had bad tempers would just occupy it directly. If they became unhappy, it would be too easy for them to slaughter a few small cultivation families like theirs.

Zhang Xinhai guessed that this person was not from planet Qing Ling and must've come from outside. To be able to step into space meant that this person was at least at the Soul Transformation stage or above!

Wang Lin calmly looked at Zhang Xinhai and calmly said, "I'll give you 10 years of time to collect as much resentment from the mortal world as possible. The more the better! If I'm pleased with your result, then as long as this planet has me, your Zhang family will never be extinguished! Go now!" Wang Lin waved his big sleeves.

Zhang Xinhai only felt a gust of wind. Before him was only thick fog and wind filled his ears. When he regained his vision, he was already at the foot of the mountain.

The scene from before felt like a dream to him. He touched the spot between his eyebrows, felt the dense vitality in his body, and took a deep breath. His eyes were filled with excitement as he bowed toward the mountain and quickly left.

"I must do my best to complete Senior's request!" Zhang Xinhai turned into a ray of light as he charged toward the Zhang family's home.

After sending away Zhang Xinhai, Wang Lin pondered a bit before taking out the one-billion-soul soul flag. He gently stabbed the 30-foot-tall flag into the mountain.

The flag was opened by the wind and the soul fragments flew out, surrounding the entire peak. The three primary souls came out and surrounded the area. The entire mountain was immediately covered by a dense, black fog.

Wang Lin waved his right hand backwards and a powerful force shot out toward the mountain. There were sounds of explosions as a large cave appeared in the mountain.

The door to the cave was at the top of the mountain, surrounded by rocks. It looked very majestic.

Wang Lin's right finger pointed out and a celestial spell shot out and imprinted on the door. The presence of the celestial spell created a powerful pressure.

After doing all of this, Wang Lin sat down and his divine sense spread across planet Qing Ling once more. This time he wasn't searching, he was sending out a message.

"From today onward, this is my cultivation planet! The area 5,000 kilometers around Heng Yun Peak is a forbidden zone. Any trespasser will not be shown mercy!"

Wang Lin's divine sense was like thunder as it echoed across the planet. His voice entered the ears of every cultivator, causing their expressions to change greatly.

However, not a single one of them dared to resist. A spell that could spread across the entire planet shocked their hearts and also made them feel like it was something inconceivable.

From this day onward planet Qing Ling had an owner, and that owner was Wang Lin.

Wang Lin was the peak existence on planet Qing Ling! He was just like the Blood Ancestor, who had the right to control life and death on the Blood planet.

And also like the All-Seer's supreme identity on planet Tian Yun.

Chapter 731 - A Tool for Understanding the Karma Domain

Five years passed by in a flash. All of the cultivators on planet Qing Ling, no matter what cultivation level, were busy during these five years. Zhang Xinhai considered for a long time and decided to not conceal Wang Lin's request. He spread Wang Lin's request so every cultivation family knew of it.

However, the Zhang family gained the identity of Wang Lin's messengers.

During these five years of time, these cultivators traveled among the mortals and constantly collected their resentment. This aura existed on almost every mortal, the only difference was the amount.

There were simply too many mortals on planet Qing Ling. In five years of time, less than 40% was collected. Seeing that half the time had passed, Zhang Xinhai became anxious. However, right now was already the fastest they could go.

Even he himself had gone out to collect from the mortal world. Everyone in the family that had at least reached the 5th layer of Qi Condensation were sent out.

During these five years of time, Wang Lin sat on top of the mountain refining his treasures.

What he refined was the Mountain and River Screen inside his origin soul. It was seriously damaged. Inside Wang Lin's origin soul, thunder was fused into it to help repair it.

In addition, there was the Celestial Mountain. Due to the crack, soul extraction had become unstable. Wang Lin used his origin soul's energy to slowly refine and repair it.

As for the crown fused with Red Butterfly's blue rose, Wang Lin had studied it for a long time but was unable to see through it.

These three treasures were things he had just obtained. While refining them, Wang Lin took some time and combined them with what he saw from the path to the third step. He took out some ordinary magical treasures from his bag.

One was the Soul Lasher!

This whip had followed Wang Lin for a long time, and its power had obvious advantages and disadvantages. Before, Wang Lin didn't see it as important, but right now he cared about it a lot.

Wang Lin looked at the Soul Lasher in his hand and muttered, "Out of all my treasures, in terms of intelligence, it can't compare to the celestial sword or the Half-Moon blade. In term of defense, it can't compare to the one-billion-soul soul flag or the Mountain and River Screen. In term of abilities, it can't compare to the Celestial Mountain or the God Slaying War Chariot. But this is the only treasure that contains the aura of the third step I saw. This thing is indeed very strange!"

This whip looked very normal, but the heavenly ghost almost lost its wit when it saw this whip. It was as if it recognized it.

"Extracting origin souls is in line with the source of dao. It can also be considered karma with the body being karmic cause and origin soul being karmic effect. This is a treasure that was refined on the latter part of the karma dao!" Wang Lin's eyes shined as he pondered.

His domain had gradually transformed from the life and death domain to the karma domain. This domain was simply too large. Wang Lin had only touched the tip of the iceberg, but he could already feel how majestic it was.

"My current comprehension of the karma domain isn't enough to create something real, like the underworld river. However, after seeing the path to the third step, I gained some understanding…"

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As Wang Lin's right hand rubbed the Soul Lasher, his eyes shined brighter and brighter.

He thought of a way to use the power of materialized karma domain before he could actually make it materialize. This was to make sure that he was adequately prepared for this trip to the Thunder Celestial Realm.

"Using the Soul Lasher to help condense the karma domain should work!" As Wang Lin pondered, he made a decision. If it was someone else, they would be afraid and would hesitate for a long time and would ultimately be unable to make a decision. This was because they didn't know if this choice was correct or whether it would interfere with comprehending their existence.

However, Wang Lin was different as he had clearly seen the path ahead. He knew that at most this would affect his domain a bit, but it wouldn't be anything big.

After pondering for a bit, Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he picked up the Soul Lasher.

"I'll make you the implementation of my domain!" Wang Lin's eyes released a strange light and he placed the whip in his lap. He then closed his eyes and began to carefully refine it.

His mind had to be connected to the treasure so that the domain could slowly enter it.

Time often passed without leaving a trace. Spring passed and autumn came. In a flash, another three years went by.

Wang Lin had lived on this planet Qing Ling for eight years. During these eight years, he had never left the mountain. In fact, aside form Zhang Xinhai, no other cultivator on the planet had seen him.

However, the owner of planet Qing Ling, the ancestor of planet Qing Ling began to weigh heavier and heavier in the cultivators' hearts.

In particular, that thick, black fog surrounding the mountain had caused many cultivators' hearts to turn cold. However, there were some cultivators who had cultivated stupidity. They would charge in to provoke might of this so-called "master" of planet Qing Ling.

All of them were immediately devoured by the black fog a soon as they rushed in. The only thing that remained were the mournful screams that echoed across the world as if they were warning the cultivators to not enter.

As for mortals, they weren't so troublesome. When they saw the black fog, they knew that it was filled with danger, so none of them entered this place.

If they entered because they were lost, Wang Lin wouldn't commit pointless murder. The soul flag contained Wang Lin's will. These mortals would go into a coma and would be sent to the edge of the region.

During these three years, Wang Lin focused on refining his treasures. The only noisy thing was Xu Liguo. He had somehow broken the seal that Wang Lin placed on the bag of holding. Although he still wasn't able to come out, he always clamored non-stop.

On this day, the Soul Lasher in Wang Lin's lap had some karma domain infused into it. This made it easier to control than with divine sense. At the same time, with the fusion of the latter part of the karma domain, the Soul Lasher was even more powerful.

However, at this moment, the strange voice appeared once more.

"Little Lin, do you dare to let out your grandpa Xu? I'm powerful now, so you don't dare to release me anymore! Rest assured, this old man will not act against you. I have thought about it, and from now on, you will follow me. Our identities will change and I'll be the master!" Xu Liguo's arrogant voice was extremely overbearing.

Wang Ling frowned. If it wasn't for the fact that he knew that he was short on time to deal with Xu Liguo, he would have already taught Xu Liguo a lesson. Not only did Xu Liguo not understand this, he had grown even more presumptuous.

Wang Lin's eyes became cold. He slapped his bag of holding and coldy said, "Get out here!"

"Oh? You dare to talk like that to your grandpa Xu!?!? Little Lin, you don't seem to understand the situation. I'm no longer the old Xu Liguo!" Xu Liguo's voice came out and a black mist came out with him. This black mist was filled with sword energy and immediately charged out. In mid-air, the mist formed Xu Liguo's appearance.

Just as he appeared, he immediately laughed loudly and roared, "Even I, Xu Liguo, will have my day! The heavens aren't blind; I'll finally be able to raise my head up high!"

Wang Lin coldly looked at Xu Liguo and didn't speak.

Xu Liguo finished speaking and looked at Wang Lin, revealing a fierce gaze. At this moment, he returned to his arrogant appearance. His whole body shrank and suddenly formed a large sword in mid-air!

This sword looked exactly like the celestial sword. As it charged, a powerful sword energy shot out. This sword energy also contained an ancient sword intent. It was extremely shocking.

He charged straight at Wang Lin as if he could break through the void and closed in in an instant!

Wang Lin's eyes were still cold. When Xu Liguo closed in, Wang Lin didn't move, but the Soul Lasher on his lap moved and flew into the air. A mysterious aura spread out and immediately surrounded a 1,000 foot area.

This aura contained an unimaginable force that made it seem as if this 1,000 foot area was separated from the outside and was filled with a majesty powerful enough to make someone collapse.

Xu Liguo felt it most clearly. He exclaimed and the big sword he formed became unstable. However, the big sword suddenly released even more sword energy. He was obviously going to resist by force.

At this moment, Wang Lin's voice slowly echoed.

"It is difficult for the things in this world to escape karma. There is no place without karmic cause, and karmic effect is everywhere…" The Soul Lasher flickered and created an explosion as if it had opened the doors of fate.

The Soul-Lasher connected end to end, forming a circle. Xu Liguo's large sword involuntarily fell into the circle and quickly disintegrated.

"Karmic effect is the source of all karmic cause!" Wang Lin's voice sounded again.

The disintegration of the large sword happened in almost an instant, and it reverted back into the black fog. Xu Liguo's face appeared in the black fog. His face was filled with terror and his eyes were filled with fear.

"Master, Master, I was wrong! Little Xu was wrong, really wrong this time! Spare me once, please spare me this time!!" Xu Liguo immediately began to plead. His voice was extremely miserable.

Wang Lin's eyes were cold as he looked at Xu Liguo. Xu Liguo's black mist was rapidly disintegrating inside the circle as Wang Lin calmly said, "You obtained the ancient sword intent because of me, so the fruit of that also belongs to me."

Xu Liguo was shocked to find that the black fog that formed his body started dissipating even faster. A sense of crisis immediately emerged from him, causing him to lose his wit. He immediately begged, "Master, I know I was wrong, and I will never dare to rebel again! Besides… besides, it was you who turned me into a devil. If you hadn't, I wouldn't be here today. Isn't that right, Master? Isn't that karma?" Xu Liguo was very anxious as he spoke. He could feel that he was about to completely disintegrate.

The regret in his heart had already filled his body.

"I should have never provoked this fiend! Over these countless years, I have never succeed once. Xu Liguo, ah, Xu Liguo, how could your memory be this bad? This old Wang devil is more of a devil than me!" Xu Liguo wished he could give himself a slap.

Wang Lin revealed a faint smile and said, "That is your karma, not mine!"

Chapter 732 - Reaching the Peak and Xu Liguo's Evil Interests

The circle formed by the Soul Lasher loosened. It then turned into a ray of light and disappeared.

After the domain fused with it, it no longer had a physical form. It became like one's domain, something that couldn't be seen but could still be felt.

Xu Liguo, who almost collapsed, immediately backed up a few steps. The terror in his eyes was still very strong. He had lost all the arrogance from before and his face was filled with flattery. He quickly said, "Master's spell is indeed fierce. In fact, little Xu only did this in order to let Master get more practice. In fact, little Xus loyalty to Master is sky high without a thought of rebellion!"

Wang Lin looked at Xu Liguo and calmly said, "Since you can come out, there is no need to go back into the bag of holding. You can stay within 5,000 kilometers of this mountain. Go comprehend your ancient sword intent!"

Xu Liguo was startled, he didn't expect this old field to be this easy going. His eyes turned and quickly said, "Master, Xu Liguo is reluctant to leave you. I only feel steadfast when I'm near you." As he spoke, he carefully looked at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's expression remained the same and he nodded. "Since that is the case, then stay here."

Xu Liguo revealed a smile, but his heart felt bitter. "Would this fiend really let me roam freely within 5,000 kilometers? This isn't right, this doesn't match this fiend's personality.

"There must be some trick! Hmph, it is lucky that I, Xi Liguo, am smart, or else I might've suffered more."

Xu Liguo felt very proud as he thought about this. He quickly took form and sat down. After a while, he was a bit disturbed. He would occasionally look at Wang Lin to try to find some clues.

Wang Lin stopped paying attention to Xu Liguo and slapped his bag of holding. The mosquito and the thunder toad immediately appeared. The mosquito lied comfortably on the thunder toad's back. After it appeared, it let out a cry toward Wang Lin, but it remained laying on the thunder toad's back as if it wasn't willing to leave no matter what.

After they appeared, the other mosquito beasts followed them. Although they were still considered to be in their larvae state and not grown up yet, they all still appeared very ferocious.

As for the thunder toad, it seemed to be used to the despicable mosquito beast on its back. After it appeared, its belly expanded and it found a location on the side and seemed to hve gone to sleep.

Shortly after, the God Slaying War Chariot appeared and turned into the Thunder Beast. As soon as it appeared, it saw the thunder toad and began to roar.

Thunder toad's originally lazy appearance suddenly disappeared. Its eyes were wide open and it stared at the Thunder Beast with its belly expanding. The mosquito beast was also full of spirit as it looked at the Thunder Beast with interest.

Xu Liguo was on the side, and his eyes opened wide. He carefully looked at the Thunder Beast and thought, "Master is really Master. It hasn't been long, but now there is another dumb beast. Fight, it's best if you all fight. Then you will all know that I have been with Master the longest!

"However, I have to say that Master really does have luck with beasts. I, old Xu, am very humble and only have luck with beauties!" Xu Liguo's expression entered a trance as he thought about the little beauty in the Demon Spirit Land.

"Alas, since ancient times, sentiments lead to regret… This is a truth that old fiend Wang can't understand." Xu Liguo felt quiet regretful. He looked at the Thunder Beast, thunder toad, and mosquitos before looking at Wang Lin. He felt a sense of loneliness and pride.

The refining of treasures continued, but at this time this was not the focus as time was limited. Wang Lin decided to use what he saw of the third step and adjust his spells.

He began to ponder. Among the spells he controlled, the most powerful spell he could use was the Heavenly Chop. However, before he broken through the first step of cultivation and enter the Illusory Yin stage, it would consume his precious origin energy.

After that was the Stop spell. This spell wasn't any weaker than the Heavenly Chop. If used at the right moment, it would play a decisive role.

Aside from those three spells, there were the Finger of Death, Demonic Finger, and Underworld Finger!

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There were also the three abilities of the underworld river. Dao forms underworld river, formation of river soul, and power of the underworld river.

What he needed to adjust were the three fingers! If he continued to use them, then it would harm him greatly on his path toward the third step. These three spells were not complete and would cause his body harm. As for why they would be harmful to his path to the third step, Wang Lin didn't know, but he had a feeling.

As he pondered, he flicked his finger and used all three spells to gain some insight. The spells came out one after another. He gradually increased the speed of the spells and kept casting them one after the other.

Wang Lin frowned as he used the vague feeling in his mind to look for clues and gradually improve the spells. This process was extremely tiresome, so it didn't take long before he felt tired

After resting for a short while, Wang Lin began once more.

The wheel of time moved once more and two more years passed. During these two years, Wang Lin spent most of his time focusing on refining the spells. However, in the end he wasn't able to achieve satisfactory results.

Wang Lin understood that he was too impatient.

However, he didn't give up and did this best to slowly improve his spells. If someone at the second step saw this, they would be shocked. This kind of improvement was the same as deducing the original celestial spell from the current spell. Not to mention for him, this was something very difficult for even people like the All-Seer.

During the two years of time, the thunder toad and Thunder Beast were very hostile to each other, but they didn't fight. The thunder toad was too weak and the Thunder Beast felt disdain even though it felt that the thunder toad could potentially pose a threat in the future.

As for the mosquito beast, its interest shifted from the thunder toad to the Thunder Beast. It flew around the Thunder Beast as if it wanted to lie on the Thunder Beast's back.

However, every time it tired, it wasn't successful, but that only made it more interested.

Xu Liguo felt disdain toward all of this. As time passed, he noticed that Wang Lin had completely forgotten about them. After considering it carefully, he went 1,000 feet away from Wang Lin and cheerfully roamed the mountain.

However, he did remember Wang Lin's words and didn't dare to go more than 5,000 kilometers from here. He gradually became bored as there wasn't a single person within the 5,000 kilometer area. People tend to stay far away from this area, which made Xu Liguo very depressed.

About one and half years ago, there were some cultivators outside that were originally afraid to come in. He ended up using spells to trick them into entering. After playing around with them, he released them.

However, from then onward, no more cultivators dared to come. Even many years later, whenever those cultivators thought about what had happened to them, their hearts would turn colder.

On this day, he was extremely bored while flying around the area, hoping for some mortals to enter. He suddenly shivered and an excitement that he hadn't felt for a long time immediately filled his body.

Xu Liguo's eyes glowed as he stared at the fog and began shouting excitedly.

"Someone finally came!!!"

Zhang Xinhai appeared outside the fog with a tired face and his body was filled with death aura. Beside him was a very tense middle-aged man. This person was wearing black robes and his cultivation level was also at the peak of the Nascent Soul stage.

The middle-aged man looked rather warily at the black fog in the distance and whispered, "Dad, do we really have to go?"

Zhang Xinhai said, in a serious tone, "Of course we have to. Your father's lifespan is about to be over. Aside from completing Senior's request, this trip is to also introduce you to Senior as my successor. Once I die, you will replace me and act as the messenger for Senior to ensure the existence of our Zhang family forever!"

The middle-aged man hesitated and said, "But Dad, I heard from some friends that this Senior… has some quirks… More than a year ago, a few friends were…" Before he could finish, Zhang Xinhai stared at him and the middle-aged man immediately shut up.

Xu Liguo was like a ghost as he quickly approached the area. He was hiding in the black fog, so the Zhang father and son didn't notice him. Xu Liguo's face was filled with excitement as he looked at the father and son and muttered, "Yes, yes, that old one is dying and won't be able to withstand me playing around. Your grandpa Xu will be nice and let your body go. As for the little one… Hehe…" The excitement in Xu Liguo's eyes became stronger and stronger as he looked at the middle-aged man from the fog. There was even a trace of depravity in his eyes…

He let out a dry cough and spoke in a upright tone, "Who is it? State your name!"

Zhang Xinhai took a deep breath. He stopped 5,000 kilometers away from the mountain and didn't enter. Instead, he clasped his hands and respectfully said, "Junior Zhang Xinhai has completed Senior's request and requests to meet Senior!"

His voice was hoarse as it slowly entered the black fog.

Xu Liguo's eyes turned and he said, "The old one can come in. I'll take you to meet my master!" Zhang Xinhai was startled and hesitated for a bit before stepping into the black fog. The moment he entered, he felt a wind wrap around him and his body was rapidly sent forward.

Shortly after, he arrived at the peak and the wind dissipated. He immediately saw Wang Lin and respectfully said, "Senior, Junior didn't disappoint you and gathered all the resentment on planet Qing Ling." As he spoke, he took out the jades, 1,000 in total. He placed them all on the ground and the respectfully took a few steps back.

After Xu Liguo sent away Zhang Xinhai, he excitedly returned back to the edge of the fog. He looked at the middle-aged man outside and said, "Little brat, come in, don't be afraid. Your grandpa Xu will give you some benefits." When he saw that the middle-aged man was still hesitating, he immediately shouted, "Why haven't you come in?!"

The middle-aged man clenched his teeth and stepped into the black fog…

Wang Lin opened his eyes and scanned the jades. He immediately felt the resentment inside them. There was an alarming amount of resentment, as if there was a storm of resentful aura.

Wang Lin slowly said, "Very good. The person you brought will be my messenger outside of Heng Yun Peak in the future!" After pondering for a bit, he took out a pill and threw it at Zhang Xinhai.

"Give it to your son. If he is gifted enough, perhaps he can rely on the aura inside the pill and gain a slightly higher chance to reach the Soul Formation stage!"

Zhang Xihai's face was filled with ecstasy. He quick took the pill and put it away like a treasure. The he emotionally said, "Thank you, Senior!"

Wang Lin commanded, "This resentment is an illusionary thing, and it will regenerate. In the future, your Zhang family will be in charge of collecting it every few years!" Then he took out a few red seeds and gave them to Zhang Xinhai.

"These are called Celestial Ascension Fruits. Get people to planet them and speed up their growth with spiritual energy. Over the next 10 years, plant as many as possible."

Zhang Xinhai quickly nodded.

Wang Lin had gotten those seeds from Qian Kuizi's bag of holding.

Zhang Xinhai and his son left the Heng Yun peak. However, the son seemed to be in a trance, giving off a strange expression and even a trace of savoring…

As for Xu Liguo, he was grounded by Wang Lin! If it wasn't for the fact that what Xu Liguo did wasn't too bad, Wang Lin would've directly refined Xu Liguo.

After being grounded to be within 1,000 feet of Wang Lin, Xu Liguo had an expression like he was wronged. He no longer dared to sneak out. All he did was look into the distance all day and sigh in his heart.

"I was just taking over their physical bodies and then enjoying the feeling of having flesh. How big of a thing can it be, alas…"

Wang Lin didn't have time to pay attention to Xu Liguo. After grounding Xu Liguo, he once again focused on perfecting his spells. During that time, he slowly absorbed the resentment into his underworld river.

After absorbing the resentment, the underworld river was different from before. After absorbing the resentment, the soul of the underworld river gradually took shape.

Time quickly passed. The improvement of the spells cost Wang Lin too much energy. Although he still wasn't successful, the constant improvement allowed him to continue comprehending the direction of the third step, so Wang Lin's domain was gradually becoming stronger.

Finally, on his 18th year on planet Qing Ling, his life and death domain reached completion without any flaws. This meant that once he had enough celestial spiritual energy, he would truly be at the peak of the first step!

Wang Lin still had some celestial jades, but he didn't know if he had enough. Even if it wasn't enough, Wang Lin could still drink the celestial liquid. This time he had to reach the peak of the late stage of Ascendant and reach the peak of the first step of cultivation!

"The first step of cultivation…" Wang Lin's eyes shined brightly.

"When I reached the Ascendant stage, Ancient Demon Bei Luo said that heaven defying cultivators would attract divine retribution. I wonder if divine retribution will arrive once more when I break through the first step and enter the Illusory Yin stage!" Wang Lin looked up at the sky and his eyes turned cold.

Chapter 733 - Stealing Furnace

A large formation was built above the the vast desert on the northwestern side of planet Qing Ling with celestial jades.

Wang Lin sat down in the center of the formation and cultivated. Everytime he took a breath, he would absorb a large amount of celestial spiritual energy into his body.

This repeated again and again. The celestial spiritual energy in his body was slowly condensing.

The peak of the late stage of Ascendant was not something unattainable for cultivators, but it was still a step only a few could take. The reason was not domain or celestial jades but origin energy!

If the origin energy fused into one's origin soul was insufficient when they reached the Ascendant stage, then even if they could reach the Ascendant stage, they would never reach the peak.

At the same time, even if one gathered enough origin energy but suffered injuries to their origin soul, causing them to lose their precious origin energy that was fused with their origin soul, then they wouldn't be able to reach the peak.

It could be said that origin energy was the key to reaching the peak of the first step of cultivation.

Adding on the fact that Ascendant cultivators couldn't absorb origin energy from the world to recover, it was natural that not many could reach the peak.

After Wang Lin cultivated inside the thunder lake, he reached the limit of origin energy his origin soul could hold and reached the most basic requirement. As his domain was refined, it helped drive his cultivation. He slowly stepped toward peak of the late stage of Ascendant as he absorbed celestial spiritual energy.

However, the amount of celestial spiritual energy required to reach the peak of first step was a terrifying amount. After absorbing for a year, Wang Lin used up all of the celestial jades. He then took out the celestial liquid and drank it without any hesitation.

The celestial liquid entered his body along with a powerful sense of drunkness. Wang Lin's body gave off a white mist. This white mist contained the scent of wine and spread across the area.

At the same time, the celestial liquid gave off a large amount of celestial spiritual energy inside Wang Lin's body. It was like a powerful force that was rapidly pushing his cultivation toward peak of the late stage of Ascendant.

To complete with just a thought and celestial spiritual energy moved along with one's aura. This was the description for the peak of the late stage of Ascendant. One's domain was complete without a single flaw and a firm dao heart. The body was filled with celestial spiritual energy, and it felt like even one's aura was filled with celestial spiritual energy.

Wang Lin reached the peak of the late stage of Ascendant 19 years and 8 months after he arrived on planet Qing Ling!

All the celestial jades within countless kilometers of Wang Lin turned to dust when he broke through. Grass started growing out from the deserted land, and it was now filled with life.

Wang Lin slowly opened his eyes which contained the heavens.

"After 1,000 years of cultivation, I finally reached completion…" Wang Lin let out a breath of relief and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Looking back to those 1,000 years, he was once merely a little person at the Heng Yue Sect, but at this moment, he was at the peak of the first step and had even surpassed Zhuque Zi. This was something no one on planet Suzaku could have expected.

Wang Lin didn't get up but touched his bag of holding and a golden celestial brush appeared in his hand. Wang Lin held it in his hand and began drawing before him as if his hands were dancing.

His previous limit was seven strokes. Now he completed seven strokes in one breath and then drew one more to complete the eighth stroke. The dazzling light from the runes was enough to take one's mind.

"The power of eight strokes is one level above seven strokes!" Wang Lin's eyes were peaceful. Right now he looked more like a scholar than a cultivator.

When he put away the brush, the rune disappeared. The divine sense split into the runes returned to Wang Lin's body.

Wang Lin stood up, took a step forward, and disappeared without a trace.

Half a month later, a bolt of thunder left planet Qing Ling and went straight into the sky. Wang Lin sat on the back of the Thunder Beast with his eyes closed and remained silent.

All of the cultivators on planet Qing Ling raised their heads. Along with the respect in their eyes, they also relaxed a bit. It was as if that invisible pressure gradually disappeared as Wang Lin left.

Before leaving, Wang Lin picked all of the Celestial Ascension Fruits that had grown during these 10 years. Also, another wave of resentment had gathered. With this additional resentment, the underworld river soul was showing signs of awakening.

Thunder streaked across the stars and Wang Lin left planet Qing Lin after living there for 20 years.

This place was his cave. After obtaining a thunder furnace, he would come back here, as entering the Thunder Celestial Realm from here would be safer.

As the thunderbolt rushed through space, Wang Lin opened his eyes and began to ponder.

If he wanted to go to the Thunder Celestial Realm, he would need a thunder furnace. Without it, there would be no way to enter the Thunder Celestial Realm. Wang Lin naturally knew this.

However, the Allheaven Star System was different from the Alliance Star System. The furnaces were not randomly dispersed. For some unknown reason, they all appeared together inside the Thunder Celestial Temple. The Thunder Celestial Temple would then assign a set amount to each cultivation family.

Now there were only three months until the Thunder Celestial Realm would open. This was when all the families would obtain their thunder furnaces. Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he made a decision.

"Since I don't have a thunder furnace, let's just steal one!" Wang Lin's right hand lightly patted the Thunder Beast's head. The Thunder Beast let out a roar as if it was enjoying it.

In truth, if he searched for Shengong Hu, he could get one from him. However, Shengong Hu's cultivation was too powerful. If they met too often, Shengong Hu might see through him, so unless it was important, Wang Lin didn't want to look for that person.

Not every cultivator that entered the Thunder Celestial Realm had entered the second step. After all, there weren't many second step cultivators; most cultivators were between the Soul Transformation and Ascendant stages.

At the southern domain of the Allheaven Star System, with the help of the jade that Shengong Hu left behind, Wang Lind found a cultivation planet. Wang Lin didn't bother to check the name of the two families. Every time the Thunder Celestial Realm opened, the two families here would obtain 1 or 2 furnaces. More importantly, neither of the two families had someone beyond the peak of the late stage of Ascendant.

After arriving on the cultivation planet, Wang Lin scanned it with his divine sense. He found that the two heads of the two cultivation families weren't there. He drifted among the stars as he closed his eyes and cultivated.

Time slowly passed. One month before the Thunder Celestial Realm opened, more than 10 rays of light came toward Wang Lin like meteors.

Among the 10 plus cultivators, one of them was at the Illusory Yin stage, while the others varied between the Ascendant stage and Soul Transformation stage. They moved very fast but suddenly stopped in the distance as their gazes fell on Wang Lin.

The cultivator at the Illusory Yin stage was an old man who had silver hair and his eyes were shining. There wasn't much origin energy inside his body and the origin energy that was present wasn't very stable yet. It was obvious that he had just reached the Illusory Yin stage not long ago. He stepped forward as he carefully looked at Wang Lin and his eyes revealed a look of uncertainty.

The old man asked, "Why has this Lord Messenger come to planet Zheng Tan?"

Wang Lin opened his eyes and frowned indiscernibly. His eyes were calm as he slowly asked, "Did you all come back from picking the thunder furnaces?"

The old man's expression changed and he said, "That's correct. What does Lord Messenger want? Please speak!"

Wang Lin calmly said, "I need a thunder furnace!"

The old man looked at Wang Lin for a long time and then laughed. His laughter contained a hint of arrogance. His eyes lit up and he shouted, "During this trip to the Thunder Celestial Temple, I heard some rumors of someone posing as messenger of the Thunder Celestial Temple. Originally, I thought it was absurd, but today after seeing you, this old man has determined that you are a fake!"

"Oh?" Wang Lin's expression remained neutral as he calmly looked at the old man.

The old man sneered. "Which messenger of the Thunder Celestial Temple doesn't have a lot of subordinate families? Obtaining a thunder furnace would be extremely simple. Moreover, I have met all the messengers in the southern domain, but you are extremely unfamiliar!

"More importantly, all of the messengers are gathered at the Thunder Celestial Temple. Until the Thunder Celestial Realm opens, they won't come out!"

Wang Lin nodded and no longer wasted time with this nonsense. The shadow behind him moved and the celestial guard appeared. With one step, it immediately charged out and threw a punch.

This punch contained contained a large amount of sonic booms as it charged toward the old man.

The old man's expression changed. He thought that Wang Lin was only at the peak of the late stage of Ascendant. He even thought that the Thunder Beast under Wang Lin was fake. He never would have expected Wang Lin to have such a puppet.

After a cold snort, the old man formed a seal and pointed forward. A black flame suddenly appeared in his hand. With a flick, the flame shot out and split into countless sparks that immediately surrounded the area.

His family members had already retreated and were watching from a distance.

The celestial puppet didn't mind the sparks at all and let them land on its body. Not only did it not slow down, it moved even faster. The punch whistled through the air and with a step it arrived before the old man. The punch broke through space and shot toward the old man.

The old man's expression changed slightly and he immediately retreated. At the same time, his hand formed a seal and a flame shield immediately appeared in front of his body. The celestial guard's punch landed on the flame shield, creating a loud explosion.

Cracks immediately appeared on the flame shield and then it collapsed.

As the sound echoed, the old man retreated with a pale face. The celestial guard was also pushed back several steps. There was a black flame burning its arm and slowly spreading over its body.

"I only want a thunder furnace!" Wang Lin calmly looked at the old man.

The old man stared at Wang Lin. The punch from the puppet shocked him greatly. Unless he used origin spells, it would be impossible for him to defeat the puppet that was similar to his cultivation level.

"For this person to have such a puppet, he must not be ordinary. Even if he is impersonating a messenger of the Thunder Celestial Temple, it has nothing to do with me. It's just… If I were to just hand over a thunder furnace, then all of my Zhang family's face will be lost…" The old man was in a difficult situation. If Wang Lin had reached the second step, then perhaps the old man would have just handed one over. After all, the family had obtained three thunder furnaces, so giving one away as a gift wasn't an issue. However, Wang Lin was only at the peak of the late stage of Ascendant. If he were to just directly surrender one, then he would lose all face.

Wang Lin didn't want to deal with this nonsense. Although this person's cultivation level was outside his expectations, the old man had just entered the Illusory Yin stage and was not stable. With Wang Lin's peak late stage Ascendant cultivation, along with his spells and treasures, battling this old man was not difficult.

He slapped his bag of holding and a mountain stone immediately appeared in his hand. The stone immediately became a large mountain. It gave off rich celestial spiritual energy along with a hint of pressure.

Wang Lin's right hand pressed on it and the mountain immediately trembled. Then an ancient aura gathered below his right hand. When he raised his hand, strands of fog gathered to form a fist-sized cloud of fog.

At the moment the old man saw this, his expression changed greatly. Without any hesitation and with horror in his eyes, he exclaimed, "Soul extraction spell! You're only at the peak of the first step, how can you use a spell like this?"

Wang Lin's gaze was calm as his right hand pushed forward and the fog immediately flew out with a powerful pressure toward the old man. At the same time, Wang Lin charged out, following closely after the fog. He raised his right hand and a bolt of thunder gathered in his hand. The roar of thunder suddenly came from the stars and in a flash, a real bolt of thunder formed in Wang Lin's hand.

Right now Wang Lin was a like a celestial that controlled thunder and lightning. With the lightning in hand,his eyes were cold as he walked toward the old man.

The old man's expression changed greatly and he retreated once more. Both of his hands formed a seal and pointed between his eyebrows. The spot between his eyebrows began to move strangely and a gap immediately formed as if there was a third eye!

His third eye became crimson as the blood in his whole body rapidly circulated and seemed to have condensed on his face. The origin energy in his body also moved like crazy and gathered between his eyebrows along with his blood.

Doing all of this made him feel as if he was being torn apart. The moment the large amount of pain filled his body, a third eye slowly opened between his brows. The old man let out a roar as he stared at Wang Lin. Then both of his hand formed a seal and pointed at the two pressure points below his ears.

In an instant, the third eye between his eyebrows suddenly opened. A red light came from inside it and spread out like a fan.

Wang Lin's expression changed. This person's spell was simply too strange, so he decided to slow down a bit. At this moment, the mountain soul closed in, and at the same time, the third eye opened.

Within the red light, the mountain soul began to rapidly disintegrate. This caused Wang Lin's eyes to narrow and he threw the bolt of thunder in his hand without any hesitation.

The bolt of thunder charged straight at the old man. The old man was unable to use the origin spell at its full power, because he had just reached the Illusory Yin stage two years ago and was lacking in origin energy.

Due to this, the red light from the third eye only lasted three breaths of time before he could no longer bear it. The third eye automatically closed and dissipated.

As the lightning and the mountain soul that wasn't completely disintegrated closed in, the old man clenched his teeth. He then took something out from his bag of holding and raised it above his head!

Wang Lin's left hand reached out and took the thing in the old man's hand. This object was the thunder furnace!

After putting away the thunder furnace, Wang Lin didn't leave. His eyes gaze off a strange light as he looked at the old man and slowly asked, "Would you exchange the spell you just used with me?"

Chapter 734 - Got a Great Bargain

The old man coldly snorted before he retreated and said, "I just stepped into the Illusory Yin stage two years ago. If I had a few more years, then no matter how much more treasures you have, you wouldn't be this old man's match!"

Wang Lin withdrew the scattered mountain soul and calmly said, "I'm talking with you about exchanging this spell!"

The old man sneered. "Don't even think about it. You already took the thunder furnace, now leave quickly!"

Wang Lin's eyes narrowed, then he raised his right hand and a ray of black light immediately shot out. The moment the black light appeared, the old man felt like his life force was about to be drained.

The black light charged out directly toward the cultivation planet and immediately disappeared. However, the old man's divine sense closely followed it and saw the black light land on a plain. The vegetation on the plain immediately withered before turning into countless strands of vitality that flew out from the cultivation planet and entered Wang Lin's body.

Wang Lin calmly said, "This spell is named Finger of Death!"

The old man snorted and said, "If I hadn't reached the Illusory Yin stage, then it would've barely caught my eye, but right now it is worthless!" Although he said this, in his heart he was secretly shocked at how tyrannical it was. He wasn't interested in the spell's power but in its ability to absorb vitality.

Wang Lin's right hand pointed once more and a demonic aura appeared around his fingertip. It shot out like a bullet and stopped before the old man.

"This spell is the Demonic Finger. It turns celestial spiritual energy into demonic energy. When used with the Finger of Death, its effect is even better!"

The old man stared at the black aura before him and began to ponder. He lifted his right hand and immediately caught it with his hand before scanning it with his divine sense. After a long time, he looked at Wang Lin and slowly said, "Rumor has it that people from planet Dong Ling are good at demonic aura spells. So you are from planet Dong Ling! However, this spell is still worthless!"

Wang Lin pondered a bit. Back then, what Situ Nan cared most about was the Underworld Finger.

The old man was startled and his heart was filled with disbelief. Even though the spell had defects, it wasn't something Wang Lin could use for an exchange. Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he raised his right hand and slowly said, "This final spell is something I learned from a Nirvana Shatterer senior. If you still don't find it interesting, then forget about this matter!"

Wang Lin's mind gave a command and then the celestial guard behind him turned into a ray of golden light and charged toward the cultivation planet.

The puppet's movement caused the old man's expression to sink.

Shortly after, the celestial guard returned with a fierce beast in its hands. The beast looked extremely ferocious and its whole body was covered in thorns. It had the arm of a mortal in its mouth. Apparently, it was eating when the celestial guard caught it.

Wang Lin's two fingers from his right hand formed a sword. He hadn't used the celestial slaughter art in a long time. The countless strands of slaughter energy he condensed back then were placed inside the puppet and were all consumed in a battle.

However, Wang Lin still had a profound understanding of the celestial slaughter art. After all, he had cultivated the spell for more than 100 years.

At this moment, he focused for a moment and sword energy gathered in his finger. The ray of sword energy shot out into the beast and the beast immediately let out a miserable groan. The old man's eyes suddenly widened as the beast quickly withered and turned into a skeleton.

A strand of grey gas came out from the beast's corpse and wrapped around Wang Lin's fingers.

Wang Lin flicked his finger and the grey gas flew out. He then pointed at it, causing it to immediately change into a life seal and fly toward the old man.

"This spell is named the Celestial Slaughter Art!"

The old man was moved. His right hand reached out and grabbed the seal. His divine sense carefully examined the seal. The more he examined it, the more shocked he became. In the end, his eyes were glowing.

With his cultivation, he was almost immediately able to see through the Celestial Slaughter Art. The life seal obviously had a certain protective element and the grey gas had offensive capabilities.

Although it wasn't powerful, this spell could obviously be used many times and could be stored.

"This life seal is formed from the Celestial Slaughter Art! It involves relying on slaughter to gather vitality and surrounding one with vitality to form life seals. The more life seals there are, the more powerful the defense will be! Back then, the senior who taught me the spell said that if one had one trillion life seals protecting them, then even if the cultivation planet collapsed, one would still be safe and sound!" Wang Lin wasn't lying, this was exactly what the grey-robed All-Seer told him.

For the first time, the old man's expression revealed hesitation. It was obvious that this celestial slaughter art had moved him, With his insight, he could naturally see how powerful the celestial slaughter art was and that it was not something ordinary cultivators could get a hold of. There was a certain credibility that this was learned from a Nirvana Shatterer senior.

However, this third eye spell was a family inheritance, so it couldn't be casually taught to outsiders. The origin of the spell was unknown; it seemed to be something his ancestors had accidently obtained.

If it was the Alliance Star System, a family like his would never be able to keep the spell to themselves. However, in the Allheaven Star System, where families held power, almost each clan had inherited something, and those things were not easily taken.

What was more important was that he was the first person to successfully learn it after his family had obtained it.

Wang Lin waited for a moment. After seeing that the old man was still hesitating, he waved his sleeves and stepped toward the Thunder Beast. He then said, "Since fellow cultivator is still unwilling, then let's forget this matter!" With that, the Thunder Beast under him turned into a bolt of thunder and flew off into the distance with the celestial puppet following closely after.

The life seal in the old man's hand collapsed and became ash. As it dissipated, a wave was set off in the old man's heart. It felt like it should have been his spell and it just was stolen away.

Upon seeing Wang Lin disappearing into the distance, the old man's expression changed. He clenched his teeth and shouted, "Fellow cultivator, stop. I'll trade it for the Celestial Slaughter Art along with the Finger of Death and Demonic Finger!"

Wang Lin stopped. The Thunder Beast let out a roar and turned around. It stopped 100 feet from the old man. Lightning came out of its nose and its eyes were filled with disdain.

The old man clenched his teeth and said, "Exchange. This old man agrees to your exchange, but you have to promise not to spread it to others!"

Wang Lin nodded. Without wasting any time, he took out three pieces of jade. After recording the details of the three spells, Wang Lin threw them out, not fearing that the old man would back out.

The old man looked through them. Although his expression was neutral, he admired Wang Lin's actions in his heart. He also took out a jade and recorded the method for the third eye spell before throwing it at Wang Lin. However, he schemed and made a few alterations. If one cultivated according to this, there will be great hidden dangers in the future.

Wang Lin caught the jade and examined it. He secretly tried the spell and even spent painstaking effort to compare it to the moment when the third eye activated. He was immediately able to see through the issues, but he didn't point them out and simply nodded.

Looking at the elder, Wang Lin felt somewhat bad. After all, he had gotten a great deal in this transaction. After hesitating a bit, he said, "Fellow cultivator, it is best not to cultivate more than 100,000 strands of slaughter energy, or else there might be great danger!" After he said that, he immediately left as if he was in a rush to leave.

The old man was startled before looking down at the jade in his hand. After pondering for a moment, he quickly returned to the cultivation planet with the others and then immediately went into close door cultivation. He had cultivate as much as possible so that he would be prepared for when the Thunder Celestial Realm opened in one month.

Wang Lin sat on the back of the Thunder Beast with a strange expression on this face. He shook his head and said, "Trading three spells with problems for a spell with a hint of the third step seems a bit too much… A bit too much…" Wang Lin looked at the jade in his hand and a smile appeared on his face.

The old man only treated it as an ordinary spell. Even if he cared about it, it was only to a certain extent. However, Wang Lin felt that this spell was extremely powerful as it contained a trace of returning to the origin.

If Wang Lin had not seen the third step, he wouldn't have seen the potential of this spell. He suppressed the excitement in his heart and carefully examined the jade.

Wang Lin didn't care about the mistake left by the old man. As long as he had enough time, he could fix the mistake. This was a lot simpler than fixing the three other spells.

The Thunder Beast rushed through the stars extremely quickly. Its target was Wang Lin's cultivation planet, Qing Lin!

The cultivators of Qing Lin felt lucky that the eccentric senior with special interests had finally left. However, only a few months later, it became oppressive again as that senior with the special interests had returned.

The area with 5,000 kilometers of Heng Yun Peak became a restricted area once more, so no one dared to take half a step inside.

After returning to his own cultivation planet, Wang Lin spent his time studying and fixing this third eye spell. He also slowly attempted to control it.

More than half a month quickly passed. On this sunny day, there were no clouds in the sky and the sky was very blue. The gentle breeze carried with it a sense of warmth.

Wang Lin stood at the Heng Yun Peak with the thunder furnace in his hand. This furnace was only the size of his hand and thunder moved through it. There movement of the thunder created crisp sounds.

A subtle gap would occasionally appear and disappear between his eyebrows, giving off red light. At this moment, he looked extremely strange; no one would believe that he was a righteous cultivator. No matter how one looked, there was a trace of evil about him.

All this was due to the gap between his eyebrows.

Not long after, thunderclouds appeared in the blue sky. These clouds appeared abruptly without any signs. The sky was blue before and then it was immediately covered by the clouds.

Bursts of thunder moved within the clouds and gave off a series of rumbles. At the same time, the thunder furnace in Wang Lin's hand seemed to respond and the thundercloud grew denser.

Just at this moment, a thick bolt of thunder descended from the clouds toward Wang Lin!

As Wang Lin stared at the thunder, his eyes revealed a strange light. He knew that as long as the thunder hit the thunder furnace, he would be guided through the void toward the Thunder Celestial Realm.

However, he withdrew the thunder furnace!

"This is celestial thunder, ah…" Wang Lin muttered to himself, then the strange light in his eyes became stranger. His next move was unprecedented in the countless times the Thunder Celestial Realm had opened…

Chapter 735 - Unprecedented Ancient People

When the Thunder Celestial Realm opens, it produces celestial thunder. The celestial thunder acts as a guide and anyone with a thunder furnace will be led to the Thunder Celestial Realm.

As for why it was like this, no one knew. It was as if it had always been like this. Some powerful cultivators wanted to search for an answer, but no matter how hard they searched, they ultimately still found no answers.

Over time, people stopped looking for the cause of this. They all knew that as long as they had a thunder furnace, they could enter the Thunder Celestial Realm

At this moment, the celestial thunder arrived the moment Wang Lin put the thunder furnace away. The thunder had not yet landed, but the rumble could be heard.

Wang Lin's eyes revealed a strange light and his origin soul operated like crazy. Bursts of thunder came from his body and even spread to the outside world. The current him was like a master of thunder and lightning.

At the moment the thunder descended, Wang Lin's body charged out like a meteor. He opened his mouth and devoured the thunder without any hesitation!

It was like magnificent sight.

After he devoured it, the wind and clouds changed and the entire world seemed to dim. The originally bright thunder was devoured by Wang Lin.

The loud series of thunderous rumbles quickly turned into muffled roars coming out from Wang Lin's body. Wang Lin's body trembled when he swallowed the thunder, and he had the illusion that he was hit by a punch from an ancient god.

He directly fell from the sky like a broken kite and smashed toward the ground with a rumbling coming out of his body.

At the moment his body landed on the ground, a large amount of thunder came out from his body and spread out. In an instant, the area with 5 kilometers of him was surrounded in a thunderstorm.

There was nothing but a large pit in the ground. Explosions kept going off inside Wang Lin's body and the force of the thunder smashed his body deeper into the pit. His whole body kept discharging intense amounts of thunder and his eyes were shut tight. His origin soul was absorbing the celestial thunder like crazy. The thunder origin spell was also active, absorbing the origin energy from within the thunder.

This scene was like the thunder lake within the asteroid field!

The thunder in the sky echoed within the clouds as if the majesty of the celestial thunder couldn't be challenged.

After the arrival of the celestial thunder, the clouds in the sky showed signs of dissipating and began to disappear. At this moment, deep inside the pit, Wang Lin suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes exposed powerful thunder and also a hint of excitement.

He licked his lips. The origin energy within the celestial thunder was extremely rich. It was several times more dense than the origin energy from the thunder lake. He had already reached the limit in the amount of origin energy he could store due to his cultivation. However, this excess origin energy had caused his previous situation to change.

He quickly moved and charged out from the pit. At the same time, he slapped his bag of holding and the thunder furnace appeared in his hand once more!

The moment the thunder furnace appeared, the dissipated thunder clouds stopped and condensed once more. Then another bolt of celestial thunder descended.

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Wang Lin laughed and put away the thunder furnace. Although that last bolt of celestial thunder had left his entire body aching and his origin soul was barely holding on, the amount of origin energy inside it was unimaginable.

If other cultivators saw Wang Lin's current actions, they would be dumbfounded. This kind of action could only be described as crazy!

Devouring celestial thunder!

When the second bolt of celestial thunder arrived, Wang Lin's body was floating in mid air and thunder was rumbling out from his body. Thunder moved around his whole body as the bolt of celestial thunder descended. Wang Lin charged out without any hesitation and devoured it!

A sound that shocked the entire planet echoed across the planet and the entire planet trembled. This time, the moment his body hit the ground, he immediately sat down in the lotus position. His entire body was trembling violently.

There wasn't enough time for Wang Lin to absorb it. After the two bolts of thunder, the clouds seemed unstable and were quickly dissipating. This time it was dissipating several times faster than before.

A green light came out of Wang Lin's head while he was sitting in the lotus position. The moment the green light appeared, a blue mist came out as well and Wang Lin's origin soul came out from his body.

The moment his origin soul appeared, the thunder furnace came out from his bag as well. His origin soul absorbed the thunder furnace and then rushed toward the clouds.

The quickly dissipating thundercloud issued a few unwilling bursts. It then stopped dissipating and condensed once more. However, it seemed angry this time as it gathered almost all the thunder and formed a bolt of celestial thunder much more powerful than the previous two!

This thunder descended with a heaven-shattering rumble. At the moment the thunder descended, all of the thunder clouds were sucked into the thunder.

From a distance, it didn't look like a bolt of thunder at all but a huge vortex instead. The vortex was formed by the thunder clouds with the third bolt of thunder at the bottom!

A loud rumble echoed echoed across the planet. None the cultivators dared to spread out their divine sense at this moment. All of the mortals, even the tyrants in the market and the experts of the martial arts world that didn't believe in cultivators, knelt on the ground, praying like devoted followers.

Wang Lin's origin soul floated in the sky and stared at the terrifying thunder. He couldn't help but reveal a wry smile. "It seems… It has gotten out of hand…"

Watching the thunder descend, Wang Lin's origin soul moved and quickly elongated until it looked incredibly similar to the ancient thunder dragon.

After letting out a roar, Wang Lin's origin soul rushed out and devoured the thunder. However, he only devoured half before quickly retreating. The celestial thunder let out an angry rumble and angrily chased after Wang Lin.

His origin soul moved extremely quickly toward the ground and threw out the thunder furnace. Then his origin soul returned back into his body, and as he opened his eyes, his right hand grabbed the thunder furnace.

The thunder chasing after him seemed to let out a reluctant roar as it landed on the thunder furnace. Even the intense vortex that followed the thunder also landed on the thunder furnace.

The thunder furnace flashed like crazy. It was so intense that even Wang Lin's right hand felt numb.

Even when he held lightning, he wouldn't feel this kind of numbness. This just shows how terrifying the thunder was.

At this moment, the thunder vortex above the thunder furnace rapidly rotated and absorbed everything inside. From afar, it looked like the entire world was going to be absorbed by the furnace.

Someone who didn't understand anything would think that this furnace was a top quality treasure because it seemed like would absorb the world!

In almost an instant, the huge vortex entered the thunder vortex. As the vortex disappeared, the thunder furnace gave off crackling sounds and a crack appeared on it!

This was the first time a crack had appeared on a thunder furnace since the Thunder Celestial Realm opened!

This kind of phenomenon had never happened before over the countless years. The amount of thunder furnaces was alway the same and they could not be destroyed or lost. Every time the Thunder Celestial Realm opened, they would appear from the void and then return to the void. When they reappeared again, it would always be the same amount.

However, right now it seemed like all of this was going to change.

Wang Lin's face was filled with a bitter smile. He really felt like he had overdone it. He didn't know if he would be affected if the thunder furnace collapsed; maybe it would prevent him from entering the Thunder Celestial Realm.

"It should not collapse… This thunder furnace is something from the Thunder Celestial Realm after all…"

As Wang Lin stared dumbfoundedly at the thunder furnace absorbing all of the thunder clouds, more and more cracks appeared on it until it finally shattered!

A thunderous echo echoed across the heavens and earth, forming a giant storm on planet Qing Ling.

The thunder furnace shattered into countless fragments and each fragment had thunder connecting them together.

Wang Lin let out a breath of relief. As long as the fragments were there, there was a chance to fix this…

However, the moment the fragments split, they collapsed once more. This time the fragments shattered into dust…

This was the first thunder furnace that had collapsed since the Thunder Celestial Realm opened! From this day onwards, no matter how many times the Thunder Celestial Realm opened, it will forever be short one thunder furnace and an entry will be lost for eternality!

This was the first time this kind of thing had happened in countless years. As for what would happen afterwards, no one knew.

The thunder furnaces were originally indestructible; breaking one was even very difficult for people at the second step. Even if someone could do it, they wouldn't because it would gain them no advantage and have an extremely negative impact on the system.

Wang Lin's bitter smile became even stronger.

The moment thunder furnace shattered, all of the thunder inside it exploded forth. An unimaginably powerful thunder gushed out and surrounded Wang Lin. This thunder pulled him toward the sky at an extremely fast speed.

This speed was too fast ,as if it was trying to tear his body apart!

Others would take the thunder furnace and be led toward the Thunder Celestial Realm, so their speed was relatively slow. Wang Lin's thunder furnace had absorbed the entire thundercloud to the point that the furnace itself couldn't withstand it anymore, so naturally his speed was several times faster.

In almost an instant, this crazy thunder broke through the void and disappeared along with Wang Lin.

His speed was almost indescribable, as if time was passing by in the blink of an eye. This space was clearly different from normal space. Wang Lin wasn't able to see his surroundings at all before he flashed by.

There were many cultivators from the Allheaven Star System on the road to the Thunder Celestial Realm. They didn't have to fly on their own and were automatically being pulled by the thunder furnaces toward the celestial gate to wait for the gate to open.

Chapter 736 - Thunder Celestial Realm

Every cultivator with a furnace was being pulled by their respective thunder furnace. Unless they were from the same cultivation planet, the distance between them was far too great to see each other.

When they looked around, aside from the light coming from themselves, it was all just darkness.

However, just at this moment, a powerful ray of thunder flew by like a meteor and carried with it a thunderous roar. The speed of this bolt of thunder was so fast that it had already reached an inconceivable degree.

It instantly passed by several cultivators. The impact caused by its passing made the light around those cultivators flicker as if they were about to extinguish.

These cultivators were all from the same cultivation planet, and their expressions changed greatly. When they focused in that direction, they only saw a flash in the distance before it disappeared without a trace.

What remained was the confusion and terror in the eyes of those cultivators.

One of the cultivators muttered, "What… What was that?"

Wang Lin was inside the meteor-like thunderbolt. The extreme speed made it so that he couldn't open his eyes at all. It was as if there was something moving inside his body and countless concaves had appeared all over his body.

He didn't even dare to spread out his divine sense. At his current speed, he would reach the range limit of his divine sense the moment spread out. Due to the extreme speed, he would lose that part of his divine sense and damage his origin soul.

His speed was too fast. This meteor-like thunder rampaged through the road to the Thunder Celestial Realm. Some of the first time cultivators were excited about reaching the celestial gate before they saw this terrifying meteor.

Each of them were so stunned that they forgot where they were for a moment.

Even those that wouldn't easily reveal their true emotions were dumbfounded.

This was not the first time for some other cultivators, but even for them, when they saw the meteor-like thunder, their expressions changed and were filled with uncertainty.

In this environment, very few people dared to spread out their divine sense. Even if they did, it was impossible to lock onto the fast meteor.

What exactly was inside that meteor? That became the first question that appeared inside the hearts of almost all the cultivators before they had even stepped onto the Thunder Celestial Realm!

At the end of this empty space was the gate to the Thunder Celestial Realm. This gate was a huge bolt of thunder, only it was so large that it was impossible to see where it ended.

This bolt of thunder was dark red, it appeared from the void, and the other end disappeared into the void like a river. However, there was no life coming from it as if it was a person whose life had come to an end.

There were many legends about this bolt of thunder in the Allheaven Star System. The most accepted one was that originally there was no gate to the Thunder Celestial Realm. The entire Thunder Celestial Realm was a giant lake of thunder and it didn't need the gate.

As for this dark red bolt of thunder, it was formed by the souls of all the celestials when the Celestial Realm collapsed. This became the gate after the collapse.

At this moment, there were already several people sitting in the lotus position under this dark red bolt of thunder. Shengong Hu was among them.

Aside from the messengers of the Thunder Celestial Temple, there were some of the rare, solo cultivators from the Allheaven Star System. In the Allheaven Star System ruled by cultivation families, there weren't many solo cultivators. Without a terrifying cultivation level to back themselves up, it would very difficult for survive.

Almost every single solo cultivator was a powerful existence.

The people under the gate to the Thunder Celestial Realm rarely talked to each other. All of them had their eyes closed as if they were unwilling to be disturbed by others.

Sometimes there would be individual cultivators arriving through the guidance of the thunder furnace. Often, the first waves of cultivators were all those that had reached the second step.

If one met an acquaintance, they would often exchange a few words, sit next to each other, or sit alone after greeting each other.

A middle-aged man in blue was sitting next to Shengong Hu. His face was pale with no trace of color, but there was a coldness in his gaze.

The middle-aged man had a strange tone as he slowly said, "I heard that the always arrogant Shengong Hu now has an lord. I didn't believe you at first, but seeing that brother Shengong is missing a part of your dao soul, it seems like it is true! A pity! A pity!"

Shengong Hu's expression remained the same as he coldly looked at the middle-aged man before he calmly said, "A short-sighted person who has no ambition can't understand the ambition of an man with great intellect. A superficial person can't comprehend the thoughts of an ambitious person! Tang Yangfeng, you're not me!"

The man named Tang's eyes became cold and he gloomily smiled. "I want to see what kind of intelligence you have!"

Shengong Hu no longer spoke. During these 20 years, he had been under a lot of pressure. This pressure came from his family and the Thunder Celestial Temple.

All of this was became he had pledged to Wang Lin!

In his family, he was scolded for his rash decision. Although he was a messenger of the Thunder Celestial Temple, he couldn't do anything against the family elders.

As for the Thunder Celestial Temple, they didn't agree with a messenger pledging to someone else. Although they didn't obviously state anything, Shengong Hu could feel that the Thunder Celestial Temple was alienating him.

For example, with his talent he shouldn't have been here at all right now. He should have been with the majority of the other Thunder Celestial Temple messengers and entered the Thunder Celestial Realm through another path.

Although he wasn't the only messenger here, those people couldn't compare to him at all in term of status.

Thinking about this, Shengong not only felt no regret, he felt a powerful sense of pride. Not only did he feel that he wasn't wrong, he also felt like it was the best decision he ever made in his life! What he said to Tang Yanfeng was also the same thing he said to the elders of his family!

"Even the head elder of the family is stuck at the Nirvana Cleanser stage, so there is not even a need to talk about the legendary third step… What qualifications do they have to guide me!?" Shengong Hu's eyes shined brightly.

Tang Yanfeng sneered. This Shengong Hu was the first one among their generation to become a messenger of the Thunder Celestial Temple. However, due to one misstep, he was now in such a situation.

Just at this moment, a bright light suddenly appeared in the distance. After an instant, a thunderous rumble rushed closer like a storm.

All of the cultivators opened their eyes and looked over. Tang Yanfeng was no exception.

At the moment he looked over, the light suddenly intensified and headed straight for this place. The light carried with it a powerful rumble and closed in at an incredible speed.

It was too fast and closed in in an instant. There was not a lack of powerful cultivators here. Many of them spread out their divine senses, trying to lock on the meteor-like thunder to try to find some clues about it.

However, due to its crazy speed, the meteor like thunder already quickly closed in before they could even lock on to it. It brought with it a powerful force, making everyone's eyes become even more serious.

As it closed in, not only did it not stop here like normal, it became even faster. It flashed by the crowd and charged directly at the gate!

Under everyone's dumbfounded gazes, the meteor-like thunder suddenly hit the dark red bolt of thunder. Following a muffled rumble, the bolt of thunder disappeared into the dark red thunder, leaving everyone dumbfounded.

"Enter… It entered?" One of the cultivators was completely stunned.

Not only him, but almost everyone around immediately stood up and stared at the gate.

They had never heard of someone that could enter before the gate opened. It was completely beyond their expectations.

Tang Yanfeng stared dumbfoundedly at the Thunder Celestial Gate. He muttered, "What is this… How could someone enter before it opened… Could it be that you can enter before it opens?" He frowned.

He wasn't the only person who had this idea, but no one dared to try, except for one person. This person's body flickered and a clone walked out from behind him. He pointed forward and the clone charged toward the dark red thunder.

Everyone's gazes immediately followed. They all saw the clone touch the dark red thunder, but its body trembled and quickly collapsed!

At the same time, a bolt of dark red thunder shot out toward the cultivator that sent out the clone.

This cultivator's expression changed greatly. He was at the Illusory Yin stage, but when facing the thunder, his scalp felt numb and was about to lose his wit. He turned and quickly ran, but the red thunder chased closely after. The red thunder entered the person's body and flew back after making a cycle through that person's body.

That cultivator trembled, then his entire body, along with his origin soul and bag of holding, collapsed!

Silence, all of the surrounding cultivators became silent.

No one noticed that at this moment, Shengong Hu had lowered his head, but his eyes were filled with shock and unimaginable excitement. When he saw the meteor-like thunder pass, he felt a trace of his lord's aura inside due to his dao soul.

"I, Shengong Hu, was not wrong. Senior is really amazing person. The thunder he attracted reached this degree and could enter the Thunder Celestial Realm before it opened. This kind of cultivation is really… unbelievable!"

A person was standing on a peak covered in countless bolts of thunder on a fragment of the unopened Thunder Celestial Realm.

This person was an old man with a head of white hair flowing in the air. As his white clothes fluttered in the air, he had his hand behind his bad and frowned as if he was thinking of something. However, he was startled as he looked into the distance and softly exclaimed.

"Interesting!" The old man revealed a look of interest. A gust of wind blew by and his body turned into countless golden specks and disappeared from this thunder mountain.

If Wang Lin was here, he would immediately recognize that when the old man disappeared, there was a faint aura of returning to the origin…

Chapter 737 - Fated Person

The meteor-like thunder that led Wang Lin to the Thunder Celestial Realm became more crazy the moment it hit the dark red thunder. The amount of thunder inside it suddenly increased several fold and reached an terrifying degree.

It had entered Wang Lin's body like a crazy dragon. In just a breath of time, it caused Wang Lin's body to feel numb and completely locked Wang Lin's origin soul.

This phenomenon was so fast hat Wang Lin didn't even have time to think. His whole body was frozen, as if someone had casted the Stop spell on him. When the meteor-like thunder collided with the dark red thunder, he was brought into the Thunder Celestial Realm.

Wang Lin wasn't able to check his surroundings at all because the thunder surrounding him was falling even faster than a stone smashing down. It carried with it a thunderous rumble as it smashed directly onto a broken fragment of the Thunder Celestial Realm.

The meteor broke through the air and smashed into the ground, causing the entire fragment to shake and setting off a huge dust storm. At this moment, the fragment was so dusty that one couldn't see past 30 feet.

The entire earth shook violently like there was a giant earth dragon churning underground. After a long time, the dust storm settled and the earth gradually settled down as well.

Only the hole on the surface of the eastern part of the fragment proved that everything that had just happened was real.

Green smoke was coming from the hole. When the wind blew, the green smoke dissipated.

At the end of the pit there was thunder moving through the earth and there was even some scorched earth.

This hole was very deep, but the actual depth was unknown. At the very bottom lied Wang Lin. Blood was coming out of his orifices and many parts of his body were injured from the impact. He was in an extremely sorry state.

Although this Thunder Celestial Realm was more stable than the Rain Celestial Realm, it was still on the brink of collapse. The only difference was between 50 and 100 steps[1. Basically implying although the difference is huge in term of ratio but over all its still pretty small difference in grander scheme of things].

After experiencing the massive shock of the meteor-like thunder, the fragment became more unstable. Not long after the hole was formed by Wang Lin, the edge of the hole began to collapse and there were series of muffled rumbles. After the dust settled, there were only ruins, and the hole was completely buried.

A white-haired old man's body seemed to appear out of the void. He arrived next to the ground where the hole was before looking down and smiling. "I have lived for a long time, and this is the first time I've seen someone so greedy to enter the Thunder Celestial Realm early like this… Eh?"

The old man's eyes narrowed. After taking careful look, he muttered, "This little guy's origin soul is giving off such powerful thunder pressure, and even his body is made of thunder. What a mess; is he a human or a spirit? If he continues like this, he will become a thunder spirit sooner or later!

"However, the location of his landing is a bit interesting! Forget it, since he was seen by this old man, that means we are fated!" The old man's eyes revealed a look of interest. He raised his right hand and pressed down on the ground. A ray of light quickly passed by the ground. Then the old man's body flickered and disappeared.

There had been many people who were fated with him, but each of them ended up very helpless.

 リフォーム相談をオンラインで!ご予約はこちらTOTO DAIKEN YKK AP



Time slowly passed. Deep underground, Wang Lin slowly opened his eyes. Massive pain was coming from all over his body. Even his origin soul wasn't operating properly.

Wang Lin wryly smiled as he looked around. This was a collapsed stone room with some soil trickling in from above. After looking around, Wang Lin struggled to sit up and closed his eyes to cultivate.

He slow slowly activated his origin soul and found a trace of thunder that was incompatible with his own thunder. This thunder was the reason why his origin soul wasn't operating properly.

The surroundings were completely silent without any sound, and Wang Lin was completely immersed in his cultivation. At this moment, the celestial guard walked out of his shadow. It sat down opposite of Wang Lin and protected him.

Seven days passed by in a flash. Wang Lin opened his eyes and spat out mouthful of foul air. There was a trace of thunder in there.

"I can't take this kind of risk in the future… Fortunately, the amount of thunder that disturbed my origin soul wasn't much. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to expel it in a short period of time."

After expelling that sliver of thunder, Wang Lin's injuries began to recover and his origin soul healed. His body was damaged, but it didn't affect his cultivation. Wang Lin looked at the earth above him, then he took a step forward and charged straight toward the earth.

"Since I came to the Thunder Celestial Realm, I need to take a good look to see how it's different from the Rain Celestial Realm!" Wang Lin's body turned into a ray of light, but right when he touched the dirt above him, there was a flash of light from the dirt. As if he had hit a wall of iron, there was a loud rumble and he bounced off the dirt.

After landing on the ground, Wang Lin retreated a few steps and his eyes were filled with terror.

"This… This dirt contains origin energy!" Wang Lin took a deep breath and his eyes filled with lightning. As he took a closer look, his expression darkened.

"This isn't origin energy formed naturally, it's from a spell that someone casted. Someone doesn't want me to leave!" Wang Lin's eyes became cold.

Although he was injured when he smashed down, he was more or less aware of his surroundings. Although the ground was harder than normal, it wouldn't stop spells from going through.

However, this dirt had changed, which immediately shocked Wang Lin.

"Was it someone who casted a spell or a change that occurred due to the celestial thunder being too violent…" Wang Lin pondered for a moment, and with a thought, the celestial guard charged out. It tried to break through at multiple locations.

The result was that every direction was impassable aside from directly forward.

Wang Lin's expression became even more gloomy. He was even more certain this was man made. Someone had seen him and imprisoned him here, leaving him only one road. They even arrogantly told him that the only path left was forward!

Wang Lin silently pondered. He had used several days to heal and didn't know if the Thunder Celestial Realm had opened. He also wasn't able to deduce the identity of the person who used the spell.

"However, this person is able to lock down a part of the Celestial Realm. I fear that this person's cultivation is not simple! However, what purpose does he have for wanting me to move forward? This method doesn't make sense… If that person is hostile to me, he could have just attacked directly…" Wang Lin pondered and his eyes lit up. He then looked at the hole the celestial guard made while looking for a way out.

"Forget it, it is pointless to stay here. Let's see what mysteries li ahead!" Wang Lin's eyes became cold as he slapped his bag of holding and a golden celestial brush appeared in his hand.

While holding the brush, a sliver of red light came out from the crack between his eyebrows. This made him look very evil. Then his right hand formed a seal and a celestial wind immediately appeared, blowing away the dirt before him and revealing a passage.

Wang Lin's divine sense spread out and found countless winding channels leading to the unknown. His divine sense spread out even further but still wasn't able to find where it ended.

After pondering for a while, Wang Lin's body charged directly forward. As he charged forward, his divine sense was spread out, looking for an exit. As he rushed through the tunnels, he tried breaking through at multiple points, but all of the dirt was reinforced by the spell, so he wasn't able to charge out.

As he moved, his eyes narrowed. His divine sense had found the exit at a fork ahead! Wang Lin suddenly sped out toward the exit.

However, he was a bit puzzled because the search for the exit seemed a bit… too easy.

"Could this place not have been created by a spell but caused by the thunder?" Wang Lin began to ponder and slowed down.

Just at this moment, the exit he was locked onto released a flash of light. When the light disappeared, the exit also disappeared without a trace.

Wang Lin was startled and his expression became even more gloomily. After pondering a bit, he let out a cold snort and headed toward the exit. After arriving at the exit. he looked around for a long time. He didn't say anything as he turned around and headed for the other fork.

His divine sense was spread out and carefully observing each tunnel. Half a hour later, his divine sense found another exit. Grey light was coming through the exit; clearly that exit led to the surface.

Wang Lin didn't hesitate and charged directly at the exit.

He was already moving very fast, but he couldn't teleport. However, he soon arrived near the exit. When h was only 100 feet from the exit, he rushed forth.

However, just at this moment, the exit gave off a flash of white light and disappeared.

Wang Lin had missed the exit. He clenched his fist and put on an extremely gloomy expression. He then raised his head. It was as if his eyes could penetrate the earth. After taking a few deep breaths, he turned around and left.

"This place must've been created by a spell!" As Wang Lin gloomily moved through the endless tunnel, he calmed his previously anxious mentality. These exits were clearly being controlled by someone. They wanted him to see the exit but not be able to leave!

If he became anxious and rushed, it would be even more difficult to leave.

At this moment, somewhere in the Thunder Celestial Realm, the old man had his hand behind his back. He smile and muttered, "It has been a long time since someone fated with this old man has appeared. If this junior can leave within seven days, that mean he is even more fated! I really hope this little guy can make it out in seven days. There are many interesting places in this Thunder Celestial Realm that are extremely suitable for people fated with this old man!"

Three days of time flashed by. Wang Lin was moving through the underground passage like lightning with his divine sense spread out. He would find an exit almost every half an hour, but he would never head over and continued his own journey.

Using three days of time, he walked through all the passages underground. As a result, a complete map appeared in his mind.

He also found the method to leave this place!